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1. It is well known that _____ nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land _____ happy home for the local people.

A. the; /

B. the; a

C. /; a

D. a; a

2. The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, ______?

A. did they

B. didn’t they

C. did it

D. didn’t it

3. Life is a journey with trouble, but with care and wisdom you can _____ any

problem you


A. work out

B. hand out

C. find out

D. put out

4. The police ____ determined to bring back the missing boy even if his family

______ up all


A. is; has given

B. are; have given

C. are; gave

D. is; give

5. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith can suggest a good way to have her written English

_____ in a

short period.

A. improve

B. improving

C. to improve

D. improved

6. I was so angry at all _____ he said _____ I walked out.

A. what; that

B. that; which

C. which; that

D. that; that

7. As your spoken English gets better, so _____ your written English.


A. will B does C. is D. has

8. Last night, I came across the man _____ you think is pleasant to _____.

A. who; work

B. whom; get along with

C. whom; work with

D. who; get along with

9. It was a _____ for me to understand why he made up his mind to give up so good

a jo

b and

joined the army.

A. struggle

B. decision

C. performance

D. mistake

10. This dictionary is exactly ___________ that one.

A. three times expensive than

B. as three times expensive as

C. expensive as three times as

D. three times as expensive as

11. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only ______the film stars had left.

A .to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told

12. I’d rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than____ a room with

someone else.

A. to share

B. to have shared

C. share



13. Everything returned to normal _____ nothing had happened.

A. as if

B. because

C. when

D. for

14. I wrote down his name and address _____ I should forget it.

A. in order that

B. for fear that

C. so that

D. since

15. We can’t afford to make any mistakes. To us, __________.

A. a miss is as good as a mile

B. the grass is greener on the other side

C. it never rains but it pours

D. when in Rome, do as the Romans do



Doctors said 13-year-old Nicholas Dillon wouldn’t be able to walk for months. But he said from a hospital bed in Sacramento that he was grateful just to be 16 . He was flown there on August 24, 2014 after a chimney(烟囱) fell down on his 17 . He was the person who suffered the worst injuries in the big earthquake that hit his hometown of Napa, California, that day. But he 18 said he was lucky to have survived.

The quake hit Napa at 3:20 am. Nicholas 19 his friend Imnol Villanueva to sleep over that night. They 20 while doing maths homework. Imnol was on the couch in the living room, and Nicholas was on a mattress(床垫) by the fireplace. They were sound asleep when they 21 the first shake. Nicholas turned around and 22 his friend’s name four times. __23__, Nicholas tried to crawl(爬) to the front

