


①He's really nutsy about you.


nutsy是nut的形容词,nut在美语中有“狂热的人,入迷的人”的意思,比如a movie nut (电影迷),a food nut(吃货)等等。Be nutsy about 对某人或某事痴狂,就是疯狂地爱上了。

②But I was drunk on you.


drunk是陶醉的,喝醉的意思。be drunk on sb. 对某人非常迷恋,使人神魂颠倒。

③He is into you.


be into...极喜欢……的,into可以理解为投入,倾心。

④I have a big crush on you.


have a crush on 多指冲动的爱恋,迷恋,有时候也可以指暗恋,偏向一见钟情。

⑤I really love my girlfriend and I'm going to pop the question.


pop the question=propose求婚。


be nutsy about sb. 对某人很着迷,痴迷某人

be drunk on sb. 对某人非常迷恋,使人神魂颠倒

be into sb. 非常喜欢某人

have a crush on sb. 冲动地喜欢某人,迷恋某人pop the quesiton=propose 求婚


范例一: 关于爱情,我想把我们对爱情的一些积极看法跟大家分享。以下为一篇关于爱情的英语作文,希望与大家共享。 爱就意味着了解所爱的人。能够认识到这个人多个方面——不仅仅是美好的一面,还有他的局限,他的矛盾之处和他的缺点。要看到对方的情感、思想,感觉他的内心,要能够透过他在社交场合的表现和他的社会角色而看到他内心的深处。 爱就意味着关心所爱之人的幸福。事实上,爱不是占有,也不是束缚。相反,两人都在爱中得到自由。关心一个人就是关心他的成长,希望他可以成为最好的他。因此,我不会为他的个人发展设置障碍,即使这样有时使我难受。 爱就意味着尊重所爱之人。爱一个人,就是将其卸任一个独立的人,有自己的价值观、思想和感情。我不会为自己而坚持要他放弃个性变成我所希望的他。我能允许,也鼓励他我行我素,成为他自己。我不会视他为物,或利用他主要来满足自己的需要。 爱就意味着对所爱之人负责。爱一个人,就要对他作为独立个体的需求做出回应。这种负责并不包括替他做他可以自己做到的事,也不是操纵他的生活。这种负责是承认我的所作所为会影响到他,他的欢乐痛苦都与我直接相关。相爱者确有伤害或忽略所爱的人的能力。从这个意义上说,我们认为,爱就要为自己的行为对对方产生的影响承担某种责任。 爱就意味着对所爱之人做出承诺。这种承诺并非意味着把自己完全交给对方,也并不是说这一关系必然是天长地久,这种承诺否认在平静愉快时,还是困苦挣扎、失意绝望时,都愿意厮守相伴。 爱就意味着信赖所爱之人。爱一个人,就要相信他会接受我的关心,接受我的爱,相信他不会故意伤害我;相信他会认为平静愉快有吸引力,相信他不会抛弃我;相信爱是相互的。如果我们彼此信赖,我们就愿彼此坦诚相待,敞开心扉。 爱能够容忍不完美。爱人之间也会有时感到厌倦,有时想放弃,有时感到压力,有时感到无法前进。真正的爱并不意味着永远的幸福。但是,在困难时期我能坚守,因为我仍记得我们共同度过的日子,我也能想象如果我们愿意面对我们之间的问题、渡过难关、我们将共同拥有什么样的未来。我们一致认为爱是一种能改变人生的精神。爱是一种生活方式,它具有创造和改变的力量。但是爱并不是为完善世界而存在的,爱本来就是我们这个不完美、有缺陷的世界而存在的。爱应该是一种能缓解痛苦的精神力量。爱应该给我们这无聊的生活带来意义。换言之,是爱使我们能够在这不完美的世界上生活下去。 爱是包容的。爱一个人,就要鼓励他与他人建立联系。尽管对彼此的爱与承诺不允许我们有某些行为,这种结合也不是全然排他的。两个人密不可分,再无个人发展的余地,这样的爱是不真实、不明智的。


