




in general

on the whole


in summary

in conclusion

to summarize

to conclude

to sum up


0 From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely conclude that…

0 When the advantages and disadvantages are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is self-evident.

0 Judging from all evidence offered, we may reaso nably come to/draw the conclusion that…

0 From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that…


0 It is true that to do… brings about both positive and negative results.

0 But we can try our best to reduce the negative influence to the least extent. Besides, compared with the positives effects, the disadvantages would not so much.

0 What we must do is make sure that the positive ones are encouragedand the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible.

0 All these opinions make sense, and consequently it is hard to choose the best of them. In my opinion, such matters must be left to individual’s conscience.





0 Therefore, it is (strongly) suggested that … (从句)

0 It is urgent (necessary) that appropriate (effective/proper) actions

l (measures/steps/method) should be taken to correct (improve) …

0 Both government and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this

0 world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for

0 future generations.

题目:Many parents complain that computer games have no value to their c hildren’ studies. On the contrary, those online games have produced a lot of negative on their mental and physical development. Do you agree or disagree with this view

结尾段范文:In summary, from both physiological and psychological points of view, computer games are indeed valueless and may exert negative impact on the development of young children. Therefore, it highly recommended that parents and schools should be alert to this problem, and restrict children’s access to those computer games.




0 Therefore(Thus), it is projected(predicted) that …(从句)

0 With the advent/advantage of …, it is forecast that…(从句)

0 My prediction about … is that …(从句)

0 Personally speaking, I envision a future when …(从句)

题目 1:Some people think that visitors to other countries should respect the local customs and imitate the local behaviors. However, other people who disagree with them think that the host country should welcome different foreign cultures brought by these visitors. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion



主体段 1:同意意见一方的观点,即游客应该尊重当地习俗并加以模仿

主体段 2:反对意见的另一方观点,他们认为东道国应该对异族文化采取欢迎态度

结尾段范文 1:In conclusion, both sides of the argument contain the partial truth. If visitors and locals respect and learn from each other, it is projected that different customs, values and culture can enjoy a peaceful and harmonious coexistence.

题目 2:Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual people to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at the international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement


结尾段范文 2:Given the above argument, it is reasonable to conclude that if every member of the society is aware of the relationship between humans and the nature and stops their destructive behavior; my prediction about the environment in the near future is that many ecological strains will be relieved to create long-term benefits for all countries on Earth.


g a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, underdeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.

结构: (分析解决)

结尾段范文 3:To sum up, overpopulation exerts many negative influences on underdeveloped and industrialized nations. Personally speaking, if the current trend of population explosion is allowed to continue, I envision a future when many more people will die of starvation in poor countries and life in even affluent societies will become unbearably difficult.





lIn fact, …

lIn essence, …

l As a mat ter of fact, …


lThe crux of the matters seems to be …crux 症结、关键

lAt the core of the issue is/are …core 核心、本质

lStill, the bottom line is that …bottom line 底线、归根结底

题目:in modern education, computers are being widely used in almost every subject in schools and universities, so some people think that teachers are not playing an important role in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion


主体段 1:某些科目是不能用电脑来教的,比如体育课

主体段 2:教学本身就是一件灵活和富有创造性的事情

主体段 3:教师能够给学生情感上的支持

结尾段范文: To sum up, education, or the art of teaching, is not a mechanical matter that can be parceled out to students by computer programs. The crux of the matters seems to be that teachers, as they have always been, will still be the backbone of our school education, while computer is simply a useful tool to improve students’ understanding of the subject matter.




0 To be sure, … will bring about profound changes in…

0 Indeed, …. are something we can not afford to ignore

0 However, one thing is certain: (从句)

题目 1:There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones



主体段 1:让步承认使用手机的一些优点,如方便、功能齐全

主体段 2:分别从社会、医学和技术发展方面阐述手机带来的不足之处

结尾段范文 1:In conclusion, I tend to believe that the downside of using mobiles phones far exceeds its merits. Indeed, it various drawbacks are something we cannot afford to ignore because they have produced many adverse effects on people’s daily lives.

