


英语专业八级考试的听力理解部分包括四个项目:Section A,Section B,Section C与Section D。前三项,考试时间共20分钟。

Section A:Talk

Section B:Conversation or Interview

Section C:News Broadcast


Section D:Note-taking and Gap-filling


针对八级考试听力部分的特点,我们可以从局部理解和整体理解两个方面加以探讨。综观八级考试的听力考题,我们可以发现所有的试题类型都是由what, who, where, when, why 和 how所包括的内容,即事件、人物、地点、时间、原因和方式构成的。八级考试听力材料长短不一,或针对某一现象进行叙述,或根据某一事件展开对话(面试或访谈)。考生必须在一个大情景下抓住事情的要点和事件的发展线索后才能答题。大多数英语专业学生具有良好的听力基本功,他们需要提高的是听力的广度和深度,因此,考生在日常的学习生活中必须有意识地多听多练。同时,我们建议同学们在练习听力时注意以下几个问题:选择适当的听力材料



练习听力时,大家可采取“精听”和“泛听”两种方式结合来训练自己,前者的重点在于深度,后者则注重广度。精听的目的在于从what, who, where, when, why 和 how等角度入手,弄懂与之有关的所有问题,即所有细节性问题;而泛听则是听懂大意即可。通过这两方面长期不懈的努力,考生最终能获得用英语进行思维的能力。如果能做到用英语思考问题,那么做对几道试题是不会有太多困难的,因为试题从广义上也就分为两大类,局部理解题和通篇理解题,前者属于我们精听的范畴,而后者则属于我们泛听的对象。听的目的在于懂,那么,如何衡量自己是否听懂了呢?一个行之有效的方法就是“复述”。我们在听完一个片段后,可将所听的内容重复一遍,如果具有较高的准确度,就说明真正听懂了;否则需要再听一遍,如果连听几遍还无法较为满意地复述,说明所听内容太难,应予以更换。

与此同时,我们还应通过“读”帮助“听”,特别是在听新闻方面。与其他听力材料相比,新闻具有其鲜明的特点。新闻的内容特别广泛,几乎覆盖我们生活的各个方面。听英语新闻的一个障碍是对新闻词汇的生疏。因此,在学习听新闻的初级阶段,我们可以阅读一些大众媒体文献,如报纸、刊物,从中积累一些新闻用语,一些重要组织的名称如EEC(European Economic Community)欧洲经济共同体、IMF(International Monetary Fund)国际货币基金会、OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)石油输出国组织、NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)国家航空和航天局;单词如upsurge

(高涨)、manoeuvre(策略)、escalation(升级)、allegation(断言)等等。对现实生活各个领域的词汇都略知一二是听懂新闻的基础。新闻作为一种语言测试题型也是语言在现实生活中真实运用的体现。在八级考试考试中,新闻的内容均为考生所熟悉的一般性政治、经济、娱乐等方面的信息,在题材上不会给考生造成障碍,其目的只是测试考生从VOA或BBC 获取新闻的能力。与其他听力练习一样,提高听英语新闻的能力的途径也是多听。在英语新闻听力训练初级阶段,考生可借助有文字稿的教材帮助训练。考生在训练时应提倡首先在不看文字材料的情况下直接听录音答题,在多次不能听懂时再看文字稿。经过一段时间这样的训练后,多数同学的听力能力都能有明显提高。在达到完全脱稿就能基本听懂新闻的要求后,考生可过渡到定时定量收听英语新闻的练习。练习时还要注意我们在前面提到的一个问题,即听懂是一个方面,如果能做到在听懂后能将一则新闻的重要细节和大意在脑海里回顾一遍或复述一遍,这对我们听力能力达到质的飞跃有极大的帮助。倘若坚持“听”与“复述”相结合的练习,对大家的听力及用英语进行思维的能力有很大的提高。





What strikes the woman most about the male robber is his ____.

A. clothes

B. age

C. physique

D. appearance

我们一旦获悉即将听到的一篇材料与抢劫有关的信息后,大脑就很自然地启动一些我们所储存的关于抢劫的信息,从而主动权就掌握在考生手里。反之,如果不进行试题预读,我们可能在听完全部材料的三分之一后才知道其中心议题是抢劫。这就是预读的重要性。不仅如此,我们还可以利用多余的答题时间来达到预读的目的。题与题之间一般有15秒的答题时间,如果考生只用5秒就做好了第一题,那么余下的10秒就可以用于预读第2题、第3题等。八级听力考试的四个部分中,只有第四部分考生不能预读,因为考生在做完笔录后才发给该部分答卷即ANSWER SHEET ONE。


审题似乎是一个老生常谈的话题,但却是十分重要的问题。这里所说的审题并非指考生完全看不懂题目,而是指由于审题不仔细而捕捉不到问题的核心。我们来看看下面一道题:The modern electronic anti-noise devices ____.

