

【篇一:商务英语听说教案 unit 3】


unit 3 placing orders


after learning this unit, students will learn how to

1. to place an order after acceptance

2. to talk about the availability of goods

3. to offer help to solve the shortage of supply by recommending a substitute. 教学重点、难点:

teaching focus

1. sentence patterns to place an order after acceptance

2. vocabulary building: terminology about placing orders including good, order and stock.

teaching difficulties

1. to let students understand how to place an order

2. sentence patterns to place an order and ask for the quality of goods


1. situational teaching approach

2. lecturing method

3. group activity approach

4. task-based approach


1. multi-media classroom

2. projector

3. microphone

4. computer



unit 1 making enquiries

part 1

task1: introduction

first, the teacher show a video about placing orders in chinese to make students understand the procedures. then show another video about placing orders in english. then let the

students talk about the procedures to placing orders with the words and vocabularies on page 45.

task 2: discussion

1.ask the students to talk about the questions in lead-in in pairs;

2.divide the class into small groups and get students to share their own idea;

3. invite some students to share with the whole class.

task 3: pre-listening activities

1. learn the words and phrase on page 45.

2. read the vocabulary to the class and explain them one by one.

3. let the students learn these vocabulary by themselves.

part 2 listening and speaking 1

task1: listening

1. let the students guess the blanks in the text book.

2. listen to the mp3 and filling the blanks in the text book.

3. listen again and try to fill all the blanks

4. listen and fill in the blanks in the text book.

task2:sample dialogues and monologue

1. lead in. let students read the sample dialogues in pairs;

2. teach the students words and phrases in the dialogues;

3. choose two groups of students to perform in front of the class.

task3: speaking

1. have the students read these sentences by themselves and write down their answers.

2. have the students check the answers in pairs.

3. give them the correct answer.


1. have the students translate the sentences from chinese to english by themselves.

2. let the students work in pairs to talk about how to place an order and write them down;

3. talking about considering placing an order and confirming the order;

3. talking about how to make some changes on the order;

4. offering help to solve the supply shortage.

part ii listening and speaking 2

task 1: listening

1. get students to do the exercises on p52;

2. check the answers.

3. summary: summarize what students have learned in this lesson, point out what they should master.

task 2: interpreting

1. let the students write down the answers by themselves.

2. check it with their partners

3. choose one or two answer to share with the whole class.

4. give them the correct answer.

task 3: supplementary reading

1. let the students read the text by themselves;

2. divide them into groups and talk about the answers with their partners.

3. choose one or two answer to share with the whole class.

4. give them the correct answer.

task 4: supplementary vocabulary

1. read the vocabulary to the students

2. explain some important words in details


make a dialogue about placing an order in pairs and write it down. read the passage in page 252.

【篇二:商务英语听说1 教学大纲】



课程英文名称: business speaking and listening 1 课程编号:学分:2学时:32 课程性质:必修课课程类别:专业课



二、课程能力目标 1、素质和方法能力目标 (1)培养学生必要的政治素质。 (2)使学生具备一定的学业和社会意识。 (3)培养学生必备的

人文素养和健康的身心。 (4)培养学生良好的职业道德。 (5)培养学

生的学习能力。 2、职业精神和社会能力目标

(1)培养学生的沟通能力及团队协作精神。 (2)培养学生积极思考、


(3)培养学生的安全意识,荣誉、责任意识和环境保护意识。 (4)培


(6)培养学生初步的管理能力和信息处理能力。 3、知识和专业能力


(1) 了解英语的应用广度,增强英语学习的动力。(2) 掌握商务词汇、句型结构等基础知识。

(3) 了解商务英语听说的常用技巧,及时、准确抓住信息点。 (4) 掌



1.unit 1 this position sounds interesting; unit 2 may i speak to…? 重点:to learn the skills of making predictions and taking messages. 难点:bear in mind some important phrases.

2.unit 3 what is the nest item on the agenda?; unit 4 i want to open an account重点:to learn the skill of taking notes and guessing words. 难点:bear in mind some important phrases. 3.unit 5 having a good trip; unit 6 by car or by taxi?

重点:to be able to discuss the characteristics of different

types of travelling;to get familiar with the situations about transportation. 难点:bear in mind some important phrases.

