

four years in university is a turning point in my life. in 2010 i was enrolled in xxx school with excellent grades,where i constantly challenge and enrich myself for four years ,lying a fundation for my career.the last few monthes in the school i engaged in social practice. the first job i got is Operator .during my work i have a further understanding about interpersonal relation,which did not make me content. on the contary, i feel not enough about my knowledges and have a desire to improve it. previously i am not a harkworking person,but now i want to go back to school and change myself throughly. although i am not aware of the importance of study, but i am very responsible.what i mean is i will do what my teacher instructs. i deem responsiblity is a virtue of people and have connection with honesty-responsible for what i have said and others. after having a learning about xxx institute , i firmly believe this institute will make me a elite with comprenhensive ability,enabling me to make contributions after going back my country,while in the institue i will enrich my capability and try to be calm.


1.学历证件准备 在每个德国大学外办AAA(Akademischen Auslandsamt)的相关网页中刊有外国申请者需要提交的申请材料。 APS审核证书原件(APS Zertifkat)必不可少,这是德国大学外办接受中国申请者申请的先决条件,勿忘附上。 此外为了完整起见,建议申请者还需备齐下列证件: 1)小学毕业证书 2)初中毕业证书 3)高中毕业证书 4)高中会考的各科成绩证明 5)高考的各科成绩证明 6)大学各学期各学科成绩单 7)大学毕业证书和学位证书(如果已经大学毕业) 8)大学在读证明(如果大学未毕业) 上述8项证件证明,均应经过翻译(德、英、法文皆可,建议德文)和公证。9)大学申请表 10)个人详细简历 11)证件照1张(申请表没有贴照片的地方,夹在简历上就行) 德国高校某些工程技术类专业需要申请者提交学前实习证明。因此,学习期间参加过实习,或毕业后参加过工作的,最好附上实习或工作证明,说明实习或工作的起止时间,内容和性质。 2.德语学习学时证明 “工欲善其事,必先利其器”。在德国进行专业学习或生活,要具备相当的德语知识,作为非德国本国的申请者,除了学历证明外必须提交能证明自己德语

水平的证明。因此特意把“德语学习学时证明”单独列出说明一下。 德国高校一般需要国外申请者在入学申请时至少达到800学时以上的德语学习结业证明,德语在读证明往往不能视为有效的语言水平证明。国内的一些高校提供了德语培训学习的机会,在取得了800-1000的相当于中级水平的结业证书后,随申请材料一并寄往大学。 值得注意的是,国内800学时的德语学习证明有时仍不足被承认为拥有足够的德语水平。大学语言班位置的相对紧缺,造成了大学对于申请者德语语言水平的要求日益提高,并趋向一个统一化的标准。一些大学需要申请者在入学申请时,就要提交DSH证书,TestDaF证书,或者歌德学院ZMP证书,方能提供入学机会。因此在申请时,务必留意各大德国高校对于德语证明的具体要求。


大学生英文自荐信模板 respect leadership: first, extends the deep respect to your industrious work, in spite of being very busy very thanks you to glance through my material. also hoped that it can open the opportunity and the success gate of for me. my name am ni xx, is the foreign language foreign trade training college international trade specialized 06 sessions of graduates. the graduation in namely, is facing the future and enterprise's choice, i the position which provides to your firm is interested very much. “in the work the academic society work, the academic society studies in the study”. three year university life, i record “one point to do farm work sincerely frequently, one point harvest” the maxim and loves the hillock professional spirit, and merges it to the study and the work. three year study, i mainly studied foreign trade shan zheng to study, curricula and so on economic, accounting, market marketing, international trade and practice, foreign trade letters and telegrams, international commerce english, through the international trade practice's study and the practice, caused my to further be familiar with the foreign trade service detailed flow, while learned the specialized knowledge, i have also studied computer's related knowledge, could utilize office series office softwares well and so on word, had the good team spirit and the very strong sense of responsibility, could bear hardships and stand hard work, honestly, is self-confident, is professional. as a graduating university graduate, i also lack the rich work experience, but i will work even more diligently, will enrich