A. are an update version of the traditional methods

B. share similarities with the traditional methods

C. are as inefficient as the traditional methods

D. are based on an entirely new working principle

以上问题的核心在于领会 modern electronic anti-noise devices(现代抗噪音电子装置)的定义,而不仅仅是抗噪音电子装置),更不是一般的 anti-noise devices(抗噪音装置)。录音中很可能出现有关anti-noise device在各个不同发展时期不同特点的信息,如果不认真审题,就会出现张冠李戴的错误。另外,审题的仔细还表现在领悟特殊形式的题干,如否定式Which of the following is INCORRECT,或排除式All the following are true EXCEPT,等等。正确审题是答题的关键,否则听力能力再好的考生也不会有好的成绩。


听懂说话者的语气可帮助我们回答问题。这一点在八级考试听力第二部分(对话或面试)显得更为重要。例如,Well, I'm afraid I do. But I might be mistaken. 表示了说话者不肯定的语气。有时字面意思与说话者所要表达的意图相反,这时考生更多的是依赖讲话者的口气来答题。如,I'd be sacked if I accepted your offer.所表达的是拒绝。讲话的口气是多种多样的,它可以表达惊奇、犹豫、挑战、讽刺、安慰、决心等,正确领会它们能做到事半功倍。



八级考试听力第四部分记笔记填空是较为复杂的听力测试项目,有其自身特点,掌握这些特点对考生大有好处。该部分录音通常是一篇具有较强逻辑性的文章,从几个方面论证或叙述一个问题。因为考生须填空的词是基于整个问题要点及其重要细节的实词,所以考生在记笔记时应重点盯住这些内容,而非繁文褥节。举个例子,如果录音中出现了关于一个问题的三四个例证,如为了说明 fast food而列举了 Kentucky Fried Chicken,McDonalds,Pizza Hut等等,考生最多记住一两个即可。另外,用于填空的词不一定非得是录音中出现的词,凡是在语义上与原文一致且语法上与填空短文相适应的单词均可。本书练习题该部分并不局限于书中所给出的答案,可能的答案也许有更多,大家可自行掌握。填空时,考生一定要注意所填单词的词性准确无误。我们发现,有的考生能找出一个意义相应的词,但不是很注意词性,因为该填动词的地方一定要填动词,如不能用intense来代替intensify。另外,倘若所填单词在句首,该单词首字母要大写。



2015英语专业八级听力第一部分MINI-LECTURE LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Understanding Academic Lectures Listening to academic lectures is an important task fro university students. Then, how can we comprehend a lecture efficiently I.Understand all (1) ______________ A.^ B.words C.(2) ______________ -stress -intonation -(3) ______________ II. Adding information A.lecturers: sharing information with audience B.listeners: (4) ______________ C.sources of information -knowledge of (5) ______________ 》 -(6) ______________ of the world D. listening involving three steps: -hearing -(7) ______________ -adding III. (8) ______________ A.reasons: -overcome noise -save time & B. (9) ______________ -content -organization IV. Evaluating while listening A.helps to decide the (10) ______________ of notes B.helps to remember information 答案:1. parts of meanings 2. sound/vocal features 3. rhythm 4. absorbing 5. subject 6. experience 7. reinterpreting 8. prediction 9. what to listen 10. Importance


2018年专八试卷核对试卷一 试卷二 1.formal innovation 2.rapport 3.attending section

4.writing long papers 5.high numbers 6.being filmed https://www.360docs.net/doc/519072506.html,parable questions 8.a natural order 9.figure out 10.sensitive 11.repeating 12.integrate into 13.logical or natural 14.editing 15.fundamental elements 听力: 1. The initial letters of an easy-to-remember phrase 2.[A] he's made up his mind to change some of his passwords. 3. intruders are patient enough to compute. 4.[D] The US takes up the leading edge of technology. 5.[A] Why not to write down passwords on notebooks 6.[D] the development of genetic tests is out of people's expectation. 7.[C] misgiving. 8.[A] improve self-discipline of the industry. 9.[D] Alienated.