关于爱情的经典英语短句子 关于爱情的经典英语短句子 I like you,but just like you.我喜欢你,仅仅如此,喜欢而已。「纵然万劫不复,纵然相思入骨,我也待你眉眼如初,岁月如故。」 You say that you love the rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when it shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close the windows when it blows. This is why I'm afraid, you said that you love me too. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. ——没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣! I miss you 我遇见你。I miss you 我想念你。I miss you 我错过你。 Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁。 爱是想要触碰又收回手。I think love is a touch and yet not a touch. The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost 。担心失去之时,就是爱的开始。 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。No matter the



英语励志名言大全 1、believe in yourself. 相信自己! 2、consider things from every angle. 思考问题要全面。 3、don't give up and don't give in. 不要放弃,不要言败! 4、want it more that anything. 必须之物最重要。 5、xcellerate your efforts. 加倍努力! 6、zero in your target,and go for it. 从零开始,勇往直前! 7、give more than you planned to. 多多给予,不必计较。 8、hang on to your dreams.

追逐梦想。 9、ignore those who try to discourage you . 阴险与打击勿放心上。 10、take control of your own desting. 命运掌握在自己手上。 11、live well, love lots, and laugh often. 善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑。 12、open your eyes and see things as they really are. 睁大眼睛,看清事实真相。(励志名言https://www.360docs.net/doc/511588493.html,) 13、quitters never win and winners never quit. 退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩。 14、you're uinique, nothing can replace you. 你举世无双,无人可以替代。 15、understand yourself in order to better understanding others. 知己方能解人。 16、keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.


爱情人生格言大全 篇一:经典名言爱情大全 1人不要等明天,因为没有人知道自己有没有明天 2走的桥多,不一定走的路就多。吃的盐多,不一定吃的饭就多。 3在要求对方是不是处女的时候,想想自己是不是处男,如果是,你可以,如果不是,你凭什么 4初恋的人大多不懂爱,所以初恋失败的多,成功的少。结婚应该找个未婚的,因为谁都喜欢原装 5走路的时候有伴就不觉得路远,吃饭的时候有伴就吃得香。(幸运52上李咏说的) 6美人并不个个可爱;有些只是悦目而醉心。假如见到一个美人就痴情颠倒,这颗心就乱了,永远定不下来;因为美人多得数不尽,他的爱情就茫茫无归宿了 7心中有所牵挂,生命才会坚强。 8多情却似总无情,唯觉樽前笑不成。蜡烛有心还惜别 ,替人垂泪到天明。 9最痴心的等待是一直等下去,不知道他会不会来,不知道他来了会不会走,也许他永远不会来了,还是一厢情愿地等下去,无可奈何,却心存盼望,一切身不由已。 10人生有些事,错过一时,就错过一世 11都说人往高处走,可是高处不胜寒。水往低处流,谁知低处

纳百川!(艺术人生朱军说的) 12和一个生活习惯有很多差异的人恋爱不要紧,结婚要慎重,想想你是否可以长久忍受彼此的不同。肯为一个人去假装自己,也许是最细微的爱与牺牲,笑中有泪。 13大海的宽广在于汇集大大小小的川流,生命的汪洋在于包容深深浅浅的缘分。 14如果人生是一段旅途,快乐与悲伤就是那两条长长的铁轨,在我身后紧紧跟随。如果我不爱你,我就不会思念你,我就不会妒忌你身边的异性,我也不会失去自信心和斗志,我更不会痛苦。如果我能够不爱你,那该多好。 15人生最重要的不是我们置身何处,而是我们将前往何处 16不要随便和别人上床,否则将来遇到一个真爱但他是洁身自好有原则的男人,你会后悔当年的所作所为。 17不要因为自己的长相不如对方而放弃追求的打算,长相只是一时的印象,真正决定能 否结合主要取决与双放的性格,我见过帅哥配丑女。美女配仇男的太多了。 18人有时候也许就是这样,明明是自己最不愿意伤害的人,却偏偏会伤得越深! 19魅力是什么魅力不是漂亮,漂亮的女人不一定能吸引人,端庄幽雅的女人有人才喜欢。所以你不用担心自己不够漂亮。 20只要心里面的夏天还在,夏天就没有结束。


