



内环境internal environment 神经调节nervous regulation 体液调节humoral regulation 旁分泌paracrine


正反馈positive feedback 组织液interstitial fluid


反射弧reflex arc


神经分泌neurosecretion, neurocrine 负反馈negative feedback



单纯扩散simple diffusion


钠-钾泵sodium-potassium pump 入胞endocytosis 易化扩散facilitated diffusion

主动转运active transport


化学门控通道chemically gated channel

跨膜信号转导transmembrane signal transduction

电压门控通道voltage-gated channel 促离子型受体ionotrpic receptor 鸟苷酸结合蛋白, G-蛋白g uanine uncleotide-binding protein, G-protein

环一磷酸腺苷cycle adenosine monophosphate, cAMP

第二信使second messenger

三磷酸肌醇inositol triphosphate, IP3

G-蛋白耦联受体G-protein coupled receptor 酪氨酸激酶受体t yrosine kinase receptor




动作电位action potential



锋电位spike potential

膜片钳patch clamp

相对不应期relative refractory period 局部兴奋local excitation

时间性总和temporal summation

跳跃式传导saltatory conduction

终板电位end-plate potential


滑行理论sliding theory

等长收缩isometric contraction

完全强直收缩complete tetanus


长度-张力曲线length-tension curve 磷脂酶C phospholipase C

二酰甘油diacylglycerol, DG

促代谢型受体metabotropic receptor

一氧化氮nitric oxide, NO


阈强度threshold intensity

静息电位resting potential


去极化(除极化) depolarization

超射overshoot (potential)

“全或无”现象“all or none” phenomenon 绝对不应期absolute refractory period 阈电位threshold (membrane) potential

电紧张性扩布electrotonic propagation 空间性总和spatial summation

量子式释放quantal release

乙酰胆碱acetylcholine, ACh

兴奋-收缩耦联excitation-contraction coupling 等张收缩isotonic contraction

单收缩single twitch


初长度initial length

(肌肉)收缩能力contractility (of muscle)

张力-速度(关系)曲线force velocity (relation) curve




胶体渗透压colloid osmotic pressure

造血微环境hemopoietic microenvironment 血细胞比容hematocrit

晶体渗透压crystal osmotic pressure 渗透脆性osmotic fragility

悬浮稳定性suspension stability

红细胞沉降率erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR 集落刺激因子colony stimulating factor, CSF

内因子intrinsic factor

促红细胞生成素e rythropoietin, EPO

血小板粘附thrombocyte adhesion

血栓烷A2(血栓素A2) thromboxane A2, TXA2血液凝固blood coagulation

凝血因子blood clotting factor

外源性凝血extrinsic coagulation

纤维蛋白溶解系统fibrinolytic system 爆式促进因子burst promoting actvator,



生理性止血physiological hemostasis

血小板聚集thrombocyte aggregation 前列环素prostacyclin, PGI2


内源性凝血intrinsic coagulation 凝血酶thrombin


组织因子途径抑制物 tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI

纤溶酶(血浆素) plasmin

(红细胞)凝集 agglutination

凝集素 agglutinin

交叉配血试验 cross-match test 血型blood group


人白细胞抗原human leukocyte antigen, HLA

成分输血transfusion of blood components


心动周期cardiac cycle

心室舒张期ventricular diastole 快速射血期rapid ejection period 心音cardiac sound

每搏输出量(搏出量) stroke volume output 心输出量cardiac output 心房收缩期atrial systole

等容收缩期isovolumic systole

减慢充盈期reduced filling period 心音图phonocardiogram

射血分数ejection fraction

心指数cardiac index

心脏作功(量) myocardial work

心力储备cardiac reserve


有效不应期effective refractory period 代偿间歇compensatory pause


异位心律ectopic rhythm

超速驱动压抑overdrive suppression

心电图electrocardiogram, ECG 阻力血管resistant vessel

容量血管capacitance vessel

血流量blood flow

血流速度velocity of blood flow


收缩压systolic pressure

脉搏压(脉压) pulse pressure

中心静脉压central venous pressure 微循环microcirculation

直捷通路thoroughfare channel

迂回通路circuitous channel


缩血管神经纤维v asoconstrictor fiber

心血管中枢cardiovascular center


心肺感受器cardiopulmonary receptor 化学感受器chemoreceptor

脑内渗透压感受器brain osmoreceptor 心室功能曲线ventricular function curve 自动节律性(自律性) autorhythmicity

平台(期) plateau

期前收缩premature systole

起搏离子流pacemaker current

窦性心律(normal) sinus rhythm

抢先占领capture, preoccupation

房-室延搁atrioventricular delay

弹性储器血管windkessel vessel

毛细血管前阻力血管precapillary resistant vessel

短路血管shunt vessel

血压blood pressure

外周阻力peripheral resistance

舒张压diastolic pressure

动脉脉搏arterial pulse

静脉回心血量venous return

毛细血管前括约肌precapillary sphincter

动-静脉短路arteriovenous shunt


有效滤过压effctive filtration pressure, EFP 舒血管神经纤维vasodilator fiber

压力感受性反射baroreceptor reflex

缓冲神经buffer nerve

容量感受器volume receptor

防御反应defence reaction

肾素-血管紧张素系统renin-angiotensin system

循环系统平均充盈压mean circulatory filling pressure

血管紧张素转换酶angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE

肾上腺素epinephrine, E, or adrenalone, A

去甲肾上腺素norepinephrine, NE, or noradrenalone, NA

血管升压素(抗利尿激素) vasopressin, VP (antidiuretic hormone, ADH) 血管活性肠肽vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, VIP