2014年英语专业八级考试真题听力 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answ er the questionsthat follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your colored answer sheet. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be giv en10seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the intervie w betweenOscar winning actress Angelina Jolieand Cianons Andrew Damon Now listen to the interview. 1.What is the main purpose of Angelina's visit to Iraq? [A] To draw attention to the refugee crisis. [B] To look after refugees in Iraq. [C] To work for U.N.H.C.R. [D] To work out a plan for refugees. 2.From the interview we know that Angelina _________. [A] was strongly opposed to officials’ opinions [B] thought young kids should be give n priority [C] was much worried about the lack of action [D] proposed that policies be made pro mptly 3.Which of the following BEST explains what the global community should do? [A] To suspense the construction of schools. [B] To take prompt and effective actions. [C] To provide water and power supply. [D] To prevent instability and aggression. 4.Accorciing to Angelina, what is the key issue in solving the refugee problem? [A] The current situation in Iraq. [B] The politics in the Middle East [C] Refugees returning to normal life. [D] International and domestic efforts. 5Angelina saw her trip to Iraq significant because she could_________. [A help others know where the problems were [B] help bring NGOs back to the regio n [C] talk to different people there [D] read the official papers SETION C NEWS BROADCAST In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answ er the questionsthat follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your colored answer sheet. Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be gi ven 10seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news. 6.What is the main idea of the news item? [A] Alitalia's attempt to help Wind Jet out. [B] Cancellation of flights at Rome Airport [C] Problems caused by Wind Jet's cash shortage. [D] Expected changes. Question 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you w ill be given20 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news. 7.What did the researchers discover in northern Kenya? [A] A human tooth. [B] A human skull. [C] Three species of humans. [D] Three human fossils.


2014专八听力试题 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section,you will hear a mini-lecture.You willhear the lecture ONCE ONL Y. While listening, takenotes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them tocomplete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over,you will be given twominutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task onANSWER SHEET ONE,using no more than three words in each gap. Make sure the word(s)you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your noteswhile completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now listen to the mini-lecture. SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONL Y. Listen carefully and then answer thequestions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview betweenOscar winning actress Angelina Jolieand Cianons Andrew Damon. Now listen to the interview. 1.What is the main purpose of Angelina's visit to Iraq? [A] To draw attention to the refugee crisis. [B] To look after refugees in Iraq. [C] To work for U.N.H.C.R. [D] To work out a plan for refugees. 2.From the interview we know that Angelina _________. [A] was strongly opposed to officials’opinions [B] thought young kids should be givenpriority [C] was much worried about the lack of action [D] proposed that policies be made promptly 3.Which of the following BEST explains what the global community should do? [A] To supenise the construction of schools. [B] To take prompt and effective actions. [C] To provide water and power supply. [D] To prevent instability and aggression. 4.Accorciing to Angelina, what is the key issue in solving the refugee problem? [A] The current situation in Iraq. [B] The politics in the Middle East [C] Refugees returning to normal life. [D] International and domestic efforts.

专八听力新闻 3大考点归纳

第三周听力新闻 留篇章页。 星期1 Monday 3大考点归纳 一、考查主题把握 此考点主要考查考生对整篇新闻的主题或新闻发生的背景情况的把握,主要测试考生的综合归纳能力。考生只有掌握整篇材料的主题思想与真实意图,才能做出正确的选择。 常见的提问方式有: Which is the main idea of the news item ? What does the news item mainly report? What is the main message of the news item? 【例1】(10-6) 二、考查细节捕捉 此考点主要考查考生对新闻事实细节的识记能力,如时间、地点、人物、事件、数字等。此类题的答案有两种情况,一种是材料直接提供;一种是细节的同义转述或数字的简单计算。此类题主要考查考生的记忆能力,只要听清、记准,便不难做出最佳选择。 【例2】(10-7)

【例3】(10-8) 三、考查细节理解 此考点主要考查考生对新闻报道中重要细节的引申含义的理解。主要测试考生的推理、判断能力。 此类题是相对较难的一种题型,需要考生对某个细节有深层次的理解。由于推断不是凭空进行,而是建立在细节基础上的合乎逻辑的推断,因此考生要有针对性地捕捉细节,及时做笔记。

