


1.It was so fun that everybody liked it.

2.It was too fun that everybody liked it.

3.Those who has much money than sense may sometimes act foolish.

4.The data comes from a study conducting by the company last fall.

5.My father and his old school friends are talking about the things and persons in their school

which they will never forget.

6.What he has done is far away satisfaction.

7.He was overweitht so he went on diet, and got his weigh down quite a bit.

8.She wrote a letter expressed her sympathy.

9.She scanned his face, wondered what he was thinking.

10.I t was a nice house, and fairly too small for a family of five to live.

11.I t is announced the electricity charge will go up in spring.

12.Are you in the favour of worker’s control of companies?

13.B arry took up the story when Justine had left off.

14.I t’s required that children under 14 must be companied by an adult.

15.H e felt sympathy to the man was starving.

16.N ines, barely survived on Social Security checks, invited Ruletta and her babies to move in

with him.

17.T ry to set away a few hours a week for exercise.

18.L ittle Mary felt cold, so she stood closely to her mother.

19.T he peaches don’t be keep well. Put them in the fridge instead.

20.Y ou’ve done too much work that you’re bound to passing the exam.

21.L ittle joy can equal one of a surprising ending when you read stories.

22.O ne witness of the accident said the driver appear to be drunk.

23.S he tried to flee from the country but stopped at the airport.

24.T he captain urged that the misson must be finished before dark.

25.S ophie found that she was junior in her office after enter the company.

26.I t was this reason that his family moved to South America and settle down.

27.R ecent years witnessed the collapse of the steel industry.

28.T he enemy soldiers were fleeing to all directions, but few of them can escape.

29.P ut the kettle on to boil, meanwhile we’ll cut the bread.

30.I was just about to travel by road while a ship came to us.

31.P rices have risen sharp in the last few months.

32.T aiwan-born filmmaker Ang Lee won the Oscar for Best Director at eh 78th Academy

Awards, considering the highest honour in American movie fields.

33.T he research si so designed that once begin nothing can be done to change it.

34.I’m afraid you won’t have time to get change.

35.I t is no relation between the socalled lucky numbers and the good luck.

36.I think it is our efforts that mainly leads to our success instead of number.

37.T he man had bought the first farmer’s farm happened to be crossing a small stream on the

farm one day while he saw something shining at the bottom of the stream.

38.I was at complete loss which office to send the application form.

39.Y oga is great benefit to human health.

40.W ould you like there to have a party to celebrate it?

41.H is sister was made do this work.

42.T he elder gentleman is a judge.

43.T he 100-miles run left Bill out of breathe.

44.H e had no choice but resign.

45.S he manages to lead normal life in spite her disabilities.

46.W e worked for 4 hours without pause.

47.W e were heading for home while the accident happened.

48.I’m not used to the way which you speak to me.

49.N obody likes to be made fun.

50.I t’s bad manner to make fun of the others.

51.T hey did all they could save the child.

52.T he baby needs looked after.

53.W ould you like to go with me or would you rather to stay at home?

54.I congratulated them all about their results.

55.W e congratulated her winning the contest.

56.W hat are you going to do after graduate?

57.I hate interruptions, especial when I’m trying to work.

58.Students must have access of good resource.

59.You rather than I am going to go camping.

60.A five-day week benefits from more than individually and economic.

61.I have already heard that George didn’t like kept waiting, so even though I didin’t have the

right clothes on, I raced after him.

62.W e were heading for home while the accident happened.

63.W hile he moved to Canada, the children adapted the change very well.

64.H ere is a letter adaping from Dear Mary.

65.N othing can keep her envying that woman’s beauty.

66.M arion was so successful in her career because she worked by the day and by night.

67.S he wanted to buy a cellphone online so to save a lot of time and money.

68.I t got cold quick after snowing, so many students in our class caught a cold, our teacher


69.S he not allowed to see her mother in hospital made Susan feel worried.

70.H e reached the cinema exhausting, only to find the film have already been on.

71.T he famous doctor did all he could save the wound policeman.

72.I t was said that was how the hunter escaped the forest.

73.T he students expected there be more time for them to relax after the college entrance


74.A lthough his mother punished him many times, John didin’t aware he had done wrong.

75.M y pet dog was ill and it required looked after.

76.I din nothing except to watch TV at home.

77.I t has been suggested that these bad customs and law must be abolished.