4.unit 7 i would like to book a double room; unit 8 chinese food or western food?重点:to learn the skill of catching key words; to be able to make dialogues at a restaurant. 难点:bear in mind some important phrases.

5.unit 9 have fun!; unit 10 how much does this one cost? 重点:to learn the skill of catching topic sentences and the main idea. 难点:bear in mind some important phrases.

6. unit 11 making complaints; unit 12 after-sales services

重点:to learn the skill of identifying details and drawing inferences. 难点:bear in mind some important phrases. 7. unit 13 send me an e-mail; unit 14 it’s a secret!

重点:to get familiar with the skill of summarizing the main points and making an outline. 难点:bear in mind some important phrases. 8.test 1 final exam

重点:try to fulfill the requirements of the exam.

难点:to get some improvement through the exam.









【开课对象】商务英语专业二年级学生【学分】2 【总学时】32【先修课程】《综合英语》一、二册,《英语泛读》一、二册,




























教材:《商务英语听说上》,唐桂民,郭桂杭主编,高等教育出版社,2010 主要参考书:

1. 《商务英语翻译》,李明主编,高等教育出版社,2007

2. 《商务英语口语》,方红主编,高等教育出版社,2007

3. 《新视野商务英语视听说上/下》,马龙海主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2010



主要检测学生的商务英语听说能力,考核内容以每个单元的重点为主,重点为每课教学目标要求掌握的内容。 2、考核方式:口语考试3、成绩认定


商务英语教学教案 Background: 商务英语的教学对于培养学生的商务沟通能力和全球化意识起着重要的作用。本教案针对商务英语学习者的特点,结合实际案例和互动活动,旨在提高学生的听说读写能力和商务技能。 Objective: 1. 通过互动活动和讨论,提高学生的商务英语口语表达能力。 2. 强化学生的商务英语听力和阅读能力,使其能够快速理解商务场景和交际对话。 3. 培养学生的商务写作能力,让他们能够准确、清晰地表达商务观点和想法。 Materials: 1. 商务英语教材《Business English Essentials》 2. 商务场景对话录音 3. 商务英语写作范例 Procedure: 1. 导入 - 创设商务英语学习氛围,播放商务场景对话录音,让学生感受商务英语的实际应用。

- 介绍教学目标和本节课的重点。 2. 听说训练 - 听力练习:播放商务场景对话录音,要求学生模仿对话中的语速和语调,提高听力理解能力。 - 口语练习:分组进行商务角色扮演,让学生在各种商务场景中实践口语表达能力。 3. 阅读训练 - 阅读理解:选取商务英语教材中的短文,要求学生阅读并回答相关问题,培养学生的阅读理解能力。 - 商务词汇学习:在阅读过程中,引导学生积累商务英语常用词汇,并进行词汇拓展训练。 4. 写作训练 - 商务邮件写作:引导学生学习商务英语邮件的常见结构和表达方式,并提供商务英语写作范例。 - 学生练习:让学生根据具体场景,编写商务英语邮件,并相互交换邮件进行修改和反馈。 5. 拓展训练 - 商务文化交流:介绍不同国家和地区的商务文化差异,进行相关讨论和交流,培养学生的跨文化沟通能力。


商务英语听说教案 【篇一:商务英语听说教案 unit 3】 课题: unit 3 placing orders 教学目的: after learning this unit, students will learn how to 1. to place an order after acceptance 2. to talk about the availability of goods 3. to offer help to solve the shortage of supply by recommending a substitute. 教学重点、难点: teaching focus 1. sentence patterns to place an order after acceptance 2. vocabulary building: terminology about placing orders including good, order and stock. teaching difficulties 1. to let students understand how to place an order 2. sentence patterns to place an order and ask for the quality of goods 教学方法: 1. situational teaching approach 2. lecturing method 3. group activity approach 4. task-based approach 教学器材、设备: 1. multi-media classroom 2. projector 3. microphone 4. computer 教案续页第页 教学步骤、内容 unit 1 making enquiries part 1 task1: introduction first, the teacher show a video about placing orders in chinese to make students understand the procedures. then show another video about placing orders in english. then let the