题目 2:International tourism is now the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, it brings

tension rather that understanding between the people from different cultures. Do what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement

结构:引言段:明确观点-国际旅游会造成许多矛盾和误解主体段 1:列举了三种文化差异所产生的紧张氛围

主体段 2:阐述了国际旅游可能产生的旅游者与当地居民的矛盾

结尾段范文 2:In conclusion, the cultural gap that exists between international tourists and their foreign destinations creates more tension that understanding during their travels. However, one

thing is certain: international tourism will continue to enjoy a boom time and send a growing number of travelers to many exotic places around the world.








雅思大作文开头段模板 第一大模板法:①引题+ ②一方观点+另一方观点+ ③我方观点 ①引题:九大引题方法 一:①在谈到……时,人们对于这个充满争议的话题所持的观点各不相同。 ①When talking about (/it comes to /it refers to) _____, people’s opinions are divergent on such a controversial 有争议的issue. 有分歧的 二:①最近经常辩论的一个问题是…… ①A much debated issue these days is whether …… ①There is a public (/general) debate (/discussion/ controversy) today (/nowadays) on (/about/ over/ as to) the problem (/issue) of …… 三:①最近……的问题已经引起了人们广泛的争议。 ①Recently the problem(/issue)of _____ + has drawn(/aroused) public (/worldwide) attention. + has caused(/aroused) wide (/general/ considerable/ international) concern. + has arisen(/loomed up/ cropped up) as controversial(/as noteworthy/ more distinctly for settlement). 四:①近来……的问题已经广为天下人所知。 ①Recently the issue(/problem) of ……has been in the limelight (/brought into focus/ brought to public attention/ posed among the general public). 在公众的注意之下 五:①在过去的……年里,很多城市面临了……的严重问题。 ①In recent(/ the past ……) years, many cities (/nations/ people) have been faced with (/plagued with/ troubled with/ experienced/ witnessed/ undergone) the(/a/an) serious problem of(/acute shortage of/ alarming increase in) …… 六:①如今我们国家面临的最为紧迫的任务之一是…… ①One of the burning(/pressing/interesting) problems facing (/confronting/ troubling) our nation (/society/ world/ community) today is that …… 七:①现在很多人谈论的最热门的话题之一是…… ①One of the biggest issues(/ hottest topics/ most popular things/ most serious problems)many people talk (/complain) about now is …… 八:①随着…… ①With the rapid(/marked/ amazing) development(/increase/improvement/expansion/growth/ decline) of __, ①With the general(/growing/ common) recognition (/realization/ acknowledgment) of _____, ①With the general (/growing/ common) commitment (/devotion/ dedication) to_____, ①With the general(/growing/ common) interest in(/concern over/ enthusiasm for)_____, ①With _____ playing an increasingly big role in _____, a growing number of _____. ①With _____ attaching much importance to _____, an increasing number of _____. 九:①如今有一种……趋势。 ①Nowadays(Currently/ Recently), there is a growing (/ unhealthy) tendency to (/in/ that) …… ②一方观点+ 另一方观点:两大表述方法 一:②一些人认为……,另一些人认为……。