经典爱情英语作文范文大全: 错过季节,错过了你 Network, a magical world, fantasy and reality, be true and false of space, love is everywhere. A computer, a mouse, a cable that connect the whole world. Because of the magic, let never knew that the world has a he met her two people because of the network, the exclamation of magic at the same time also more sure that everything is god's will is destiny. From the initial strange with alert, from the initial curiosity with doubt; From the initial goodwill with habit; From the initial touched with the heart; From the initial move with expectation; From the initial expectations with fear; From the initial panic with confusion; From the initial confusion with desire; From the initial desire with escape; From the initial to escape with a yearning; From the original to yearn for with struggle; From the initial tangle with tears; From the initial cry with choices; From the initial choice with down, along the way are not trying to do, all feelings are fate, but also because very easygoing, also missed the season in the flower bloom missed you. His heavy said: 'people live a lifetime is not easy, meet true love more not easy, why can't we just live together? All the mistakes so many men and women, why can't we? In order to you, I can give up everything, as long as we can together. ' Who shakes her head and said: 'not can chat together would fit together, not suitable for together can live together. Everyone has their own responsibility, since didn't meet at the right time, in the wrong time is a sigh. ' He said: "silly wench, I wait for you, although have been waiting for more than two years, but I will continue to wait for you, wait until you are willing to and I together.


关于爱的英语句子大全 初见是惊鸿一瞥,南柯一梦是你,爱年少的时候不懂,长大了才知道爱其实很美妙,你会对一个没有血缘的人产生的情愫,会因为彼此相爱然后为对方付出,关于爱很多很多的说法和样子,关于爱是怎么样的呢?接下来小编在这里给大家带来关于爱的英语句子,希望对你有所帮助! 1. In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair 哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。 2. Dont waste your time on a man/woman,who isnt willing to waste their time on you 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 3. Love is blind 爱情是盲目的。 4. First impression of you is most lasting 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。 5. When love is not madness, it is not love 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。 6. Love is not a matter of counting the days Its making the days count 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。 7. Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile 纵然伤心,也不要悉眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。


英文名言警句大全 试试用英文朗读以下名言警句,或许你收获更多! ◆Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it . 为了求知识,代价虽高也值得。 ◆Kill two birds with one stone. 一石双鸟。 人生就是学校。在那里,与其是幸福,毋宁是不幸才是好的教师。因为,生存是在深渊的孤独里。——海德格尔 ◆From words to deeds is a great space. 言行之间,大有距离。 ◆It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。 ◆Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 没有目标的生活如同没有罗盘的航行。 ◆Quality matters more than quantity. 质重于量。 ◆More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。 ◆It is good to learn at another man‘s cost. 前车之鉴。 ◆Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 ◆An idle youth, a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 人生就是学校。在那里,与其是幸福,毋宁是不幸才是好的教师。因为,生存是在深渊的孤独里。——海德格尔

要留心,即使当你独自一人时,也不要说坏话或做坏事,而要学得在你自己面前比在别人面前更知耻。——德谟克利特 ◆A plant may produc e new flowers; man is young but once. 花有重开日,人无再少年。 ◆Diligence is the mother of success. 勤奋是成功之母。 只要下定决心克服恐惧,便几乎能克服任何恐惧。因为,请记住,除了在脑海中,恐惧无处藏身。——戴尔·卡耐基 ◆Truth is the daughter of time. 时间见真理。 ◆Let‘s cross the bridge when we come to it. 船到桥头自然直。 ◆No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。 ◆The on-looker sees most of the game. 旁观者清。 ◆Joys shared with others are more enjoyed. 与众同乐,其乐更乐。 ◆What may be done at any time will be done at no time. 明日待明日,明日不再来。 ◆All work and no play makes Jack a dull bo y. 只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 ◆Time and tide waits for no man. 岁月不等人。 觉得以上名言不错的朋友,不妨分享!


