人教版英语中考总复习. 单项填空技巧(基础讲解)

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1. —Have you seen ________ film Where are We Going, Dad?( 扬州)

—Yes, it's ________ interesting film!

A. a; the

B. the; an

C. a; an

D. the; the

2. — This book on idioms is interesting. I'd like ________, where did you buy it, Simon?( 连云港)

— In the Amazon Bookstore,

A. it

B. this

C. that

D. one

3. You see, Kevin is writing ________ his left hand.( 河北)

A. at

B. as

C. for

D. with

4. — Oh, it was fantastic! Lily danced so well.( 长沙)

— Well, I think Kate danced ________ than lily.

A. well

B. better

C. best

5. Sometimes it often rains ________ in my hometown in summer. ( 呼和浩特)

A.heavy B.hardly C.heavily D.strongly

6. — I am just going to the ________. Do you want anything?( 沈阳)

— Yes, a bag of rice.

A. market

B. classroom

C. library

D. park

7. Choosing the right circle of the friends will ________ us a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.( 河南)

A. save

B. share

C. keep

D. bring

8. Be quiet! The students ________ a physics test in the next room. ( 广州)

A. had

B. have had

C. were having

D. are having

9.These model cars ________ in China in 2013. ( 北京)

A. are made

B. were made

C. make

D. made

10. I don’t like TV series ________ it's boring. ( 青海)

A. but

B. and

C. because

11. — _________( 南宁)

— Sorry, I won’t. I’ll pick it up.

A. Try to keep the classroom clean.

B. Don’t make any noise in public.

C. Let’s pick up the litter on the ground.

D. Don’t throw litter everywhere.

12. Running man is a very relaxing TV program _______ is hot among the young people.( 广东)

A.what B.which C.who D.whom

13. —_______ will the invitations be sent to our guests? ( 广州)

—In three days.

A. How often

B. How soon

C. How long

D. How far

14.—Could you tell me ________? ( 哈尔滨)

—You’ d better keep a diary in English as often as possible.

A. when I can improve my written English

B. how I can improve my written English

C. if can I improve my written English

15. -It’s important for us to know _________ all the subjects.( 河北)

-Yeah,group work is my favorite.

A.how to study B.when to study C.which to study D.what to study


1. B。句意:——你看过《爸爸去哪儿》这部电影吗?——看过,那是一部有趣的电影!第一空后的film特指《爸爸去哪儿》这部电影,用定冠词;第二空泛指一部有趣的电影,用不定冠词,故选B项。

2. D。句意:——这本有关成语的书很有趣,我想要一本,你在哪里买的,Simon?——在亚马逊书店。it指代前面提到的物,即同类同物;this这个,近指;that那个,远指;one指同类不同物。根据题意选D项。

3. D。句意:你看,Kevin正在用他的左手写字。with表示工具或材料,其他介词没有此用法。根据句意可知答案为D项。

4. B。句意:——啊,太美了!Lily舞跳得这么好。——哦,我认为Kate跳得比Lily更好。由than可知应用比较级,所以用well的比较级better。故选B。

5. C。句意为:我家乡的夏天有时常会下很大的雨。修饰动词“rains”,应用副词;表示“下大雨”用rain heavily。

6. A。句意:——我正要去市场。你想要点什么吗?——是的,一袋大米。market市场;classroom教室;library图书馆;park公园。根据语境可知只有在市场上可能有卖大米的,其他三项均不合适,故选A。

7. A。句意:选择对的朋友圈将会省去我们的许多麻烦和心痛而且有可能避免让我们一生充满深深的遗憾。save避免;share分享;keep保持;bring带来。根据句意可知答案为A项。

8. D。“Be quiet”可以看出说话者让人安静,那可以推测到其后所要说的便是学生正在隔壁房间进行物理考试,时态需要用现在进行时。

9. B。句意:这些模型汽车是中国2013年制造的。本题考查动词的被动语态。由时间状语in 2013可知时态为过去时,model cars与动词make之间为被动关系。故选B。

10. C。句意为:我不喜欢看电视连续剧,因为它太无聊。由句意可知,空格前后是因果关系。because引导原因状语从句,符合题意。故选C。

11. D。由答语“Sorry, I won’t. I’ll pick it up.”可知,说话人应是让对方“不要乱扔垃圾”,故选D。

12. B。句意为:《奔跑吧,兄弟》是在年轻人中热播的令人放松的电视节目。先行词是“a very relaxing TV program”,指物,且在定语从句中作主语。

13. B。句意:——这些邀请书多久才能送给我们的客人?——三天后。How often 多久一次,提问频率;How soon多快,多久,用in + 一段时间来回答;How long 多长时间,常用for +一段时间来回答;How far多远,提问距离。根据In three days可知选B。

14. B。句意:——你能告诉我如何才能提高我的英语写作吗?——你最好尽可能经常用英语记日记。宾语从句应用陈述句语序,故排除C项;由答语可知how意为“如何,怎样”,符合题意,故选B。

15. A。由答语中的“group work is my favorite”可知,知道如何去学习所有学科很重要。how 意为“怎样,如何”,符合题意。故选A。