美国大学文书申请范文 I guess it was inevitable that I’d be on hockey skates at some point in my life, but I did not expect that I’d become one of a rare group of female ice hockey officials before I even reached high school. Being born into a family of hockey players and figure skaters, it seemed that my destiny had already been decided. Right from the beginning, my two older brothers and my father strapped me up and threw me onto the ice. I loved it and, in my mind, I was on my way to becoming a female Gretzky! But my mom had to think of something fast to drag her little girl away from this sport of ruffians. Enter my first hot pink figure skating dress! That was all it took to launch fifteen years of competitive figure skating. Even though figure skating soon became my passion, I always had an unsatisfied yearning for ice hockey. It took a great deal of convincing from my parents that competitive figure skating and ice hockey didn’t mix. My compromise became refereeing ice hockey; little did I know that I was beginning an activity that would influence my character and who I am today. When I began, I would only work with my dad and brothers. Everyone was friendly and accepting because I had just started. I soon realized though that to get better I needed to start refereeing with


Not everyone agrees on what is right and what is wrong,(并非每个人对什么是对、什么是错都持一样的看法)nor does everyone agree on what is good and bad for children. Jacques Muller thinks money is the most important thing in the world, but unfortunately, money is not everything.(但是遗憾的是,金钱并非一切)Speaking of hamburgers not all Americans like them.(并非所有美国人都喜欢吃)Not all people share the same interests(人的兴趣不尽相同),but we can still like make friends with people who do not have our interests. Unit 2 (1)Often it is in overcoming hardships that we come to appreciate the value of life.(才懂得珍惜生命的价值) (2)Some scientists believe that people will come to be found of genetically modified crops someday(人们总有一天会喜欢转基因农作物的)since they can increase yields and farms'incomes, reduce prices and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world. (3)With repeated hackers'attacks on our system,we have come to realize the necessity of hiring a computer-security expert.(我们逐渐意识到有必须聘请一位计算机安全专家。) (4)Having conducted some surveys in Chinese kindergartens, Howard Gardner came to realize that the Chinese preferred “teaching by holding the hand”.(逐渐认识到中国人喜欢“把着手教”。) Unit 3 is not such an unusual word as it used to be (因特网已不再是一个不同寻常的字眼). In today’s electronic age , it is changing the way customers behave-in deciding what products to buy , and where to buy them . business suit has long been the uniform for male office workers .most men do not look unattractive in them(大多数男人穿上西装看上去倒不是没有魅力) . The problem is sometimes ,especially at the height of summer ,their movement seems to be restricted . as she is , she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment(尽管她富裕,她对突然遭到解雇并非无动于衷). York City was once the murder capital of the world . Due to a new policy called “zero-tolerance”, the policy of not tolerating even the smallest crime , the city can now be seen as a leader in crime fighting .This claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in the city’s violent crimes.(鉴于严重犯罪活动的大幅下降,这样的声言并非不切实际). skips breakfast on a daily basis; frequently misses meals in order to accommodate busy work or social schedules; eats a lot of fast-food; and fails to exercise regularly .his poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life .(他身体欠佳,与他不健康的生活方式不无关系). Unit 5 1. Fifty years ago it was taken for granted(人们理所当然地认为) that marriage was the goal of every young woman’s inmost thought, and the aim for her of her father and


Pers?nlicher Lebenslauf Name X X Geschlecht m?nnlich Lichtbild Geburtsdatum XX.XX.XXXX Geburtsort Hangzhou Fachrichtung Maschinendesign und-bau sowie ihre Automatisierung Studiendauer 5 Jahre Name der Hochschule Tongji-Universit?t Fremdsprache und PC-Kenntnisse Fremdsprache Kenntnisse Test Daf (X X X X) Hochschuldeutsch Stufe 6 Hochschul deutsch Stufe 4 College English Test-4 College English Test-6 PC-Kenntnisse Die Softwaren CAD, Programmierungssprach e C++,Datenbank geübt verwenden Praktische T?tigkeiten 10.2006-10.2007 China Construction Bank Salespromoter für Kreditkarte 07.2007 Puzheng Schienenfahrzeugsfabrik Besuchspraktikum 09.2007 SiManlin übersetzungsfirma übersetzer für CAD Zeichnungen aus Deutsche ins Chinesische Kontakt Anschrift Handynummer E-mail Postleitszahl Selbstbeurteil XXXXX


【关于申请大学自荐信英文】国外大学自荐信英文 高校毕业生的求职自荐信是人才分配市场化的产物。高校毕业 生的求职自荐信同一般求职自荐信既有相似的一面,又有很大的不同。了关于申请大学的英文自荐信,欢迎阅读! I am Wangfeifei, 19-year-old, from Yantai No. 2 high school, Shandong province. I`m a bright and confident girl, have wide interest, enjoying a happy childhood and good family education. Fond of swimming exercises my body,seven years` study of zither makes me find the peace of mind,taking Olympic mathematics lessons improves my interest in my mathematics and science. The books I like most are history books, from which I can learn lessons and gain illumination and wisdom. As a little child, I had a strong desire of knowledge and exploration. Hong Kong is a land of magic, an open international financial center. As an "oriental pearl" at the estuary of Zhujiang river, Hong Kong draws my great interest in its economy and finance. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology which owns the foremost international perspective, sophisticated scientific research, and diversity of cultural environment, has a long history with a good fame. These will help me lay a