诚信作文结尾怎么写(范文4篇) 以下是网友分享的关于诚信作文结尾怎么写的资料4篇,希望对您有所帮助,就爱阅读感谢您的支持。 诚信作文结尾怎么写(1) [作文结尾怎么写] 每个人都有自己的理想,有的想当士兵,保家护国;有的人想当老师,培育人才;有个人想当医生,救死扶伤&&而我就想当一名成功的企业家~企业家的名字,让人一听就气派十足,一看就是有能力的表现,这项职业的好处有很多很多,可以挣多多的钱,拥有属于自己的公司,可以买自己最心爱的昂贵跑车,拥有自己豪华的别墅,可以资助有困难人&& 想要当一名成功的企业家,光靠说是行不通的,必须 1 要有实际行动为实现自己的理想而奋斗,为实现我的理想,我要好好学习,掌握好的学习方法与学习习惯,提高学习效率,每天认真完成所有作业,扎扎实实打好基础,作文结尾怎么写。在学习之余,我要博览群书,多阅读一些有关成功人士的书籍,把他们当作我的典范,背诵一些优美的词句,不断充实自己,提高自己的写作水平。企业家要有良好的人际关系,要拥有丰富的知识,不断完善自我,谨慎择友,多交益友,不交损友,当朋友有困难时,一定会伸出援助之手,当自己有困难时,这些朋友定会帮助自己渡过难关,这些都是我前进路中必须学会的。这就是我的理想,一个远大的理想。我知道要实现这个理想十分不容易,为了实现这个理想,我愿从今天起努力学习,不懈努力。因为我知道,要成为一个有名望的企业家,必须要有渊博的知识,我会为我的理想而努力奋斗的。听惯了凤头猪肚豹尾之说,不少同学误以为文章开头只应该追求优美多姿,结尾只应该讲究简洁有力。实际上,文章结尾不仅要笔法简洁、明快、干净利落,犹如豹尾劲扫,响亮有力,给读者以咀嚼回味的余地,也应该追求美感,给予读者美的享受。下面通过满分作文的凤尾进行分析和说明,介绍一些实用技法。第一招:首尾照应,篇末点题开头:花一样的年华,花一样的校园,我更为花一样灿烂的校园生活而陶醉~结尾:我们为校园生活而陶醉~湖北荆州《为校园生活而陶醉》开头:语文 2 是每个人的心灵乐园,它像一阵风,无时无刻不在包围着你,中学生作文《作文结尾怎么写》。结尾:语文无处不在,它在不经意间从我身边轻轻走过,让我变得充实,不再空虚。它确如一阵风,拥抱着我,无论何时,无论何地,都从我身边走过。我大喊一声,对天地公开:语文,从我身边轻轻走过。苏省盐城市《语文从我身边悄悄走过》亮点揭秘: 首尾呼应是考场作文中最实用的方法之一,即先在开头提出中心,开篇点题,然后在结尾时再次强调,照应开头,从而使文章的中心鲜明突出。在上面片断中,作者运用首尾照应方式,用简洁的语言凸显了文章的主旨。第二招:发出号召,直接抒情有了梦想



雅思小作文真题 【篇一:雅思作文题目汇总】 一、教育 1、教育应该包括哪些内容? 母题:it is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. what should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? (050312) 提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇文章,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。 子题:大学应当教授理论知识还是实践技能?大学的是应当把学生培养成合格的公民还是让他们自己得益?准备未来职业最好的方法是上大学还是尽快离校积累工作经验?大学要不要扩招?中学阶段应当提供通才教育还是专才教育?要不要延长义务教育年限?要不要让农村地区的学生更容易上学?老师要教学生如何判断是非吗? 2、学校的科目谁来选择?(060916) 母题:some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. discuss the two views and give your opinion. 提示:这类题目采取的策略就是“双批判”,因为题目中提供的两种选择往往都是错误的。


雅思写作技巧-大作文开头段经典套句 A proverb says:"..." 有句谚语说:“...” As the proverb says:"..." 如谚语说:“...” Everybody knows that... 每个人都知道... Generally speaking... 一般说来... It can be easily proved that... 很容易证明... It goes without saying that... 不用说... It is quite clear that...because... 很明显...,因为... It is often said that... 人们常说... Many people often ask this question:"...?" 很多人常问这个问题:“...?” It is ture that... ...是真实的 No one can deny that... 谁也不能否认... One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is... 与上述同样重要的一件事是... The chief reason why... 为什么...的主要原因是... We must recognize that... 我们必须承认... There is no doubt that... 无疑... I'm of the opinion that... 我认为... In my point of view... 在我看来...

This can be expressed as follows... 这能够从以下几点说明... The reasons are presented below... 原因例举如下... To take... for an example... 以...为例... Therefore we should realize that... 所以我们应该了解... We have reasons to believe that... 我们有理由相信... Now that we know that... 既然我们知道... What is more serious is that... 更严重的是... Anyway,I agree with the idea of... 不管怎样,我同意... I side with the latter opinion... 我同意后一个观点... In a word... 总来说之... In conclusion... 由此得出结论... On account of this we can find that... 由此我们能够知道... The result is depend on... 结果视...而定 Therefore,the findings reveal the following information... 所以,这些发现揭示了以下信息... Thus,this is the reason why we must... 所以,这就是我们为 什么必须... To sum up... 总来说之...