内皮舒张因子endothelium-derived relaxing factor, EDRF

内皮缩血管因子endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor factor, EDRF

激肽释放酶-激肽系统kallikrein-kinin system


前列腺素prostaglandin, PG

冠脉循环coronary circulation

血-脑屏障blood-brain barrier, BBB 缓激肽bradykinin

心房钠尿肽atrial natriuretic peptide, ANP 组胺histamine


血-脑脊液屏障blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier




腹式呼吸abdominal breathing

平静呼吸eupn(o)ea,or quiet breathing 呼吸困难dysp(o)nea


比顺应性specific compliance

气道阻力airway resistance 肺通气pulmonary ventilation 呼气expiration

胸式呼吸thoracic breathing

用力呼吸forced breathing

肺内压intrapulmonary pressure 胸膜腔内压intrapleural pressure

肺表面活性物质p ulmonary surfactant

潮气量tidal volume, TV

补吸气量(吸气储备量) inspiratory reserve volume, IRV

补呼气量(呼气储备量) exspiratory reserve volume, ERV

功能残气量(功能余气量) functional residual capacity, FRC

残气量(余气量) residual volume, RV

肺活量vital capacity, VC

时间肺活量timed vital capacity

肺总量total lung capacity, TLC 解剖无效腔anatomical dead space 肺泡通气量alveolar ventilation

气体扩散速率diffusion rate of gas


氧含量oxygen content

氧解离曲线 oxygen dissociation curve

肺牵张反射pulmonary stretch reflex 深吸气量inspiratory capacity, IC

用力肺活量forced vital capacity, FVC

用力呼气量forced expiratory volume, FEV 每分通气量minute ventilation volume

肺泡无效腔alveolar dead space

气体交换gas exchange

通气/血流比值ventilation/perfusion ratio

氧容量oxygen capacity

氧饱和度oxygen saturation

呼吸调整中枢pneumotaxic center

吸气切断机制inspiratory off-switch mechanism



基本电节律basic electrical rhythm, BER 粘膜下神经丛submucosal plexus

胃肠激素gastrointestinal hormone

胆囊收缩素cholecystokinin, CCK

抑胃肽gastric inhibitory polypeptide 唾液saliva

胃液gastric juice 吸收absorption

慢波slow wave

肌间神经丛myenteric plexus 胃泌素gastrin


营养作用trophic action


盐酸hydrochloric acid


粘液-碳酸氢盐屏障mucus-bicarbonate barrier 假饲sham-feeding

胃泌素释放肽gastrin-releasing peptide, GRP 肠-胃反射entero-gastric reflex

胃排空gastric emptying

胰液pancreatic juice




胆汁bile, or gall 胃蛋白酶pepsin




容受性舒张receptive relaxation 迷走-迷走反射vago-vagal reflex 胰淀粉酶pancreatic amylase 胰蛋白酶原trypsinogen

糜蛋白酶原chymotrypsinogen 肠致活酶enterokinase

胆盐bile salt

胆盐的肠肝循环e nterohepatic circulation of bile salt

排便defection 分节运动segmentation contraction 第七章能量代谢和体温


能量代谢energy metabolism

食物的热价thermal equivalent of food 氧债oxygen debt

呼吸商respiratory quotient, RQ

氧热价(氧卡价) thermal equivalent of oxygen (caloric value of oxygen)

食物特殊动力效应specific dynamic effect of food

体温body temperature


战栗产热shivering thermogenesis

寒冷性肌紧张thermal muscle tone

辐射散热thermal radiation

对流散热thermal convection

不感蒸发(不显汗) insensible perspiration 体温调节regulation of body temperature 热敏神经元warm-sensitive neuron 基础代谢率basal metabolism rate, BMR 昼夜节律circadian rhythm

生物钟biologic clock

产热heat production, or thermogenesis 散热thermolysis, or body heat loss 传导散热thermal conduction

