



—、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分, 共30小题, 每小题1分, 共30分)A.听单句(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。若用答题卡答题,则将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每小题听一遍。( )1. When will the concert begin ?

( )2. What does his father do?

( )3. What will Tom return?

( )4. What is mentioned?

( )5. What did the speaker give away?




( ) 6.Who helped Susan repair her bike?

A. Her grandfather

B. Her mother

C. Her father


( ) 7. What did the man mean?

A. He could lend the girl his pen.

B. He lost his pen.

C. He could offer the girl a pencil.


( ) 8.What time did Helen get to the movie theater?

A. At 2:00.

B. At 4:00.

C. At 5:00.


( ) 9. Why didn’t Susan meet Danny for lunch?

A. She was having her science class.

B. She didn’t like the crowd.

C. She was not feeling well.


( ) 10.What can we learn from the conversation?

A. Julie doesn’t care about what Bob’s friend is doing.

B. Julie can’t stand what Bob’s friend is doing.

C. Julie doesn’t want to see Bob’s friend at all.


( ) 11.Why does Bob borrow the money from Jenny?

A. He needs to buy a book.

B. He needs to buy a ticket.

C. He needs to buy some food.

( ) 12.When will Bob return the money?

A. Next Sunday.

B. Next Saturday.

C. Next Monday.


( ) 13.How long does the tour take?

A. About 7 hours.

B. About 8 hours. C . About 10 hours. ( ) 14.How much does the tour cost?

A. 8 dollars.

B. 18 dollars.

C. 80 dollars.

( ) 15.What do you know about the guidebook?

A. The book is a little bit expensive.

B. It’s written in English and Japanese.

C. It tells about all the places of the tour.

C.听独白(本题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)

请根据所听内容, 在每小题所给的三个选项中, 选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。独白听两遍。


( ) 16.Nancy and Harry have children.

A. two

B. three

C. four

( ) 17.Nancy and Harry’s life is without their children.

A. bad

B. boring

C. pleasant

( ) 18.Nancy and Harry after they do the dishes at night.

A. play chess

B. watch TV

C. go to bed

( ) 19. Nancy and Harry sometimes drive to town to .

A. see a film

B. go shopping

C. visit friends

( ) 20.The state park is from their house .

A. 10 miles

B. 20 miles

C. 30 miles


﹙﹚21. Gary is in China now.

A. traveling

B. working

C. studying

﹙﹚22. Ford Mondeo is .

A. smart

B. safe

C. very cheap

﹙﹚23. Gary will this weekend.

A. buy a new car

B. go to the car show

C. take a test drive

﹙﹚24. Cindy has worked .

A. for half a year

B. for a year

C. for two years

﹙﹚25.Cindy wants to buy a car that costs .

A. no more than 50,000yuan

B. less than 16,000yuan

C. less than 60,000yuan




I have invented robots which improve the work of cars.My love of making things began 31 I was a kid.I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison.

One day in fourth grade,we 32 a project by our teacher in class.We had to write 33 a company and learn about the products.I thought and thought.Finally I chose the Thomas A.Edison Company.Soon after,34 company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison.How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his inventions!I like the recorded so and the electric light most.The inventions were 35 printed on my brain.

My dad noticed my interest in inventing and encouraged me.He showed me 36 I could turn my ideas into plans then into new things.Once,I surprised my dad with a model plane I,ter,we found a similar model plane in a store.I learned that different inventors often invent similar things.It is not unusual for this to happen.I also learned not 37 great ideas work.Failure is a common part of the inventing.

As my father and I worked together,I 38 to realize that my dad was quite an inventor

himself.He was always think for a better way 39 a simple job.His guiding hands,together with my interest in inventing,40 me to be an engineer and inventor.Of course,I also thank Thomas Edison.He is my hero.

31.A.when B.before C.if D.because

32.A.gave B.were given given D.are giving

33.A.for B.with

34.A.the B.a D./

35.A.cleared B.clearness C.clearly D.clear

36.A.why C.that D.what

37.A.few B.some C.all D.both

38.A.will begin B.had began C.began D.begins do C.doing D.done

40.A.lead B.has led C.were leading D.will lead


Tom brought a box of biscuits to a summer camp. He ate a few and placed the rest under his bed. After lunch, he found the box was gone. He went to tell his camp 41 about it.