78.I was annoying with him so he kept making trouble.

79.I t is no need for you to have sympathy for the students get caught cheating in the exam.

80.A ll the guests were seating and he told he servant to serve the tea.

81.I t is said that she had once performed in England and was very popularly.

82.B y doing this practice, we can also develop some ability which we may not be aware.

83.D oes he think it is a great fun to resign the job at will?

84.T he moonlight was reflected in the water, that was very beautiful.

85.I hope that you didn’t wait too long besides the New York Theatre.

86.S o I decided to get here by subway and I finally arrived at eight o’clock.

87.I t will make us are full of energy and makes it possible for us to perform well in the exams.

88.In fact, exams are no more than a means of testing our knowledges and ability. There is no

need to worry the results. We should work hardly and make good preparations.

89.I found we had troubles in understanding each other because my poor English.

90.S he spoke well English. The foreigner was unable to find the way with her help, and I

learned some English, either.

91.A s eve ryone knows it, it’s famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.

92.I can use some stone, wood and bricks build it.The roof is made of wood but it has six sides.

93.T he balconies are made of stones and I’ d like to use some lights and balls to decorate it.

94.T he walls making of bricks are painted light blue, what can bring me the feeling of a clears


95.W orse still, people sometimes have to make his way through dusty winds as a result



英语写作中最易犯的100个错误,强烈建议收藏,高中三年都有用 写作是对同学们运用英语的综合能力的考查,是最能体现英语水平的一种检测方式。同学们在写作的过程当中经常暴露一些弱点、犯一些错误。学魁榜师姐对英语作文中的常见错误按语法类别进行归纳,并举以实例,希望同学们能够由此发现自己的问题并及时改正,避免在即将到来的期中考试中犯此类写作上的错误! 一. 名词 写作中,学生们常把握不好名词的数、所有格以及一些集合名词的用法。 1. He gave me a very good advice yesterday. 句中的a要去掉,因为advice是不可数名词。一些汉语概念为可数的词在英语中却是不可数的,表示数量时在其前加a piece of,类似的词有:news, bread, work, paper, chalk, furniture, information等等。 2. That girl loves reading book. 可数名词单数不能孤零零地放在句子里,或前面加冠词,或将其变为复数。此处最好变为books. 3. He went into a book’s shop and bought a dictionary. 一般表示有生命的东西的名词的所有格用’s,如my mother’s car, 而此处适宜用名词修饰名词,改为a book shop. 4. My family is watching TV. 一些集合名词如看成一个整体,则用单数的谓语动词,如My family is a happy one; 如强调集合中每个个体的个人行为,则用复数的谓语动词。此处看电视是个体行为,应把is改为are。类似的词有:team, class, audience等。 5. I bought some potatos and tomatos at the supermarket. 中学阶段以“o”结尾的名词中有四个词变复数时要加es,它们是tomato, potato, Negro, hero; 其余的都加s变为复数。