蒸发(散热) evaporation

发汗perspiration, or sweating

调定点set point

冷敏神经元cold-sensitive neuron


视前区-下丘脑前部preoptic-anterior hypothylamus area, POAH 第八章尿的生成和排出


尿生成urine formation

球旁器(近球小体) juxtaglomerular apparatus 肾血流量renal blood flow

肾小球滤过率glomerular filtration rate, GFR 滤过平衡filtration equibibrium


尿的浓缩urine concentration

渗透性利尿osmotic diuresis

定比重吸收constant fraction reabsorption 内移(内化) internalization


菊粉(菊糖) inulin 尿排出urine excretion

致密斑macula densa

管-球反馈tubuloglomerular feedback 滤过分数filtration fraction

肾血浆流量renal plasma flow

肾糖阈renal glucose threshold

尿的稀释urine dilution

球-管平衡glomerulotubular balance 回漏back leak

水利尿water diuresis




感觉器官sense organ

适宜刺激adequate stimulus

发生器电位generator potential

编码(作用) encoding


视敏度(视力) visual acuity

近点near point

眼球会聚convergence of the eyeball 视杆细胞rod

晚光觉系统 nightlight perceptive system

视锥系统cone system



暗适应dark adaptation

视野visual field

气传导air conduction

螺旋器(柯蒂器) Corti’s organ 感受器receptor

换能作用transducer function

感受器电位receptor potential


简化眼reduced eye

(眼的)调节accommodation (of the eye) 瞳孔近反射pupillary near reflex

瞳孔对光反射pupillary light reflex

视杆系统rod system


昼光觉系统daylight perceptive system 视蛋白opsin


明适应light adaptation


骨传导bone conduction

行波理论travelling wave theory

(耳蜗)微音器电位(cochlear) microphonic potential

前庭自主神经性反应vestibular autonervous reaction

平衡感觉quilibrium sensation

嗅觉olfactory sensation, or smell 皮肤感觉cutaneous sensation

温度觉temperature sensation 眼震颤nystagmus

味觉gustatory sensation, or taste 触-压觉touch and pressure sensation 痛觉pain



神经冲动nerve impulse 神经营养性因子n eurotrophin, NT 顺向轴浆运输anterograde anxoplasmic transport

逆向轴浆运输retrograde axoplasmic transport

兴奋性突触后电位excitatory postsynaptic potential, EPSP

抑制性突触后电位inhibitory postsynaptic potential, IPSP

突触后抑制 postsynaptic inhibition

突触前易化 presynaptic facilitation

回返性抑制 recurrent inhibition

强直后增强 posttetanic potentiation


长时程抑制 long-term depression, LTD 突触前抑制presynaptic inhibition

传入侧支性抑制afferent collateral inhibition 可塑性plasticity


长时程增强long-term potentiation, LTP 突触延搁synaptic delay

非突触性化学传递non-synaptic chemical transmission

电突触传递 electrical synaptic transmission

局部神经元回路l ocal neuronal circuit, LNC

交互性突触reciprocal synapse


递质共存coexistence of transmitters

同源脱敏homologous desensitization 胆碱能纤维cholinergic fiber

毒蕈碱样作用muscarine-like action

烟碱样作用nicotine-like action

肌肉型烟碱受体m uscle-type nicotinic receptor


肾上腺素能纤维a drenergic fiber 局部回路神经元local circuit neuron, LCN

串联性突触serial synapse



突触前受体presynaptic receptor

异源脱敏heterologous desensitization

胆碱能受体cholinergic receptor

毒蕈碱受体muscarinic receptor

烟碱受体nicotinic receptor

神经元型烟碱受体neuronal-type nicotinic receptor 多巴胺dopamine, DA

肾上腺素能受体adrenergic receptor

5-羟色胺5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT or serotonin

谷氨酸glutamic acid, or glutamate 非条件反射unconditioned reflex

辐散状联系divergence connection

后放(后发放) after discharge

多突触反射polysynaptic reflex

非特异投射系统n on-specificprojection system γ-氨基丁酸γ-aminobutyric acid, GABA 条件反射conditioned reflex

聚合状联系convergence connection

单突触反射monosynaptic reflex

特异投射系统specific projection system 感觉柱sensory column

网状结构上行激动系统ascending reticular activating system


皮层诱发电evoked cortical potential 牵涉痛referred pain

脑电图electroencephalogram, EEG

自发脑电活动spontaneous electric activity of the brain

α波阻断alpha blocking

脑电觉醒electroencephalogram arousal 快波睡眠fast wave sleep, FWS

快速眼球运动rapid eye movements, REM 最后公路final common path

腱反射tendon reflex

肌梭muscle spindle

随意运动voluntary movement

锥体系pyramidal system

脊休克spinal shock

屈肌反射flexor reflex

去大脑僵直decerebrate rigidity

翻正反射righting reflex

静止性震颤static tremor

意向性震颤intention tremor

交感神经sympathetic nerve 行为觉醒behavioral arousal

慢波睡眠slow wave sleep, SWS 异相睡眠paradoxical sleep, PS 上行抑制系统ascending inhibitory system 牵张反射stretch reflex

肌紧张muscle tonus

梭内肌纤维intrafusal fiber

运动柱motor column

锥体外系extrapyramidal system 姿势反射postural reflex

对侧伸肌反射crossed extensor reflex 状态反射attitudinal reflex

震颤麻痹paralysis agitans


小脑性共济失调cerebellar ataxia

副交感神经parasympathetic nerve

下丘脑调节肽hypothalamus regulatory peptide, HRP

边缘系统limbic system 本能行为instinctual behavior

情绪反应emotional reaction

饱中枢satiety center

假怒sham rage

奖赏系统reward system

惩罚系统punishment system


操作式条件反射operate conditioned reflex 长时性记忆long term memory



失用症apraxia 摄食中枢feeding center

格斗-逃避反应fight-flight reaction

防御反应区defense zone

趋向系统approach system

回避系统avoidance system


短时性记忆short term memory

运动失语症motor aphasia

感觉失语症sensory aphasia

一侧优势laterality cerebral dominance 裂脑split brain





允许作用permissive action

增量调节(上调) up regulation




减量调节(下调) down regulation

促甲状腺激素释放激素thyrotropin-releasing hormone, TRH

促性腺激素释放激素gonadotropin-releasing hormone, GnRH

生长素释放抑制激素(生长抑素) growth hormone releasing-inhibiting hormone, GHRIH,

or somatostatin

生长素释放激素growth hormone releasing hormone, GHRH

促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素corticotropin releasing hormone, CRH