The next day, the coach saw a boy eating Tom’s biscuit behind a tree. He 42 an idea to solve(解决) the problem. He found Tom and said to him, “I know who __43__ your biscuits. Will you help me to teach him a lesson?”

“Well, yes…are you going to punish __44__, sir?” Tom asked. “No, I am not,” the coach explained __45__. “That would only make him hate you. I want you to write to your mother and ask for more __46__.”

Tom received another box of biscuits by mail from his mother a few days later. “Now,” said the coach, “go and __47__ them with the boy who stole your biscuits.” Tom didn’t understand the coach’s intention, __48__ he still followed his advice.

Half an hour later the coach saw the two boys come up the hill, arm in arm. The boy was trying to ask Tom to __49__ his toy robot in payment for (赔偿) the stolen biscuits. And Tom was refusing the gift from his new friend. He said that a few biscuits were not so __50__.

In some situations, forgiveness (原谅) is better than punishment.

41. A.cook B. doctor C. coach D.cleaner

42. on with B.went on with C.came up with D.caught up with

43. A.took away B. ran away C.went away D.threw away

44. B. him C. us D. them

45. A.shyly B. angrily C.excitedly D.patiently

46. A. gifts B. biscuits C. candies D. toys

47. A. share B.choose C.divide D. fill

48. A. if B. but C. since D. though

49 A.steal B.mend C. make D. accept

50 A. cheap B. delicious C. different D.important



St. Andrews Aquarium

St. Andrews Aquarium welcomes you to its wonderful world of water, housing over 30 shows and more than 100 kinds of watery animals--from pufferfish(河豚鱼) to

lot of delicious home baking, soups, salads and fresh seafood are available. There’s plenty on

10 for visitors and 10% off for groups(10+) and schools! the ocean

B. on the planet

C. in the aquarium

D. on land

52.Tyson is the name of a ________.

A.great white shark

B. catfish

C. clownfish

D. pufferfish

53.At St. Andrews Aquarium, visitors can do the following EXCEPT ________. help the male seahorse become pregnant meet a dozen of the most dangerous watery animals watch many colorful fishes from hot area taste fresh seafood

54.Johnny together with another 10 schoolboys is going to visit St. Andrews Aquarium. They will

pay _____ for their tickets.


B. £100

C. £11

D. £99

55.St. Andrews Aquarium probably lies in _________.

A.North America

B. Africa

C. Europe

D. Asia


Artificial intelligence(人工智能), or AI in short, is the science of giving computers and machines ability to think and work like humans. AI scientists and engineers have made a lot of cool technologies.

AI is rapidly catching up with the human ability to read faces. As a result, facial recognition(识别) is used a lot in the world. Chinese police use this technology to identify criminals(罪犯). Once they caught a criminal when he attended a concert. It also checks the ID of ride-hailing(网约车) drivers and lets people pay for things with a smile.

AI is also used in self-driving cars, which are believed to be the future of driving. Most drivers may wave or nod at passers-by to let them cross the street, but self-driving cars don’t have this ability. Car makers are testing a light signal system to help them “speak” to humans. The system can show what self-driving cars will do. For example, if a driverless car is yielding(让路), it will flash two white lights side to side. A rapidly flashing light tells passers-by that the car is about to speed up.

Service Robots also show you how powerful AI is. Imagine this -- you come back home from school and your robot housekeeper is waiting for you at the door. After dinner, he teaches you to play the piano, just like a real music teacher. Such thoughts will soon happen in the real world. In the future, more and more service robots will become good home helpers.

AI is so powerful that it can help human beings and even replace us in many jobs.

56.According to the passage, facial recognition is used for ________.

A.driving cars.

B. making people smile.

C. calling the police.

D. checking people’s information.

57.The underlined word “identify” probably means _____ in Chinese.


B. 鉴定

C. 消灭

D. 帮助

58.In the future, a self-driving car may communicate with humans by ______.

A.waving to them

B. speaking to them

C. nodding at them

D. flashing lights

59.Which technology is used in real life according to the passage?

A.Service Robots at school.

