



英语mpa面试自我介绍 Good morning professors,First of all,please allow me to express my appreciation for the opportunity that you give me to join this interview. My name is ***,English name Felix. I‘ve got my undergraduate education in Beijing Foreign Studies University,Majoring in *** in School of English and International Studies. The major for further education that I pursue here in Peking university is ***. During the four years in BFSU,I’ve been given the traditional education on both English Literacy and Diplomacy,which cultivated me to view the world in an international perspective. I‘ve been foreign teachers’ assistant for about three years and learnt to communicate with them and understand their way to think and act. This experience gives me much deeper understanding of different cultures. I served as volunteers for many events held by the government and other organizations,such as Fortune Globle Forum 2005 and Euro-Asian Conference organized by the Ministry of Communications. Thanks to those experience,I used my knowledge in real foreign affairs and increased my abilities in related aspects. No matter how much the life in BFSU brought to me,I‘ve been thinking for really a long time about studying something else after graduation as the life-long direction of study and profession. After analizing all the factors that intrigue me and inspire me,I’ve chosen a major which contains the factors of both passion and rationality. This major is Media Management. I really appreciate it if you could consider my application. If I could have the honor to study here,I promise that I would never fail your expectation. I‘ll try my best to study and learn as much as I could,so as to make contribution to the society and our country. THANK YOU,THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Good morning, my dear teachers. It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for your interview. Firstly, I will introduce myself to you briefly. My name is Qiu Mengru and my English name is Janet. I am a local person who is 23 years old. Jinan, the spring city is the capital of Shandong province. I am of the opinion that my hometown is a beautiful city. Secondly, I want to talk about my studying experience. I am majored in 你以前的专业 and graduated from 你学校的名字 . I appreciate the education my university gave me. Now I got a new plan, I will do my utmost to obtain a key to Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I choose the Clinic as my major. 学校简介+你为什么选择这个专业 Moreover, I would like to say something about my family. 你可以谈谈你家庭的情况 I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am kind-hearted, patient, outgoing and creative. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. If I could have the chance to learn here, I will concentrate on the studying and researching in this field. In order to construct a solid base for my


mpa面试英语自我介绍(共9篇) mpa面试英语自我介绍(共9篇) 篇一:MPA复试英语自我介绍and orked as a civil servant in 2016.中国社会科学院 china academy of social sciences对外经济贸易大学 university of international business and economicsSelf-introduction: Good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers and professors: First I am so glad to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Wu jinhua, 29 years old, born in Jiangsu province. In 2000, I entered China Youth University for Political Sciences for my undergraduate period. My major is social ork. After graduating in 2004, I passed the national civil service examinations and became a civil servant of the central mittee of the revolutionary mittee of the Chinese Kuomintang. I have orked in the Investigation and Research Department almost 7 years, here I am mainly responsible for riting speech and research articles. There are several reasons for my decision to learn MPA in china academy of social sciences in our country, CASS/UIBE provides people ith enough chances/room to get further improvement. The second one is I am longing to a deeper understanding of public management because I think that I should and I also could do something for my career, my country and for the people in the future. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision. Furthermore, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize my self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this petitive modern orld. In a ord, if luckily I get the chance to learn MPA in CASS/UIBE, I ill do my best on the study and research in my graduate time. I hope I can form a systematic vie of public management and make a solid foundation for my profession after about 3 years study here. Ok, that is it. Thank you. 篇七:


