


1. Today is September 10th. It's _____ Day. A. Teacher B. Teacher's C. Teachers' D. Teacher'

2. It's June 1st, it's _____ Day. A. Childrens B. Children's C. Childrens' D. Childrens's

3. This year, _____ is on May 9th.

A. My mother's birthday

B. My mothers' birthday

C. My mothers birthday

D. My mothers's birthday

4. Lin Tao is ill, so he has to go to the ____ .A. doctor B. doctor’s C. doctors' D. doctor'

5. ---Where is Mr. Zhang? ---He is in the ____ .

A. teacher's reading room

B. teachers' reading room

C. teacher reading room

D. teachers reading room

6. This is ___ ball. It's not ___ . A. the boy's, girl's B. the boy's, the girl's C. the boy, the girl D. boys', girls

7. This year, the most popular ___ hat is that kind. A. woman's B. womens' C. women's D. womans'

8. Look at the book, it's not mine, and it's not yours, so it must be __ .

A. somebody else's

B. somebody else'

C. somebody's else

D. somebody' else

9. These are ___ . A. newspaper of today B. today's newspaper C. today's newspapers' D. today newspaper's

10. It's about ___ from my home to our school.

A. twenty minutes' walk

B. walk of twenty minutes'

C. walk of twenty minutes'

D. twenty minute's walk

11. ____ is very small and white.

A. The hat of your brother's

B. The hat of your brother

C. Your brother's hat

D. Your brother hat

12. This is ___ . A. Mike and Jim's bike B. Mike's and Jim bike C. Mike's and Jim's bike D. Mike and Jim bike

13. He is ___.

A. one student of my father

B. one of my father's student

C. my father's students

D. one student of my father's

14. Ken is also ___ . A. one cousin of mine B. one cousin of my C. one cousin of me D. one cousin of I

15. ____ has traveled to Beijing.

A. A friend of her

B. A friend of hers

C. A her friend

D. Her's one friend

16. These are ___ books. Li Lin bought some at the Sun Bookstore and Jill bought some at the Blue Sky Bookstore.

A. Li Lin's and Jill

B. Li Lin and Jill's

C. Li Lin's and Jill

D. Li Lin's and Jill's

17. Billy and I are good friends, I have ___ . Look at this one, how sweet he is smiling!

A. some pictures of Billy'

B. some pictures of Billy's

C. some Billy's pictures

D. some pictures of Billy

18. This is ____ , and I borrowed it two days ago.

A. a picture of Mr. Cox

B. a picture of Mr. Cox's

C. a Mr. Cox' picture

D. Mr. Cox's picture

参考答案: 1. 教师们共同的节日,故用复数名词所有格,选C。

2. Children本身已是复数形式,不需在词尾再加s,故选B。

3. A。

4. 表示诊所、店铺或某人的家等地点名词时,其名词所有格后的被修饰语常常省略,选B。

5. 老师们所共用的阅览室,用复数名词的所有格,选B。

6. B。

7. 最受欢迎的女士帽,应在复数名词之后加名词所有格,故选C。8. A。

9. 今天的,应在today后使用所有格形式,选B。

10. 表示时间的名词,可直接在词尾加's变成相应的所有格,twenty minutes是以s结尾的复数形式,直接在词尾加',选A。11. 有生命的名词,一般使用's 名词所有格结构,选C。

12. 双方共同拥有的物品,只在后一个名词上使用所有格结构。选A。

13. 双重所有格,我父亲的学生中的一个,选D。

14. 我的堂兄弟中的一个,“我的”后省略名词,用名词性物主代词,选A。15. B。

16. 虽书本放在一处,但两人各拥有一部分的所有权,不是双方共同拥有,故两者都应用's形式,选D。

17. 我有比利的照片,应是画面内容是有关比利的,不是所有权归比利,故应用D。

18. 对照片所有权归考克斯先生,照片没有生命,故用of所有格形式, 故选B。

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.



