学术英语写作Unit 8.Results

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• Words have surprising power, and can encourage people to form strong impressions.
• As can be seen in the figure, the two curves are very similar. • As can be seen in the figure, the two curves are noticeably different.
• At the beginning the temperature was stable, as predicted. • The temperature increased to 49℃ and then dropped to 30℃. • The temperature increased to 49℃ but soon dropped to 30℃. • The temperature increased to 49℃ and later dropped to 30℃. • The temperature dropped sharply when we reduced the pressure. • At the end there was a noticeable drop in temperature.
• The function of the Results section is to present the results, in an orderly and logical sequence using both illustrative materials (Tables and Figures) and text.
5) We found that the pressure increased as the temperature rose, which indicated that temperature played a significant role in the process. 6) We found that the pressure increases as the temperature rises, which indicates that temperature plays a significant role in the process.
Grammar and Writing Skills
1.Tense a) Present simple b) Past simple
1) The variation in the temperature of the samples over time is shown in Figure 2. 2) Figure 2 shows the variation in the temperature of the samples over time. 3) As Figure 2 shows, the temperature increased rapidly. (The temperature increased rapidly, as shown in Figure 2.) 4) The temperature increased rapidly (see Figure 2)
• In the Results section, do not just present data, but summarize and interpret their meaning for the reader by presenting them as results. Only data that have been interpreted will be meaningful for your readers. • Data are values derived from scientific experiments (concentration, absorbance, mean, percent increase). • Results interpret data (e.g., “Absorbance increased when samples were incubated at 25℃ instead of at 15℃).
• Why is it necessary to use text to describe the results since detailed data usually appear in tables or figures ? • You must communicate your own understanding and interpretation of the results to your readers.
• 4) The fourth group is used to communicate that there was a short period of time between two events: • The temperature increased to 49℃ but soon dropped to 30℃. • 5) The fifth group communicates that the period of time between events was long, or that the event occurred near the end of the sequence: • The temperature increased to 49℃ and later dropped to 30℃.
• 6) The sixth group is extremely useful and
important. It contains words and phrases that are used to communicate that events occurred at the same time or almost at the same time, or during the same period, and therefore the items in this group are sometimes used to communicate a possible causal relationship between events: • The temperature dropped sharply when we reduced the pressure.
Results or Data Analysis
Discussion and Conclusion(s)
• Function • Content • Grammar and Writing Skills
Function of the Results Section
2. Vocabulary
a) Sequence b) Frequency c) Quantity d) Causality
• a) Sequence • Time sequence means how long each step took and where it occurred in the sequence. • You cannot use only then or next.
• Example • a) Heart rate was 100 beats per minute after digitalis was added (Fig.3). • b) Heart rate increased to 100 beats per minute after digitalis was added (Fig. 3) • c) Heart rate increased from 60 to 100 beats per minute after digitalis was added (Fig. 3).
Content of the Results Section
• This section contains some comments on what you found or observed rather than just a description of your findings and observations.
• 2) The second group marks the beginning of the experiment/simulation or the first result you are describing: • At the beginning the temperature was stable, as predicted. • 3) The third group obtains words/phrases which tell you the order in which events occurred but do not give any information about the time sequence: • The temperature increased to 49℃ and then dropped to 30℃.
Unit 8
How to Write the Results
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Results Results Results and Discussion or or Data Analysis Data Analysis
Discussion Discussion
after afterwards as as soon as at first at that point at the beginning at the end at the same time at the start beforehand before long earlier eventually finally
• The words and phrases that communicate sequence can be divided into eight groups. • 1) The first group contains words and phrases which refer to events that occurred before you began your experiment/simulation or before you began observing your results: • It was apparent beforehand that a reduction in temperature would be a desirable outcome.
• 7) The seventh group marks the end of the sequence of events: • At the end there was a noticeable drop in temperature. • 8) The last group refers to events that occurred after you finished your experiment/simulation or after you finished observing the results: • At the end there was a noticeable drop in temperature but it was decided afterwards to omit it from the input data.