雅思作文常见开头结尾形式 注:如下方式,雅思写作针对性强,且略带模板印迹,同学应在充分理解结构的基础上,用上面的方法去灵活写作 雅思大作文第一段一定要包括这样三个基本要素:“背景句”,“话题”和“观点”。这三个部分是完整统一的,一定不能忽略。 第一,背景句:背景句主要起到引题的作用,但要紧密联系题目中的话题。其方法是围绕题干中的关键词或核心词展开。 背景句的写作方法: 1 联系社会背景:任何一个话题肯定都于一定的社会发展息息相关,所以联系关键词的社会背景是一种最简单、最常用的方法。具体可以有以下5种句式: 1) The 21st century witnesses --- 2) With the development of science and technology,--- 3) In modern society, --- 4) It is quite common these days that --- 5) Recently,--- 例如:There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? 参考背景句: The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone. 或with the development of science and technology, the mobile phone is more and more available to and popular with common people. 2 重述话题:有的时候题干里是有一个背景介绍的,这时候我们只需将题目所给话题重新复述一遍即可。但切忌原样照搬照抄,不过可以将原文中的词汇和句式进行同义转换。转换句型可以有以下三种. 1) it is generally believed that --- 2) it is said that--- 3) it is reported that--- 例如:Nowadays, people are facing more and more work-related stress. State the possible reasons for this phenomenon and make some recommendations about how to combat it. 参考背景句: It is generally believed that individuals are confronted with psychological and physical stress coming from work. 3解释中心词: 即将中心词进行解释或展开说明。此种方法一般适合容易下定义的词比如图书馆。可以有以下三个句型: 1)It is known to all that --- 2)As is known to all, --- 3)--- is known as--- 例如:The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they should not waste their


雅思小作文开头段应该如何写 在雅思写作的小作文部分里,往往我们可以采纳“老三段”式的写法,以不变应万变,不论是线图,柱图,表格,饼图,亦或是流程图,我们都可以采用此种方式完成雅思小作文的写作。 那么老三段式的经典写法中,强调着第一段“开门见山”介绍出本文讨论内容,即改写题目。将必要内容进行改写,这样可以获得高分效应。 第二段“丰实的内容”尽量多地将图表中的信息表达明确,不时的需要我们之前总结的常用表达(敬请参见前几篇文章关于雅思作文经典表达介绍文章)。第三段也就是文章的最后一段,对全文进行一个总结概括即可。 本文将着眼于介绍雅思作文开头段的常用高频高分表达,希望对同学们准备雅思有所帮助。也请同学们积极准备! 五分表达: The chart depicts (that)…该图呈现出… The chart shows (that)… The figures/statistics show (that)… The diagram reveals … The chart illustrates (that)… 六分表达: The graph provides some interesting data regarding…该图为我们提供了有关…有趣数据。 The graph describes the trend of …这个图描述了…的趋势 As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the chart/diagram/chart/table…如图所示… According to the chart …根据这些表格… As is shown in the table…如图所示… This table shows the changing proportion of A and B from …to …该表格描述了…年到…年之间A与B的比例关系。 This graph,presented in the chart,shows the general trend in…该图呈现了…总的趋势。


雅思大作文范文:城市交通问题 这是雅思大作文范文《城市交通问题》,供大家阅读参考。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions. The progress of transport industry is inevitable and undeniable. What is under controversy is whether the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. To be frank, I am in high favor that we are well aware of the traffic problem. In my point of view, a possible cause of the problem is that we lack the infrastructure construction. Also the overpopulation is the cause of this problem, especially in China. Although the growth of the transport is rapid, it still can not meet the increasing needs of people. Furthermore, people abuse the private cars to take public transport instead, which caused more cars put into use. Lastly, individuals are also responsible for this problem. People are lacking in consciousness and awareness for