B.Robots as ride-hailing drivers.

C.Facial recognition for payment.

D.Light signals for self-driving cars.

60.What can we learn from the passage?

A.People use AI in many different ways.

B.AI will take the place of human beings in all jobs.

C.Self -driving cars will be able to talk like humans.

D.A criminal was caught for inventing facial recognition.




Charlie was a cute school boy 66. lived in the USA. His life dream was to become a soldier, 67. he would never be able to because of his leg condition-- he couldn’t stand on his right leg. He felt very sad about it.

One day, Harry, 68. army officer, heard about Charlie’s story. After communicating with Charlie’s parents, Harry started to plan secretly to give the poor boy a big surprise.

A month later, one day 69. August, 2016, Harry appeared in Charlie’s 70. . In front of his classmates, Harry asked the boy, “Would you mind taking a ride with 71. ?”

Charlie 72. taken to the Army Reserve Center(陆军预备役中心), where he really dreamed to go. Harry said to Charlie, “Today you will become a member of our team.” Charlie was too 73. to say a word. Charlie raised his right hand and repeated the oath(誓言) loudly, “ I volunteer to 74. the army and make all my efforts to protect the people and the country.”

Charlie’s parents were 75. thankful. Harris said that it was simply part of his job,

“When I joined the army, I made a promise to protect the people, which also means protecting the dreams of a child.”


A. 回答问题(本题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)


Zhai Tianlin, 32, a Chinese TV actor, who also has a PhD(博士后) from Beijing Film Academy, found himself in hot water recently.

In August 2018, Zhai Tianlin appeared in a live(直播) video and he was asked if he often used the CNKI(知网). He asked back,“What is CNKI?” His question surprised the netizens(网友).

CNKI is the largest and most widely used online academic(学术的) library in China for university students writing theses(论文). "As someone with a PhD, how could he not know what the CNKI is? And how could he have never used it for his theses?" wrote a shocked netizen.

The video made netizens doubt Zhai's academic works. Some netizens said Zhai had looked for essay-writing(代写) services. Another netizen found out that one of Zhai's theses was 40.4 % the same as an article by another writer from CNKI. Netizens doubted whether Zhai was honest or not in his PhD works.

On February 19, 2019, Beijing Film Academy announced(宣布) Zhai's PhD degree was canceled because he had cheated in his PhD works.

76.How old is Zhai Tianlin?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 77.What’s the name of the online academic library that Zhai didn’t know about?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 78.Where did Zhai get his PhD degree?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 79.Who found Zhai copied part of his theses?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 80.When was Zhai's PhD degree announced to be canceled?

_______________________________________________________________________________ B.书面表达(本题15分)

孔子曰“民无信不立”。为了培养学生的诚信品质,No.1 Middle School开展了“诚信考试”(non-supervision tests)、“无人售报”(self sale newspapers)等各种各样的诚信教育活动。假设你是该校的学生李鸿,看了翟天临学术造假事件的报导,结合本校开展的诚信活动,请你写一封电子邮件给校长Mr. Huang. 谈谈你对诚信问题的看法。内容包括:







Dear Mr. Huang.

I hope this E-mail finds you well.____________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Best wishes,

Li Hong


一、1-5 ACACB 6-10 BCCAB 11-15 ACABC 16-20 BCBAB 21-25 BBCCC’s simple 27. close friends 28.think of 29. helping others 30.doing the dishes

二、31~35 ABDAC 36~40 BCCBA

三、41~45 CCABD 46~50 BABDD

四、51-55 DBADC 56-60 DBDCA 61-65 EFCAD

五、66. who/that 67. but 68. an 69. in 70. classroom/school 71. me 72. was

73. excited/happy/amazed/surprised... 74. join 75. really/so/very/quite/pretty

六、A.76.He is 32/thirty-two years old.

77.The name of the online academic library that Zhai didn’t know about is (the) CNKI.

78. He got his PhD degree in Beijing Film Academy.

79.A netizen found Zhai copied part of his theses.

80. It was announced to be canceled on February 19, 2019.










1.Hurry u p!The concert will begin at 4:00.

2.His father is considered an excellent teacher.

3.Tomorrow Tom will return the books I lent to him.