名词所有格专项练习 班级 _______ 姓名 __________ .用所给词的适当形式填空 1. March 8th is ______________ D ay. (woman). 2. __________________________ T aking twenty ( 分钟 ) exercise every day is good for your health. 3. __________________________ T he shop sells ( 妇女 ) handbags. 4. _______________________________________ T eachers in western countries have a ( 三个月的 ) holiday in a year. 5. I ' ll give my English teacher a card for __________ Day. (teacher) 6. It ' s only ten ________ walk from the station to the hotel. (minute) 7. It ' s an _________ (hour) ride from here to the museum. 8. That 'smy ______________ (father) car. It 's grey. 二.选择填空: ( ) 1. How ' s Joy 's skirt? Her skirt is more beautiful than ________________ . A. her sister ' s and Kate B. her sister and Kate C. her sister and Kate 's D. her sister ' s and Kate 's ( )2. This is ______ room. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Lucy ' s and Lily 's B. Lucy ' s and Lily C. Lucy and Lily ( ) 3. In _____ time, those mountains will be covered with trees, too. A. few years B. a few years ' C. a few year ( ) 4. Did you hear the _________ report? A. policemen B. policemen 's C. policemens ( ) 5.It 's about ___________ walk from my home. ( ) 6. This is my dress. That one is ____________ . A. Mary B. Mary 's C. sister D. mother ( )7. Where is _____________ sweater ? I can 't see it. A. Lucy B. Lucys C. Lucy 's D. Lucys ( ) 8. _________ mothers made them have piano lessons. ( ) 9. The room on the right is _____________ A. her B. she C. Lil y 's D. L ily ( ) 10 . Where ' s yuor father ? At ______ A. Mr Green 's B. Mr. Green C. the Mr. Green 's D. the Greens ( ) 11 . The twin brothers always put small presents in ________ stockings on Christmas Day. A. each other 's B. each other C. each others D. each other s ' ( ) 12. I have been to Beidaihe with a friend _________ . A. in Chinese B. of Japan C. of American 's D. from Canada ( )13. When we saw the film Hero, I sat between Ted and Ben. That is to say my seat was between . ( )14. It is said that SARS has killed more than _____________ people worldwide. s D. Lucy and Lily D. a few year ' s D. policemens A. ten minute B. ten m inutes C. ten minute s D. ten minutes A. Peter and Anne B. Peter ' s and Anne 's C. Peter s and Anne D. Peter and Anne 's A. Ted and Ben B. Ted ' s and Ben C. Ted and Ben s D. Ted ' s and Ben 's


名词的所有格 名词有三个格:主格、宾格和所有格。名词的所有格通常表示“---的”. 1.How’s Joy’s skirt? Her skirt is more beautiful than ________. A.her sister’s and Kate B.her sister and Kate C.her sister and Kate’s D.her sister’s and Kate’s 2.This is _______ room. The twin sisters like it very much. A.Lucy’s and Lily’s B.Lucy’s and Lily C.Lucy and Lily’s 3.It’s about __________walk from my home.

A. ten minute B. ten minutes’ C. ten minute’s D. ten minutes 4 Today is September 10th. It's ________ Day. A. Teacher B. Teacher's C. Teachers' D. Teacher' 5. It's June 1st, it's ________ Day. A. Childrens B. Children's C. Childrens' D. Childrens's 6 This year, ________ is on May 9th. A.My mother's brithday B. My mothers' brithday C. My mothers brithday D. My mothers's brithday 7 This year, the most popular ________ hat is that kind. A. woman's B. womens' C. women's D. womans' 8 He is ________ . A. one student of my father B. one of my father's student C. my father's students D. one student of my father's 9 Ken is also ________ . A. one cousin of mine B. one cousin of my C. one cousin of me D. one cousin of I 10 Billy and I are good friends, I have ________ . A. some pictures of Billy' B. some pictures of Billy's C. some Billy's pictures D. some pictures of Billy


名词:在名词中要注意的是名词的可数与不可数,单、复数形式及所有格问题。常用的不可数名词:milk, , meat, fruit, food, paper, weather;单复数一致:sheep, fish(做鱼肉讲时,不可数), Chinese, Japanese;本身就是复数形式:people 1. There are some ________ on the hill. A. sheeps B. a sheep C. sheep D. sheepes 2. Mr Black often gives us ________ by Email. A. some good information B. some good informations C. good informations D. a good information 3. There are some new books in the school library. They are ____ books. A. child B. childrens' C. children D. children's 4. I have worn out my shoes, so I want to buy a new ________ . A. pair B. one C. ones D. trousers 5. Meimei's handwriting is better than any other ______ in his class. A. students B. students C. student's D. students' 6. The hospital is a bit far from here. It's about _______ . A. forty minutes's walk B. forty minute's walk C. forty minutes walk D. forty minutes' walk 7. How many _____ are there in your class ? A. Japanese B. American C. Australian D. Canadian 8. I found my black cat in_____ room. A. Jim and Mike B. Jim and Mike's C. Jim's and Mike's D. Jim's and Mike

