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Nonverbal communication can be divided into several categories:
Facial expressions Head movements Hand and arm gestures Physical space Touching Eye contact Physical postures
Do you know what the following gestures means?
Number 1 is used together with the verbal message “Let’s keep our fingers crossed” in the United States, England, and Sweden to mean that the person is hoping for good luck. But in Greece and Turkey it means the breaking of a friendship, and in parts of Italy it means “O.K.”.
In social communication, verbal and nonverbal communication are not absolutely separate each other. Both are indispensable and interactive.
2. 3.
One way information vs. multiple-way messages Direct vs. indirect Conscious vs. unconscious

It Consists of

tone, 语调 volume, 音量 pitch, 音高 Tempo, 节奏 pauses,停顿

It tends to be more powerful than language. It affects how others perceive us.
Nonverbal communication
Nonverbal communication has long been existing. However ,it has a fairly short history as a new discipline. The chapter presents that nonverbal communication has the unique characteristics of transmitting information and communicative function in terms of its content, characteristics and functions. So nonverbal communication is an indispensable means for us to take advantage of in communication with people.

Facial expressions
The human face is extremely expressive, able to express countless emotions without saying a word. The facial expression for happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear and disgust are the same across cultures. The expressions tell the attitudes of the communicator.
Gestures are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. We often express ourselves with gestures without thinking. The meaning of gestures can be very different across cultures and regions, so it’s important to be careful to avoid misunderstanding

Tips for effective nonverbal communication
Setting the stage for effective nonverbal communication (this requires full attention) Learn to manage stress to improve nonverbal communication (it help you have a positive way to deal with the situation) Developing emotional awareness strengthens nonverbal communication
Five roles of nonverbal communication play
Repetition Contradiction Substitution Complementing Accenting

Comparison of verbal and nonverbal communication

The significance of nonverbal communication
Nonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning from conversations Nonverbal behavior reflects the subconsciousness and we can’t avoid communicating through nonverbal signals Nonverbal communication can be open to many interpretations.
Number 2 is normally used when talking privately about a third person, meaning that person is crazy, often in a joking way.
Number 3 indicates “I have no idea.” / “I don’t know.”
The definition of nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication involves all nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver. (Samovar and Porter, 2004)
Winking has very different connotations in different cultures. In some Latin American cultures, winking is a romantic or sexual invitation. Many Chinese consider winking to be rude.

How do people communicate?
How are you ?
Pull over
Human communication can be accomplished by

How much of the meaning is conveyed by nonverbal communication ?
Nonverbal communication and culture
Nonverbal communication in different culture shows drastic differences, so it’s important to understand these differences.
Nonverbal communication and culture are similar in that both are learned ,both are passed on from generation to generation and both involve shared understandings. Studying nonverbal behavior can lead to the discovery of a culture’s underlying attitudes and values. Studying nonverbal behavior can also help us in isolating(孤立) our own ethnocentrism.

Facial expressions
A smile is one of the most common examples of a facial expression in different cultures. While American smile freely at strangers, in Russia this is considered strange and even impolite. In Asian cultures a smile can be used to convey pain and embarrassment.
Hand and arm gestures
“ok” have vulgar meanings in Latin American ,but in other countries it just means “zero”.
The relationship between nonverbal communication and culture:
Types of nonverbal communication and body language
Facial expressions •Body movements and posture •Gestures •Eye contact •Touch •Space •Environment •Voice •time
The gesture in Picture 4 means that “I can’t / didn’t hear you.”
Number 5 means “That’s enough. It’s all over for me.”
In Picture 6 the “thumbs down” sign indicates “rejection” or “refusal”, “defeat” or “no good” or “bad news” to Americans.
Eye Contact
Your lips tells me no, but there is eye, yes in your eye ---- Shakespeare
Eye contact is a very important type of nonverbal communication. Eye contact is a direct and powerful form of nonverbal communication. The way you look at someone can communicate many things.