News Item 1 1.The News Item is mainly about that the Prime Minister of Thailand Abhisit Vejjajiva [A] is fighting a campaign by opposition protesters. [B] will resign soon. [C] has failed to arrest leaders of the rallies. [D] has put the head of the army in charge of national security. 2.Which of the following is INCORRECT about the head of the army? [A] He would be better able to deal with the situation. [B] He will make every effort to defeat the protesters. [C] He can make decisions directly. [D] He might be planning another operation to hit the protesters. News Item 2 3. The President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev has left the country [A] flowing to Uzbekistan. [B] with the help of the US and Russia. [C] immediately after his political opponents seized power. [D] on Sunday evening. News Item 3 4. Which of the following is INCORRECT about NASA? [A] It is going to be engaged in space shuttle program. [B] It enjoys full trust of President Obama. [C] It newly gets a fund of six billion dollars. [D] It is not the successor of Hubble Telescope. 5. According to President Obama, America will reinforce its robotic exploration of the solar system in the following aspects EXCEPT [A] research into the sun's atmosphere. [B] landing on an asteroid and Mars. [C] new scouting missions to Mars and other destinations. [D] an advanced telescope to follow Hubble. News Item 4 6. The northern opposition parties and the former southern rebels heavily criticized the electoral commission because [A] the country is heavily disunited. [B] they feared they will lose the election. [C] they didn’t think the election was well-prepared. [D] they thought the election was unfair. News Item 5 7. What is the news mainly about? [A] Obama is anxious to reform US financial system. [B] Obama warned the United States could not afford another financial crisis. [C] The parliament has approved Obama’s reform bill.


2019 专八真题听力练习Body language and mind Good morning, everyone. In today’s lecture, I‘d like to focus on how our body language reveals who we are. We ’re really fascinated with body language, and particularly interested in other people’s body language. You know, we’re someti interested in an awkward interaction, or a smile, or a contemptuous glance, or maybe very awkward wink, or handshake. So what kind of body language am I talking about? I am interested in 1___________________ — that is the nonverbal expressions of power and dominance. And what are nonverbal expressions of power and dominance? Well, this is what they are. In the animal kingdom, nonverbal expressions of power and dominance are about 2________. So you make yourself big, you stretch out, you take up space and you are basically opening up. And ?and humans do the same thing. So they do this when they ’re feeling powerful in the moment. And this one is especially interesting because it really shows us how universal and old these expressions of power are. For example, when athletes cross the finish line and they’ve won, it doesn’t matter if they’v seen anyone do it. They do this. So the arms are up in the V sign, the chin is slightly lifted. But what do we do when we feel powerless? We do exactly the opposite. 3_________________________. We make ourselves small. We don want’tto bump into the person next to us. And this is what happens when you put together high and low power. So what we tend to do when it comes to power is that we complement the other ’s nonverbals. What I mean is if someone is being really powerful with us, we tend to 4__________________________________.We don’5t________________. We do the opposite. I’mwatching this behavior in the classroom, and guess what I have noticed. I notice that MBA students really exhibit the full range of power nonverbals. They get right into the middle of the room before class even starts, like they really want to 6________________. When they sit down, they ’7re sort of . They raise their hands high. You have other people who are virtually collapsing when they come in. as soon as they, I mean other people, come in, you see it. You see it on their faces and their bodies, and they sit in their chair and they make themselves 8________, and they will not fully stretch their arms when they raise their hands. I

王长喜老师 专八听力周计划 第四周(预测试题)星期四

星期4 Thursday预测试题四 In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Some of the gaps may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is(are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.

Section B Interview In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1. The phenomenon introduced by the conversation is [A] company training mostly targets at managers. [B] under-development of workforce highly affects our economy. [C] our company training is far behind other developed countries. [D] company training is improving in some industries. 2.In the man’s view, the fast-food industry


Model Test Section A Mini-Lecture Teaching Methods for Effective Communication Good evening, everyone. A few months later, you will start to teach international students. Today, we will talk about the teaching methods for effective communication, which are generally helpful for your future teaching career. Teaching methods can help increase communication effectiveness. (1) Clearly organizing ideas and writing an outline on the chalkboard that lists the main points to be covered during the class helps students follow along with the organization of ideas. (2) It is also very helpful for students when teachers write technical terms or theoretical concepts on the board as they are mentioned. Students need and appreciate this effort. When a teacher is unsure about the pronunciation of certain words, those words should also be written on the board. The importance of writing words on the board is illustrated in the following experience of an undergraduate student. “I had a biology professor from Latin America. He gave a lecture on hung trees. I had never heard about that kind of tree before…After class a bunch of us students were talking about the hung trees. The American teacher heard us and asked us what we were talking about. It was really funny. He said the lecture was about young trees, not hung trees!” (3) This example of miscommunication points out the necessity for student participation in the international teacher?s classroom. (4) By setting aside class time for students to explain and discuss their understanding of the course material and the teacher?s lecture or explanations, many communication errors can be corrected before they interfere with student learning. Of course, some difficulties may be assumed to result from language problems when in fact the problem lies elsewhere. “For the foreign teacher, we have a problem with the language. (5) When students don?t understand, it could be a language problem, but it also could be that the


