

The revolution of science and technology and human

We all know that human progress is inseparable from the scientific and technological revolution. In the present social influence human is the three revolution of science and technology.

The main achievements of the first revolution of science and technology is the invention of the steam engine. It has changed the production technology and instruments of labour. The main achievements of the second revolution of science and technology is widely used in has greatly promoted the economic To adjust the relations of production. At the same time, exacerbated by the development of the productive forces of all countries unbalance .But in general it greatly promotes the progress of human society The main achievement of third that make mankind entered the information society. The third technical revolution of its size, depth and impact, far more than the first two technological revolutions, which greatly accelerated the development of modern productivity, becoming one of the great driving force of human progress.

Technology is changing life. Science and technology is the foundation of human social progress









话题作文科技与生活作 文字篇 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

话题作文科技与生活作文400字(5篇)第一篇:科技与生活 自工业革命后,各国科技就不断发展,人们的生活也越来越好,一开始,人们步入蒸汽机的时代,再来,人们电气时代,现在,各家各户的家用电器,随处可见…… 如果我们的生活没有科技的参与,那我们的生活会变成什么样子呢?人们将不会像现在这样,穿得俏美;人们更不会建起高楼大厦……反之,如果没有科技参与我们的生活,那我们的生活将会和猿古时代一样,枯燥无味! 现在,我们的国家一天天强盛,科技也随之一天天发展,各式各样的科技新产品一代换一代,人们的生活变得丰富多彩。爱迪生经过无数次实验后,终于发明了电灯,人们就不用生活在像荧光下的夜晚,晚上也可以像白天一样正常工作……自水稻之父——袁隆平,培育出了超级水稻之后,农民们种出的水稻大大增产,人们就不愁食不果腹闹粮荒……自莱特兄弟发明飞机后,人们就不用坐轮船,坐汽车,更不用走路去很远的地方,人们就可以坐飞机环球旅行,既节省了时间,又节省了金钱。总之,是科技改变了一切!如果没有科技的发展,今天的一切就不可能实现! 科技影响现在,科技创造未来! 第二篇:科技改变生活 随着科技的发展,我们的生活也越来越舒适。计算机就是改变我们人类生活的一项发明。

1946年2月14日,第一台计算机就在美国诞生了。这台计算完全采用电子线执行运算、逻辑运算和信息储存,其运算速度比续电器计算机快1000倍。这是世界上第一台电子计算机,它使用了-个电子接管,重达30多吨,耗电150瓦。 计算机的硬盘设备是指计算机系统中所使用的电子线和物理设备等。中央处理器的主要功能是逐条执行程序所指定的操作。储存器的主要功能是存放程序和数据,外部设备是用户与机器之间的桥梁。 具有对一种媒体信息进行获取、编辑、储存、检索、传输、展示等功能的计算机就是多媒体计算机。话题作文科技与生活作文400字(5篇)话题作文科技与生活作文400字(5篇)。而能处理多种媒体信息的计算机技术,称为“多媒体技术”。多媒体技术的主要特点是能统一、综合处理多种形式的信息,所以多媒体技术是计算机技术、声像技术以及通信技术相结合的一种综合性技术。 啊,现在的科技真发达呀! 第三篇:科技改变生活 眼下,科技越来越来发达,人们逐渐进入了信息时代。现在就让我来介绍“信息时代”标志性的物品之一——手机。 手机的外型小巧玲珑,很轻便。它的功能可不少,能发信息、拍照、查日历、上网、录像…… 其中功劳最大的,也是最常用的就是快速的发信息和通话了。要想在古代,人们见一次面,传递个消息,都得用上几天或更长的时间。还有写信,你在东