中考英语专题讲练 名词所有格(解析版)

名词所有格 知识精讲 一、名词所有格的概念 名词的所有格主要是用来表示名词与名词之间的一种所属关系的,它的中文意思为“……的”。名词的所有格有两种形式:’s所有格和of所有格。 二、’s所有格 ‘s所有格一般用于有生命的名词后。以下表格为用法及例子:

三、of所有格 “of+名词”一般用来表示无生命的物体间的所属关系,如: the color of the window窗户的颜色the brake of the bicycle自行车闸 the frame of the photo相框the title of the article文章标题 注意:在许多情况下,表示人、动物、集体、时间、机构、组织等的名词都可以用of 所有格代替’s所有格。例如: the sunshine of autumn = autumn’s sunshine the debate of Sunday = Sunday’s debate the government’s decision = the decision of the government 但是,在表示类别时’s所有格一般不能用of所有格代替。例如: men’s suits 不能改为the suits of men a doctor’s degree不能改为the degree of a doctor 2

四、双重所有格 “of+名词所有格”或“of+名词性物主代词”通常用来表示整体中的一个或部分,如: a friend of Mike’s = one of Mike’s friends麦克的一个朋友 a classmate of Mine = one of my classmates我的一个同学 三点剖析 一、重难点: 1. 表示几个人共有一个物体,在最后一个名词词尾加-’s,如: Tony and Tommy’s room is not very big. 托尼和吉姆的房间不是很大。(表示共有) 2. 表示几个人各自所有,在每个名词词尾都加-’s,如: Jane ‘s and Lily’s mothers are both teachers. 简的妈妈和莉莉的妈妈都是老师。(表示各自所有) 二、易错点: “of+’s所有格”和“of+名词”所表达的意义不同,如: This is a photo of Jane’s. 这是简的一张照片。(指照片归简所有,但照片里是什么不清楚,可能是简,也可能不是) This is a photo of Jane. 这是一张简本人的照片。(指照片上是简本人) 题模精选 题模一:'s所有格 3

(完整)名词所有格及练习题 (1)

(完整)名词所有格及练习题 (1) 编辑整理: 尊敬的读者朋友们: 这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整)名词所有格及练习题(1))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为(完整)名词所有格及练习题 (1)的全部内容。

一.用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.March 8th is __________Day. (woman). 2.Taking twenty ___(分钟) exercise every day is good for your health。 3.The shop sells ____________(妇女) handbags. 4。Teachers in western countries have a __________(三个月的) holiday in a year. 5.I’ll give my English teacher a card for ___________Day. (teacher) 6。It’s only ten _________walk from the station to the hotel. (minute) 7。It’s an __________(hour) ride from here to the museum。 二.选择填空: 1.-—-—How’s Joy’s skirt?—-——Her skirt is more beautiful than ________。 A。her sister’s and Kate B。her sister and Kate C。her sister and Kate’s D。her sister's and Kate’s 2.This is _______ room. The twin sisters like it very much. A.Lucy's and Lily’s B.Lucy’s and Lily C.Lucy and Lily’s 3.It’s about __________walk from my home. A。 ten minute B。ten minutes’ C。ten minute’s D。ten minutes 4.This is my dress. That one is ______________. A。 Mary B。Mary’s C. sister D. mother 5.The room on the right is ________. A。 her B。 she C. Lucy’s D。 Lucy 6.We’l l have a ______ holiday。 What about going to the West Lake? A。 two days B. two-day C。 two-days D. two-days'(两天的假期:two days’ holiday/two—day holiday) 7.The market isn’t far from here. It's only _________ bicycle ride. A. half an hours’ B。 half an ho ur’s C。 half an hour D。an hour and a half 8.My father will have a ___ holiday next month。He'll take me to Qingdao。 A. ten days B. ten days’ C。 ten—days D。ten day's 9.It is said that SARS has killed more than ________ people worldwide. A. three hundreds B. three hundreds' C. three hundred’s D. three hundred 10.Kate won the _______ race in the summer sports meeting. A。 100-metre B。 100-metres C. 100 metre D. 100 metre's 11.Whose bike is it ?It’s _____。A。John B. John’s C 。 Johns