公共管理硕士面试自我介绍篇一:考研面试自我介绍 各位老师: 你们好! 能来到**参加这次复试我感到非常荣幸。我叫??,来自??,现就读于*** ,我大学的专业是??。在大学四年的学习生活中,我努力提升自我素质,全面锻炼自己,在扎实完成自己学习任务的同时,也积极参与校内外学生社团活动,并曾担任过班长一职,具有且有较强的团队管理能力和与人合作的精神。经过自己的不懈努力,我多次获得校奖学金,并获得过两次国家励志奖学金和一次助学金。此外,在担任班长和班主任助理期间积极为同学服务,表现出色,获校级优秀学生干部称号。在2013 年6 月的时候,我光荣的加入中国 共产党,成为了一名学生党员。(我平时比较喜欢打篮球和乒乓球,也喜欢阅读一些中外名著来增加自己的文学素养。) 在大二暑假期间,我曾在??公司实习,在实习的过程中我学到很多,真正感觉到了将理论和现实结合的重要性,能够将书本中的知识运用到理论中去,我感觉到很有成就感。 选择考研,是我对大学生活的一份眷恋,是自我要求进步的体现,更是实现人生价值的一条重要途径;选择??这个专业,是对自己本科学习的一种延续,也是对自己兴趣的一种坚持。我们每个闯进复试的同学都有自己的一份坚持才会走到这里,我深知这份机会的不易,所以倍感珍惜!.我渴望进一步深造,深化理论。如果我有幸录取,我将全力以赴。 谢谢各位老师! 篇二:公共管理硕士(MPA)考研复试必看20问 公共管理硕士(MPA)考研复试必看20问 一、请作一下自我介绍 思路:1、这是面试的必考题目。2、介绍内容要与个人简历相一致。3、表述方式上尽 量口语化。4、要切中要害,不谈无关、无用的内容。5、条理要清晰,层次要分明。 6 、事先最好以文字的形式写好背熟。 二、“你为什么选择我们学校?” 思路:1、面试官试图从中了解你读MBA 的动机、愿望以及对读MBA 的态度。2、建议从学校、企业和职业发展目标这三个角度来回答。 三、你为什么要读mpa(你认为读mpa 能给你带来什么) 四、“谈谈你的家庭情况” 思路:1、家庭情况对于了解考生的性格、观念、心态等有一定的作用,这是面试单位问该问题的主要原因。2、简单地罗列家庭人口。3、宜强调温馨和睦的家庭氛围。4、宜


M P A复试英文自我介 绍 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

(一) 各位下午好,我叫XXX,今年29岁了,来自北京。 Good afternoon everyone, my name is XXX, I'm 29 years old, and I'm from Beijing. 我想从以下几方面介绍我自己: I'd like to introduce myself through the next points: 1、工作方面:我在学校的主要工作内容有三点: About working: There are three main aspects of my daily work: 第一,教课内容是法律基础类、政治类课程,我觉得作为一名人民教师责任重大,不仅要教书,更好育人。 The first, I teach courses such as basic laws and politics. I can feel the strong responsibilities on a teacher, because I have to not only teach knowledge well, but also let students know how to be a good person. 第二、我负责招生、就业等行政性工作。我院招生专业主要有城市轨道类、汽车维修类、交通运输管理类、物流类等等。 The second, I'm responsible for some administrative work, such as students recruiting and employment. The main majors in our college are urban metro, car repairing, transportation management, logistics and so on. 我认为招生、就业工作是关系到学校,学生及家长的大事,必须有认真的工作态度和良好的服务意识。 I think the students recruiting and employment are very important to our college as well as to students and their parents, the serious working attitude and consciousness are highly required. 第三、兼任班主任工作,我一直尊崇一个观点:没有不好的学生,只有不好的老师。如果说家庭是社会的组成部分、那么班集体就是学校的组成部分。 The third part of my daily work is to be a head teacher, there is an idea I respect very much: there is no bad students, but only bad teachers. If a family is a component of our society, then the class is a component of the school. 一个班的好坏,关键在于班主任有很强的组织管理能力,有好的工作态度及教育方法。班主任是学生成长的引路人,作为一名青年教师,我会努力争做一名优秀的班主任 When we judge a class good or bad, the key ruler is the organization and management ability of a head teacher, as well