现代科技英语作文 【篇一:现代科技对人类的影响(英文版)】 modern inventions have remarkable impacts in our society today, there are many modern inventions in our society and all of them have their own important impacts in life. we enjoy the convenience of these modern inventions and we need to accept the fact that they become more and more important for us. in our daily life, we always hear that some people said they had forgotten to take their mobile phones and then they would be very anxiety. it’s not funny. in contrast, this condition just indicates that our life is connected with modern inventions closely. as we all know, humans evolve from apes and monkeys. in the past, we moved from one place to another by our feet. it is because of this, we couldn’t go far away. in another words, it makes us live in a small world. as time goes by, we learned to make animals become our transportations, for examples, we used horses to be vehicles. then in 1776, james watt invented the first steam energy, and then there were a lot of inventions of transport, like the steam train the steam boat and so on. then we could go to further places than before by these things. now, we have cars, ships, planes and many kinds of transportations. these modern inventions of transportations make our life more convenient and even more they seem to make our planet, the earth, become smaller and smaller because we can visit many places on spending only little time. the modern transport really benefits our life, though some people also criticize it because there’re many accidents, such as the air crashes and the traffic accidents. in my view, it’s normal and it’s also avoidable. why i say it normal is because i believe that nothing is absolutely good and right for us. it’s avoidable, i mean that, is that we can develop the science and technology so that we make them more perfect. except for the modern inventions of transport, there are plenty of other things, including robots. robots become more and more popular and they bring us a lot of joy. it’s used in many aspects of our life. and there’re a large number of movies


英语作文:拥有合作,才能拥抱成功 As the saying goes, "brothers, satisfy broken heart." A man's strength is too small, only have cooperation, can achieve. Man is standing in the far out at sea coast mast-head can have a ship, the need to promote, One mountain is in the far east has whose shimmering rays of the sun, need a set, One of the force is restless in its mother's womb, the maturation of maternal infant to nourish. Cooperation is the path to success to mark. Danish astronomer with 30 years DiGu observation of the planet, precision accumulated extensive accurate and reliable information. But no good theoretical thinking and scientific arrangement, not a great discovery. Before his death DiGu will material to assistant Kepler, and told him the material preparation. DiGu accurate observation and the profound study of Kepler, combining finally leads the movement of the planets of the three laws of motion of the object, uncover secret. Without cooperation, the three laws of motion to the planet? Cooperation is spread to the foundation of success.


科技与生活作文1000字 【篇一:科技与生活作文1000字】 生活在进步,科技也在不断发展,一切都在变化着。而科学就是创新的一把钥匙,却与生活息息相关。 一次,科学课上,老师每人分了一个乒乓球,要求把它变瘪,在场的同学没有一个不好奇的,“大家放心做。这正是我们这节课所要学习的内容。”于是大家都跃跃欲试,不一会儿所有人手中的球没有一个不是瘪的。老师接着说:“那好,接下来把你们手中的球变回原样。”台下接着就有人不满的哀嚎,接二连三的“老师这不是耍人吗!”、“干嘛要费劲把它们弄瘪呢!”抱怨过后,便真的试起来了,传来的声音却都是失望的叹息声…… 老师拿起手中已经变瘪了的乒乓球,轻轻地放到一个小碗里,原本变瘪了的球刹那间变回了原样,在场的无不好奇那碗水究竟是什么法宝,这时老师慢慢地开口道:“这是温度为四十九摄氏度的热水。是不是很好奇为什么会这样,乒乓球内空气的温度上升了,气体的热胀冷缩很剧烈,气体受热膨胀,乒乓球内的气体压强就增大,给乒乓球内壁的压力就增大,压力使乒乓球向外扩张,所以就鼓起来了。”这是我们第一次接受科学,却从中领悟到了奇妙的道理,有趣且生动。 科学是奇妙的,但也离不开生活,人类的发明不少是爱来源于动物,植物,甚至是微生物,和潜艇来自人们对鱼类和海豚的模仿;中国的鲁班通过锯齿草,发明了锯子,同时也表明了科学与生活是密不可分的,生活创造了科学,而科学同样可以改变生活。 社会在进步,一切都会变化,请记住,科学和生活是互相联系的,是必不可少的,科学已经使我们进步,使我们生活更加便利,我相信,科学不会止步,只会让我们生活更美好。 【篇二:科技与生活作文1000字】 这几年中国仿佛正从低谷以一个很是快的速度一步一步爬上来,当然这一切都要归功于蓬勃发展的科学技术。 只记得七十年代,普通家庭里很少有电视机,我爸爸告诉我他的童年时代都是在百十号子人围坐在一起在有钱人家看电视中度过的,因为电视机这种“高科技东西”对于我爸爸来说真的是可触不可得。然而,随着科技不断进步,黑白电视逐渐被液晶大电视取代,每家每户也都有了液晶电脑,甚至连座机都逐渐被替代成了智能手机。而此时此刻,我们又怎能不为中国的科技有这样的进步而自豪骄傲呢? 四五年级时,班里的同学们开始秀起了手机,那时候智能手机才可以说是广泛进入人们的生