商务英语听力教案 一、教学目标 通过本次听力课程,学生将能够: 1、理解并掌握基本的商务英语词汇和表达方式; 2、学会在商务场景中运用英语进行有效的沟通; 3、了解国际商务惯例和跨文化交际技巧。 二、教学内容与步骤 1、导入(5分钟) 教师播放一段商务英语对话,要求学生通过对话内容判断场景和主题。然后,教师引导学生讨论并引入常见的商务英语词汇和表达方式。2、听力练习(15分钟) 教师播放两段商务英语对话,每段对话后设有问题,学生需在听完对话后回答问题。第一段对话涉及商务接待,第二段对话涉及商务谈判。通过这两段对话,学生将进一步熟悉商务英语词汇和表达方式,并逐渐适应商务场景中的英语交流。

3、小组讨论(10分钟) 教师将学生分成小组,每组4-5人。各小组就其中一段对话进行深入讨论,要求每位成员都要发表观点,并记录讨论结果。然后,各小组派代表汇报讨论成果。通过小组讨论,学生可以互相学习、共同进步,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。 4、拓展听力练习(15分钟) 教师播放两段商务英语演讲视频,每段视频后设有问题,学生需在看完视频后回答问题。第一段演讲涉及国际商务惯例,第二段演讲涉及跨文化交际技巧。通过这两段演讲,学生将进一步了解商务英语在实际工作中的运用,并培养独立思考和解决问题的能力。 5、总结与反思(5分钟) 教师对本节课内容进行总结,并引导学生反思自己在本次听力课程中的表现。鼓励学生在课后继续学习和实践商务英语听力的技巧和方法。 三、教学评估与反馈 1、课堂表现评估:教师根据学生在课堂上的参与度、小组讨论中的 表现以及回答问题的情况进行评估。鼓励学生积极发言、勇于表达自


Unit 5 Brand Equity and Global Brands 品牌资产和全球品牌 3 Learning objectives In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to branding. Students will be able to talk about the historical development and the current situation of global brands. Background reading Notes: 1. brand equity 品牌资产 2. intangible asset 无形资产a business asset that has no physical existence 3. positive association 良好的联想association mental connection between ideas 4. price premium 溢价 5. generic products 普通产品not specific 6. brand extension 品牌延伸 7. leverage 借助 8. advertising expenditure 广告支出 9. consumer’s awareness 消费者的认知 10. attitude strength 态度强度 11. facilitate 使(某事物)容易make (sth) easy or less difficult 12. income stream:a regular and continuing flow of money generated by a business or investment 13. cash flow 现金流movement of money into and out of a business as goods are bought and sold 14. lease 出租,租得The firm leases an office with views over the river. 15. discount 折扣amount of money taken off the cost of sth Answers to comprehension questions: 1. The brand can add significant value when it is well recognized and has positive associations in the mind of the consumer. This concept is referred to as brand equity. 2. We can view brand equity from financial, brand extensions, and consumer-based perspectives. 3. Y es. Strong brand equity may facilitate a more predictable income stream, increases cash flow by increasing market share, reduce promotional costs, and allow premium pricing. 4. Some brands acquire a bad reputation that results in negative brand equity. Negative brand equity can be measured by surveys in which consumers indicate that a discount is needed to purchase the brand over a generic product.

商务英语听说 教案

商务英语听说教案 教案标题:商务英语听说教案 教学目标: 1. 帮助学生提高商务英语听力和口语能力,使其能够在商务场景中流利地交流 和表达自己的观点。 2. 培养学生商务英语的词汇量和语法运用能力,使其能够理解和使用商务英语 的专业术语和表达方式。 3. 提高学生的商务沟通能力,培养他们在商务会议、商务洽谈等场景中的交际 技巧和自信心。 教学内容: 1. 商务英语听力训练: a. 听取商务英语对话和演讲,学生通过听力练习提高对商务英语的理解能力。 b. 听取商务英语广播和录音,学生通过听取商务新闻和商务信息来扩展商务 英语词汇量。 c. 听取商务英语讲座和研讨会,学生通过听取专业人士的讲解来提高商务英 语听力水平。 2. 商务英语口语训练: a. 学生进行商务英语口语练习,如模拟商务会议、商务洽谈等场景,通过角 色扮演提高口语表达能力。 b. 学生进行商务英语口头报告,如商务计划、市场调研报告等,提高学生的 演讲和表达能力。 c. 学生进行商务英语辩论,通过辩论训练提高学生的逻辑思维和辩论技巧。