4.My camera is not as expensive as hers, but it works well, too.

5.I gave away some clothes to charity because they were too small for me.




M: Your bike is OK now. Who helped you repair it, Susan?

W: I thought my father would, but in fact, my mother did.


W: Could I borrow a pen from you?

M: I’m afraid I don’t have an extra one. Would a pencil do?


M: Did you see the movie, Helen?

W: No, It started at 2 o’clock. But when I got to the movie theater at 5 o’clock, the movie had

already finished.


M: Hi, Susan, where were you at lunchtime? I waited for you in the dining hall but you didn’t show up.

W: Oh, I’m sorry, Danny. My science class didn’t finish on time.


W: Bob, can you ask your friend to smoke somewhere else?

M: All right, Julie. I’m sorry. I’m going to do it at once.


M: Hi, Jenny. Could you lend me $30?

W: What for, Bob?

M: I need to buy a book on my way home. I will return the money to you next Monday.

W: OK, Bob. Here is the money.

M: .Thank you very much, Jenny.


W: How long does the tour take?

M: About 7 hours. The bus starts at 10:00 in the morning. You should be back by 5:00 in the afternoon.

W: How much does the tour cost?

M: It’s 18 dollars, including lunch.

W: Are there any English-speaking tour guides?

M: No, I’m afraid not. But we have this guidebook. It’s in both English and Chinese, and tells about all the places you’ll be seeing. Why not take one? It is free.

W: Oh, that will be very helpful. Thank you very much.



This is the first year that Nancy and Harry are going on vacation without any of their children. Their son is away at college this summer, and their two daughters are married. They feel a little lonely without the children, but it’s pleasant, too. They don’t have to worry about where the children are or what they’re doing.

Both Harry and Nancy are good cooks. Nancy cooks one night, and Harry cooks the next. After they do the dishes, they watch TV. Sometimes they drive to town to see a movie. They usually stay up late at night.

Nancy and Harry also like to go for long walks together. There’s a state park 20 miles from their house. They drive to the park on sunny days. It’s good to be away from the heat and the noise of the city.


Gary is a very successful American businessman who is now working in China. He is thinking of buying a new car. He has learned that Ford Mondeo is selling very well. The car is very comfortable to sit in and it is very safe. He decides to take a test drive this weekend.

Gindy also wants to buy a new car. She has just passed her driving test. Cindy has just worked for two years. Although her work in the bank pays well, she wants to buy a car of less

than 60,000 yuan. QQ is such a good car. It has a lot of advantages, like a very low price, a smart look, especially suitable for women. It costs no more than 50,000 yuan.



All of us want to be happy, but few know that we make our own happiness. Here are helpful suggestions to make you happy.

Firstly, enjoy the simple things in life. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book. Listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.

Secondly, have hobbies where you forget your problems and time. Many people go dancing, or play sports. You can forget your troubles, and only think of the activity that makes you happy.

Finally, find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. You can help a friend with his or her studies, buy food for old people, or simply help out around the house by doing the dishes.


中考模拟试卷英语卷 考生须知: 1、本试卷满分120 分,考试时间100 分钟。 2、答题前,在答题纸上写姓名和准考证号。 3、必须在答题纸的对应答题位置答题,写在其他地方无效。 1 至50 小题在答题纸上涂黑作答,答 题纸答题方式详见答题纸上的说明。 4、做听力题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有一分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题纸上。 5、考试结束后,试卷和答题纸一并上交。 试题卷 Ⅰ听力部分(30 分) I. 听短对话,回答问题(共 5 小题,计 5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。【根据双语报九年级期末试卷改编】 1. How does the man usually go to work? 【原创】 A. On foot. B. By subway. C. By car. 2. Where does the conversation probably take place? 【原创】 A. In the amusement park. B. In the cinema. C. In the hospital. 3. How many days did the woman spend in the United States? 【原创】 A. Five. B. Seven. C. Fourteen. 4. What does the man want to do? 【原创】 A. Get on the bus first. B. Get off the bus. C. Get on the bus one by one. 5. Why is the woman sad? 【原创】 A. She feels homesick. B. She failed her exam. C. She got hurt when hiking. 【考点】考察where, what, how 等疑问词在听力中的运用。 【设计思路】为多方面考查语言的运用设计此题,第 2 小题难度程度——中。其余四题难易程度——易。 II. 听较长对话,回答问题(共 6 小题,计12 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至第8 三个小题。现在,你有15 秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 【根据2015 年嘉兴中考改编】 6. How many hours does the woman probably spend on the Internet a week? 【原创】 A. About 2 or 3hours B. About 3 or 4 hours C. About 3 or 5 hours 7. What does the woman like to do ? 【原创】 A. To surf the Internet B. To read e-mail C. To write letters in ink 8. What do we know about the woman? 【改编】 A.She s’too busy to send any e-mail B.She gets some information on the Internet. C.She is looking through books in the library 【考点】听短对话,回答问题。 【设计思路】选择贴近生活的语言材料,考查学生的语言运用能力。难易程度——易。