大学英语作文人们对科技的态度 【篇一:针对学习者对大学英语写作反馈的态度和需求 的调查分析】 龙源期刊网 .cn 针对学习者对大学英语写作反馈的态度和需求的调查分析 作者:杨昕 【摘要】本次问卷调查通过调查普通高校非英语专业学生对英语作文反馈的态度,了解了现阶段学生对教师反馈和网络智能反馈的需求和喜好,从而提出了大学英语写作反馈的改进方式。 【关键词】写作反馈学生需求问卷调查 【中图分类号】g64 【文献标识码】a 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)06-0108-02 近年来,国内外出现了很多有关英语写作反馈的研究,针对的主要方面是英语写作反馈的作用和形式、必要性和有效性。大部分的研究将写作教师作为研究的主体,忽视了学习者本身对写作反馈的态度和需求。然而,学习者对写作反馈的接纳程度是评价其有效性的重要指标 [1]。在实际的大学英语写作教学中,虽然教师付出了大量的时间精力批改作文,但很多学习者并没有有效的接纳教师的反馈。究其原因,除了部分学习者对大学英语写作的动机较弱外,很大程度上是因为教师对写作的反馈无法和学生的认知需求吻合,从而降低了写作反馈的有效性[2]。另一方面,随着科技的发展,各种自动作文评阅系统也在近年里逐步进入高校。尽管这样的自动作文评阅系统凭借其高效、及时的反馈大大降低了教师的工作量,然而学习者对其的接纳度和从中受益的程度还有待研究。因此,由于学习者对大学英语写作反馈的态

finally, it is undeniable that continuously developing technologies have brought tremendous benefits, especially in learning area. learning has in many ways become easier than has ever been before. take learning english for example, in the past, few students owned tape recorders, and learning materials were scarce as well. but today, tape recorders get more and more inexpensive, and diversified learning materials are readily available. on the other hand, new devices, such as mp3 or md players, are offered in market, and relevant learning materials (mp3 files) are easily and freely downloadable from the internet. admittedly, science revolution has some negative effects under certain circumstances. for instance, the new technology can harm our environment. however, after balancing all the pros and cons, the above-mentioned disadvantage seems to be minor. 【篇三:大学合并英语作文】 大学合并是目前话题 人们对大学合并有不同的态度 你的看法 短短几年,中国数百所高校走向全并。作为高等教育体制改革中的独特现象,合并已引起了社会各界的广泛关注,其中包括在校的大学生和参加高考的学子...... (一)据新华社消息,经国务院批准,华中理工大学、同济医科大学、武汉城市建设学院合并,武汉科技职工大学(科技部管理学院)并入,组建华中科技大学。昨天,华中科技大学证式挂牌。新组建的华中科技大学,是教育部直属重点大学。组建后,学校学科更加齐全,涵盖