雅思大作文开篇如何让人眼前一亮 雅思写作除了词汇量要达到以外,还有很多提分点的哦。出guo 为雅思栏目大家带来雅思大作文开篇如何让人眼前一亮,希望对大家备考雅思有所帮助! 正所谓好的开始是成功的一半,雅思大作文的写作也一次次验证了这个道理。很多同学往往不重视雅思大作文开头段的写作,只是简单套用一些现成的模板,殊不知这样已经给考官留下“背诵模板”的印象,这样一来,不仅给后面的主体段带来了巨大压力,而且人的第一印象往往是很难改变的。大作文开头段往往要包含如下几个关键内容,即,介绍背景,引出有争议的话题,阐述对立观点和陈述作者自己的观点。无论使用还是不使用模板,这几个关键信息是一定要包含在开头段落当中的,不然云里雾里,只能是适得其反。 根据这些信息,备战过的考生们一定都熟悉下面这一套开头写作流程,首先It is quite mon these days...介绍背景,或者用The issue of ... is a plex and sensitive one.这样的句型来引出有争议话题,然后千篇一律地分别介绍对立双方观点,如Some individuals believe that..., while others hold the view that...最终用Personally, I agree with...至此,内容上完美无

瑕,但恐怕考官心中已经大大打下“模板”两个字的烙印,这无疑对于想取得6分及以上的同学最不利的事情。 例如,一道雅思写作高频题目,讨论到底大学应该教授实用性课程(如计算机和商科课程)还是传统课程(如历史和地理)。我们依然按照开头段应该包含的关键信息开始写作,但是却可以这样轻松突破:These day there is a growing tendency for college students to have difficulties in finding jobs when they graduate.(介绍背景)A large number of people hold the opinion that lack of practical knowledge, among other things, contributes to this situation. In light of this, they contend that college teachers should lay more stress on practical courses than on traditional ones. (引出有争议的话题,并阐述大多数人的观点)For my part, I am in favour of their viewpoint.(作者观点)这一段写得非常灵巧,第一句结合题目背景,介绍现如今有一种趋势,即大学毕业生很难找到工作,紧接着作者陈述有许多人认为这是由于学生缺少实用性的知识,并因此提出大学应该更多关注于教授实用性的知识,这一句将有争议话题的其中一方观点用因果链条清晰阐述。最后一句表达作者自己的立场,就是支持前面大多数人的想法。总的来看,这一段只提及了对立双方的其中一方观点,然后表达自己支持这一方观点。这就是一种对于开头段模板的超越,简单可行,只对其中一方观点清晰论


剑盟雅思预备学院官网:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4d5043885.html,/ 雅思大作文模板的漂亮结尾 雅思大作文模板的漂亮结尾!一个好的结尾自然也会为作文带来很高的分数,因此同学们在复习的过程中,不要仅仅侧重于一个漂亮的开头,也要适当的来关注我们作文的结尾,这样才能够让我们的大作文拿到高分! 1. “烂招”解救烤鸭于危难 在巨大的时间压力下,很可能你没有来得及写末段,请记住这个“烂招”:写下In conclusion, I personally believe that ……, 在省略号部分抄上原题的观点。比如最近有一道考题:Some people think that economic progress is the most important way to measure a country's success. Other people think other factors are also important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 在剩下最后一分钟时写下:In conclusion, personally, I believe that economic progress is not the most important way to measure a country’s success, and other facts must be taken into consideration. 这个末段给人一种强烈的“扣题”感,理由很明显,紧紧地扣住题目啦! 2. 高招体现缜密思维 “烂招”其实在某种程度上不赖。但是对于追求真正写作能力的同学,想要写出“圆满示“回响”。这个词是我们接下来讨论的关键。首先,我们必须区分“repeat”和“echo””的末段,那就要明白一个基本道理:有始才有终,善始才能善终!映射到雅思作文上,这句话的意思是:写好了首段和主体段,才能够写出“圆满”的末段。下面给各位烤鸭仔细分析一下末段与首段之间的关系,末段与主体段之间的关系。 首先需要给大家介绍一个词汇——回响,英文对应为echo,名词表示“回声”,动词表。Echo表示意义一致,但是使用不同的说法让读者能够想起前面陈述过的内容,而低级repeat指的是copy,高级repeat指的是paraphrase。 圆满的末段做到“首尾呼应” 末段回响首段立场 (The concluding paragraph echoes the thesis statement in the opening paragraph)