美国大学申请书格式 When I wake up to the ear-splittingsound of my alarm clock ,and blindly search for the snooze button ,a suddenthought dawns :“ What am I doing ?” The time is 5 :30 AM;all is dark andhushed. My weary body feels completely drained of energy. While straining toopen my eyes,still warm and snug in my comfortable bed,I amovercome with afeeling of lethargy. “Perhaps I should call in sick. ” Despite all mymusing,and my bed's magnetic pull ,I still manageto rise each morning at thisungodly hour to join the cross-country running team in rigorous training. Cross-country running , a sport thatrequires the fusing of body and mind ,strives to maximize your physical abilityby testing your mental tenacity. Everyday represents a new struggle to beatyesterday's maximum output ,an issue of mind over matter. I have known theagony of this conflict since I joined the newly established cross-country team.As convincing as


2021年德国留学申请书准备指南 在创作德国的留学文书时,有一些创作原则和要求是必须知道的,还有一些书写技巧,的我今天和大家来详细说说2021年德国留学申请书准备指南。 关键点 1、你大学读这个专业为什么选择目前申请专业? 2、你父母做什么工作对你申请专业有什么影响? 3、你对目前申请专业领域的问题如何看待,比如申请金融,现在国家允许银行倒闭的问题你如何看待? 4、你有什么和招生办公室老师们分享的事情吗? 5、你有什么团队协助的案例吗? 6、你是怎么样计划到这个国家或者地区度过1-2年的研究生生活? 7、你毕业后的2-3年计划到什么样的单位做什么样的工作呢? 8、你为什么选择这个国家而不是其它国家呢? 9、你为什么选择这个国家的这个大学的这个专业而不是其它专业呢? 写作技巧 一、突出重点,主线明确 清楚有力地表达您的求学动机,和学习学术能力。在国内有一种错误的观点,要“煽情”才能有效果。有的留学申请人就通过描述不相干活动展示“独特”的性格,或是学术上感觉没有什么可写的,就写自己考试时克服了重重困难,如何考取了好成绩!这是根本不着边际的写法,会让录取者发掘不到你的特点。要知道,你是要在很短的时间内,清楚地用几百字告诉招生教授你是入学(奖学金)非常合格的人选,盲目“煽情”完全不需要。

二、结构简单,衔接紧密 留学文书其实是你个人的广告!要重点突出,形象鲜明。仔细想想,留下深刻印象的广告哪个不是简明而富有创意的?许多申请人往往想把自己的全部优点都写出来告诉教授,觉得这样才能全面的展现自己。但是:“Simple is the best”,试想一下,招生教授天天都要做大量的教学工作,还要抽出时间阅读数量可观的留学申请资料,只有那种简单有力的文章才能HIT THE TARGET,让人印象深刻!我们的理念是简明而富有创 意的! 三、符合西方思维习惯 文化的差异导致东西方在什么是美德和优缺点的看法上不尽相同。我们在以往的经历中发现,有些留学申请人表达出来的“优点”实际上在西方看来是缺点,反映申请人对学术问题毫无主见;而有些申请人认为不好的东西恰恰是西方人所欣赏的,认为这些能表现出申请人布满个性。所以申请人要了解如何以西方的思维方式取舍你的申请素材,把有益的亮点有选择性地挑选出来,在适当地篇幅里展示出来。 英文范文 Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open”policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England. The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother


2019高考英语作文预测:申请美国大学的自荐信高考英语作文预测:申请美国大学的自荐信 假如你是英才中学的学生李华,准备申请美国的一所大学,请根据以下提示写一封自荐信。内容包括: 1.在校表现; 2.获奖经历; 3.性格特点。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.能够适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir or Madam, I am Li Hua from Yingcai High School. I want to apply for the offer of your university. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________________ Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 参考范文