一、单句改错(仅有一处错误) preposition mistakes介词错误(using wrong prepositions or unnecessary or lack of prepositions) 1. We often play football in Saturday afternoon. 2. The doctor gave him some advice about his illness. 3. You are wanted by the phone. 4. He asked me where I’d like to go to. 5. His uncle is a man of a lot of money. 6. Fish can’t live with water. 7. She married to a man she didn’t love at all. 8. I will call on your office tomorrow. 9. He told me he didn’t agree with the plan. 10. It seems that he has a chance to get on the top of the army. 11. It’s kind for you to come to see us. 12. The class is made up from 8 groups. 13. He makes a living for teaching. 14. We drove over the forest and got to the farm. 15. When the teacher came in the classroom, we were laughing. 16. Beijing is to the north of China. 17. Taiwan is to the east of China. 18. The letters PRC stand with the People’s Republic of China. 19. He kept in touch to his old friends. 20. Hangzhou is famous as its beautiful scenery. 21. You will see the house in the right. 22. They said they’d be in holiday in the countryside. 23. For a result of the limited land, it can’t provide so much grain. 24. In China the needle treatment dates in ancient times. 25. The meeting was put off with a certain reason. 26. He used to listen to the news by the radio. 27. Why did you get up so early in this morning? 28. As he was sick, he asked about a leave of absence. 29. Don’t you feel lonely living here all on yourself? 30. I was told that my mother had left Guangzhou to America. 31. They brought out a pot full with coffee. 32. The car is running in a speed of 80 K.P.H. 33. Now we can read by the help of a dictionary. 34. Sports and games are very useful to character-training. 35. The hall and the kitchen are connected of a long passage. 36. What do you want me live with without rice? 37. She asked with surprise if he’d really read all the books. 38. I don’t know the answer of this question. 39. The man had left at the time the police arrived. 40. He said that the victory (胜利)should belong with us. 41. She called on the workers to fight against their rights. 42. She said her husband had given in smoking. 43. He said he would join us on the discussion. 44. He was born by a fault in his ears. 45. She said she was caught by the heavy rain. 46. Do you have any difficulty for understanding English? 47. Can you tell the difference among A, B, and C? 48. Instead the dictionary we wanted, he bought us the wrong one. 49. Are you content to what he has done? 50. He reduced the passage by half the number of words. 二、单句改错(多一词)(please drop unnecessary words) 1. The ship changed its course because of there was a storm. 2. I had opened the door before he had not time to knock. 3. There are much many more people than I expected. 4. This train is much faster than any other car. 5. We wish to improve our work better. 6. These made them become close friends. 7. Many problems still remain unsolved. 8. I had to return the book back to the library in time. 9. I had not hardly left the house when it began to rain. 10. He began to see things more clearly and more clearly. 11. The more careful you are, the more fewer mistakes you will make. 12. Having been told many times, but he still couldn’t understand it. 13. This coat doesn’t fit for him. 14. Why not to go and ask for his advice? 15. The nice car was belonged to the young lady. 16. They are like playing football very much. 17. He is too young not to join the army. 18. Today was my first time visit to an American family. 19. People in different parts of the world learn to understand one with another. 20. He works much more harder than before. 21. We practise singing for three times every week. 22. He had known Joan for two years before he married with her. 23. I never knew a ride down a river could be so much exciting. 24. Though he is rich, but he works hard.


单句改错专项训练 Correct mistakes according to the text. 1 This old man had two millions dollars ,and he gave it to charities. _____________ 2 I would give it to medicine research ,if I got a lot of money. ____________ 3 He doesn’t know if should he bring a present when invited. _____________ 4 If you don’t know anyone ,you can talk about Tom. ______________ 5 I don’t have a gift ,what if everyone else bring a gift. ______________ 6 If it were to rain tomorrow ,what will you do? _______________ 7 If we had left earlier this morning ,we wouldn’t miss the bus. 8 He should eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drinks lots of water. _____________ 9 If I were you ,I would take a long walk before go to bed. ____________ 10 Taking exercise would help you relaxing. ______________ 11 I can’t sleep with the light before taking a big exam. ______________ 12 If I were you ,I would talk to someone who look friendly. ______________ 13 Confident people dare to speak in the public. _____________ 14 Outgoing people get nervous when they have to meet new people. _____________ 15 Social situations aren’t bother you in the slightest. _____________ 16 Sometime you might annoy people because you’re so confident. _____________ 17 People come at you when they want some advice. ______________ 18 Your friends would probably say you’re easy to get along on. ______________ 19 You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than to go to a party.__________ 20 There’s a real important English speech contest for our whole school next month.________ 21 She is terrified of speaking in the front of other people. _____________ 22 Our Party always comes up with excellent solutions for people’s problems. __________ 23 In fact ,she always comes up to top in the school exams. _____________ 24 I can’t think of a good advice to give her. _____________ 25 What do you think I should talk the rest of the students? _____________ 26 It gives advice in how to do it in lots of different situations. ___________ 27 What would you do if you cut yourself by the accident? ____________ 28 You should cover the cut with a clean clothes and press hard. _____________ 29 If the old man felt downstairs,and wasn’t moving,I’d hurry to call the hospital first.


一、单句改错--------介词 1. We often play football in Saturday afternoon. 2. The doctor gave him some advice about his illness. 3. Do you have any difficulty for understanding English? 4. He asked me where I’d like to go to. 5. His uncle is a man of a lot of money. 6. Fish can’t live with water. 7. She married to a man she didn’t love at all. 8. I will call on your office tomorrow. 9. He said that the victory should belong with us. 10. She called on the workers to fight against their rights. 二、单句改错(多一词) 1. The ship changed its course because of there was a storm. 2. I had opened the door before he had not time to knock. 3. The more careful you are, the more fewer mistakes you will make. 4. The nice car was belonged to the young lady. 5. The bird being caught yesterday is a robin. 6. The book is well worth reading it. 7. Many problems still remain unsolved. 8. I had to return the book back to the library in time. 9. I had not hardly left the house when it began to rain. 10. He began to see things more clearly and more clearly.