3. 商务英语词汇和语法训练: a. 学生学习商务英语常用词汇,如商务会议、商务洽谈、市场营销等领域的专业词汇。 b. 学生学习商务英语的语法规则和句型,如商务信函的写作技巧、商务演讲的语法要点等。 教学方法: 1. 听力训练:采用听力材料和多媒体设备,让学生通过听取商务英语的实际对话和演讲来提高听力水平。 2. 口语训练:采用角色扮演、口头报告和辩论等方式,让学生进行商务英语口语练习,提高口语表达能力。 3. 词汇和语法训练:采用词汇和语法练习题,让学生通过练习来巩固和运用商务英语的词汇和语法知识。 教学评估: 1. 听力测试:通过听取商务英语对话和演讲的测试,评估学生的听力水平和对商务英语的理解能力。 2. 口语表达评估:通过口头报告和辩论的评估,评估学生的口语表达能力和商务沟通能力。 3. 词汇和语法测试:通过词汇和语法测试,评估学生对商务英语词汇和语法的掌握程度。 教学资源: 1. 商务英语教材和课本:提供商务英语听力和口语练习的材料和课程内容。 2. 多媒体设备:用于播放商务英语听力材料和展示商务英语教学内容。


商务英语教案 Title: Business English Lesson Plan Objective: - To improve students' ability to communicate effectively in a business environment - To enhance students' vocabulary and language skills related to conducting business in English - To develop students' understanding of cultural differences when conducting business internationally Materials: - Whiteboard or blackboard - Markers or chalk - Handouts - Audio/visual equipment (if available) Procedure: Introduction (10 minutes): 1. Greet the students and briefly introduce yourself. 2. Ask students about their experience with using English in a business context. 3. Explain the objectives of the lesson and discuss the importance of effective business communication in English. Vocabulary (15 minutes): 1. Introduce new business vocabulary related to common business functions, such as meetings, negotiations, and presentations. 2. Write the vocabulary words on the board and ask students to


商务英语教学教案 教案标题:商务英语教学教案 教学目标: 1. 帮助学生掌握商务英语的基本词汇和表达方式。 2. 培养学生在商务场景中进行口语交流和书面沟通的能力。 3. 提高学生的商务英语听力和阅读理解能力。 4. 培养学生的跨文化沟通和商务礼仪意识。 教学内容: 1. 商务英语基础词汇和短语学习。 2. 商务英语口语交流技巧和表达方式。 3. 商务英语书面沟通技巧和写作规范。 4. 商务英语听力和阅读理解训练。 5. 跨文化沟通和商务礼仪学习。 教学步骤: 第一课:商务英语基础词汇学习 1. 导入:通过展示商务场景图片和讨论引入商务英语学习的话题。 2. 基础词汇学习:教授商务英语中常用的词汇和短语,包括公司组织结构、商务活动、会议和谈判等方面的词汇。 3. 练习:学生进行基础词汇的口头和书面练习,包括造句和对话练习。 第二课:商务英语口语交流技巧 1. 导入:回顾上节课学习的商务英语基础词汇,并引入商务英语口语交流的重要性。

2. 口语交流技巧:教授商务英语口语交流的技巧,包括礼貌用语、提问技巧和回答技巧等。 3. 角色扮演:学生分组进行商务场景的角色扮演,练习口语交流技巧。 第三课:商务英语书面沟通技巧 1. 导入:回顾商务英语口语交流技巧,并引入商务英语书面沟通的重要性。 2. 书面沟通技巧:教授商务英语书面沟通的技巧,包括商务电子邮件写作、商务报告撰写和商务函件写作等。 3. 写作练习:学生进行商务英语书面沟通的练习,包括写商务电子邮件和商务报告。 第四课:商务英语听力和阅读理解训练 1. 导入:回顾商务英语听力和阅读理解的重要性,并引入商务英语听力和阅读理解训练的话题。 2. 听力训练:学生进行商务英语听力练习,包括听取商务电话对话和商务演讲等。 3. 阅读理解训练:学生进行商务英语阅读理解练习,包括商务文章和商务合同等。 第五课:跨文化沟通和商务礼仪学习 1. 导入:回顾商务英语跨文化沟通和商务礼仪的重要性,并引入跨文化沟通和商务礼仪学习的话题。 2. 跨文化沟通:教授商务英语跨文化沟通的技巧,包括尊重他人文化差异和避免文化冲突等。 3. 商务礼仪:教授商务英语中的商务礼仪规范,包括商务会议礼仪和商务社交