催乳素释放抑制因子prolactin releasing-inhibiting factor, PIF

促黑(素细胞)激素释放抑制因子melanophore-stimulating hormone releasing-inhibiting factor, MIF

促黑(素细胞)激素释放因子melanophore-stimulating hormone releasing factor, MRF

促甲状腺激素thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH

促卵泡激素follicle stimulating hormone, FSH

促黑(素细胞)激素melanophore stimulating hormone, MSH

催乳素释放因子prolactin releasing factor, PRF

促肾上腺皮质激素adrenocorticotropin, ACTH

胰岛素样生长因子insulin-like growth factor, IGF

黄体生成素luteinizing hormone, LH

催乳素prolactin, PRL

生长素介质somatomedin, SM

甲状腺素(四碘甲腺原氨酸) thyroxin, or 3,5,3’,5’-tetraiodoythyronine, T4

甲状旁腺激素parathyroid hormone, PTH



雌二醇estradiol, E2

应急反应emergency reaction


褪黑素melatonin, MT



睾酮testosterone, T 抑制素inhibin


月经周期menstrual cycle 孕激素progestogen


着床implantation 生精作用spermatogenesis

雄激素androgen,or androgenic hormone 生卵作用oogenesis



孕酮progesterone, P



人绒毛膜促性腺激素human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG



建筑专业常用英语词汇 A design basis 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design B stage of design 设计阶段 方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判negotiation 可行性研究feasibility study 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 询价图enquiry drawing 施工图working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图as built drawing C climate condition 气象条件 日照sunshine 风玫瑰wind rose 主导风向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载wind load 最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电thunder and lightning


药剂学专业英语词汇 A absolute biaoavailability 绝对生物利用度 absorption 吸收 acacia 阿拉伯胶 accelerated stability 加速稳定性试验 accumulation factor 蓄积因子 active targeting 主动靶向 active transport 主动转运 additives 附加剂 adhesives 粘合剂 adjuvant 辅料 administration 给药;服法;用法 aerosil 微粉硅胶 aerosol 气雾剂 agar 琼脂 aggregation 凝聚(作用) albumin 白蛋白 alginate(alginic acid) 海藻酸盐(海藻酸) amorphous form 无定型 amphiphilic 两亲性的 ampoule 安瓿 angle of friction 摩擦角 angle of repose 休止角 anion exchange resin 阴离子交换树脂 antiadherents 抗粘合剂 antioxidant 抗氧剂 antiseptics 防腐剂;消毒剂 apparent first-order absorption(elimination) rate constant 表观一级吸收(消除)常数 apparent volume of distribution 表观分布容积 aromatic waters 芳香水剂 aseptic manipulation 无菌操作 autoclave 高压灭菌器 autoxidation 自动氧化 Azone 1-十二烷基氮杂环庚烷-2-酮(氮酮)


Respiratory system abdominal breathing 腹式呼吸 abscess 脓肿 acetylcysteine 乙酰半胱氨酸,痰易净(用作各种支 气管与肺部疾病的辅药) acid-base balance 酸碱平衡 acidosis 酸中毒 acute tracheobronchitis 急性气管--支气管炎 acute cor pulmonale 急性肺源性心脏病 acute lung injury, ALI 急性肺损伤 acute upper respiratory tract infection 急性上呼吸道感染 adenosine deaminase, ADA 腺苷脱氨酶 adenocarcinoma 腺癌 adenopharyngitis 咽扁桃体炎 adult respiratory distress syndrome , ARDS 成人呼吸窘迫综合症 aerobe 需氧菌 aerodermectasia 皮下气肿 aeroporotomy 呼吸道通气术(如用插管法或气 管切开术) afebrile 无热(度)的,无发热病的 β2-receptor agonist β2受体激动剂 airway hyperresponsiveness, AHR 气道高反应性 airway obstruction 气道阻塞 airway remodeling 气道重塑 alkalemia 碱血症 alkalosis 碱中毒 allergic airway inflammation, AAI 变态反应性气道炎症 allergic bronchial-pulmonary aspergillosis, ABPA 变态反应性支气管肺曲菌病allergic granulomatosis 过敏性肉芽肿病 allergy 变态反应性;变态反应,过敏反应alveolus ( [pl.]alveoli ) 肺泡


建筑学常用英文词汇 a. design basis 设计依据 计划建议书 planning proposals [pr? 'p? ? z(?川 设计任务书 design order 标准规范 standards and codes 条件图 information drawing 设计基础资料 basic data for desig n 工艺流程图 process flowchart 工程地质资料 engineering geological data 原始资料 original [? 'r? d? ? nl] data 设计进度 schedule ['sk? d? ul] of design b. stage of desig n 设计阶段 方案 scheme [ski? m], draft 草图sketch 会谈纪要 summary of discussion 谈判 negotiation [n ? , g o? ? 'e? ? n] 可行性研究 feasibility [fi ? z? 'b? l? t? ] study