高考英语复习名词改错专题训练 I. A级单项单句改错 1. What a lot of works I have to finish today! 2. Both Marx and Engels were Germen. 3. What a beautiful weather we are having recently! 4. Most of them are woman doctors. 5. He wrote a three-hundred-words report. 6. There are four baskets of apple in that room. 7. This computer cost me eight thousands yuan. 8. Mr. Zhang looks very happy today. He has got many good news from here. 9. This hat of my father's are rather old. made many mistakes in his composition because of careless. B级单项单句改错 1. Will you please make a room for the lady outside 2. The number of the students in our school are increasing. 3. She has made some progresses in English. 4. His work is better than anyone else. 5. We've missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no way but to take a taxi. 6. He dropped the coffee's cup and broke it. 7. He gained his wealths by printing works of famous writers. 8. I spent last weekend with the Smith 9. My brother has had one of his tooth taken out. 'll find this map of great valuable in helping you to get round London. II. A级单项短文改错 Good manner are important in all countries, but way of expressing good manners are different in the world. Americans cut with knife and forks; Japanese eat with chopstick. Americans say "Hi" when they meet; Japanese bow. Much American men open doors for women; Japanese man do not. On the surface, it appears that good manners in American are not good in Japan, and in a way this are true. But in any country, the only manners are important are those involving one person behavior towards another person. B级单项短文改错 A detective is a policemen, but he doesn't wear a uniform. He works in his ordinary cloth. If he wears an uniform, robbers will know that he is policeman, then they will avoid him. To "detect" meaning "to find out". A detective finds out who does bad thing. He can sit in a coffee's shop with other customer. He can listen to people talking. Some thief may want to rob a shop. If they talk, a detective may hear him. Then policeman will hide in the shop. When the thieves come, the policemen will catch them. III. A级综合单句改错 1. I saw a lot of peoples in the meeting-room. 2. My younger sister always wears beautiful cloth. 3. I went to my uncle's on Sunday and had good time there. 4. The boy's face is like his father. 5. My mother is a good cooker. 6. He had a little white hairs.


高考语法填空及短文改错单句训练(名词)(含答案)一.语法单句练习 1. This trend, which was started by the medical community as a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side (effect) such as overweight and heart disease 2. She has turned down several _____ (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies 3. The nursery team switches him every few ______( day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, the other is with mum-she never suspects. 4. I’d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream pla ce for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River which are pictured by artists in so many Chinese ________(painting). 5.The_________(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. 6.The__________(possible) that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space. 7. She is determined to carry on with her________________ (educate). 8. The first underground passenger railway ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible______________ (crowd) on the roads above. 9. Last October, while tending her garden in Mora, Sweden, Lena Pahlsson pulled out a handful of small_____________ (carrot) and was about to throw them away. 10. You wouldn't think that a few __________(month) of exercise in your teens would be enough for the rest of your life. 11. Then, handle the most important tasks first so you'll feel a real sense of ___________(achieve). 12. Recent___________(study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regularly. 13. Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asia's biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top _____________(attract). 14. I settled down in the darkness and the curtains opened. Magically, that show remains the Great Jason's best___________ (perform) to this day.


改错专项训练 1. Jim have a dictionary. Do you have one? _______ 2. Kate has an apple. What does you have? _______ 3. -What are they doing? -They is eating. _______ 4. -Do Sam doing his homework? -No, he isn't. _____ 5. The football is under the teachersdesk. _____ '_ 6. Who can find he? ______ 7. Can you fly a kite or to skate? ______ 8. There are many sheeps on the farm. ______ 9. I have many money in my pocket口袋). _____ 10. My schoolbag is new. How about your? _____ 11. --Where is Tom? --He is in a books store. _______ 12. There are 3 peoples in my family. ______ 13. There are much people in the street. ______ 14. Don't laugh at I. _______ 15. My mother wears new trouser today. ______ 16. He can play the volleyball. _____ 17. They don't go to school in sunday. _____ 18. He would like go to the supermarket. ________ 19. How much is the trousers? Fifty yuan. _______ 20. Shall we listening to music now? Good idea! ______ 21. Are there some pictures on the wall? ________ 22. How many computers can you look at in the picture? ______ 23. There are three windows and a door on the wall. ______