有关团结的英语作文 【篇一:有关合作的英语作文】 《有关合作的英语作文》正文开始 as the saying goes, brothers, satisfy broken heart. a mans strength is too small, only have cooperation, can achieve. man is standing in the far out at sea coast mast-head can have a ship, the need to promote, one mountain is in the far east has whose shimmering rays of the sun, need a set, one of the force is restless in its mothers womb, the maturation of maternal infant to nourish. cooperation is the path to success to mark. danish astronomer with 30 years digu observation of the planet, precision accumulated extensive accurate and reliable information. but no good theoretical thinking and scientific arrangement, not a great discovery. before his death digu will material to assistant kepler, and told him the material preparation. digu accurate observation and the profound study of kepler, combining finally leads the movement of the planets of the three laws of motion of the object, uncover secret. without cooperation, the three laws of motion to the planet? cooperation is spread to the foundation of success. many of the warring states period, and lin xiangrus wanbiguizhao nov.1992, wangchongyong zhao zhao4 guo2s prime minister, as when lian po old general prided himself on that very defy spirit, and everywhere. lin xiangrus for the countrys interests to lian po old rivalry everywhere. general in the old general understand lin xiangrus on the original, very ashamed, personally to prime minister mansion qingzui auxiliary thorns. in dealing with national affairs of their cooperation, make an increasingly, jiangxianghe as historical legacy. without cooperation, which come national prosperity? the train is bound for successful cooperation. in 1935, mao zedong not before the zunyi meeting presided over the job. by chance, the influence of socialist left the situation is very difficult, forced march. the long march in zunyi meeting, held in zhou enlai, and wangjiaxiang insistence, established mao zedong in the partys leadership, the new army under the leadership of the cpc in mao zedong, seeking truth from facts, solidarity and cooperation, the battle is one by one. since then,


高中语文作文:科技与生活(附经典素材+范文) 一、选题理由 科学技术改变一切,蒸汽机改变了人类的生产方式、智能手机改变了人类的沟通方式,移动 支付改变了人类的消费方式,高铁和共享单车改变了人类的出行方式和习惯……我们的生活充满 了无限可能。当科技创新撞上“互联网+”,人工智能、虚拟现实技术、物联网、大数据等相继 诞生,科学技术与经济社会的深入融合,也迫使各行各业集体向科技转型,很多传统行业乘着科 技进步的东风,焕发出新的活力。科技给我们的生活带来了无尽的好处,但是也给我们带来了不 少困扰。如何利用科技为人类造福依旧是值得我们探讨的时代话题。 “科技与生活”在以往的高考作文命题中均有所体现:2014年高考广东卷作文题“黑白胶片 与数码照片”、辽宁卷作文题“科技改变生活”,2016年高考浙江卷作文题“虚拟与现实”,2017年高考全国卷I作文题材料中的关键词“高铁”“移动支付”等,都在引导考生思考“科技 与生活”的问题。 二、命题方向 (一)在科技改变生活的同时,谨守法律道德。 作为第一生产力的科学技术承载着社会和谐发展的价值,是和谐社会系统运行的核心动力。 以人工智能、物联网和3D打印等为代表的新技术,改变了人的生活方式,让生活更便捷。但科学技术是一把锋利的双刃剑,它在给人类带来方便的同时,也给人类带来了困扰。如大数据的应用,使得营销更为精准,可一旦信息泄露,电信诈骗便会趁火打劫;网络直播超越空间限制,展示多 样人生,若超越边界,便可能侵犯他人隐私、传播不良信息,等等。我们在利用好科技的同时, 要谨守法律与道德,保护好个人权益。 (二)树立人文科技观,共创人类美好未来。 历史经验告诉我们,英国利用蒸汽机在第一次工业革命后独领风*,美国借电气化在第二次工业革命后不断实现超越,最终坐稳世界头把交椅。科技创新能够让国家进步,科技进步更离不开 人民的智慧,科技的最终落脚点还在于服务于人。物质的繁荣并非真正意义上的繁荣,真正的文 明进步和完整意义上的繁荣,一定有着良好的人文支撑,也有着强烈的科技创新意识和能量构 成。 (三)科技发展要与环保并行。