2017广东中考英语模拟试卷(笔试部分) 时间:100分钟(除去听力)满分:95分(除去听力)二、单项填空(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分) ( )26. —God, I’ve never gone through _____ occasion before. —Just take it easy. You are sure to come up with ____ wise solution. A. a; a B. an; a C. an; the D. the; a ( )27. Boys, don’t ____ yourselves in playing Angry Birds. It is bad for your eyes to play computer games for a long time. A. lose B. forget C. mark D. decrease ( )28. —Nomada _______ since ten years ago. It is impossible for her to make a living now. —You mean ________?That’s kind of cruel to her. A. has been unemployed; in her twentieth B. has become unemployed; in twenties C. had stayed unemployed; in her twenties D. was unemployed; in her twenties ( )29. — Excuse me, could you help me check if _________ tomorrow? — Ok. If you _____. A. the game will take place; must B. the game is going to take place; need C. the game takes place; should D. the game is taking place; must ( )30. None of us are born talented. It means that ____ hard work, ____ good result. A. not; no B. no; no C. no; not D. not; not ( )31. Fu yuanhui has become a kind of spirit. It commonly _______ the whole world’s soul-saving, which eliminates the formal responses ____ other athletics. A. brings up; of B. shows off; to C. stands for; to D. borns for; of ( )32. Big rocks is the only thing you should pay attention to _______, remember it. A. make your travel safe B. making your travel safe C. to make your travel safe D. to making your travel safe ( )33. —Which do you want to order, sir? Coffee, lemonade, milk or tea? — tastes good, kind of tart. _____ others is my cup of tea. A. Coffee; either B. Milk; neither C. Lemonade; none D. Tea; none ( )34. Again and again the doctor_______ the crying baby girl, but he could _____ find out what was wrong with her. A. stayed over; almost B. looked over; hardly C. went over; hardly D. watched over; barely ( )35. Not only my friends but also the Green _______ interested in football and Messi is their favorite star. A. be B. am C. is D. are ( )36. Five hours ago, he _____. So it is unlikely that you can catch him ___. A. left; on B. has left; on C. had left; up D. might left; up ( )37. — Someone is knocking at the door. Is it Ann? I’ve been waiting for her so long. —I’m sorry, it _____ be her. I saw her staying at school half an hour ago. A. may not B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t ( )38. —Look at the sky. It ______ rain. —Yes. The TV reporter said that it ____. A. is having; had B. may; will C. will; could D. is going to; would