初步设计 preliminary [pr? 'l? m? n(? )r? ] design 基础设计 basic design 详纟田设计 detail design 询价图 enquiry [? n'kwa? r? ] drawing 施工图 work ing draw ing, con struct ion draw ing 竣工图 as-built draw ing c. climate con diti on 气象条件 日照 sunshine 风玫瑰 wind rose 主导风向 prevailing [pr? 've? I? ?] wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity [v? 'I? s? t?] 风荷载wind load 最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning 飓风 hurricane [h? r? ? ken] 台风 typhoon [ta? 'fu? n] 旋风 cyclone ['sa? klon] 降雨强度 rainfall intensity 年降雨量 annual ['? nju? l] rainfall 湿球温度 wet bulb temperature 干球温度 dry bulb temperature 冰冻期 frost [fr? st] period 冰冻线frost line 冰冻区frost zone


药理学专业词汇(中英文对照) 第一章绪论 药理学pharmacology 药物drug 药物效应动力学pharmacodynamics 药物代谢动力学 pharmacokinetics 上市后药物监测post-marketing surveillance 第二章药物效应动力学 药物作用pharmacological action 药理效应pharmacological effect 治疗作用therapeutic effect 对症治疗symptomatic treatment 补充疗法supplement therapy 不良反应adverse drug reaction 副作用side reaction 毒性反应toxic reaction 后遗效应after effect 变态反应allergic reaction 剂量-效应关系dose-effect relationship 最小有效量minimal effective dose 最小有效浓度minimal effective concentration 个体差异individual variability 效价强度potency 构效关系structure activity relationship 激动药agonist 拮抗药antagonist 配体门控离子通道受体ligand gated ion channel receptor 第三章药物代谢动力学 吸收absorption 首关消除first-pass elimination 静脉注射intravenous injection 分布distribution 生物转化biotransformation 排泄excretion


doctor;physician 医生,cure;treat 医治,cure sb of his illness 医好某人的病 give sb medical treatment 给某人医病, medical ethics ['eθ?ks] 医德 medical courses in general; medicine 医科 principles of medical science; medical knowledge 医理 medical treatment 医疗,public health services 公费医 疗 medical team 医疗队,medical establishment 医疗机构 medicament [me'd?k?m?nt]; drug 药剂 pharmacist ['fɑ?m?s?st]; druggist ['dr?ɡ?st] 药剂师unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment malpractice 医疗事故 medical and health work 医疗卫生工作,medical station;health center 医疗站 obstetrician [?bst?'tr??n] 产科医生,pediatrician [pi?di?'tr??n]儿科医生ENT(ear-nose-throat)doctor 耳鼻喉科医生,radiologist 放射科医生 gynecologist [ga?n?'k?l?d??st]妇科医生,orthopedist [??θ??'pi?d?st]骨科医生 urologist 泌尿科医生, physician 内科医生 dermatologist [d??m?'t?l?d??st]皮肤科医生 intern 实习医生,surgeon 外科医生,dentist;dental surgeon 牙科医生 oculist ['?kj?list];eye-doctor 眼科医生,plastic surgeon 整形外科医生 oncologist 肿瘤科医生 doctor in charge,attending doctor 主治医生 the attending on call 当班的主治医师associate chief physician 副主任医师 Chief Physician主任医师resident doctor 住院医生 Bronchial [br??ki?l] asthma [?sm?]支气管哮喘 acidosis [?s?'d??s?s]酸中毒Allergen,allergic reaction 变异原,变态反应blood gas analysis 血气分析Anaemia [?'ni?mi?] 贫血 Alveolar 肺泡的antibiotic 抗生素Atelectasis [?t?'lekt?s?s]肺不张 Lung abscess 肺脓肿Atherosclerotic [?θ?r??skl?'r?t?k] heart disease 动脉粥样硬化性心脏病Beta2-agonist ['?g?nist] B2受体激动剂 Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis [?sp?d?i'l??s?s] 曲霉菌ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome 急性呼吸窘迫综合征 Percussion [p?'k??n] and auscultation [??sk?l'te??n] 叩/听诊 Pulmonary arterial stenosis [sti'n??s?s] 肺动脉狭窄 Adrenal [?d'ri?n?l] glucocorticoid [glu?k??'k??t?k??d]( 糖(肾上腺)皮质激素)肾上腺糖皮质激素β2-agonist ['?g?nist] β2激动剂Biopsy 活检Bronchiectasis [brɑ?k i'ekt?s?s] 支气管扩张 broncho[[b'r?nt???] dilator 支气管扩张Fiber optic (['?pt?k]光学的)bronchoscopic [,br??k?'sk?pik] biopsy 纤支镜活检BAL bronchoalveolar lavage 支气管肺泡灌洗Bronchitis,bronchiolitis [?br??k???'la?t?s]支气管炎,细支气管炎 Boop: bronchiolitis obliterans ([?b'l?t?r?nz] 闭塞性)with organizing pneunomia闭塞性细支气管炎伴机化性肺炎Bronchoscopy [b'r?nt??sk?p?]支气管镜检查 cavity 空洞CAHD coronary arteriosclerotic(英[ɑ:t??ri:??skl??'r?t?k ])heart disease 冠心病CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation( [r?s?s?'te??n]恢复知觉,苏醒)心肺复苏CDILD chronic diffuse interstitial lung disease 慢性间质性肺病COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 慢阻肺Clubbed( [kl?bd] 棒状的)finger 杵状指dry cough 干咳 Cyanosis [sa??'n??s?s]紫绀Nonproductive cough 干咳 Complication 并发症 crackling( [kr?kl??]轻微的爆裂声,噼啪声)rale 细捻发音 crepitant ['krep?t?nt]捻发音的 cough variant asthma 咳嗽变异性哮喘Dyspnea 呼吸困难 Differential [d?f?ren?l] diagnosis 鉴别诊断Discharge diagnosis 出院诊断 dry rale 干罗音Emphysema 肺气肿 pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞Acid base equilibrium [i:kw?'l?br??m]酸碱平衡 etiology 病因学