Dear Sir or Madam, I am Li Hua from Yingcai High School. I want to apply for the offer of your university. As a student with many hobbies such as reading books, playing basketball and chess, I keep a balance among all the subjects, which makes me excellent in our school. Besides, I have a talent for English, and I won first prize in the English Speech Contest in my province last year. In addition, I’m easy to get a long with and ready to help others in trouble. I believe I can adjust myself to the new environment soon. It has been my dream all the time to study in your university, which is famous for its academic atmosphere. I’d appreciate it if I could be admitted. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称哲学Philosophy 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism xx 哲学Chinese Philosophy xx 哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic

西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics


德国留学本科申请材料清单 1.十二年的基础教育证明。在简历中详细列明从小学到大学的学习时间和学校。如果申请者接受了十年或十一年的基础教育,高中毕业后进入了有国家承认的高等学校并修满三年者,可以申请直接入学;如果只修满两年,申请者必须要申请德国大学的预科,并且不能更换专业。 2.申请者要求通过全国统一高等学校入学考试,并进入大学本科或者三年制大专。如果申请者就读的大学是普通高校的四年制本科,学生要求修满一个学期,成绩合格,不更换专业方向;如果申请者就读的是重点大学的四年制本科,修满两个学期及以上就可以;如果是三年制的高等专科学校,学生要求修满4个学期及以上,成绩合格并且不更换专业方向。 3.申请者需具备较好的外语基础知识和应用能力。申请德语授课的学生需要提交德语学时证明,一般要求达到歌德学院中级水平,各个学校的具体要求也都不同,通常要提供800学时左右的德语学习证明。如果学生申请的是国际课程,则要求提供英语能力水平。 4.已获得学位的申请者需要提供学位证书,暂时还没有拿到学位的学生需要提供在读证明,并说明学生将会拿到学位的准确时间。 5.由务处开据的大学成绩单是必不可少的。有的学校会特别强调要求学生有出的色GPA,还有的学校要求证明学生的成绩排名。 6.高考成绩和大学入学证明。 7.列明毕业日期的高中毕业证。 8.如果可能,提供会考成绩。 9.留德审核部证明,也就是传说中的APS。基本上所有申请德国留学的中国学生都需要参加北京留德审核部的考试,通过考试后,会颁发审核证明。这里需要注意的是,提交给大学的证明必须是原件。建议找专业的老师指导准备这项考试,这样把握更大一些,以免由于准备不充分没有通过考试而延误申请进程。 10.有的专业需要提供金工实习证明。艺术类专业需要提供自己的相关作品。 扩展阅读:德国留学热门专业盘点 一、建筑设计 专业的学习内容,包括了建筑理论、绘制基础、实例考察和设计课程,对学生的理论和实践的要求都很高,而大家要想顺利的完成学业,并不是一件很容易的事情,不过未来有很好的发展。


英语求职信 第一篇:英语求职信 april 7, 2014 mr. ray hanks manager of human resources wayne investments, inc. 1023 central avenue tempa, fl 19122 dear mr. hanks: i am writing to apply for the client account coordinator, which was advertised may 4th with the career services center at florida state university. i have enclosed(附上)a copy of my resume for your review. i believe that i have the training, experience and qualities that you are looking for. departments throughout the firm. these are skills i developed both in my course work and in my recent internship ['int?:n?ip]实习期at liberty mutual, inc. in orlando, florida.

your job description suggests that our relationship could be mutually ['mju:t?u?li, -tju?li]互相地beneficial. i am confident that i can perform the job effectively, and i am excited about the idea of working for a dynamic(有活力的), nationally recognized investment management firm. i look forward to discussing my background and qualifications with you. if you would like to schedule an interview or otherwise discuss my interest in the position, i can be reached at (218) 365-3333. sincerely, tom sherman 第二篇:英语专业求职信范文 英语专业求职信范文 尊敬的xx领导: 您好! 我是江西理工大学外语学院英语系xx级的一名学生,即将于明年6月完成本科学业。这次贵公司给出这么好的海外实习机会,我希望能努力争取到,以做为自己真正步入社会的一个坚实的桥梁。 大学期间,我最郑重地告诉自己的一句话是:生命不息,奋斗不止。学通自己专业,利用它为我的人生开辟道路。于是我以科技英语为方向,首先侧重于打