名词所有格的构成、用法及练习 名词在句中表示所有关系、所属关系、动作执行者及动作承受者等意义时常需用所有格形式。名词所有格也称为属格、主格,它主要包括's所有格、of所有格和双重所有格三种表现形式。 名词所有格的用法: 1.0 名词+ ’s (主要用于有生命的事物或自然界独一无二的某些空间和时间名词的所有格) 1.1 单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加’s构成所有格,例如: e.g. Jimmy’s book(吉米的书) Jane’s schoolbag(简的书包) Mark’s room (马克的房间) Qi anqian’s mother (倩倩的妈妈) Children’s Day(儿童的节日、六一儿童节) M en’s R oom 男厕所 Wuhan’s summer is very hot. (武汉的夏天非常热。) Qianqian ’s math is very good.(倩倩的数学很好。) 1.2 复数名词以-s结尾的只需要加’ 构成所有格。 e.g. Twins’ father is Mr. Brown. (双胞胎的爸爸是布朗先生。) Girls’ favorite food is ice-cream. (女孩们最喜欢的食物是冰激凌。) the workers’ struggle工人的斗争 2.0 名词+of +名词 如果名词是无生命的,我们通常就要用名词+of +名词的结构来表示所有关系。例如: e.g. A bag of mine= my bag (我的书包) The name of the girl =the girl’s name (女孩的名字) The window of the bedroom = the bedroom’s window(卧室的窗户) 3.0 特殊所有格 若一样东西为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个名词都用所有格,且其后名词应为复数。例如: e.g. This is Tom and Jim’s room. 这是汤姆和吉姆共有的房间。 These are Tom’s and Jim’s rooms. 这些是汤姆和杰森各自的房间。 an hour and a half’s walk (步行一个半小时的路程) 4.0 's所有格所修饰的词的省略现象 4.1 表示诊所、店铺或某人的家等地点名词,其名词所有格后的被修饰语常常省略。例如: e.g. I met her at the doctor's(office).我在诊所遇见了她。 He has gone to the tailor's(shop).他到服装店去了。 She went to Mr.Black's(house)yesterday.她昨天到布莱克先生家去了。 4.2 名词所有格所修饰的词,如果前面已经提到过,往往可以省略,以免重复。例如: e.g. Whose pen is this?It's Tom's.这是谁的钢笔?是汤姆的。


名词所有格的专项练习 A. Teacher B. Teacher's C. Teachers' D. Teacher' 2. It's June 1st, it's ________ Day. A. Childrens B. Children's C. Childrens' D. Childrens's 3. This year, ________ is on May 9th. A. My mother's brithday B. My mothers' brithday C. My mothers brithday D. My mothers's brithday 4. Lin Tao is ill, so he has to go to the ________ . A. doctor B. doctor's C. doctors' D. doctor' 5. —Where is Mr. Zhang? —He is in the ________ . A. teacher's reading room B. teachers' reading room C. teacher reading room D. teachers reading room 6. This is ________ ball. It's not ________ . A. the boy's, girl's B. the boy's, the girl's C. the boy, the girl D. boys', girls 7. This year, the most popular ________ hat is that kind. A. woman's B. womens' C. women's D. womans' 8. Look at the book, it's not mine, and it's not yours, so it must be ________ . A. somebody else's B. somebody else' C. somebody's else D. somebody' else 9. These are ________ . A. newspaper of today B. today's newspaper C. today's newspapers' D. today newspaper's 10. It's about ________ from my home to our school. A. twenty minutes' walk B. walk of twenty minutes'



姓名:日期: 名词:在名词中要注意的是名词的可数与不可数,单、复数形式及所有格问题。常用的不可数名词:milk, , meat, fruit, food, paper, weather;单复数一致:sheep, fish(做鱼肉讲时,不可数), Chinese, Japanese;本身就是复数形式:people 1. There are some ________ on the hill. A. sheeps B. a sheep C. sheep D. sheepes 2. Mr Black often gives us ________ by Email. A. some good information B. some good informations C. good informations D. a good information 3. There are some new books in the school library. They are ____ books. A. child B. childrens' C. children D. children's 4. I have worn out my shoes, so I want to buy a new ________ . A. pair B. one C. ones D. trousers 5. Meimei's handwriting is better than any other ______ in his class. A. students B. students C. student's D. students' 6. The hospital is a bit far from here. It's about _______ . A. forty minutes's walk B. forty minute's walk C. forty minutes walk D. forty minutes' walk 7. How many _____ are there in your class ? A. Japanese B. American C. Australian D. Canadian 8. I found my black cat in_____ room. A. Jim and Mike B. Jim and Mike's C. Jim's and Mike's D. Jim's and Mike 9. How much are the _____ ? A. bread B. meats. C. potatos D. tomatoes 10. There are many ______ in our school. A. woman teachers B. woman's teachers C. women teachers D. women's teachers 11. Three months ________ a long time for me.