外立面:facade 跨度:Span 坡道:ramp 砍墙:Hom wall 墙面:Metope 铝合金:aluminium alloy 透明中空玻璃:transparent insulating glass 隔墙:partition 檩条;purlin 库板:panel, board 加气砼砌块: aerated concrete block 矿棉:mineral wool 水泥砂浆:cement mortar 抹灰/粉刷:plastering 轻钢龙骨:lightgage steel joist 石膏板:Plasterboard 托盘架: pallet rack 台阶坡道散水工程Steps ramp apron work 零星工程:Piecemetal works Drumming line 灌装站 Isotainer yard 标准槽灌堆场 Eurotint building 胶衣配色间 防火分区:fire compartment 石砌块墙体:masonry wall 内外:interior exterior 液压卸货平台:hydraulic dock leveler 地勘报告:geology survey 土层分布:soil layer distribution 预应力砼管桩:pre-stressed concrete tubular pile 岩土:geotechnical/rock soil 荷载:load 电缆桥架:Cable tray 沉降:sedimentation 密度:density 防爆荧光灯:anti-blast fluorescent lamp 插座:outlet 探测器:detector/sensor 配电盘,开关板; switch board 管架:pipe bridge 开工:commencement 开办费:Preliminary cost 维护:maintenance 建立:setup 主体:main body


根据<内科学>整理的心血管系统专业术语心力衰竭: Congestive beart failure 充血性心力衰竭 Systolic insufficiency heart failure 收缩功能不全性心力衰竭 Diastolic insufficiency heart failure 舒张功能不全性心力衰竭 Congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭 心律失常 Triggered activity 触发活动 Afterdepolarization 后除极 a.窦房结 Sinus node recovery time SNRT 窦房结恢复时间 Sinoatrial conduction time SACT 窦房传导时间 Bradycardia 心动过缓;Tachycardia 心动过速 Sinus tachycardia 窦性心动过速;Sinus bradycardia 窦性心动过缓 Sinus pause (sinus arrest) 窦性停搏(窦性静止) sinoatrial block 窦房阻滞(Mobitz 莫氏, Wenckebach 文氏) Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome 心动过缓-心动过速综合征 b.心房 Atrial premature beats 房性期前收缩;Atrial tachycardia 房性心动过速 Intrinsic heart rate 固有心率;Automatic atrial tachycardia 自律性房性心动过速 Reentrant atrial tachycardia 折返性房性心动过速 Chaotic atrial tachycardia 紊乱性房性心动过速 Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with AV block (PAT with block) 伴有房室阻滞的阵发性房性心动过速;


英语建筑专业词汇 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段 c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称 e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚 f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板) g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟 h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDW ARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件 I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语 【Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】 【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】 【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】 【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】 【Timber 木材】 【Metallic Materials 金属材料】 【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】 【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】 【Paint 油漆】 k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语 【Discipline 专业】 【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design b. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段 方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判negotiation 可行性研究feasibility study 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 询价图enquiry drawing 施工图working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图as built drawing c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 日照sunshine 风玫瑰wind rose 主导风向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载wind load 最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电thunder and lightning 飓风hurricane 台风typhoon 旋风cyclone 降雨强度rainfall intensity 年降雨量annual rainfall 湿球温度wet bulb temperature 干球温度dry bulb temperature 冰冻期frost period 冰冻线frost line 冰冻区frost zone 室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区region with heating provision 不采暖地区region without heating provision 绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure 相对湿度relative humidity d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室office


Medical Terminology of Internal Medicine (Reference for medical students) Department of Internal Medicine, The 2nd Xiangya Hospital Central South University

Respiratory system abdominal breathing 腹式呼吸 abscess 脓肿 acetylcysteine 乙酰半胱氨酸,痰易净(用作各种支 气管与肺部疾病的辅药) acid-base balance 酸碱平衡 acidosis 酸中毒 acute tracheobronchitis 急性气管--支气管炎 acute cor pulmonale 急性肺源性心脏病 acute lung injury, ALI 急性肺损伤 acute upper respiratory tract infection 急性上呼吸道感染 adenosine deaminase, ADA 腺苷脱氨酶 adenocarcinoma 腺癌 adenopharyngitis 咽扁桃体炎 adult respiratory distress syndrome , ARDS 成人呼吸窘迫综合症 aerobe 需氧菌 aerodermectasia 皮下气肿 aeroporotomy 呼吸道通气术(如用插管法或气 管切开术) afebrile 无热(度)的,无发热病的 β2-receptor agonist β2受体激动剂 airway hyperresponsiveness, AHR 气道高反应性 airway obstruction 气道阻塞 airway remodeling 气道重塑 alkalemia 碱血症 alkalosis 碱中毒 allergic airway inflammation, AAI 变态反应性气道炎症 allergic bronchial-pulmonary aspergillosis, ABPA 变态反应性支气管肺曲菌病allergic granulomatosis 过敏性肉芽肿病 allergy 变态反应性;变态反应,过敏反应alveolus ( [pl.]alveoli ) 肺泡


a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段 c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称 e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚 f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板) g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟 h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯 j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语 【Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】 【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】 【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】 【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】 【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】 【Timber 木材】 【Metallic Materials 金属材料】 【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】 【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】 【Building Hardware 建筑五金】 【Paint 油漆】 k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语 【Discipline 专业】 【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】 【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】 【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】 【Drafting 制图】 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design b. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段