关于爱情的励志名言警句大全 篇一:关于爱情精心收集的名言 1、所谓幸福,就是一个笨蛋遇到一个傻瓜,引来无数人的羡慕和嫉妒,风风雨雨,平平淡淡。 2、美丽的谎言往往比暴力更伤人,肉体的伤能够痊愈,心里的伤却无药可治。 3、爱情本来并不复杂,来来去去不过三个字,不是我爱你,我恨你,便是算了吧,你好吗,对不起。 4、为什么要那么痛苦地忘记一个人,时间自然会使你忘记。如果时间不能够让你忘记不应该记住的人,我们失去的岁月又有甚么意义? 5、一个知己就像一面镜子,反应出我们天性中美的一部分。 6、美能激发人的感情,爱情净化人的心灵。 7、心灵不在它生活的地方,但在它所爱的地方。 8、我们经常忽略那些疼爱我们的人,却疼爱着那些忽略我们的人。 9、看中了就不应太挑剔,因为爱情不是在放大镜下做成的。 10、真正的爱情能够鼓舞人,唤醒他内心沉睡着的力量和潜藏着的才能。 11、有多少人,发表QQ签名仅仅为了让某人看见。 12、当我对你越来越礼貌时,我们或许就越来越陌生了。

13、你以为放手能够成全我的幸福,可你不知道我的幸福就是和你手牵手。 14、幻想终究是没有羽翼的天使,飞不出现实的距离。 15、爱情不是一种虚荣,要拿出来在众人面前炫耀;爱情不是一件美丽的衣裳,要穿在外面给大家欣赏;爱情不是一项任务,要对亲朋好友有个交待。爱情是你一个人的事情,你幸福或者不幸福,只有你自己知道。 16、没有不变的承诺,只有说不完的谎言。 17、刻在记忆里的那个夏天,是我们一起在阳光下流下的泪水。 18、结局和过程都有了,再去纠缠,连自己都觉得贪婪。 19、有的人与人之间的相遇就像是流星,瞬间迸发出令人羡慕的火花,却注定仅仅匆匆而过。 20、凡世的喧嚣和明亮,世俗的快乐和幸福,如同清亮的溪涧,在风里,在我眼前,汨汨而过,温暖如同泉水一样涌出来,我没有奢望,我只要你快乐,不要哀伤。 21、在绝望的时刻,与某个人一同怀抱着一个渺茫的希望,并竭力让对方相信终有实现的一天,这种痛楚的喜乐,唯在爱情中才会发生。 22、你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。 23、因为记忆中的以前太美好了,美好到即便是再狠心的人也舍不得去忘记。不是爱情不肯放过你,不是回忆不肯放过你,不是宿命不肯放过你,而是你自己不肯放过你自己。 24、承诺本来就是男人与女人的一场角力,有时皆大欢喜,绝大部分的情况却两败俱伤。

有关爱情的英语作文About Love

有关爱情的英语作文About Love 有关爱情的英语作文About LoveAbout Love Anton Chekhov第二天的午饭是非常美味的馅饼,小龙虾和羊肉片。我们正吃饭时,厨子尼卡诺来问客人们晚上想吃些什么。他是一个中等身材,胖脸,小眼睛的人,齐胡子根刮了脸,这使得看起来他的胡子仿佛不是刮掉的,而是被连根拔掉的。阿列恒告诉我们美丽的帕拉吉爱上了这个厨子,因为他喝酒且性格粗暴,帕拉吉不想嫁给她,但是愿意与他婚外同居。厨子是个很虔诚的人,他的宗教信仰不允许他“过着有罪的生活”。他坚持帕拉吉嫁给他,此外其它的事都答应她,可是他喝醉时经常大骂帕拉吉,甚至打她。无论何时厨子喝醉了酒,帕拉吉就习惯于躲到楼上哭泣,每当这个时候阿列恒和仆人们就待在屋里准备万一需要保护帕 拉吉。 At lunch next day there were very nice pies, crayfish, and mutton cutlets; and while we were eating, Nikanor, the cook, came up to ask what the visitors would like for dinner. He was a man of medium height, with a puffy face and little eyes; he was close-shaven,

