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5. Tentative Risk Assessment


1. On the whole, Dangdang belongs to the electronic commercial platform mode, she is not a single brand has its own sales, but other enterprise of integration of similar products or similar products, the integration of many brand and product in a e-commerce sites platform sales. This model is the most difficult of electronic business model, and because platform involves the same of the industrial chain of the upper, middle and downstream, also related to different industry chain on middle and lower reaches of the fusion of industry chain and different, so dangdang network need core ability and resources is very big, very complex operation up, this business positioning for any one electronic business enterprise that is a huge challenge.


2. After industrial chain structure adjustment of the front end of the stand out after was mature, but it can also give supply clear put forward higher request. This time according to different goods when different cycle, products inventory, order and return the operation. At the same time, even the supply chain system is open to suppliers, guiding them replenishment, return money and a replacement. If appear not mature supplier, lack of corresponding experience, can appear unable to complete the replenishment of the work product phenomenon.

3. 当当的信息化不够细致。现在所能提供给供应商的信息虽然有用,但表现形式并不一定合适。当当现在所能做到的还只限于告诉供应商产品卖出的数量,但是产品的具体流向并不能提供。这对于供应商来说掌握不了他们想要得到的信息,有可能导致供应商的不满意,甚至是利益损失。

3. When the information is not enough of meticulous. Now provides to the supplier's information though useful, but is not necessarily appropriate form. Dangdang now can do is limited to tell suppliers the number of selling a product, but the product of the specific flow and can't provide. This for suppliers to master they want to get information, can lead to supplier's not satisfied, even profit loss.

4.当当网最有口碑的产品是音像制品,这类产品利润率下降过快,物流成本却随油价上涨。图书价格战也日趋激烈,纸质图书也如同音乐一样,被数字化冲击越来越大。如果要发展综合性B2C,产品线无法补足,而市场环境无法等待当当逐步发展。虽然这些缺陷可以由C2C 来填补,为用户提供一站式购物服务。而在当当成立之前,已经存在淘宝,易趣两家C2C巨头,当当要想进入这个市场并取得一席之地,有很多风险。

4. Most of the products reputation is audio and video products, this kind of product a decline in margins too fast, the logistics cost but with rising gas prices. The price war also becomes increasingly fierce, the paper books also like the music, was more and more digital impact. If you want to develop comprehensive B2C, product line can't complement, and market environment can't wait for dangdang gradual development. Although these defects can be made by C2C to fill, to provide users with one-stop shopping services. And in dangdang before established, there have been a taobao, ebay two C2C giant, when to enter the market and get a place, there are a lot of risk.

5.为了提高用户数据处理的高效性,当当网选择与第三方数据安全处理的相关公司(例如:CSDN 等)合作来储存用户资料和账户信息。然而,由于网络的不安全与不确定性,这样一个庞大的客户资料系统会有被攻击和盗用的风险。一旦出现泄密事件,众多客户的隐私和利益会遭到威胁,这种情况会对当当网造成巨大损失。

5. In order to improve the efficiency of user data processing, dangdang network choice and the third party data security processing related company (for example: CSDN, etc) cooperation to store the user data and account information. However, because of the network security and not uncertainty, such a huge customer information system will have attacked and the risk of theft. Once appear, leak, numerous customers' privacy and interests will be threatened, this kind of situation will to dangdang network that cause great damage.

6.The Limitation of Market Environment

The market environment does not give Dangdang of a big step development, since the basic services is not perfect, Dangdang was dissatisfied customers result from delivery time delayed several times, distribution errors was no doubt harm for image of online retail enterprise. Any online retail companies cannot avoid to falling in with the problem of distribution delay, this can be read as they are in trouble of the supply chain coordination. (Glaer, 2009)

The problems what Dangdang faced cannot be solved only by themselves; these ameliorations need the continuous improvement of whole market.