新标准高职商务英语:视听说教程 第2册 Unit 3教案 (1)

(章节教案首页)课题:Unit3 Treat him like a king.(1) 授课时间:年月日 教学时数:( 2 )学时,其中理论( 2 )、实验( 0 )学时、 上机( 0 )学时、其它( 0 )学时,其它是指: 教学目标与要求: 情感目标:通过本课学习,让学生们懂得:“顾客是上帝”是建立在互相尊重的前提下,不要为了钱出卖自尊,要有做人做事最基本的原则和底线,你有选择我服务的权力,我也有受尊重的权力。 知识目标:会使用委婉语进行批评;掌握商务用餐礼仪。 技能目标:可以在与客户共同就餐的过程中使用基本的商务用餐礼仪;根据场景对客户的某些言行举止进行委婉批评。 教学方法设计: 任务型教学法,讨论法,直观演示法,练习法 教学重点与难点: 教学重点:会使用委婉语进行批评;掌握商务用餐礼仪。 教学难点:以在与客户共同就餐的过程中使用基本的商务用餐礼仪;根据场景对客户的某些言行举止进行委婉批评。 主要参考资料: 施志渝,《视听说教程2》,上海外语教育出版社,2020年2月. 教具使用:多媒体设备,畅课平台

课后作业: 1.完成畅课平台的作业; 2.同桌合作完成40页的pair work; 3.预习下节课内容。 教学反思: 1.以培养学生的技能为宗旨,促进学生全面发展为目标,加强学生综 合素质的养成进行授课。 2.教师要在教学过程中随时搜索并筛选最新的、具有时效性的学生所 感兴趣的商务话题为辅,如商务、财经、时事等,让学生全方位收听时代声音。 3.听力教学应该结合不同的语言技能才有可能达到真正的商务交际综 合技能。

★Part Ⅰ导入新课 1.考勤:利用畅课进行学生考勤,生成今日数据; 2.给学生们展示一段视频《不是都说顾客就是上帝,服务员怎么这样子对待顾客?》以此视频引导学生们展开讨论,我们是否应该像对待上帝一样对待客户? ★Part II 讲解新课 教师发布任务: Task 1 You’re going to hear four dialogues between an employee and his or her boss. After listening, decide what is praised and what is criticized about each employee and put P (for praise) or C (for criticize) in the brackets. 学生作答,答对的同学给予加分奖励,教师有针对性的进行相关知识

新标准高职商务英语:视听说教程 第2册 Unit 7教案(1)

(章节教案首页)课题:Unit7 What to wear to work.(1) 授课时间:年月日 教学时数:( 2 )学时,其中理论( 2 )、实验( 0 )学时、 上机( 0 )学时、其它( 0 )学时,其它是指: 教学目标与要求: 情感目标:通过学习本节课,让学生们提前了解并掌握面试礼仪知识,提高学生整体素质,增强个人修养,为今后求职成功打下基础。 知识目标:听懂并理解不同口音的英语口语;学会面试时该穿的衣服。技能目标:能够根据不同的口音掌握文章大意;根据面试的岗位性质选择适合穿着的衣服。 教学方法设计: 任务型教学法,讨论法,直观演示法,练习法 教学重点与难点: 教学重点:听懂并理解不同口音的英语口语;学会面试时该穿的衣服。教学难点:能够根据不同的口音掌握文章大意;根据面试的岗位性质选择适合穿着的衣服。 主要参考资料: 施志渝,《视听说教程2》,上海外语教育出版社,2020年2月. 教具使用:多媒体设备,畅课平台 课后作业:

1.完成畅课平台的作业; 2.小组合作完成110页的group work; 3.预习下节课内容。 教学反思: 1.整个过程应该从易到难,循序渐进,教师对整个过程要做好监督和 检查的工作,帮助学生用心听,及时校正和修补听力中出现的错误和遗漏。 2.教师在介绍东西方文化差异的同时,鼓励学生广泛阅读,通过阅读, 不仅可以使学生在阅读的过程中增加扩充自身的单词量,而且可以从多方面的读物内容中体会和感受不同的文化背景之间的差异,积累多方面额知识,以达到熟悉并准确理解听力材料的目的。