Good afternoon! Sir and Madam, Nice to meet you! It is my honor to have this opportunity of being interviewed . My name is , years old. I come from Kuerle, a city of Xinjiang province. I graduated from Lanzhou Business University. My major is information management. I have worked for CHINA MACHANRT SECURITITES for 4 years. As a financial consultant of the company, I like my job and I want to a great promotion in my company. This is a reason for me to choose Xiamen university MBA program. In my spare time, I like traveling with my family and my friends. Because there are some chances for me to make new friends in different places. 2 years ago, I had a chance to visit Xiamen with my family. It is a very beautiful place and it attracted me so much. I love it and have a dream to study in Xiamen University. And I have a happy family; there are 4 members in my family, my mother, my husband, my 2-year-old son and me. I will do my best to make my family happy. Thank you for all your attention. Thank you! 中文自我介绍范文: 各位考官好,我叫,现年岁,现在担任;我于年毕业于大学专业,毕业后曾在工作年,然后进入工作,负责方面工作。 在领导和同事的眼中我是一个工作踏实认真,勤奋上进的人,在 工作的年里,从一名普通的技术人员,依次担任过班长、车间主任,一直到现在的,技术能力得到了全面的发展,也使我的个人价值得到了体现。 自从走上管理岗位后,我发现企业管理方面的很多问题仅凭技术是解决不了的,迫切需要加强管理知识的系统学习,所以我选择报读MBA。在选择MBA高校时,我认识到大学管理学院学院拥有一支深谙世界先进管理理念、熟悉中国企业发展经验的优秀师资队伍,我希望能够考上并通过几年的mba 课程学习,提高自己的理论创新和实际管理能力,把自己培养成为具有一定战略眼光、思路宽广、善于经营、具有一定争力的创新型管理人才,为我们公司的发展与壮大做出更大的贡献。 谢谢!


MPA复试英语自我介绍(中英文对照)MPA复试英语自我介绍(中英文对照) Good morning, my dear teachers and professors: 早上好,亲爱的老师、教授, I am glad to be here for this interview. First,let me introduce myself to you. My name is XXX. XX years old, born in XXX. I graduated from the University in XXXX. I began to work in XXXX. I had been a teacher for XX years, in the meantime,I served XX years primary school principals. in XXXX, I entered the Chinese Communist Party XXX district Party committee work, become a public servant. 很高兴来参加这次面试,首先,做个自我介绍。我的名字是 XXX,今年XX岁,出生于XXX。我XXXX年大学毕业,XXXX年 开始工作。我从教XX年,其中,有XX年时间担任小学校长。XXXX 年,我进入中共XX区委工作,成为一名公务员。 There are several reasons for my decision to learn MPA in Agricultural University Of Nanjing. 我决定报考南京农业大学MPA 有以下原因, The first, I am longing to a deeper understanding of public management , there is an urgent need to strengthen the system management knowledge, so I choose MPA. 首先,我渴望加深对公共管理的了解,迫切需要学习公共管理 的系统知识,所以,我选择了MPA。


政治理论笔试和面试两部分(注:有的学校可能没有政治理论笔试)。因此这篇文章主要是以普遍性为主,兼顾一些特殊实例。若我所说与朋友您报考的学校的复试内容不太一样,还请见谅。 一、政治理论笔试 以我去年报考的贵州大学为例,政治理论笔试只有两三道论述题,均与时事政治、经济发展、基本国策等方面相关,我们也称之为“大题”,原因有二:其一,每道题的答案必须要有几百字及以上;其二,题目的涵盖面较广,可从不同角度切入,但又要尽量面面俱到。不过,正是因为是“大题”,所以并不困难,只要你的答案言之有理、条理清晰、分析有道,完全不会不通过。但要想答好这样的题,还是得内功深厚。若你平时知识丰富、积累较深、观点独到,答题时的广度和深度自然能超出大众的平均水平进而得到高分。不过,我们学校最终没有公布具体的复式分数,所以我也不知道我最终是个神马水平。 因此,政治理论笔试没有太多可以突击准备的,也没法突击。但是你完全可以从现在开始多关注时事政治,多看报刊杂志中与之相关的文章或者评论,给自己先备点“货”吧,别以打开网页或者报纸就只关心娱乐八卦。 二、面试——英语口语测试+专业知识面试 1、英语口语测试 不同的学校对口语测试有不同的标准和流程。有些制定了非常详细的标准和流程,甚至规定了每个老师发问的方式和时间;有些只是面试老师的自由发挥,成绩也基本上由面试老师主观判定。一般来说,复试老师从以下三方面来评判考生的英语口语水平: ●语言准确性(语法和用词的准确性、语法结构的复杂性、词汇的丰富程度、发音的准确性); ●话语的长短和连贯性(内容的连贯性、寻找合适词语而造成的停顿频率及长短、表达思想的语言长短等); ●语言的灵活性和适合性(语言表达是否灵活、自然,话语是否得体,语言能否与语境、动机和目的相适应)。 对于很多在职的朋友来说,这个环节是个很大的难题。多年没用英语,也没地方可用英语,加之工作、生活各种琐事占用了大量时间,口语复习就显得毫无方法可言。要知道,就这么一两个月的时间,英语口语基本上进步不了多少空间的,因为它是一门全方位的学科,听说读写都必须具备一定的水平,才能让英语口语达到一个理想水平。可是,也不是说口语不好的人就没得救了,方法总比困难多,你可以先把一些“规定动作”尽量做好。 第一、准备简短的英语口语自我介绍一篇。时间控制在一分钟左右,内容涉及你的名字、年龄、工作、兴趣爱好、为什么考MPA这几方面就差不多了,准备太长老师也许会不等你背完就打断你,因为考生很多啊老师也很累啊。写完了自我介绍之后,一定要请周围英语基础好的朋友帮忙修改,千万别太相信网上翻译的结果,有很多句子翻译出来颇有中文英语的意思,很不地道也不规范。所以,请人指导是很关键的一步,当时我请教的是我一个堂弟,英语老师,通过他帮我修改的过程,我也学到不少知识,很受用。当然,能找到从事专业的英语工作的朋友帮忙指导当然最好,如果找不到,也要尽量请英语基础较好的人帮忙,而且一定要对方边说你边听边改,知其然更要知其所以然。 下面特意写下我的英语口语自我介绍开头和结尾部分,以给各位参考 开头: Good morning, my dear teacher. It`s my pleasure and honor to be here to attend the interview. So I`ll cherish today`s opportunity. Firstly please allow me to briefly introduce myself. My name is ……