单句改错及答案 默认分类 2007-06-19 09:56:24 阅读286 评论2 字号:大中小订阅 单句改错 ( 1 ) 1、 Chuck is a businessman who is always very busy that he has little time for his friends. 2、 The number of people who learns English as a foreign language is more than 750 millions. 3、 Except the differences in spelling, written English is more or less the same in both British and American English. 4、 You will get close to the nature and take exercise at the same time. 5、 You should not go rafting if you know how to swim. 6、 The teacher told the students not to look out the window. 7、 How many pages have you read 8、 In the Bronze Age, people could make tools from copper and bronze. 9、 It’s useless try to argue with Shylock. 10、 After five hours’ drive, they reached where they thought was the place they’d been dreaming of. ( 2 ) 11、 Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressing in art and architecture. 12、 It is said that the weather will last hot for another three or four days. 13、 The teacher wanted to speak to the student about her writing, he sent another student to tell her to his office. 14、 When I entered the classroom, I saw some strangers seating at the back. 15、 Don’t treat that the students do in their spare time as something


2015年高中英语单句改错专项练习附答案 一.单句改错.(下列句子各有一处错误,请桉以下方法做以改正①增加:在缺词处加上一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词;②删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉;③修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该次下面写上修改后的词。) 1. Now people get a lot of informations from TV. 2. Germany is an European country. 3. They didn’t want me to do any work at family. 4. Yesterday I met an old friend of me. 5. Boys and girls, don’t lose hearts. Do better next time. . They are of different size. 7. It is so beautiful place that you must visit it. 8. What a terrible weather we have been having! 9. It took place in France, an European country. 10. Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. 11. What good time we had last night! 12. We shall spend three-day holiday together. 13. I came to understand that was not easy to earn money. 14. Some parents think useless for girls to go to school. 15. When he bought a chocolate cake, he put them in a secret place.


三、完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从第36—50各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was36and at the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad 37 a step and fell, sending my new suitcases rolling down the stairs. “Damn!” he screamed, his face turning red. I knew trouble was ahead. Whenever Dad's face turns red, 38 ! How could I ever39 him to finish unloading the car without screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls, girls I would have to spend the rest of the year with? Doors were opening and faces peering out(探出), as Dad walked with difficulty close behind. I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a(n) 40 start. “Enter the room quickly,” I thought to myself. “Get him into a chair and calm him down.” But41 , would there be a chair in Room 316? Or would it be a(n) 42 room? 43I turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, with Dad 44complaining(抱怨) about a hurting knee or something, I put my head in, expecting the45 .But to my46 , the room wasn't empty at all! It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and even paintings on the walls. And there on a well-made bed sat Amy, my new roommate, dressed neatly. Greeting me with a nod, she said in a soft voice, “Hi, you must be Cori.” Then, she 47 the music and looked over at Dad. “And of course, you're Mr. Faber.” she said, 48 .“Would you like a glass of iced tea?” Dad's face turned decidedly 49 before he could bring out a “yes.” Just at that moment, I knew50that Amy and I would be friends and


单句改错 ( 1 ) 1.Chuck is a businessman who is always very busy that he has little time for his friends. 2.The number of people who learns English as a foreign language is more than 750 millions. 3.Except the differences in spelling, written English is more or less the same in both British and American English. 4.You will get close to the nature and take exercise at the same time. 5.You should not go rafting if you know how to swim. 6.The teacher told the students not to look out the window. 7.How many pages have you read? 8.In the Bronze Age, people could make tools from copper and bronze. 9.It?s useless try to argue with Shylock. 10.After five hours? drive, they reached where they thought was the place they?d been dreaming of. ( 2 ) 11.Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressing in art and architecture. 12.It is said that the weather will last hot for another three or four days. 13.The teacher wanted to speak to the student about her writing, he sent another student to tell her to his office. 14.When I entered the classroom, I saw some strangers seating at the back. 15.Don?t treat that the students do in their spare time as something unimportant. 16.I?m feeling much better now, so you mustn?t call the doctor. 17.Mr Yang became a teacher in 1986, he will been teaching for 20 years by July. 18.The boy is very afraid that his mother will scold him.