★Part Ⅰ导入新课 1.考勤:利用畅课进行学生考勤,生成今日数据; 2.以小组为单位展示作业group work,先组内点评,然后小组互评,最后教师做总结。 3.给学生们展示一段视频《当代大学生自制大学生礼仪情景剧(面试礼仪)》,以此视频引导学生们展开讨论,视频中哪些是错误示范,哪些是正确示范。 ★Part II 讲解新课 教师发布任务: Task 1 In this part you will hear four speakers talking about their travel with different accents. Listen carefully and fill in the missing words. Speaker 1 Before going on a trip I pay the bills, I empty the trash, and I give a house key to a friend. Speaker 2 Before I leave on a trip, I turn off the lights, I turn off my heater , I give my keys to my roommate, and I water my plant . Speaker 3 The funniest story of my traveling experience was when I came to the U.S.


教案 课程名称新视野商务英语视听说(第四版)(上) 课时 班级 专业 教师 系部 教研室 教材《新视野商务英语视听说(第四版)(上)》 1

Unit 6 Company Presentations Learning Objectives(教学目标) 2

Business Profile(内容概览) What Makes an Effective Presentation A presentation is a prepared talk given by a speaker to one or more listeners. To be effective, the speaker’s message must pass to the listeners—it must be heard and correctly understood. In general, two-way communication is more effective than one-way communication; so, encourage the audience to participate—by asking questions or making comments. In any case, remember that the talk is given for their benefits—not for the speaker’s. So, what are the elements of an effective presentation? ●effective organisation of information ● effective delivery of information ● effective use of language ● never forgetting your audience ● allowing participation through questions or comments The following points may help you identify the skills and techniques you need. Organisation of information ● Transparency of structure (have a clear beginning, middle and end) ● Organisation of content (clearly identify the main points and supporting points) ● Level of information (start in the audience’s area of interest) Delivery of information ● Image (decide whether to appear formal or informal, relaxed or high-powered?) ● Audience features (know their interests?) ● Nonlinguistic techniques (use suitable body language and eye contact) ● Linguistic techniques (pay attention to voice audibility and clarity, variation in pace and pitch, pauses, questions and humour) ● Technical support (use of visual aids, e.g. slides, flip chart, transparencies and PPTs) Use of language ● Vocabulary (choose the right word for spoken rather than written language) ● Grammar (assemble the sentences in correct language forms) ● Pronunciation (stress words correctly) ● Fluency (variation in sentence structure and length) ● Speed (link your ideas, and don’t talk too quickly) A brief introduction is always given at the very beginning of the presentation. It should include at least four pieces of information: ● What you’re going to talk about; ● How long you’ll take; ● What your main parts or sections will be; ● Whether you’d welcome questions during your talk, or only at the end. This could take as little as 45 seconds, but it will give you time to establish contact with the audience. Don’t only try to impress them by your organisation and obvious preparation. Go out of your way to make some comments on the present situation (e.g. excellent lunch, 3


新标准高职商务英语系列教材视听说教程第2册教学设计背景介绍 商务英语是指谈论商业事务中使用的英语。由于在全球范围内商务英语的使用范围越来越广泛,因此作为学习者,掌握商务英语非常重要。而商务英语的学习不光是掌握词汇和语法,还需要能够进行口语表达。因此,视听说教程在商务英语学习中扮演着非常重要的角色。 新标准高职商务英语系列教材视听说教程第2册包含了大量的商务英语场景,帮助学生进行口语练习,在实践中提高各方面的能力。本文将详细介绍本教程的教学设计。 教学目标 本教学设计的目标是通过视听说教程的方式,帮助学生提高商务英语口语交流能力。具体来说,本设计的目标包括以下方面: 1.学生理解商务英语中常用的词汇和短语。 2.学生能够根据情境进行商务英语口语交流。 3.学生能够理解商务英语中的口语表达方式。 教学内容 教学主题 本教学设计的主题为“商务英语的基本口语表达能力”。该主题贯穿整个视听说教程,从场景中的案例出发,重点选取商务英语常用的重要口语表达内容,编写教材内容。该主题的教学内容包括以下内容: 1.常用商务英语口语表达。