MPA复试英语自我介绍(中英文对照) Good morning, my dear teachers and professors: 早上好,亲爱的老师、教授: I am glad to be here for this interview. First,let me introduce myself to you. My name is XXX. XX years old, born in XXX. I graduated from the University in XXXX. I began to work in XXXX. I had been a teacher for XX years, in the meantime,I served XX years primary school principals. in XXXX, I entered the Chinese Communist Party XXX district Party committee work, become a public servant. 很高兴来参加这次面试,首先,做个自我介绍。我的名字是XXX,今年XX岁,出生于XXX。我XXXX年大学毕业,XXXX年开始工作。我从教XX年,其中,有XX年时间担任小学校长。XXXX 年,我进入中共XX区委工作,成为一名公务员。 There are several reasons for my decision to learn MPA in Agricultural University Of Nanjing. 我决定报考南京农业大学MPA 有以下原因: The first, I am longing to a deeper understanding of public management , there is an urgent need to strengthen the system management knowledge, so I choose MPA. 首先,我渴望加深对公共管理的了解,迫切需要学习公共管理


mpa复试英文自我介绍三篇 Good afternoon! Sir and Madam, Nice to meet you! It is my honor to have this opportunity of being interviewed . My name is ,years old. I come from Kuerle, a city of Xinjiang province. I graduated from Lanzhou BusineUniversity. My major is information management. I have worked for CHINA MACHANRT SECURITITES for 4 years. As a financial consultant of the company, I like my job and I want to a great promotion in my company. This is a reason for me to choose Xiamen university MBA program. In my spare time, I like traveling with my family and my friends. Because there are some chances for me to make new friends in different places. 2 years ago, I had a chance to visit Xiamen with my family. It is a very beautiful place and it attracted me so much. I love it and have a dream to study in Xiamen University. And I have a happy family; there are 4 members in my family, my mother, my husband, my 2-year-old son and me. I will do my best to make my family happy. Thank you for all your attention. Thank you!