and it looked as though his moustaches had not been shaved, but had been pulled out by the roots. Alehin told us that the beautiful Pelagea was in love with this cook. As he drank and was of a violent character, she did not want to marry him, but was willing to live with him without. He was very devout, and his religious convictions would not allow him to “live in sin”; he insisted on her marrying him, and would consent to nothing else, and when he was drunk he used to abuse her and even beat her. Whenever he got drunk she used to hide upstairs and sob, and on such occasions Alehin and the servants stayed in the house to be ready to defend her in case of necessity. 我们开始谈论爱情。 “爱情是如何产生的呢?”阿列恒说,“为什么帕拉吉在身心上不像爱自己一样地爱别人,她为什么会爱上尼卡诺,那个丑陋的猪嘴——我们所有人都叫尼卡诺‘猪嘴’——个人的幸福跟爱情的结果有多大关系——所有这些问题我 们都不明所以;个人能获得的见解只是他从中希望获得的罢了。迄今为止,说到爱无可置疑的事实就是:‘爱是一个大大的谜。’关于爱所说和所写下的一切都不是结论,而只是这个仍然没有答案的问题的陈述罢了。这个解释似乎只适合


名言警句大全英语 导读:本文是关于名言警句大全英语的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。 Greetings need not be prudent, but must be sincere and moving. 2、人生路上,你不应该期待困难越来越少,而应该应该期待自己越来越强。 On the way of life, you shouldn't expect fewer and fewer difficulties, but you should expect yourself to be stronger and stronger. 3、当你的希望一个个落空,你也要坚定,要沉着! When your hopes fail one by one, you should be firm and calm. 4、生命中最难的阶段不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。 The hardest part of life is not that no one knows you, but that you don't know yourself. 5、生命中总有一段时光充满不安,可除了勇敢面对我们别无办法。 There is always a time in life full of anxiety, but there is no way but to face us bravely.

6、一个人若想学会滑冰,那么他一定要做好在冰上摔跤的准备。 If a person wants to learn how to skate, he must be ready to wrestle on the ice. 7、有成功的心态,有自强不息的精神,最终都会成功的。 Successful mentality and the spirit of self-improvement will ultimately lead to success. 8、我不怕千万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。 I am not afraid of being blocked by tens of millions of people, but of surrendering myself. 9、只有在自己站起来之后,这个世界才属于我自己! Only when I stand up, the world belongs to me! 10、残酷的现实,需要你去拼搏,需要你去奋斗。 Cruel reality, you need to fight, you need to fight. 11、愚痴的人,一直想要别人了解他。有智慧的人,却努力地了解自己。 A fool always wants others to know him. A wise man tries to understand himself. 12、你既然认准一条道路何必去打听要走多久! Why do you need to inquire about how long it will take since you have identified a road? 13、抓住机遇成功一半,勤奋努力是成功的另一半。 Seize the opportunity and succeed half. Diligence and


小编就给大家提供有关于爱情的名言。 1.爱是美德的种子。——但丁 2.爱能够创造一切。——佚名 3.爱是理解的别名。——泰戈尔 4.感谢是爱心的第一步。——西谚 5.人间如果没有爱,太阳也会灭。——雨果 6.人生如花,而爱便是花的蜜。——莎士比亚 7.完成工作的方法是爱惜每一分钟。——达尔文 8.爱情使人心的憧憬升华到至善之境。——但丁 9.我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有爱。——白朗宁 10.爱之花开放的地方,生命便能欣欣向荣。——梵高 11.真诚的爱情的结合是一切结合中最纯洁的。——卢梭 12.爱是生命的火焰, 没有它, 一切变成黑夜。——罗兰 13.将爱情当作理想的人,不会有真正的理想。——佚名 14.爱叫懦夫变得大胆,却叫勇士变成懦夫。——莎士比亚 15.爱就是充实了的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。——泰戈尔 16.爱情是一位伟大的导师, 教我们重新做人。——莫里哀 17.金钱搅在爱情一块儿,不是太丑恶了吗?——巴尔扎克 18.心灵不在它生活的地方,但在它所爱的地方。——英国谚语 19.爱是生命的火焰, 没有它, 一切变成黑夜。——罗曼. 罗兰 20.为着品德而去眷恋一个情人,总是一件很美的事。——柏拉图 21.爱情是发生在两个人之间的一种共同的经验。——卡森·麦卡勒斯 22.爱如果为利己而爱,这个爱就不是真爱,而是一种欲。——爱德门 23.爱情原如树叶一样,在人忽视里绿了,在忍耐里露出蓓蕾。——何其芳 24.爱整个人类可能是一件易事;认真地去爱上一个人却很难。——谚语 25.人只有在恋爱里才能显示个性的闪耀, 才能发挥独创性。——屠格涅夫 26.友谊要像爱情一样才温暖人心,爱情要像友谊一样才牢不可破。——穆尔 27.只有驱遣人以高尚的方式相爱的那种爱神才是美,才值得颂扬。——柏拉图 28.爱是苛求的,因为苛求而短暂。友谊是宽容的,因为宽容而长久。——周国平 29.你们之间存在着这种问题,那你要先问问自己,是否真正在爱才好。——罗兰 30.几十年的经验使我懂得,多想到别人,少想到自己,便可以少犯错误。——巴金 31.爱情的欢乐虽然是甜美无比,但只有在光荣与美德存在的地方才能生存。——古尔内尔 32.了解爱情的人往往会因为爱情的升华而坚强了他们向上的意志和进取的精神。——培根 33.爱情是两个亲密的灵魂在生活及忠实,善良, 美丽事物方面的和谐与默契。——别林斯基 34.爱情就等于……生活, 而生活……是一种责任, 义务, 因此爱情是一种责任。——冈察洛夫 35.对于我来说,生命的意义在于设身处地替人着想,忧他人之忧,乐他人之乐。——爱因斯坦 36.爱是不会老的,它留着的是永恒的火焰与不灭的光辉,世界的存在,就以它为养料。——左拉 37.作为一个人,对父母要尊敬,对子女要慈爱,对穷亲戚要慷慨,对一切人要有礼貌。