科技英语作文 If you ask me who promoted the development of society, the politicians or the scientists, I will tell you directly, scientists is the one who promote the social progress. As we all know, in 18th century, with the invention of the steam engine, people gradually use steam as power, led to the first industrial revolution, and after that the human beings entered the era of steam, meanwhile the human society entered the stage of capitalism. Then when the human beings came into the 19th century, the electricity was used as the power, there happened the second industrial revolution, the era of electrical was born, the human society has entered into the advanced stage of capitalism. With development of informationtechnique, now the internet is a key part of our life, human has entered the information age. From the history we can see that each time the progress of human society, the driving force is the development of science,society development is inseparable from the science, therefore, scientists is the impetus for social development, they give more influence on the world. The revolution of science and technology and human We all know that human progress is inseparable from the scientific and technological revolution. In the present social influence human is the three revolution of science and technology. The main achievements of the first revolution of science and technology is the invention of the steam engine. It has changed the production technology and instruments of labour. The main achievements of the second revolution of science and technology is widely used in power.It has greatly promoted the economic development.And To adjust the relations of production. At the same time, exacerbated by the development of the productive forces of all countries unbalance .But in general it greatly promotes the progress of human society The main achievement of third that make mankind entered the information society. The third technical revolution of its size, depth and impact, far more than the first two technological revolutions, which greatly accelerated the development of modern productivity, becoming one of the great driving force of human progress.


Cooperation and Competition Which is more important in life, cooperating with others, or selecting competition? The answer may vary from person to person. For many people, to work with other people can increase working efficiency. They can also improve their ability of communication through the teamwork. However, large numbers of people do not agree. They like working alone and competing with others. In my opinion, I think cooperation is more important than competition in modern life. It is true that the modern society is a highly competitive society, but it also needs social cooperation. It helps bring individual abilities into full play and makes up for each other’s inadequacy. As an old saying goes, “Two heads are better than one.”Cooperation is especially necessary because we can not achieve anything if there are only competition and no cooperation in many cases. So if we are good at cooperating, we will be able to figure out a way to success more easily. What about the competition? Competition helps enhance individual abilities. It makes people creative. Without competition, people would create nothing. They would feel satisfied with their present condition. Competition is beneficial to the society to discover best use of talents. However, it has some disadvantages. Competition easily causes deterioration of interpersonal relationship. It makes people more selfish and narrow. Also many people


科技与生活的作文500字 关于科技与生活的作文500字 在我们的生活中到处都有着科技的痕迹,只要你用心观察你就回发现科技就在我身边。下面我们来看看关于科技与生活的作文500字,仅供大家参考! 时代在进步,科技在发展,我们的生活正在发生日新月异的变化。 听爷爷奶奶、爸爸妈妈给我讲他们小时候的事,才明白我们现在的生活是多么优越、便捷,很多科技的产品已经普及到了家庭。高速运行的网络,让我们快速浏览多姿多彩的生活,和各类新闻资讯。足不出户就可以让美食、生活用品等送至家门口。学习、交友更是离不开网络。 还有飞速“进化”的智能手机,让人们的联络更加方便,可视通话、分享生活、展示美食,智能手机快速地记录着我们的生活。地铁、动车,让出行的时间缩短,一天之内游览几个景点不再是什么难事。高科技医疗设备能够减轻人们疾病的痛苦,快速治愈病症。和父辈们比起来,我觉得我们现在的生活很幸福!