建筑专业词汇《中英文对照》~~ 建筑专业词汇 建设,建筑,修建to build, to con struct 建筑学architecture 修筑,建筑物building 房子house 摩天大楼skyscraper 公寓楼block of flats ( 美作:apartment block) 纪念碑monument 宫殿palace 庙宇temple 皇宫,教堂basilica 大教堂cathedral 教堂church 塔,塔楼tower 十层办公大楼ten-storey office block 柱colum n 柱列colonn ade 拱arch 市政town planning ( 美作:city planning) 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证building permission 绿地gree nbelt

建筑物的三面图elevati on 设计图plan 比例尺scale 预制to prefabricate 挖土,掘土excavation 基foun dati ons, base, subgrade 打地基to lay the foundations 砌好的砖歹U course of bricks 脚手架scaffold, scaffolding 质量合格证书certificatio n of fitn ess 原材料raw material 底板bottom plate 垫层cushi on 侧壁sidewall 中心线center line 条形基础strip footing 附件accessories 型辛钢profile steel 钢板steel plate 熔渣slag 飞溅weldi ng spatter 定位焊tacking 弓I弧gen erati ng of arc 熄弧que nching of arc 焊道weldi ng bead 坡口beveled edges 夕卜观检查visual inspection 重皮double-sk in 水平方向弧度radia n in horiz on tai direct ion 成型moldi ng 直线度straightness accuracy 焊缝角变形welding line angular distortion 水平度levelness 铅垂度verticality


药学Pharmacology 前沿·热点Research Hot/Frontiers 计算机辅助药物设计Computer-Aided Drug Design 新药研发Drug Discovery 药物输送Drug Delivery 药物转运体Drug Transporter 药物不良反应Adverse Drug Reaction 药物代谢酶Drug Metabolizing Enzymes 潜在药物靶点Potential drug targets 药物相互作用Drug-Drug Interaction 基因多态性Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms 多药耐药Multidrug resistance 交叉耐药Cross-resistance 剂量-反应曲线Dose-response curve 给药途径Route of Administration 药物代谢Drug Metabolism 药物载体Drug carrier 药物评价Drug Evaluation 药物筛选Drug Screening 配药学Pharmacy 药剂师Pharmacists 制药历史History of pharmacy 中药Chinese Pharmacy

日本汉方药学Japanese pharmacy 社区药房Community pharmacy 医院药房Hospital pharmacy 临床药学Clinical pharmacy 组合药学Compounding pharmacy 高级顾问药师Consultant pharmacy 互联网药房Internet pharmacy 兽药Veterinary pharmacy 核药学Nuclear pharmacy 军事药学Military pharmacy 药学情报Pharmacy informatics 药剂学Pharmaceutics 新化学个体new chemical entity (NCE)剂型设计dosage form design 纯药pure drug substance 药片Tablet 胶囊Capsule 硬胶囊Hard Capsule 软胶囊Soft Capsule 微型胶囊Microencapsule 栓剂Suppository 注射Injection


Respiratory system abdominalbreathing abscess acetylcysteine acid-basebalance acidosis acutetracheobronchitis acute cor pulmonale acutelunginjury, ALI acuteupperrespiratorytractinfection adenosinedeaminase, ADA adenocarcinoma adenopharyngitis adultrespiratorydistresssyndrome , ARDS aerobe aerodermectasia aeroporotomy afebrileβ2-receptor agonist airway hyperresponsiveness, AHR airway obstruction airway remodeling

alkalosis allergic airway inflammation, AAI allergic bronchial-pulmonary aspergillosis, ABPA allergic granulomatosis allergy alveolus ( [pl.]alveoli ) ·1·腹式呼吸 脓肿 乙酰半胱氨酸,痰易净(用作各种支气管与肺部疾病的辅药)酸碱平衡 酸中毒 急性气管--支气管炎 急性肺源性心脏病 急性肺损伤 急性上呼吸道感染 腺苷脱氨酶 腺癌 咽扁桃体炎 成人呼吸窘迫综合症 需氧菌

呼吸道通气术(如用插管法或气 管切开术) 无热(度)的,无发热病的β2受体激动剂气道高反应性 气道阻塞 气道重塑 碱血症 碱中毒 变态反应性气道炎症 变态反应性支气管肺曲菌病 过敏性肉芽肿病 变态反应性;变态反应,过敏反应 肺泡 amantadine ambroxol aminophylline amphoricbreathsound ampicillin amygdala amygdalitis


