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In the present-day town, a great deal 4. changing. Perhaps the most noticeable changes are those relating to transportation. Our modern-day needs are very different and so the roads 5. are improving and traffic lights, a roundabout and a zebra crossing 6. been adding, as well as an extra road. Increased traffic means that a car park 7. now replaced goode farm and the fields that 8. are locate at the top of the 1700 map. Housing is another area where many changes 9. are made. While in 1700 there were few houses, now there are rows of houses ans a block of flats. A further development is the supermarket and the hotel, which 10. is extending.
被动语态是最好的选择。 The golf course has been built in the place where there used to a forest. A new theater was established in Town of Grandson in 2000.
Overall, the fast expansion of this village can be seen clearly in this map.
the hotel
Steggle Farm the roads
the shops
the houses Goode Farm the house in St Peter's Lane the stables
④原有建筑消失: The farms completely disappeared/were removed. ⑤原有建筑被改为: A becomes B A i s transformed/reconstructed/redeveloped/converted /changed/turned over to/ into B A is replaced /substituted by B = A gives way to B ⑥图形新添事物 A newly-built road A new car park was built/established/set up/constructed/completed A new theater has been added to the library
3 顺序问题
时间和空间顺序 时间变化中的每一个细节 空间顺序的表达方式 1 A位于B(城镇)的中心 A is located /sited in the center / middle area of B. 2 A位于B(城镇)的郊外 A is located /sited outside of B.
A位于B之内: Sichuan is in the west of China. A位于B之外:
Japan is to the east of China.
A位于B之外,但相连: Sichuan is on the east of Tibet.
6 A在临近马路的地区
A is adjacent to/ near /next to/ just off the road
7 A 在B 的对面
A is on the opposite side of B
A is opposite to B.
8 建设: construct, build, set up, establish, add transform, convert
Grammatical Accuracy
The two maps 1. allows us to see the changes in one small town over a 300-year period. In the 1700s, the town was relatively small and 2. consists of a few farms and houses gathered around a central market place and church. Transport 3. restricted to horses at that time so the roads were very basic. Having said that, the roads were clearly marked and the river had a bridge running across it.

9 图形变化 ①原有建筑:

The preceding/original/previous/former building

The size of the library has been enlarged/extended/broadened/expanded/halved/reduced /diminished (by half)
Besides, a railway line was built across this new area from west to east and there emerged/appeared the Chorleywood station, which was located in the central part of the village.

The number of homes has increased/risen/grown/reduced /decreased/dropped/fallen/doubled/ tripled/ quadrupled to 500.
பைடு நூலகம்
3 A 位于B (城镇)的东方/西方/南方/北方 A is/ lies/ is located/ is sited to/in the east/west/south/north part of B 4 A位于B(城镇)西南部的10公里处 A is/ lies/ is located/ is sited 10 km to the southwest of B. 5 A在河流或道路的南边/北边 On the south/southern side of the river On both sides of the road On the other side of the river Just off the main road
This new expansion was almost twice the scale of the old village. The Chorleywood Park and a golf course separated the old from the new area.
地图题的写法 1 地理变迁类型
2 选址类型
1 时态问题
一般过去时 一般将来时(表预测)现在完成时 (5月15日) This place was used as a reading room. The reading room has been removed and replaced by a theater. The theater is likely to be replaced by a meeting room
During 1922-1970, the village once again extended both eastward and westward and almost doubled the previous size. However, from 1979, the village accelerated its pace of development eastward. A new north-south motorway was built in 1970, along which some new areas mushroomed.
The map shows the changes and development of Chorleywood village in Britain over the past 126 years from 1868 to 1994.
To begin with, during the first 15 years from 1868 to 1883, Chorleywood was merely a small village with only one main road to its west. From 1883 to 1992, it can be seen that the village expanded to the south, almost tripled the original area.
Be likely to = be predicted to = be estimated to = be forecast to = be expected to It is likely that ...=it is expected / estimated that …
2 语态问题