科技让生活更美好! 但是,科学技术在发展的同时,大家却忽略了环境的问题。汽车越来越多,城市交通拥挤,产生的废气使空气质量下降,城市上空的雾霾越来越严重。工业废气、滥用耕地、乱砍乱伐森林等等现象络绎不绝,在另一方面也影响着我们的生活。电脑、网络的蔓延,使人和人的沟通不像以前一样热切、亲密,“制造”出了一大批“宅一族”、“低头族”。 科技,是一把双刃剑,它能快速提高我们的生活质量,也给我们制造出了很多难题。如何更好地利用科技,是一个值得深思的问题! 科技在我们的生活中处处可见。当我们走进厨房,只要轻轻按下各厨房家电的按钮,就可以煮饭也可以煲汤,既可以限定时间也可以定时,不一会儿,一桌丰盛的饭菜就出现在我们面前。比起以前的砍材生火大锅做饭真是又快又方便啊。 当我们走进房间,电视让我们看到各国的精彩表演,电话让我们和遥远的朋友通话,电脑让我们迅速的把文件转达给对方,手机让我们跟朋友面对面聊天聊个够。我们再也不是那个靠手写信靠邮递员挨家挨户送信的时代拉。



The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to w h i c h w e m u s t s o m e s o l u t i o n s. Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before. Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel. Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health. Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases become treatable. However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Internet, though widely used in modern communication, is easy to be destroyed by computer virus. Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Industrialization is making natural resources become scarce. Confronted with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions. The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us. We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent. 科学技术的发展使我们的生活更加舒适和方便。然而,科学家们创造了许多不容 易解决的问题,如空气污染,环境恶化和自然资源的匮乏,我们必须要有一些解 决办法。 现代科学技术给人们带来许多好处。现代通信缩短了人与人之间的距离,使交流 更容易。互联网不仅被广泛用于收集丰富的信息,而且还用于通信。电子邮件, 现在最有效的通信设备,正在变得非常流行。此外,电话和手机比以前更方便。


关于现代科技与生活的英语作文 导读:本文关于现代科技与生活的英语作文,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 Modern technology has had a great influence on people ’ s entertainment choices,making them less creative.Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Bearing in mind the likely effects of the modern technology on entertainments on today’ s users are important,because it is an issue that is discussed daily nowadays by people in both the private and public sectors. However, does the modern technology benefits all aspects of human society? Some people may answer to the contrary. As far as I can see,current technology is undermining modern people ’ s creative ability by providing individuals sorted ways of relaxation. The likely effects of modern technology on entertainment for people today are important, because it is an issue that is discussed daily in both the private and public sectors. However, does modern technology benefit all aspects of human society? Some people may answer in the negative. As far as I can see,


大学英语作文 写作:团队合作的重要性 The Importance of Teamwork 团队合作的重要性 Some people like to work alone while others enjoy teamwork. In my opinion, everyone had better learn to work with others together because teamwork is definitely necessary and important in modern society. 有些人喜欢单独工作,而有些人则喜欢团队合作。在我看来,每个人最好学习与他人一起工作,因为团队合作在现代社会是很有必要和重要的。 First, working in a team provides a chance for us to communicate with each other. Just as the saying goes, “many hands make light job.” Working in a team, teammates share their ideas with each other, which is helpful to create a better achievement. Second, working in a team is a way to broaden our horizon. Teammates in a team can learn something from each

other because they are from different places, owning various experiences and hold different views towards things. Therefore, getting along with other teammates is also a process of increasing our knowledge. Finally, working in a team is also a way to establish our friendship. Teammates in a team have chances to help each other, to solve the problems together, to share the happiness of being successful, which make a great contribution to establishing friendship. Thus, working in a team is one of the most effective ways to extend our personal relationships. 首先,在一个团队中工作为我们提供了一个彼此沟通的机会。正如俗话所说,“众人拾柴火焰高。”在一个团队中工作,队友们互相分享他们的想法,这有助于创造更好的成绩。第二,在团队中工作是拓宽我们视野的一个好方式。一个团队的队友可以相互学习因为他们来自不同地方,拥有不同的经验并且对事物有不同的看法。因此,和其他队友相处融洽也是增长见识的过程。最后,团体合作有助于建立友谊。在一个团队的队友们有机会互相帮助,共同解决问题,分享成功的快乐,这些都为建立友谊做出很大的贡献。因此,在团队工作是最有效的扩展个人关系的方法之一。 To sum up, to learn to work in a team is really necessary and important and we should try to enjoy it.