QUESTION BOOKLET TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2017) -GRADE EIGHT- TIME LIMIT: 150 MIN PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN] SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work. SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear TWO interviews. At the end of each interview, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interviews and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices. Now, listen to the first interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the first interview. 1. A. Comprehensive. B. Disheartening. C. Encouraging. D. Optimistic. 2. A. 200. B. 70. C. 10. D. 500. 试卷用后随即销毁。 严禁保留、出版或复印。


2002年 Master 掌握 Academic materials 学术材料Fairly 相当地 Complex 复杂的 Abstract 抽象的 Subject matter 主题 Higher education 高等教育Internalize 内化 Convert 转化 Means 方法 Currently 目前 Tutorials 导师指导课 Seminar 研讨会,讨论课 Long established 长期以来的Humanities 人文学科 Force v 迫使,强迫 Journal 学术期刊 Coherent 连贯的,条理清晰的Guide 指导,引导 Develop the strength 发展能力Counteract 对抗,抵消 Assess 评估 Course work 课业 Familiarize 使熟悉 Class discussion 课堂讨论Specialized 专业的 Trade-off 权衡 Metaphor 暗喻 Modify 修改 In response to 回应Participate 参与 Flexible 灵活的 Broad 宽广的,宽泛的Substitute 替代品Supplement 替代品 Direct Explanation 直接的解释,直白的解释 Session 课堂 Stimulate 激发,刺激 Mastery 掌握 Fruitful 有结果的,收获颇丰的Beforehand 提前 Vacuum 真空Timetable 时间表,课程表Occupy 占据 Proportion 比例 Interactive 互动的 Lecturer 讲师 Minimal 最低的,最小化的Concentrate 集中Complicated 复杂的 Overview 总的介绍,概况Accessible 可接触的,可到达的Description 描述 Theoretical 理论的Perspective 观点Indispensable 不可取代的Exponent 倡导者,拥护者 Cue 线索 Irrelevant 无关的Respectively 分别地Multinational 多国的,跨国的Observe 观察 Negotiate 谈判 Negotiations n Strategy 策略 Encounter 相遇,遇见Proficiency 流利度,专业度Affect v 影响 Distinct 清晰的,明白的,明确的Everyday 每天的 Extent 程度 So-called 所谓的 Diminish 消失,消退 Give way to 让步,让位于Model 模式 Unified 统一的 Principle 理论,原理Preference 选择,偏好Generalize 总结 Stereotype 固定模式,定式Negotiator 谈判人员 Importer 进口国 Background information 背景信息 Blunt 直言不讳的


星期2 Tuesday预测试题二 In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Some of the gaps may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is(are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.

Section B Interview In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1. Which of the following is CORRECT? [A] The man is to advertise for his new book. [B] The man specializes in communication. [C] His talk is about communication techniques. [D] His talk is actually an autobiography. 2. The man did all the following EXCEPT ______ to better his presentation performance. [A] consulting some relevant books [B] communicating with good speakers [C] observing the preparation of good speakers [D] doing performance comparison with good speakers 3. The man recommends the method of ______ to give a better presentation. [A] practicing it before colleagues [B] recording practice presentation rather than using colleagues [C] asking colleagues to examine the recorded practice presentation [D] learning from other real presentation videos 4. Which of the following is NOT what speakers tend to worry about when making a presentation? [A] Too much nervousness. [B] Rude audience. [C] Self diffidence. [D] Equipment failure. 5. In the man’s view, the way of really overcoming nervousness is [A] preparing well. [B] relaxing face muscles. [C] concentrating on your recent enjoyments. [D] doing breathing exercises. Section C News Broadcast In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. Question 6 and 7 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news. 6. Which of the following in INCORRECT about the summit on Nuclear Security? [A] It is the biggest international meeting since 1945. [B] More than 50 countries have attended it.