初三英语练习题(三) 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. Usually, it’s easier to make _______ decision than to take _______ action. A. a; an B.\; an C. \; \ D. a; \ ( ) 2. David, get up early, ________ you’ll miss the early bus. A. but B. and C. after D. or ( ) 3. —When are you going to Beijing for your holiday? —I haven’t decided. _______ this Sunday _____ next Sunday is OK. A. Not only , but also B. Neither , nor C. Either , or D. Both , and ( ) 4. This piece of music is well worth _______. Many people like it very much. A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listening to ( ) 5. --- Do you know if she _______ to visit us? --- I think she will come if she ______ free tomorrow. A. comes, is B. will come , is C. comes , will be D. will come , will be ( )6. ---______ you go shopping with us now? --- I’d like to, but I can’t. I have lots of work to do. A. Why don’t B. Why not C. What about D. How about ( )7. ______, great changes have taken place in China. A. To our shame B. To our surprise C. At last D. In the beginning ( )8. —Could you please tell me _______ ? —Yes, sure. A. you like to eat what B. where can I buy a stamp C. when will the next bus arrive D. if there is a bookshop near here ( )9. I hate travelling by air ______ you usually have to wait for hours before the plane takes off. A. because B. though C. until D. unless ( )10. If you click the mouse, you will get _______ news about sports. A. a great deal B. a great deal with C. a great deal in D. a great deal of ( )11. I’ll show you all the _______ and important places of our school. A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interests ( )12. Many people do not realize the importance of health _____ they have fallen ill. A. until B. while C. when D. after 二、完形填空 Her small hand seemed lost in Grandma's as they walked along the road leading back home. “Shall we rest for a 36 ? It's too hot!”the young girl said. “Let's 37 over there under the tree.”Grandma said. Resting under the tree, they 38 a butterfly (蝴蝶) nearby. “Do butterflies feel hot?”she asked. Grandma thought for a while and said, “I think they keep very 39 .” “I wish I were a butterfly,”the child said. Then she began to flap (拍动) her 40 . “But that takes a lot of work!” “You wish for a lot of things, child,”Grandma said. “Yes, I do. ”she said. “I wish I had 41 I wanted.” “Do you get all you wish for all the time?”Grandma asked. “No, I wish for a lot 42 nothing happens,”she said. “How I wish that Johnny Jeffries would stay home 43 school!”“What happened to him?”Grandma asked. “Ah, his grandma died …”she stopped suddenly and 44 her grandma when her eyes were 45 with tears.


数学中考模拟试卷(一) 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共30.0分) 1.下列四个数中,绝对值最大的数是() A. 5 B. 0 C. D. 2.如图所示是一个正方体展开图,图中的六个正方形内分 别标有“新”、“时”、“代”、“去”、“奋”、“斗”六个字,将 其围成一个正方体后,则与“奋”相对的字是() A. 斗 B. 新 C. 时 D. 代 3.下列运算中,正确的是() A. B. C. D. 4.对于一组统计数据:1,6,2,3,3,下列说法错误的是() A. 平均数是3 B. 中位数是3 C. 众数是3 D. 方差是 5.若关于x的一元二次方程(k-1)x2+4x+1=0有两个不相等的实数根,则k的取值范 围是() A. B. C. ,且 D. ,且 6.如图,等边△ABC的顶点A、B分别在网格图的格点上,则 ∠α的度数为() A. B. C. D. 7.为响应国家“精准扶贫”号召,某银行2019年安排精准扶贫贷款100亿元,已知该 银行2017年安排精准扶贫贷款64亿元,设2017年至2019年该银行安排精准扶贫贷款的平均增长率为x,根据题意可列方程为() A. B. C. D. 8.如图,分别以圆O的弦AB的两个端点A,B为圆心,以大于 AB长为半径作弧,两弧交于点M,连接OM,交AB于点C, 交⊙O于点D,连接AO并延长交⊙O于点N,连接NC.若 AB=8,CD=2,则NC的长为() A. B. 8 C. D. 9.如图,点M是反比例函数y=(x>0)的图象上的一点, 且点M的横坐标为3,连接OM并延长至点B,使 BM=OM,过点B分别作x轴和y轴的垂线,垂足分别 为C,D,则图中阴影部分的面积为()