用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.March 8th is __________Day. (woman). 2.Taking twenty __________(分钟) exercise every day is good for your health. 3.The shop sells ____________(妇女) handbags. 4.Teachers in western countries have a __________(三个月的) holiday in a year. 5.I’ll gi ve my English teacher a card for ____________Day. (teacher) 6.It’s only ten __________walk from the station to the hotel. (minute) 7.It’s an __________(hour) ride from here to the museum. 选择填空: 1.----How’s Joy’s skirt? ----Her skirt is more beautiful than ________. A.her sister’s and Kate B.her sister and Kate C.her sister and Kate’s D.her sister’s and Kate’s 2.This is _______ room. The twin sisters like it very much. A.Lucy’s and Lily’s B.Lucy’s and Lily C.Lucy and Lily’s 3.In ______ time, those mountains will be covered with trees, too. A.few years B.a few years’ C.a few year D.a few year’s 4.We will have a ___________holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two–month C. two month’s D. two–months 5.Did you hear the ___________report? A. policemen B. policemen’s C. policemens’ D. policemens 6.It’s about __________walk from my home. A. ten minute B. ten minutes’ C. ten minute’s D. ten minutes 7.This is my dress. That one is ______________. A. Mary B. Mary’s C. sister D. mother 8.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ________ to his office. A. 20 minutes walk B. 20 minute’s walk C. 20-minutes walk D. 20-minute walk 9.Where is ___________ sweater ? I can’t see it. A. Lucy B. Lucys C. Lucy’s 10.__________ mothers made them have piano lessons. A. Peter and Anne B. Peter’s and Anne’s C. Peter’s and Anne D. Peter and Anne’s 11.The room on the right is ________. A. her B. she C. Lucy’s D. Lucy 12.We’ll have a ____________ holiday. What about going to the West Lake?


名词及所有格 名词:表示人、事物、地方、现象或抽象概念等的名称的词。 一、名词的分类 注:1.专有名词是指人、地方、团体、机构等特有的名称。第一个字母必须大写。专有名词前一般不加冠词。 2、由普通名词构成的专有名词前要用定冠词"the",但它不大写。 3、有些不可数名词有时表示为具体的东西时,则变为可数名词,而且意思上也有了变化。 eg. beer ----a beer 一杯啤酒,work--- a work 工厂,著作,glass---a glass 一个玻璃 杯,room空间---a room一个房间 二、名词的所有格 名词的所有格是表示名词之间的所有关系,有两种表示形式, 一种是在名词后+'s;另一种是用of, 表示"……的" 1. (1) 一般词的所有格, 直接在词尾+'s。 eg. Mr. Mott's robot, children's clothes (2) 以s或者es结尾的复数名词,所有格只在词尾+' eg. teachers' books 以s结尾的单数名词(通常为人名)+ ’或者’s eg: Engels’ book 不以s结尾的复数名词+ ‘s eg: the children’s bags/ the women’s work/ 复合名词+’s eg: a grown-up’s education 成人教育 (3)两人共有的物体, 则在第二个名词后+'s; 如果分别是两人所有, 则在每个名词后面+'s。eg. Lucy and Lily's room. (指两人共住一个房间) Mrs Green's and Mrs Brown's son. (指两人各自的儿子) (4) 表示某具体场所时, 所有格后面的名词可省略 eg. the doctor's (office) Mr. White's 2.(1) 没有生命的事物一般用of 短语来表示所属关系。


