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3 再读短文,复查答案:站在短文中心意思的立场上, 确立每个空所填的单词,逐个检查形式,可以从以往 的经验去判断。
考查重点: 1 动词(v.):4-5个,包括谓语动词的数、时态、非谓语[ ing、 ed、(to) do],注意个别的拼写,如stopped; 2 名词(n.): 2个左右,包括单复数(-s),名词所有格 (’s/ s’),词性的转换等; 3 形容词:(adj.)2-3个,考查原级、比较级、最高级,词性转 换等; 4 副词(adv.):1-2个,考查修饰动词、句子等,常由形容词派 生而来(hard-hard; good-well; careful-carefully); 5 代词(pron.):1个,考查不定代词、物主代词、人称代词的 主格、宾格,反身代词等,一般由意思决定; 6 数词(num):1个,常考查判断是序数词还是基数词; 7 连词(con.):1个,考查句子间的逻辑关系; 8 介词(prep):1个,常考查固定短语搭配。
A.makes B .it C.what D. advice E.useful
tgrr由huaeenl固.pdTff定huailtn为搭hge辅s配r.d音“o n音suoct素hc+开oma头e/a可ena+s知l是ielaay应固drinjn填定.+flria短fon。em..语”T(h且从at…is…wh学根中尾a)t据的,I语“故ha境也应ve,”填le肯放taoro定在n。e句句d (10)m主应__y_语填_g_,hr_ais_n作。_d为fmat其yhe代r做词
poor people could easily become (2)________ there.
So, my grandfather came to America.“I had thought it was easy to (3)________ money in America,” he told me, “But when I (4)________ in Los Angeles, I realized it was not
with me.I was popular with my workmates, (8)________.Life became easier and in the end I entered an evening school to learn English.”
My grandfather kept working hard, and finally made (9)________ dream come
Learning aim
To learn some skills of banked cloze
1 预读短文,了解大意:速读短文,不填空。了解文 章的大意、重要的动作时态;
2 逐一填空,仔细对比:每一个空都要比较所有的备 选词,只要意思和语法都通的就都填上,把备选单词 一个一个勾划掉;选定单词后,确定正确的形式。
空前空后要注意, “名词”单、复数要牢记, 还有’s不能弃。
要用“数词”请留意, 千万别忘“基”和“序”。
填入“代词”需慎重, 五格变化记心中。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
“形、副”注意要用三级, 副词用法要谨记.。
做此题一般需要8分钟左右,一定不能超过 10分钟。
B.but C.born D.a
HeMian Middle School FengBixian
Free talk
Which part is the most difficult for you in a test ?
单项 选词
完形 补全
阅读 作文
For me , I think the banked cloze (选词填空)is the most difficult .
(6)________, serving the guests, cleaning up the tables, washing the dishes and sweeping
the floors.I was such (7)________ helpful and honest worker that my boss was pleased
life story.
My grandfather was (1)________ in 1932 and grew up in a poor village in Fujian,
China.At the age of 14, he first heard of America.It was said to be the land of gold and
true.I couldn't find a good job because I spoke little English.I wanted to go to a language
school to learn English, (5)________ I couldn't afford it.Later, I worked in a small
E. make
F.arrived G.from H. too I.his J.restaurant 由“serving the guests, cleaning up
I 根构动am据,词Jb可的aec知原keiae此形syL根可系处;etoe据 知 ,应,dao“后应b生填nesAc半填”一tbohmou.句b,个结relundr表故t是ni。c'示应at固na转填f定Cfa根 no折bhro搭ror据itdn关irt配venri下etsu。”,eie文.nL”意“e可t为Im知r“ee应at出到elil填zl达ey过do”uitsr去th;weswseo式et且ametar从asp。uiebcir而tnhlahegnis可n,tth根,gw推eaa据即fb断slhoo上“i填uonrt文饭gsrm”it“店chyh可ep。”gdro知aiosnrh应depfs填eaoatphnleder”'s