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本文对图形图像处理系统的发展现状和所采用的主要技术进行了详细分析,确定了相应的结构和主要功能,以及实际开发中所采取的技术。系统在Windows XP平台下实现,本课题是采用Visual C++作为编程工具,采用面向对象的程序设计技术实现一个图形绘制和图像处理的应用软件。主要工作分为三类,包括基本图形绘制与编辑、简单的图像处理、图像格式的转换。图形方面主要是设计图形基类,以及继承图形基类的具体图形类。通过对独立功能的封装,可以为今后需要的图形图像的应用奠定基础。系统的优点有:充分体现了面向对象的设计思想,充分运用了C++的特性,比如封装、多态、继承。程序结构清晰,可读性好,程序中做了充分的注释。图形绘制部分避免了传统的switch case的繁琐结构。容易扩充和移植。





This article has carried on the detailed analysis about graph image processing system development and using of the key technology,identify the corresponding structure and central function, as well as the system adopts technology in the actual development. The system realizes under the Windows XP platform, the topic use Visual C++ as a programming tool, use object-oriented programming techniques to achieve a graphic and image processing software. Major work is divided into three categories, basic drawing and editing graphics, simple image processing, and image format conversion. The graph aspect is designs the graph base class , as well as inherits the graph bas e class’s specific graph class. Through independent function's encapsulation, for the future’s needs of the graphic images lays the foundation. The system merit has: the object-oriented design’s thought application of the c++ properties, for example encapsulation, pol ymorphism, and inheritance. Program’s structure is clear, good readability, codes has the full annotation in the program. The graph plan’s part has avoided complicated structure of the traditional switch case. Easy expansion and transplantation.

Finally, system’s testing shows, s ystem’s functions achieve the expected demand, friendly interface, and the operation is simple, also a much stable operation, it has basic functions of the graphic image system.

As a whole, this paper describes the system design process and part of the process of designing code, also carries on the simple description to the system test process, meanwhile it made some necessary explanations about key technology in the system, it made the detailed description to image transform of the basic principle, the image processing basic principle and various image formats.

Keyword: graph; image; polymorphism; inheritance


摘要..................................................................................................................................... I Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... II 第1章引言. (1)

1.1 课题的研究目的和意义 (1)

1.2 国内外发展现状 (1)

1.3 研究方法与手段 (2)

1.3.1 运行环境 (2)

1.3.2 开发环境 (2)

第2章图形图像处理系统相关技术综述 (3)

2.1 图形设计基础 (3)

2.1.1 Visual C++技术概要 (3)

2.1.2 图形设备接口GDI (3)

2.1.3 设备环境DC (3)

2.1.4 CDC类的派生类的功能及其之间的区别 (4)

2.1.5 与绘图相关的GDI对象类 (5)

2.1.6 坐标变换和映射模式 (6)

2.2 图像设计基础 (7)

2.2.1 数字图像的基本概念 (7)

2.2.2 调色板 (8)

2.2.3 调色板的概念 (9)

第3章图形图像处理系统的总体设计 (10)

3.1 需求分析 (10)

3.2 图形图像处理系统目标设计 (10)

3.3 图形图像处理系统功能描述 (10)

3.4 界面设计 (12)

3.4.1 主界面设计 (12)

3.4.2菜单设计 (14)

3.4.3 工具栏设计 (14)

3.4.4 属性框设计 (15)

第4章图形图像处理系统图像部分设计 (16)

4.1 与设备无关位图(DIB) (16)

4.1.1 DIB位图的结构 (16)