mpa复试英语自我介绍 公共管理硕士(英文名:Master of Public Administration),缩写为MPA,是为适应社会公共管理现代化、科学化和专业化的要求而设立的,其培养目标是为政府部门及公共机构培养德才兼备、适应社会主义现代化建设需要的高层次、应用型、复合型的管理人才。以下是X为你整理的mpa复试英文自我介绍,希望大家喜欢。 mpa复试英文自我介绍篇1 Good morning, my dear teachers and professors: 早上好,亲爱的老师、教授: I am glad to be here for this interview. First,let me introduce myself to you. My name is XXX. XX years old, born in XXX. I graduated from the University in XXXX. I began to work in XXXX. I had been a teacher for XX years, in the meantime,I served XX years

primary school principals. in XXXX, I entered the Chinese Communist Party XXX district Party committee work, become a public servant. 很高兴来参加这次面试,首先,做个自我介绍。我的名字是XXX,今年XX岁,出生于XXX。我XXXX年大学毕业,XXXX年开始工作。我从教XX年,其中,有XX年时间担任小学校长。XXXX年,我进入中共XX区委工作,成为一名公务员。 There are several reasons for my decision to learn MPA in Agricultural University Of Nanjing. 我决定报考南京农业大学MPA 有以下原因: The first, I am longing to a deeper understanding of public management , there is an urgent need to strengthen the system management knowledge, so I choose MPA. 首先,我渴望加深对公共管理的了解,迫切需要学习公共管理的系统知识,所以,


mpa中文面试自我介绍 mpa中文面试自我介绍(3篇) mpa中文面试自我介绍1 各位老师,早上好!很荣幸有机会参加此次面试。我希望今天我能有好表现。我希望此次面试能够成功。现在,请允许我自我介绍一下。我叫xxx,今年26岁,出生于xx省。毕业于xx学院xx专业。我在xxx年毕业获得学士学位。大学期间,我努力学习,掌握了基本专业知识。成为一名优秀企业经理人是我长期渴望梦想。我渴望有机会施展我才能。 本科毕业后,我在xxx实习,从事xxx工作,扎实会计专业课基础使我在工作中如鱼得水。实习期间,我努力做好本职工作同时,注意发现大厅人员管理中 问题,并带来了很多新颖可操作发展思路。20xx年,我进入xxx公司,从事xxx 工作。较强逻辑思维能力和系统思维能力,使我在工作中能够正确处理xxx工作 方方面面问题。通过参加公司内部计划制定,我对管理知识有了更深入理解和掌握,因此,我有信心进一步学习管理知识,从事企业管理或相关研究工作。 之所以报考MPA,主要有以下三点原因:一是我对管理学有强烈兴趣,希 望能够深入系统开展相关知识学习;二是为了实现企业经理人梦想,需要更深层 次自我发展,学习提高;三是为了指导实际工作,经过MPA锻炼,能够提升自已管理能力,提高所在企业管理水平。 最后我希望9月份能够以学生身份出现在这里,聆听各位老师教诲!我介绍完了,谢谢!

mpa中文面试自我介绍2 各位老师好!很荣幸能够参加今天面试! 我是×××,来自×××大学化学化工学院,我本科专业是材料化学。接下来 我将从以下三方面来介绍自己:一是课程学习,二是科研经历,三是学生工作。 在课程学习方面,我们前四个学期主要学习一些专业基础课程,主干课程有高等数学,大学物理,大学外语,四大化学和相关实验。第三个学年开始主要学 习专业课。主干课程有材料化学,材料分析技术等。在前三年学习中,我勤奋学习,刻苦努力,三年总必修课程名列专业第一。英语方面,也具备较好读写表达 能力,大一时已顺利通过了英语四六级。 在科研经历方面,由于自己对科研有着浓厚兴趣,因此,大一下学期我主动联系学院一位硕士生导师,到他实验室去学习,在这期间,我参与这位老师课题 组研究工作,比如前期参与了×××,×××课题,这让我接触到了真正意义上科研,懂得了一些科研基本常识(认识到科研严谨性和严肃性,同时明白在科研过程中需要有团队精神),并使自己动手能力和实验操作技能得到了锻炼和提升(懂得怎样查阅文献,不论成功或失败,都要做详细实验记录,方便以后查阅和出现问题时 排查,形成了良好实验习惯)。20xx年5月,经过学院和学校两轮答辩,我成功申请到“国家级大学生创新创业训练计划”项目,负责“×××”课题(科研过程中遇到难题,如何应对?)。 在学生工作方面,大一时我曾任校学生会干事,“爱心家教”志愿者,这些工作锻炼了我与人沟通交流能力。 通过三年学习以及对自己认识(具备了专业所需基本素质,培养了浓厚专业兴趣,并且我勤奋,自信,有坚持不懈毅力,具备了继续深造能力和素质。想更