美国大学留学申请书范文 大家都知道,申请文书包括了很多,有申请书、个人陈述等等,那么留学申请书应该要怎么写呢,和我一起来看看美国大学留学申请书范文。 (一)自我陈诉、开门见山、直入主题型 I am applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of California, Berkeley. I present my research experience and study objectives in this statement of purpose. I would like to build on my solid education and experience as an engineer for a Ph. D. degree in computer science at a distinguished university. I wish in particular to be trained at an advanced level in software systems, database systems, applied-AI and knowledge-based systems. My ultimate goal is to become a professor teaching computer science at a Chinese university. I believe that advanced training in a quality graduate program will help me realize my goal. (二)叙述故事,说理型 1.叙述自己的家庭故事 My father is a chartered accountant and my mother is a banker. During my days at Engineering College I used to go to my father's office and help him manage his portfolio of equities and other financial instruments. This was the time I learnt the first lesson of finance from my father i.e. risk and return are proportionate. In 1998 when I was in the second year the China stock market crashed. But fortunately, my father had a well-diversified portfolio because of


1) ___________________________(她决心继续追求) the better life she had dreamed of. 2) Y ou may have to reduce your dependence on fuels by ___________________________ _________________(减少你的日常消耗). 3) ________________________________(谈到生活观), different people hold different opinions towards it. 4) _____________________________________(我们目前靠四台电脑暂时还能应付),but we’ll need a couple more when the new staff arrive. 5) ______________________________(疑人不用),nor suspect someone you employ. 1) She decided to keep on pursuing 2) Cutting down on your daily consumption 3) When it comes to the view about life 4) We can get by with four computers at the moment 5) Don’t employ someone you suspect unit 2 1) _______________________(冒着巨大的危险), a group of volunteers took on the mission to transport food, clothes and medicine to the quake zone. 2) The people were trapped ____________________________________(当敌军开始逼近时). 3) _________________________________(她坚信) that she was right. 4) _____________________________________(在很多黑人看来), Lincoln was America’s greatest president thanks to his outstanding exploits. 5) ____________________________(她女扮男装), so she could fight on the battlefield. 1) At huge risk 2) when the enemy army began to close in (on them) 3) She had a firm conviction 4) In the eyes of many African-Americans 5)She disguised herself as a man


Antrag auf Zulassung zum Studium für ausl?ndische Studienbewerber/innen Antrag auf Zulassung zum Studium zum Wintersemester / Sommersemester an der (Name der Hochschule) 1. Angaben zum beabsichtigten Studium 1.1 Studiengang 1. Wahl Fachsemester - Für welches Fachsemester bewerben Sie sich? (Nur eintragen, wenn Anrechnungsbescheid vorliegt) Hauptfach 2. Hauptfach bzw. 1. Nebenfach 2. Nebenfach Angestrebter Studienabschluss in Deutschland für Studiengang 1. Wahl Diplom Magister Staatsexamen Promotion Bachelor Master kein formeller Studienabschluss sonstiger Studienabschluss Lehramt an 1.2 Studiengang 2. Wahl Für welchen Studiengang bewerben Sie sich, falls Sie im Studiengang 1. Wahl nicht zugelassen werden k?nnen? Fachsemester - Für welches Fachsemester bewerben Sie sich? (Nur eintragen, wenn Anrechnungsbescheid vorliegt) Hauptfach 2. Hauptfach bzw. 1. Nebenfach 2. Nebenfach Angestrebter Studienabschluss in Deutschland für Studiengang 2. Wahl Diplom Magister Staatsexamen Promotion Bachelor Master kein formeller Studienabschluss sonstiger Studienabschluss Lehramt an 2. Angaben zur Person (genau wie im Pass angeben) Familienname Vorname und Namenszus?tze Geschlecht/Geburtsdatum m?nnlich weiblich (dd, mm, 19yy) Geburtsort Staatsangeh?rigkeit(en) 3. Korrespondenzadresse c/o Stra?e, Hausnummer Postleitzahl Ort/Zustellbezirk Staat Telefon/Fax - E-Mail 4. Heimatadresse (falls abweichend von 3.) c/o Stra?e, Hausnummer Postleitzahl Ort/Zustellbezirk Staat Telefon/Fax - E-Mail Nicht vom Bewerber auszufüllen! Eingang Registrier-Nr. Matrikel-Nr. Datum der HZB: Note: r Direkte HZB - r DSH erforderlich - r DSH nicht erforderlich r Feststellungsprüfung r erforderlich - r Besuch des Studienkollegs - ___________________________ - in den Kurs _________________ - r externe Feststellungsprüfung - r Erg?nzungsprüfung r Zulassungsbesonderheiten nach Studienplatzvergabeordnung Art. 12 ___________________________ r Fachbindung ___________________________ r Ablehnung Weitere Bearbeitungsvermerke: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 202020 19