雅思大作文范文:害怕犯罪不敢出门 本文是雅思大作文范文:害怕犯罪不敢出门,供大家阅读参考。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 Crime is without doubt a huge problem in every country in the world. There are certain countries,cities,towns and districts where the crime rate is extremely high and such places are very dangerous places to be. Without doubt these areas desperately need new government policies and a shift in actions by the police to remedy a desperate situation. These places tend to be areas of high unemployment and poverty. If the focus were placed on finding and creating jobs in these places the crime problem would improve. Instead governments go for easy options such as increasing the lengths of prison sentences. This treats the results of crime,not it's causes. Nevertheless,such places are few and far between. The vast majority of places in the world are perfectly safe places to live. People who are afraid to leave their homes do so largely for two reasons. Firstly,they were unfortunate enough to be victim of a crime. Secondly,and most importantly,they hear about crime everywhere:TV,radio,


雅思大作文万能开头 一提到雅思写作模板,有人想到的是一大篇完整的文章,其中有少许空缺,用来填上某个特定话题的特定内容,一篇及格的雅思文章即出炉,其实这是对模板的误解。 最有效且值得初学者模仿的内容,是句子!接下来为大家分享20种经典的雅思大作文开头句模板。 1、According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________. 2、There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: ______________. 3、Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________. 4、Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like ______________ because ______________. Besides, ______________. 5、 ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ______________. While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that ______________. 6、Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages. 7、For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. But people are taking a fresh look at it now. 8、It has stipulated by the government that ______________. To this stipulation, many people respond actively because ______________. 9、______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, ______________ can't be avoided. 10、______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way. 11、Recently, ______________ has become the focus of the society, and in this way.. People swarm to ______________.


雅思大作文论段与让步反驳段的顺 序问题 关于雅思大作文论段与让步反驳段的顺序问题,希望可以以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思大作文立论段与让步反驳段的顺序问题 广大烤鸭们都知道雅思大作文整体由三个部分组成:开头段——主体段——结尾段,其中主体段又分为立论段(支持自己观点的段落)与让步反驳段。 这两段是两个对立面,是对于题目中的观点所产生的正反两个不同方面的看法,通常是决定大作文分数高低的关键段落,因此,里面有很多细节问题值得提醒大家注意。 笔者在实际教学过程中发现,很多同学在自己练习的时候都习以为常地把立论段写在让步反驳段之前,这种理解显然是过于笼统,并不适用于所有的题型,那么,这两者的顺序究竟应该孰先孰后? 笔者今天为烤鸭们做了一个具体分析。 例如: 1. In some countries,young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting

university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. ( C5T2 ) 在这篇经典的双边讨论题型中,考官所持的立场是支持gap year这件事,*的布局是先写出立论段,即在主体段第一段先讨论了他支持的观点gap year这件事的advantages: 1)have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. 2)They tend to be more independent. 然后在主体段第二段先让步讨论了gap year这件事的disadvantages: end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic environment, 然后在这一段紧接着列出反驳部分: But overall, I think this is less likely today, when academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable job. 2. Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational; otherwise they are a complete waste of time. Do you agree or disagree? (C3T1)


开头常用模板 第一类:引出一个争议 1.The issue of … is of great interest to many people. 2.The topic of … is of great concern for many parents. 3.The subject of … is of great importance to many scientists. 4.The discussion about … is of great significance to both industrialized an d underdeveloped nations. 5.The question of … is a matter of much contention among the general public. 6.The problem … has been widely debated in the world of politics. 7.The inquiry into … has triggered an intense controversy in the realm of science. 第二类:驳斥对方观点 1.Although it is commonly believed that…, this is actually not the case. 2.Although it is widely accepted that…, this is simply untrue in our day-to-day experiences. 3.Although it is generally acknowledged that…, this can hardly be held true in many real-life situations. 4.Although conventional wisdom has it that…, the reality of the situation is often far more complicated than that. 5.Although the received opinion is that…, the harsh realities usually turn out to be a completely different picture. 6.Although many pe ople subscribe to the belief that…, this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up. 7.Although most individuals are convinced that… this is actually a myth that must be exploded. 第三类:引出一种现象 1.In recent years, there has been a growing trend th at… 2.In recent years, there has been an interesting tendency that/ of… 3.In recent years, there has been a common practice of… 4.In recent years, there has been a widespread belief /phenomenon that… 5.In recent decades, there has been a popular belief that… 6.Recen t decades have seen an increased awareness of… 7.Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in… 第四类:摆出两种观点 1.While some people think that…, others believe that… 2.While some people say that…, others feel that… 3.While some people claim that…, others argue that… 4.Whereas some people assert that…, others declare that… 5.Some people hold that…, whereas others insist that… 6.Whereas some people maintain that…, others may disagree and contend that…7.Some people hold the opinion that…, whereas others who are not so convinced


