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初一英语竞赛试题 Prepared on 22 November 2020


学校:_______ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:______ 听力部分(20分)

I. 听录音,根你听到的问句选择正全的答语.

( ) 1. A Yes. I am going shopping.

B. Yes. I am going to play computer games.

. C. No. I want to buy a T-shirt.

( ) 2. A. Her grandmother B. Her grandson C Her uncle

( ) 3. A. Because I want to enjoy the son and the sea.

B. I’m going to the seaside.

C .Yes. I like the sea.

( ) 4. A. Yes it’s rainy tomorrow.

B. Because it’s windy.

C. I hope so.

( )5. A. Do n’t worry. I can help you. B. Bad luck.

’re a bad boy.

II. 根据你所听录音内容,选出意思相同的一句:

( )6. A They are testing now.

B They will test this week.

C They are going to have a test next week

( )7 .A What are you going to do on the West Hill.

B How do you go to the West Hill

C Why not go to the West Hill

( ) 8. A. Can I take a message for you

B. Would you like to give him a message

C I want to give you a message.

( )9. A That is a small river.

B There is not any water in the river.

C I know the river with water in it.

( )10. A Sorry ,she isn’t here now.

B I’m sorry, she is out of work now.

C. Sorry, she is going out of the house.

III. 听问句,选择正确的答语。

( ) Because she is going to do some sightseeing.

B Because she is going to see Chinese Culture.

C Because she likes Chinese Culture.

( ) Because she likes staying in bed.

B Because she wants to have a good sleep.

C. Because he isn’t going to school.

( )13. A At this weekend. B This week. C on Saturday morning.

( )14. A Because she is very busy.

B Because she doesn’t like Yang Kun’s concert.

C Because Han Hong isn’t going there.

( )15. A The twins B Jack Chou C Jay Chou

IV. 听短文,选正确答案:

( )16. Where does Zhou Hong’s father work

A.In a shop a hospital C At the theatre

( ) does Zhou Hong’s mother have lunch

A. In the factory B In the supermarket. C On the farm

( )18 Who will cook lunch at home

A Zhou hong’s father

B Zhou Hong’s mother


( )19 When is the girl very busy

A Before the Spring Festival

B After the Spring Festival

C Before Christmas

( )20 Why is Zhou Hong happy

A She has a good time during the festival

B She thinks it is good to help her parents.

C Her mother often gives her some money.




isn't ______tea now. Would you like _______ water

A. any, some

B. some, any

C. some, some

D. any, any

2.I know the man________ a black coat.

A.in B.wear C.puts on D.with

3. ----Can I get you a cup of tea


A. That's very nice of you

B. With pleasure

C. You can, please

D. Thank you for the tea

4. Now let’s begin our class. Boys, _______ all your toy cars.

A. put away

B. put up

C. take away

D. take in



---A cup of tea, please.

A. What

B. Here you are.

C. Yes

D. I’m coming.

6.---Could I borrow your ruler

---Yes, of course you _______ .

A. will

B. could

C. can

D. must

7. The radio _______ it will be rainy later on.

A. tells

B. says

C. speaks

D. talks

’s the weather like today


A. Sunday

B. Sunny

C. Summer

D. July

9. The rain will be very _______. It will rain _______ this afternoon.

A. heavy , heavy

B. heavily, heavily

C. heavily, heavily D, heavy, heavily

10. -----Happy New Year!


A. Thank you

B. The same to you

C. Don’t say that

D. Me, too.

11. ----David, what are you going to do tomorrow


A. Sure

B. Good idea.

C. Ie t’s go

D. Nothing much

12. Why not _____ it yourself

A. do

B. you do

C. doing

D. to do 13. It’s bad ______ you ______ read______ bed.

A. for, to , in

B. to, to, out of

C. to, /, on

D. for, not , in

14. ----- Would you like _______ to the cinema with me this evening

------ Yes, I’d love_______.

A. to go, to

B. going, /

C. go, to go D, /, to

15. -----Fuel will become_____.

-----Oh, I won’t buy it .

A. expensive

B. cheap C, good D. nice

16.— Will everyone get a present at the party

__ Yes,_____.

A they, will

B he will

C they do

D he do

17. I am looking forward _____ the city again.

A visit

B visiting

C to visit

D to visiting

18. There _____ going to be three concerts next month.

A is

B are

C be

D will be

19. It will be ____good weather so there won’t be strong_____.

A a; wind

B a; winds

C \;wind

D \; winds

20. Let her ____ computer games; It’s Sunday today.

A to play

B plays

C play

D playing


I live in a small ____ name is North Thoresby. It is in the east of England. The village is very old___2__ a history of 1600 years . It was much bigger than it is now. There were more than two3 _____people there___4_ it has now only 400 people. A lot of ___5__ have left the village. They go to work in larger towns and cities because there are ___6__ jobs for them.

There are only two small ___7__ in the village, but we can buy everything we need for life. There was a school a few years ago, but now it is _8____ because the population is too are no cinemas or theatres.

I like our village because it is small and quiet. But my elder sister doesn’t like it. She wants 10____in a much busier city than the quiet village because there are more shops, cinemas, buses, and more jobs.

()1. A It B its C it’s D Its

()2. A have B with C has D there is

()3. A thousands B thousand of C thousand D hundred
