人教版八年级英语上册第二单元Section A

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2. once , twice, three times 等次数的表达法。 次数 ,once是 1) 这三个词都表示______ 一次 ,twice是_______ ______ 两次 ,除了一次, 两次,其他的次数都表达成 基数词 + times 。 ________________ three times ,五次是 如:三次是____________ five times 。 ____________ 表示一天/周/月/年多少次, 可以用 ... times a day/week / month / year
go to the movies 1. 去看电影 ___________________ 2. 运动 ____________________ exercise 3. 看电视 ____________________ watch TV read English books 4. 读英语书 ___________________ 5. 上网 ___________________ use the Internet 6. 购物 ____________________ go shopping How often 7. 多久一次 ____________________
1. How often dose he play soccer? 2. Do you drink milk? 3. How often do they stay up late? 4. Dose Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5. How often do you eat apples? 6. Do your parents play sports?
3.How come ? 为什么呢? 这是英语中的一个口语,相当于汉语的 “为什么”、“怎么会”等,既可以独立使用, 也可在后接句子,来询问事情的缘由或状况。 例如: How come the sky is blue today? 今天天怎么会这么蓝?
A: I didn’t even eat lunch today. 我今天甚至没吃午饭。 B: Really? How come? 是吗?怎么会呢?
e.g. 或许它们在你的书包里。 Maybe they are in your schoolbag. _______ may ___ be in your schoolbag. They _____
does he play soccer? 1. How often _____ Do you drink milk? 2. ______ do they stay up late? 3. How often ____ Does Sue eat a healthy 4. ______ breakfast? do 5. How often ______ you eat apples? Do your parents play sports? 6. ______
1. She goes to the movies three times a month.(对划线部分提问) ____ How_____ often _____ does she go to the movies? 2. My mother wants me to play the guitar. (同义句转换) My mother______ would _____ like me to play the guitar.
5. The weather here is so cold, ardly stand it. I can h______ 6. These two pictures have
differences 区别). no __________( Although (虽然) Mr. White is very old, 7. ________ he goes to work every day. healthy 健康) 8. Do you have a ________( lifestyle?
3a Complete the questions with do or does.
a. Yes, she usually does. b. Hardly ever. I don’t like them. c. He plays at least twice a week. d. No, they don’t. They’re too busy. e. Never. They always go to bed early. f. Yes, I do. Every day.
2. at least 意为“至少,不少于;起 码”,是副词词组,一般指在数量或 程度上。 e.g. 你必须至少一周打扫你的房间一 次。 You have to clean your house __ ____ once a week. at least
Use the words given to write questions. Then ask and answer them with a partner.
• always意为 “总是”, 表示动作的重复或状态的 延续。 • usually意为 “通常”, 表示很少有例外。 • often意为 “经常”, 表示动作的重复, 但不如 usually那么频繁, 中间有间断。 • sometimes意为 “有时”, 表示动作偶尔发生。 • hardly意为 “几乎不”, 常和ever连用表示强调。 • never意为 “从未”。
1. --What do you usually do on w_________? eekends --I often watch TV. 2. --How often does she shop? nce or t_____ wice a week. --O_____ 3. Grandpa is pretty healthy because xercises every day. he e_________ 4. Animal World is my favorite TV rogram p___________.
Walking is a good exercise. 散步是一项很好的运动。
go to the movies
watch TV
go shopping
help with housework
play computer games
What do you usually do on weekends? I usually / often …
一般现在时态中,频度副词不 影响动词的三单变化。
2. hardly 只用作副词,其意思是“几乎 不”,表示否定概念。 e.g. He can hardly speak English. 他不太会说英语。 hardly ever 几乎从不 e.g. Peter is hardly ever late. 彼得几乎从不迟到。
Questions: How often do you help with housework 1.__________________________________? (how often/ help with housework) do you usually do on weekends 2. What _________________________________? (what/ usually / do/ weekends)
Unit 2
How often do you exercise?
1、How often 意为“多久一次,多长时间一次” 用来提问频率,回答时一般用表示频率 的词或短语。 e.g. How often do you drink milk ? I drink milk every day.
2. exercise v. 锻炼; n. [U]运动; [C]练习 e.g. Let’s do our exercises. 让我们做练习吧。
often does your best friend exercise 3. How ___________________________________? (how often / best friend /exercise) What do you usually do after school 4. ________________________________? (what/ usually /do /after school )
2) 这些表次数的词后与一段时间连用, 表示动作多长时间发生几次,即动作 频率 的________. 3) 翻译: once two weeks 两周一次 ________________ once a year 一年一次 ________________ twice a month 一个月两次 ________________
1. maybe 意为“大概;或许;可能”, 是副词,常位于句首或句中。 e.g. 或许他们将去海滩度假。 Maybe they are going to the _______ beach for vacation.
【辨析】 maybe 与may be maybe是副词,在句子做状语。 may be 是情态动词may 与动词原形be 一 起构成句子的谓语动词意为“可能是”, 它们有时也可互换。
≥ 80%
≥ 60%
≥ 20%
< 5%
hardly ever
提示:频度副词在句中的位置是:实义动 词之前, be动词、情态动词或助动词之后。
1、He hardly has (have) breakfast at home. 2、The sun never rises (rise) in the west. 3、Linda is on time.(always) Linda is always on time. 4、You parents go out for a walk.(often) You parents often go out for a walk. 5、Mike usually exercises (exercise) on weekends. 6、She sometimes goes (go)shopping after work.
twice a week 8. 一周两次 ______________ 9. 一年七次 _____________ seven times a year once a month 10.一个月一次 ______________ three times a day 11. 一天三次 ______________ swing dance 12.摇摆舞 ______________ have piano lessons 13.上钢琴课 ______________ How about 14.…怎么样? ______________ have to do sth. 15.不得不做某事 ______________ play tennis 16.打网球 ______________
Listen and write the activities.
always(100%) usually often sometimes hardly ever never (0%) . . . . . .
Practice the conversations
What do you usually do on பைடு நூலகம்eekends? I usually watch TV. Do you go shopping? Yes, I often go shopping. / No ,I never go shopping.