1. Today is September 10th. It“s _____ Day. A. Teacher B. Teacher“s C. Teachers“ D. Teacher“ 2. It“s June 1st, it“s _____ Day. A. Childrens B. Children“s C. Childrens“ D. Childrens“s 3. This year, _____ is on May 9th. A. My mother“s birthday B. My mothers“ birthday C. My mothers birthday D. My mothers“s birthday 4. Lin Tao is ill, so he has to go to the ____.A. doctor B. doctor’s C. doctors“ D. doctor“ 5. ---Where is Mr. Zhang? ---He is in the ____ . A. teacher“s reading room B. teachers“ reading room C. teacher reading room D. teachers reading room 6. This is ___ ball. It“s not ___ . A. the boy“s, girl“s B. the boy“s, the girl“s C. the boy, the girl D. boys“, girls 7. This year, the most popular ___ hat is that kind. A. woman“sB. womens“ C. women“s D. womans“ 8. Look at the book, it“s not mine, and it“s not yours, so it must be __ . A. somebody else“s B. somebody else“ C. somebody“s else D. somebody“ else 9. These are ___ . A. newspaper of today B. today“s newspaper C. today“s newspapers“ D. today newspaper“s 10. It“s about ___ from my home to our school. A. twenty minutes“ walk B. walk of twenty minutes“ C. walk of twenty minutes“ D. twenty minute“s walk 11. ____ is very small and white.


一.选择正确的答案: 1. Today is September 10th. It’s ________ Day. A. Teacher B. Teacher’s C. Teachers’ D. Teacher’ 2. It’s June 1st, it’s ________ Day. A. Childrens B. Children’s C. Childrens’ D. Childrens’s 3. This year, ________ is on May 9th. A. My mother’s brithday B. My mothers’ brithday C. My mothers brithday D. My mothers’s brithday 4. 5. —Where is Mr. Zhang? —He is in the ________ . A. teacher’s reading room B. teachers’ reading room C. teacher reading room D. teachers reading room 6. This is ________ ball. It’s not ________ . A. the boy’s, girl’s B. the boy’s, the girl’s C. the boy, the girl D. boys’, girls 7. This year, the most popular ________ hat is that kind. A. woman’s B. womens’ C. women’s D. womans’


物主代词和名词所有格练习 用合适的物主代词填空: 1、ruler is long .I like it. 2、A duck has two legs. legs are short. 3、We are students. bags are new. 4、Linda is an English girl. hair is yellow 5、Mary’s father is a dr iver. car is red 6、Are these maps? Yes, they are my maps. 用括号中代词的适当形式填空。 1、He helped you. You should thank_____ for it. (he) 2、Jane asked Ted to go to the park with______. (she) 3、My grandpa asked_______ to buy some milk for______ (I, he) 4、These clothes are_______.(we) 5、______bedroom is very clean. (I) 6、I got a gift from______ and ______.(he, she) 7、You don’t want to use______ pencil. (he) You’ll buy_____ own pencil. (you) 8、I know that book is ____(I) because I had written_____ (I) name in it. 9、At the gate of school______ and_____ saw a car. (she, I) 10、They will spend______ holiday at the lake. (they) 11、That is not_____kite. That kite is very small, and_____ is very big. (I) 12、The dress is ______. Give it to ______. (she) 13、Is this _____ watch? (you) No, it’s not_____. (I) 14、______ is my brother. ______name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _____. (he) 15、______ dresses are red. (we) What colour are _____ ? (you) 16、Here are many dolls. Which one is _____? (she) 17、I can find my toy, but where’s ______? (you)


名词所有格专项练习 一、选择正确的答案 1、 The _______ open. A. windows of the room is B. room's windows are C. windows of the room are D. room's windows is 2、Women's clothes are usually more expensive than _______. A. men's B. mans' C. man's D. mens' 3、Mr. _______ family is large. A. Smith B. Smiths' C. Smith's D. Smith' 4、I caught your _______. A. brother's the cold B. brother the cold C. brother's cold D. brother cold 5、I will go to the _______ family on Sunday. A. Wangs' B. Wangs's C. Wang D. Wang's 6、Mr. Robinson is _______. A. my father's friend B. a my father's friend C. a friend of my father D. my father's a friend 7、Mr. Lin is these _______ teacher. A. student's B. students's C. students D. students' 8、Teachers and students should know _______ names. A. each others' B. each other's C. X D. each other 9、The teacher gave me _______ to finish my homework. A. two hours time B. two hours' time C. two hour time D. two hour's time 10、My car is in front of _______ house. A. Lin's B. the Lins' C. the Lins D. the Lin 11、I would like to have___. A. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milk C. two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks 12、Can you give me ____? A. a tea B. some cup of tea C. a cup tea D. a cup of tea 13、Please give me ___ paper. A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of 14、John bought___for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes 15、The man over there is ____.