雅思写作如何解决字数不够的难题雅思写作词汇量越大,今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是雅思写作如何解决字数不够的难题的相关资讯,希望能给备考的烤鸭们带来一定的帮助,赶紧来看看吧! 一、大多数人都会半途而废,背了后面忘了前面,所以往往词汇书的前面部分会被翻得比较旧,而后面部分几乎“人迹罕至”; 二、通过背词汇书所积累的单词,往往只停留在认知或眼熟的程度,想要在写作中,特别是雅思考场写作中想到并且正确运用的可能性是很小的。 那么,雅思作文词汇量不够怎么写?三立雅思小编告诉大家一个八字原则:有的放矢,标本兼治。 一方面,通过对雅思写作的了解和官方范文的研读,不难发现,雅思写作可能涉及到的词汇并非漫无边际,而是围绕教育、社会、环境等大众话题展开的,在语言表达方面,更多强调用词的准确和多变,而不是考查用词的专业和难度,因此考生在备考的时候,可以按照相关话题进行词汇的梳理,既可以是别人已经整理好的,也可以是自己从阅读各类话题范文中摘录出来的。 这些词汇跟雅思写作紧密相关,有话题语境为背景,又加以合理归类,所以遗忘率会较低而利用率则较高。而对于话题中的少数专业词汇,建议视时间和能力,量力而行,可以明确,没有专业词汇,雅思写作照样可以拿七分。 另一方面,雅思写作和其他考场作文一样,受考查形式的制约,其评判本身是存在一定局限性的。换句话说,考官并不了解考生真实的写作能力,或者具体到词汇量的大小,他只能根据这几百个单词的文章来进行判断,所以从考试的角度来说,词汇量相对有限的考生只要使文章中词汇“显得比较丰富”就可以了。做到这点,主要有两个方法:

、 同义转换。设想碰到一个懂中文的外国人,他在和你交谈的过程中涉及到钱的话题,他不光会说中文的人民币、钞票,还会说大团结、老人头,甚至连孔方兄都知道,你会觉得他的中文词汇量小么? 同样的,一篇雅思作文中,如果你在表达“重要”这个出现频率极高的意思的时候,除了important以外,还可以把crucial, critical, vital, indispensable等词信手拈来的话,有什么理由让考官觉得你的词汇量不足呢,当然,或许你也就只积累了几个写作中高频出现的词汇而已,但效果已经达到了,不是么? 第二、词汇活用。阅读一些雅思官方范文,可以看到,很多词不难,但是用得很恰当,自己以前没有这样用过,这就是范文的高明之处了。词汇量一方面是指认知词汇的广度,但另一方面就是掌握词汇的深度了。 很多词汇,我们认识,但不一定完全会用,比如benefit这个词,它既可以做名词,表示利益,好处,也可以做动词,及物时表示使……受益,不及物时表示从……中受益,还可以衍生出beneficial有益处的和beneficiary受益人。 因此如果要表达某事物带来好处这个意思,光用benefit这个词的不同用法,就可以有五种以上的表达方式,更不用提句型的变化和同义词的替换了。况且,把已经认知的词进行用法上的拓展,远比记忆一个新词要省时省力,而需要做的仅仅只是平时碰到的时候,记上一笔。 如果还有什么疑问,可以在线咨询我们的老师。 填写以下表单,免费领取雅思、托福、SAT备考资料:
