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Today I’d like to share something about
mobile phone disease (手机综合症)
The disadvantage of mobile phone
Every thing has two sides. High technology brings great convenience to our life .yet, we have become more and more dependent on smart phones. That is what we call mobile phone disease.
6.Enjoy taking photos for sharing before having meals(饭前自拍) 7.Playing phone while walking(走路玩 手机) 8.Thumb disease(拇指病) 9.Always hear the sound of phone vibrations(幻听)
What is “mobile phone disease”?
“mobile phone disease” is a kind of psychological disease. Its main symptom(症状) is relying on mobile phone too much.
Playing mobile phone in the subway had become a habitat of life.
2.There has been a new kind of people
Mobile phone party(手机党)
They are used to playing mobile phone or skim micro-blog or talking by Wechat now and then. They usually sleep late and get up late.
Some bad influences
I. Influence our biological clock II. Do harm to our sight III. Affect IQ IV. Damage our skin V. Cause numbness in the fingers
Learn to use phone healthily
That is all
Байду номын сангаас
Now though science and technology develops rapidly, however, the distance between people has become increasingly distant. I hope everyone can learn to use your phone more healthily.
Some typical symptoms of mobile phone disease
1. Blurred vision(视力模糊) 2. Lack of sense of security(缺乏安全感) 3.Headache(头痛) 4. Put mobile phone beside the pillow (手机放在枕边) 5.Always go to the toilet with mobile phone (上厕所带手机,24小时不离身)
Keep a certain distance from your phone when using, try not to play mobile phone especially in the dark(玩手机不能离手机太近) Do not play when charging the phone Never make a telephone call on rainy days Wash your hands for eating after using your phone