It’s only love Love is a serious word, she never imagines that she can spend time with a boy for 3 years, it is really a long time for her. But she still remembers their first meeting. With the delicate voice flying into her tears, it takes her back to those days when she caught the first glimpse of him. It was a bright and sunny day. She remembers it very clearly. The headteacher brought a boy into her class, saying ‘this is your new friend, from now on he will be one of our family members.’ She stared at him for a while. He is a quite muscled guy with short hair and she noticed his eyes are nothing but small, but can be acceptable. Maybe he realized she was looking at him, so he looked back to her. She looked down in an air of shy, pretending nothing had happened, but she found her heart beat extreme quickly. Accidentally, he sat behind her in the class. She was too shy to talk with him. When she got the news that he was the champion of free combat, when the geography test paper handed out and he got the highest grade while this subject was her worst one. She admired him and assured that she loved him deeply. She began to pay all her attention to him. She knew he was very independent, for his mother was abroad all year round. He liked history and was very humorous. In order to listen to his every sentence, she sat very close to him on purpose and also did lots of exercises about geography in order to ask him questions. Every time she talked with him, she felt a blash on her face and avoided his eyes. One day, she couldn’t help saying something to him, so she messaged him with irrational impulse : I like you. She waited for quite minutes


40句浪漫的经典英语句子 1.我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美. No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. 2.爱情是一个精心设计的谎言 Love is a carefully designed lie. 3.承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见 Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover. 4.凋谢是真实的盛开只是一种过去 Fading is true while flowering is past 5.为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候….就让….回忆来陪我. Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of... 6.爱情…在指缝间承诺指缝….在爱情下交缠. Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love 7.如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了 If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars 8.感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然 to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there 9.茹菓只遈遇见,吥能停畱,吥茹吥遇见.


励志英语名言警句大全 每天一句励志英语名言警句,能够让你的人生从此与众不同。下面我为你分享的是励志英语名言警句大全,希望你喜欢! 励志英语名言警句大全(最新篇) 放弃有限,赢得无限。 Give up limited, win unlimited. 事情做到完美,就是艺术。 Things to be perfect, is art. 当你的能力还驾驭不了你的目标时,那你就应该沉下心来历练。 When your ability also can't control your goal, you should devote to experience. 立志欲坚不欲锐,成功在久不在速。 Determined to want to be strong, success in a long time is not in speed. 外边的太阳再大,也透不过你在我心中留下的那一片乌云。 Outside the sun is big, but you are in my heart that a piece of dark clouds. 顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。 Tenacious perseverance can conquer any one of the world's highest peak. 成功需要成本,时间也是一种成本,对时间的珍惜就是对成本的节

