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机电工程(系)院 (2014—2015学年 第一学期) 《电子技术专业英语》期末考试试卷 B 卷共4页 2014年12月 考试形式:□开卷 √闭卷 考试时间:120分钟

I. Multiplechoice(20’)

1. The sixth power of two is .

A. 12

B. 36

C. 64

2. Electrons, as one knows, are minute charge of electricity.

A. negative

B. positive

C. reverse

3. A resistor is an electrical component that the flow of electrical current.

A. increases

B. resists

C. changes

4. “The current is directly proportional to the voltages across it.” These can be described by formula _______.

A. I=u/R

B. p=u*I

C. I=q/t

5. The algebraic sum of the ________ entering any node is zero.

A. current

B. reactance

C. voltage

6. The conductivity of semiconductors is ______ than that of insulator but ________ than that of conductors.

A. lower…lower

B. lower…higher

C. higher….lower

7. For a 4-band resistor with “color code ”, the first band is the values.

A. hundreds

B. tens

C. ten

8. An electronic device often used for amplifying voltage and current is _____________.

A. diode

B. conductor

C. transistor

9. In a diode, current flows in ________ direction across the junction.

A. only one

B. two

C. three

班级___________ 姓名___________ 学号_____________


10. A __________ amplifier provides signal amplification with little or no distortion, so that the output is proportional to the input.

A. nonlinear

B. linear

C. electronic

II. Match up(20’)










(1)internal resistance (2)pulsating DC (3)voltage sources

(4)logic circuits (5)analog electronics (6)logic operation

(7)external resistance (8)number systems (9)direct current circuits (10)amplifier (11)mechanical adjust (12)digital logic circuits

(13)system design (14)anode of diode (15)electrical components

III. phrase translation(20’)

1. Passive electrical circuits

2. Assembler language

3. Specific meters

4. Analog multimeter

5. Semiconductor material

6. Forward biased

7. peak-to-peak voltage

8. under this circumstance

9. demodulating equipment

10. Ohm's law

IV. Sentence tranlation(20’)

1. The amount of current (I) flowing in a resistor is directly proportional to the voltage across it and inversely proportional to the resistance of the resistor.