2.商务英语中的电话沟通技巧。 3.商务英语中的商务招待礼仪。 4.商务英语中的商务洽谈表达方式。 教学流程 本教学设计包括以下教学流程: 1.准备阶段:教师向学生介绍教学主题,并做必要的词汇和短语的讲解。 2.学习阶段:学生根据教材中提供的场景和问题,进行口语表达练习。 教师在此过程中提供必要的帮助和指导,包括语音语调、发音、口语表达方 式等。 3.练习阶段:学生进行配音练习、对口形式练习等,加深对商务英语口 语的理解和掌握程度。 4.反馈阶段:教师结合学生练习的情况,进行及时的口语评估,并针对 存在的问题进行分析和指导。 教学方法 教学方法是指教师在课堂上所采用的教学手段和教学方式。本教学设计采用了 多种教学方法,包括: 1.直接教学法。教师通过讲解和示范,便于学生理解和掌握商务英语口 语表达方式。 2.交互式教学法。通过与学生互动,教师帮助学生纠正口音和口语表达 方式,加强学生的学习效果。 3.论坛交流式教学法。通过在网络上开展商务英语交流,提升学生的英 语口语表达能力。


商务英语听力教案 教案标题:商务英语听力教案 教学目标: 1. 通过商务英语听力教学,提高学生对商业场景中的英语听力理解能力。 2. 培养学生在商务交流中的听力技巧和策略。 3. 培养学生商务英语听力的自信心和流利度。 教学准备: 1. 商务英语听力材料,包括商务对话、演讲、电话交流等。 2. 录音设备和播放设备。 3. 学生练习听力的练习册或工作纸。 4. 商务英语词汇和短语的词汇表。 教学步骤: 引入: 1. 向学生介绍商务英语听力的重要性,以及商务场景中的常见听力难点。 2. 与学生讨论商务英语听力的应用场景,例如商务会议、电话交流、销售谈判等。 主体: 1. 向学生展示商务英语听力材料,例如商业对话或演讲,并让学生先自主尝试理解其中的内容。 2. 播放商务英语听力材料,让学生跟随录音进行听力练习。 3. 分析商务英语听力材料中的重点词汇、短语和语法结构,帮助学生理解和掌握关键信息。

4. 引导学生进行商务英语听力的练习,例如填空、选择题或回答问题等。 巩固: 1. 给学生分发练习册或工作纸,让他们在课后继续练习商务英语听力。 2. 鼓励学生使用商务英语听力材料进行模仿和跟读,提高他们的语音和语调。 扩展: 1. 引导学生自主寻找商务英语听力材料,例如商务英语电视节目、商业新闻等,进行额外的听力训练。 2. 鼓励学生参与商务英语听力竞赛或角色扮演活动,提高他们在商务场景中的 听力应对能力。 评估: 1. 设计商务英语听力测验,评估学生对商务英语听力的掌握程度。 2. 提供反馈和建议,帮助学生改进商务英语听力技巧。 教学延伸: 1. 结合商务英语听力教学,开展商务英语口语和写作的教学活动,全面提高学 生的商务英语能力。 2. 鼓励学生参与商务实践活动,例如商务实习或实地考察,提升他们在实际商 务环境中的听力能力。 教学资源: 1. 商务英语听力材料:商务对话、商务演讲、商务电话交流等。 2. 商务英语词汇和短语的词汇表。 3. 商务英语听力练习册或工作纸。 4. 商务英语听力测验。


教案 课程名称新视野商务英语视听说(第三版)(上) 课时 班级 专业 教师 系部 教研室 教材《新视野商务英语视听说(第三版)(上)》 1

Unit 2 Jobs and Responsibilities Learning Objectives(教学目标) 2

Business Profile(内容概览) Want to Know About Jobs and Responsibilities in a Company? Overview This unit mainly looks at various job titles and responsibilities in a company as people may be expected to talk about these aspects of their work. Firstly, an employee may have to show a visitor around the offices of their company. More generally, an employee may be asked to describe how the business is organised or structured. Furthermore, people in business may often be called upon to describe to outsiders or friends what their company actually does. A company is usually divided into departments covering areas such as administration, sales, billing, production, shipping, etc. Below is a chart showing some common departments and positions in the business world. Common Departments and Positions in a Company 3