约。 Success requires cost, time is also a kind of cost, the value of time is the cost of saving. 如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪头,那么任何风都不是顺风。 If a person doesn't know where he is going, any wind is not the wind. 永不言败是追究者的最佳品格。 Is the best for the character ". 成功源于不懈的努力。 Success comes from hard work. 唯其尊重自己的人,才更勇于缩小自己。 Only their respect for their own people, to be more willing to narrow their own. 最困难的时候,就是距离成功不远了。 The most difficult time, is not far from the success of the. 愚蠢的人总是为昨天悔恨,为明天祈祷,可惜的是少了今天的努力。 Foolish people are always regret for yesterday, for tomorrow's prayer, but unfortunately, today's efforts are less. 励志英语名言警句大全(精选篇) 天天晨练不仅为了健身,也为了体现生命的倔强。 Every day exercises not only for fitness, in order to reflect


有关师爱的名言名句推荐 没有教师对儿童的爱的阳光,学生就会混成模糊不清的一团。下面是精心整理的师爱的名言名句,希望大家喜欢! 1. 要像对待荷叶上的露珠一样小心翼翼地保护学生幼小的心灵,晶莹透亮的露珠是美丽可爱的,但却十分脆弱,一不小心,就会滚落破碎,不复存在,学生的心灵,如同脆弱的露珠,需要老师的倍加呵护。;;苏霍姆林斯基 2. 为爱所支配的知识是教育者所必需的,也是他的学生所应获得的。在低年级,对学生的爱是最重要的爱;到高年级,热爱所传授的知识,就逐渐成为必要。;;罗素 3. 世界上没有一朵鲜花不美丽,没有一个孩子不可爱。因为每一个孩子都有一个丰富美好的内心世界,这是学生的潜能。;;冰心 4. 什么是我们生活中最主要的东西呢?可以不假思索地说,就是热爱儿童。;;苏霍姆林斯基 5. 捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去。;;陶行知 6. 没有教师对儿童的爱的阳光,学生就会混成模糊不清的一团。;;赞科夫 7. 教育上的水是甚么就是情,就是爱。教师没有了情爱,就成了无水的池,任你四方形也罢,圆形也罢,总逃不了一个空虚。;;夏丐尊

8. 教育的秘密在于尊重学生。;;爱默生 9. 教育,这首先是关怀备至地,深思熟虑地,小心翼翼地触击年轻的心灵,在这里谁有细致和耐心,谁就能获得成功。;;苏霍姆林斯基 10. 教学不在于传授本领,而在于激励、唤醒和鼓舞。;;第斯多惠 11. 教师应该为学生的一生着想,要想想学生将来怎样一辈子做人,想想做一个社会主义的好公民应该具有什么样的知识品德。;;叶圣陶 12. 教师要准备好一百顶高帽,让学生天天带着荣耀回家。;;高林生 13. 教师工作不仅是一个光荣重要的岗位,而且是一种崇高而愉快的事业。它对国家人材的培养,文化科学教育事业的发展,以及后一代的成长,起着重大朗作用。;;徐特立 14. 教师对儿童的爱护,不仅是教师爱好其教育活动的必要条件,不仅是争取威信、爱戴与尊敬的一项主要先决条件,而且也是教师的个人示范对于儿童的积极影响之一项必要条件。;;彼得洛夫 15. 孩子需要爱,特别是当孩子不值得爱的时候。;;赫而巴特 关于师爱的名言名句1. 光爱还不够,必须善于爱。;;克鲁普斯卡娅 2. 对学生的爱,首先应当表现在教师毫无保留地贡献出自已的精力、才能和知识,以便在对自己学生的教学和教育上,在他们的精


关于爱的英语作文【三篇】 【篇一】关于爱的英语作文 Love makes the world go around.Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.Too often we take it as granted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish.I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings.It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life. 【篇二】关于爱的英语作文 Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.Too often we take it as granted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish.But how to cherish the love?I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings. It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.Only when you know how to love than you will be a real man in this world.Love brings us warmth in the fearful coldness,love brings us bright when life gets hard and dark.Love brings us confidence toward life when we are tired out and want to give up.