公共管理硕士面试自我介绍 篇一:考研面试自我介绍 各位老师: 你们好! 能来到**参加这次复试我感到非常荣幸。我叫……,来自……,现就读于***,我大学的专业是……。在大学四年的学习生活中,我努力提升自我素质,全面锻炼自己,在扎实完成自己学习任务的同时,也积极参与校内外学生社团活动,并曾担任过班长一职,具有且有较强的团队管理能力和与人合作的精神。经过自己的不懈努力,我多次获得校奖学金,并获得过两次国家励志奖学金和一次助学金。此外,在担任班长和班主任助理期间积极为同学服务,表现出色,获校级优秀学生干部称号。在2013年6月的时候,我光荣的加入中国共产党,成为了一名学生党员。(我平时比较喜欢打篮球和乒乓球,也喜欢阅读一些中外名著来增加自己的文学素养。) 在大二暑假期间,我曾在……公司实习,在实习的过程中我学到很多,真正感觉到了将理论和现实结合的重要性,能够将书本中的知识运用到理论中去,我感觉到很有成就感。选择考研,是我对大学生活的一份眷恋,是自我要求进步的体现,更是实现人生价值的一 条重要途径;选择……这个专业,是对自己本科学习的一种延续,也是对自己兴趣的一种坚持。我们每个闯进复试的同学都有自己的一份坚持才会走到这里,我深知这份机会的不易,所以倍感珍惜!.我渴望进一步深造,深化理论。如果我有幸录取,我将全力以赴。 谢谢各位老师! 篇二:公共管理硕士(MPA)考研复试必看20问 公共管理硕士(MPA)考研复试必看20问 一、请作一下自我介绍 思路: 1、这是面试的必考题目。 2、介绍内容要与个人简历相一致。 3、表述方式上尽量口语化。 4、要切中要害,不谈无关、无用的内容。 5、条理要清晰,层次要分明。6、事先最好以文字的形式写好背熟。 二、“你为什么选择我们学校?” 思路: 1、面试官试图从中了解你读MBA的动机、愿望以及对读MBA的态度。 2、建议从学校、企业和职业发展目标这三个角度来回答。 三、你为什么要读mpa(你认为读mpa能给你带来什么) 四、“谈谈你的家庭情况”


mpa复试英语口语面试 在MPA复试的英语面试阶段,一些对考生英语能力要求较高的院校会在要求考生做自我介绍、问一些常规问题之 后,要求考生就一些独立性话题进行陈述,有点类似雅思考试的口语第二部分,老师在此为大家提供一些常考的人 物类话题模板,供考生参考。 1、 Could you please describe the person you admire most in your life? The person I admire most is my mother, who takes excellent care of me though she is quite busy. First of all, she is a very talented person who makes great achievements in her work and gets a pretty good balance between family and work. She often cooks delicious food for the family on the weekends. Secondly, she is a well-educated and elegant lady, who could tolerant different opinions from other people. Thirdly, she is quite warm-hearted. She often saves some money and donates all of them to the people who may need them. Her behavior and her way of thinking make me want to be someone like her. That's why my mother is the person I admire most. 2、 Could you please describe your favorite teacher in your university? My favorite teacher is Mrs. Zhao, who taught Macroeconomics and supervised my thesis. She is so knowledgeable and takes time out to explain everything until everyone understands. She knows which student


mpa面试英语自我介绍范文3篇 自我介绍直接关系到能否与陌生人建立关系、打开局面等。下面是整理的mpa面试英语自我介绍范文,以供大家阅读。 mpa面试英语自我介绍范文(一) respected Professors: Good afternoon! I'm great honored to meet you here.Now allow me to give a brief self-introduction:I'm *******,26 years old ,born in ***** city ,HeNan Province.In year 1996,I entered ********University,majoring in Machincal Designing and Producing. During those 4 years'study,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities . I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college.After my graduation in June 2000,I worked in ;;company.I got a position in the Technology Department the first year and I was involved in several internet projects,such as the one for College student Recruitment in Henan Province and the one for Computer Center in Mathmatics Department in Zhengzhou University. Owning to my hard work ,I was rewarded the Best Newcomer Prize in the year 2000. The next year,I was