常用工程英语词汇 Construction Site 建筑工地 Apologize for any inconvenience caused during building operation 对施工期间带来的不便表示歉意。 Danger of death. Keep out. 生命危险,严禁入内。 Danger,building site, keep out 工地危险,禁止入内。 Danger,evacuation 危险,请走开 Dangerous structure, this bridge is unsafe 危险结构,该桥不安全。 Hot work in progress 正在施工 No persons allowed beyond this point 任何人不许越过此处。 Safety footwear.穿安全靴 Safety helmets must be worn on this site 此工地必须戴安全帽。 Site entrance, dangerous 工地入口,危险 Slow, site entrance 工地入口请慢行 This button has been moved for remedial work 该按钮已卸下拿去修理。 This is just for construction personnel 仅供施工人员使用。 This lift is only for construction personal 此电梯仅供施工人员使用。 This work will be completed by the end of this year. Thank you fo r your patience during the inevitable disruption 此工程于年底完工,感谢你施工期间的宽容大度。 We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this works 对施工期间引起的不便表示歉意。 Working overhead 上面在施工


药学名词(中-英) 6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Janbon综合症 Janbon's syndrome PPB浓度parts per billion concentration pphm浓度parts per hundred million concentration PPH浓度parts per hundred concentration ppm浓度parts per million concentration 安全范围 safety range 安全试验法 innocuity test method 安全系统 safety coefficient 安慰剂 placebo 螯合剂 chelating agent 靶细胞 target cell 白蛋白微球制剂 albumin microballoons 百分浓度 percentage concentration 半合成抗生素 semisynthetic antibiotics 半抗原 haptene 半数致死剂量 half lethal dose ; median lethal dose; LD50 半衰期 half-life period; half life time 包衣片 coated tablet 薄膜衣 film-coating 饱和溶液 saturated solution 贝克勒尔 Becquerel 被动免疫 passive immunity 被动转运 passive transport 崩解度 disintegration 崩解剂 disintegrants 必需氨基酸 essential aminoacid 必需脂肪酸 essential fatty acid 变态反应 allergy; allergic reaction 表面活性 surface activity 表面张力 surface tension 丙种射线 gamma rays 补体 complement 补体系统 complement system 不良反应 adverse reaction 不完全抗原 incomplete antigen 搽剂 liniments 长期毒性实验 long term toxicity test 长效制剂 prolonged action preparation 肠肝循环 enterohepatic circulation 肠溶控释片 enteric controlled release tablets 肠溶衣 enteric coating 处方 prescription;recipe 穿透促进剂 penetration enhancers 磁性控释制剂magnetic controlled release dosage form 磁性药物制剂magnetic medicinal preparations 大分子 macromolecule 单克隆抗体 monoclonal antibody 胆碱酯酶 cholinesterase 当量 equivalent weight 当量定律 equivalent law 当量浓度 normality 当量溶液 normal solution 等张溶液 isotonic solution 低聚糖 oligosaccharides 低密度脂蛋白 low density lipoprotein 滴定 titration 滴定曲线 titration curve 滴丸剂 pill 递质 transmitter 电解 electrolyzation 电解质 electrolyte 酊剂 tincture 定向药物制剂 directed pharmaceutical preparations 毒理学 toxicology 毒性反应 toxic response; toxic reaction 短期致癌实验 short term carcinogenic test 对因治疗 etiological treatment 对映体 antipode 对症治疗 symptomatic treatment 多功能酶 multifunctional enzyme 多剂量给药multiple dose administration 多糖 polyose 多肽 polypeptide


湖南师范大学附属长沙医院内科学硕士研究生入学考试自 命题考试大纲 考试科目代码:[xxx] 考试科目名称:专业英语 一、考试形式与试卷结构 1)试卷成绩及考试时间: 本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为180分钟。 2)答题方式: 闭卷(可自带词典,电子词典除外)、笔试。 3)试卷内容结构: 试卷包括试题册和答题卡。考生将答案按要求写在答题卡上。 4)题型结构: 试卷为3000-4000词左右的一个或几个英语文献段落。 二、考试内容与考试要求 Ⅰ.考试内容: 英译汉。要求考生阅读、理解长度为3000-4000词左右的一个或几个英语文献段落,并将其全部译成汉语。考生在答题卡上作答。共100分。 Ⅱ.考查内容: 考查考生理解所给英语语言材料并将其译成汉语、阅读和理解英语文献资料的能力,考查考生医学文献翻译的基本原则和翻译方法。要求译文准确、完整、通顺。 Ⅲ.考生应掌握下列语言知识和技能: (一)语言知识 1.语法知识 考生应能熟练地运用基本的语法知识,其中包括:

(1)名词、代词的数和格的构成及其用法; (2)动词的时态、语态的构成及其用法; (3)形容词与副词的比较级和最高级的构成及其用法; (4)常用连词的词义及其用法; (5)非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成及其用法; (6)虚拟语气的构成及其用法 (7)各类从句(定语从句、主语从句、表语从句)及强调句型的结构及其用法;(8)倒装句、插入语的结构及其用法。 2.词汇 考生应能较熟练地掌握5500个左右常用英语词汇以及相关常用词组,并了解原文的前提下,借助词典工具书,考虑到医学本身的特点,使用正确的词语进行翻译和读懂文章。 (二)语言技能 考生应根据具体语境、句子结构或上下文读懂不同文体的医学文献,含科普宣传材料、病历记录、分析报告、论文等多种文献,根据所读材料,考生能: 1.理解主旨要义; 2.理解文中的具体信息 3.理解文中的概念性含义; 4.进行有关的判断、推理和引申; 5.根据上下文推测生词的词义; 6.理解文中的总体结构以及单句之间、段落之间的关系; 7.理解作者的意图、观点或态度; 8.区分论点和论据。 三、参考文献来源:SCI期刊数据库