商务英语听力教案 _12

Unit 12 On the Business Legal Fr ont 站在商业法律前沿 3 Learning objectives 1. In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to business law. 2. Students will be able to talk about issues related to business laws. Background reading Notes: 1. class-action lawsuit 在美国指的是集团诉讼,即代表一个集团进行的诉讼。 2. EA Electronic Arts 全球最大视频游戏出版商,主要有网络游戏,手机游戏等,而不是索尼等的游戏机游戏,代表游戏有“模拟人生”等。 3. overtime 加班,超时工作 4. blog entry 博客的一条 5. lash out against/at sb/sth 突然猛击,猛烈抨击 The horse lashed out with its back legs. He lashed out at the opposition’s policies. 6. mandatory hours 法定工作时间 7. veracity 诚实,真实 I don’t doubt the veracity of your report. 8. GameSpot News GameSpot 是一个有名的网络游戏网站,现在已经有了中文网站了,它的网页上有自己的新闻栏目,还会定期举行最佳和最差的游戏评比。 9. informed source 可靠的消息来源 10. initiate legal proceedings 启动诉讼程序,开始诉讼 to take proceedings against someone 起诉某人 11. contend 主张,争辩,认为 I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil. 12. file 提出正式请求 to file a petition in bankruptcy 呈交破产申请 to file an application for a patent 提出专利申请 13. certify 证明,做证 14. purportedly 据说,据声称 15. repercussion 不良影响,后果 16. opt out (of sth) 决定不参加(某事) 17. retaliate against 报复 He slapped his sister, who retaliated by kicking him. If we impose import duties, other countries may retaliate against us.


《商务英语视听说》下册教案5 授课章节名称:Unit Two 教材逻辑结构分析和学生分析: In this period, the students are supposed to learn the expressions about establishing business relationships and product promotion; they will watch a video about consulting about trade fairs. 教学目的: 1.Know how to establish business relationships; 2.Get to know how to promoting products;教学重点: How to act as a buyer or an exhibiter in a trade fair. 教学难点: How to make a brief introduction of a factory or a company. 更新、补充及删节内容: Ask the students to get more information about word famous trade fairs 教学方法与使用教 具: Task-based teaching; Tape-recorderTeaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in 1. Revise the famous trade fairs of China. Step 2 PresentationLanguage Focus A Useful expressions at trade fairs A.Greeting at trade fairs How do you do? Hello! You are welcome! I'm glad to see you. Nice to meet you. Good morning! Welcome to our stand. B.Introducing each other at trade fairs Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, General Manager of our company. It's an honour to meet you. My name is Thomas Clinton. rd like to make a self-introduction. Tm Richard Carter, Sales Manager of BIM. How do I prononce your name? How do I adress you? What line of business are you in? C.Negotiating at trade fairs While we appreciate your interest, we're very sorry to say that we can't reduce our price any further. We are satisfied with the quality of your samples, so business will depend entirely on your price. To a certain extent, our pruce depends on the size of your order. This product is now in great demand and we have in hand many enquiries from other countries. Thank you for your enquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so we can work out the offer? My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.


新视野商务英语视听说(上)授课教师:李殿文 Unit 1 Job interview Teaching objective After completing this lesson, students should know how to deal with an interview, including -- how to prepare for an interview -- the interview procedure -- how to answer questions about personal details, education and work experience how to deal with inappropriate questions by the interviewer. Business profile General conduct during an interview Opening :establishing a friendly atmosphere Introduce yourself Talk about weather, traffic ,etc. Talk about yourself as a person

During :exchanging information General questions Be prepared to talk about Your personal details Your education Your work experience Position related questions You will be able to discuss Reasons for leaving last job Details of the job and the company Qualifications and skills make you fit for the requirements of the job Short-term goals and long term goals Closing : leaving a lasting impression Ask 1 or 2 questions based on your pre-interview research Arrange a call back to get the result Thank the interviewer Say you enjoyed the interview Types of job interview Telephone screening interview In-person screening interview Selection interview Work sample interview