2020年中考英语模拟题(19) 本试卷共四大题,7页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超 出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语法选择(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从1~15各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know about its writer? It was written by an 1 girl. And now she 2 a very rich woman already. When she was a child, she was poor. Once her friend Joan 3 her to a birthday party. She was very 4 but sad because she had not enough money 5 presents for her. “The part y is coming soon. Now I have 6 money.” tears ran down her face. Late that night, she was in bed, thinking about the presents when the door opened and came in her grandma. “What happened?” her grandma asked. Hearing the girl’s story, she said, “Don’t 7 . I think I can help you. How about 8 a song together? Happy birthday to …” 9 beautiful song! They sang and sang. Suddenly, she woke up. 10 it was a dream, she decided to write it down at once and sang it to 11 friend at the party. When she sang the song at the party the next day, her friends 12 attended the party were very happy. “How 13 she sings! We have never heard such a song before. Thank you 14 giving me the special present,” said Joan. And they learnt to sing 15 song together. Later, the girl became well known in America. ( ) 1. A. America’s B. American’s C. America D. American ( ) 2. A. has become B. becomes C. became D. become ( ) 3. A. invite B. invites C. invited D. will invite ( ) 4. A. the most pleased B. most pleased C. more pleased D. pleased ( ) 5. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought ( ) 6. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( ) 7. A. worried B. worry C. to worry D. worrying ( ) 8. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. be singing ( ) 9. A. How B. What C. What a D. How a ( ) 10. A. So B. Though C. Because D. For ( ) 11. A. she B. hers C. herself D. her ( ) 12. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose ( ) 13. A. wonderful B. wonderfully C. wonder D. more wonderful ( ) 14. A. for B. to C. of D. with ( ) 15. A. / B. a C. an D. the


英语 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 。考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意:答案一律填写在答题卡上,在试题卷上作答无效 ......... 第I 卷(共85分) 听力部分(一至四题) 一、听句子,选画面(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 你将听到五个句子,请在下列六幅图中选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,并在答题卡上按要求作答。每个句子读一遍. A B C D E F 二、听对话,选择最佳答案(共10小题,每题1分,共10分) 你将听到三段对话,请根据对话内容,选择每个问题的最佳答案,并在答题卡上按要求作答。每段对话读两遍。 请听第1段对话,回答第6—8小题。 ( )6. What do they want to do this Sunday? A. To go boating. B. To go skating. C.To go fishing. ( )7. Where are they going to meet? A. In the park. B. In Jim’s house. C. At the school gate. ( )8. When are they going to meet? A. At 11:00 am. B. At 1:00 pm. C. At 3:00 pm. 请听第2段对话,回答第9-11小题。 ( )9. What’s Mary doing? A. Watching TV. B. Reading a newspaper . C. Listening to music. ( )10. When will Jack return the CD player? A. At the end of the week. B. Next month. C. At the end of the month. ( )11. Does Mary lend her CDs to Jack? A. Yes,she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. 请听第3段对话,回答第12-15小题。 ( )12. Which city would Rose like to go for her holiday? A. Hong Kong. B. Harbin. C. Hangzhou. ( )13. Who is Rose going to see?


66 60 广东省2016 中考模拟试卷压轴模拟试题 一、听力理解(本大题分为 A、B、C、D 四部分,共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,共 25 分) A. 听句子(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题, 选择符合题意的图画回答问题, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每小题听一遍。 ( )1. What should we do to protect the environment according to the talk? A. B. C. ( )2. What’s Tony’s favorite food? A. B. C. ( )3. What will the speak send to his friends when he takes a trip? A. B. C. ( )4. How old is the speaker’s father? A. B. C. ( )5. What did the speak buy yesterday? 50

A. B. C. B. 听对话(本题有 10 个小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 回答每段对话后面的问题, 在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话, 回答第6 小题。

( )6. How much will the lady pay? A. 240 dollars. B. 180 dollars. C. 120 dollars. 听第二段对话, 回答第7 小题。 ( )7. Why does the girl want to work during the summer holiday? A. She wants to earn money. B. She has enough time. C. She wants to get work experience. 听第三段对话, 回答第8 小题。 ( )8. Where is Eric now? A. At school. B. In the hospital. C. At home. 听第四段对话, 回答第9 小题。 ( )9. What does the girl’s father do? A. He is a teacher. B. He is a businessman. C. He is a traveler. 听第五段对话, 回答第 10 小题。 ( )10. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Patient and dentist. B. Schoolmates. C. Student and teacher. 听第六段对话, 回答第 11~12 小题。 ( )11. What are the speakers talking about? A. Changjiang Travel. B. TV programs. C. An NBA match. ( )12. How does the man know the time for the match? A. From the TV. B. From the woman. C. From the paper. 听第七段对话, 回答第 13~15 小题。 ( )13. How far is it to Feiyu Sports Center? A. About 2 kilometers away. B. About 4 kilometers away. C. About 7 kilometers away. ( )14. Which bus is the cheapest? A. No. 67 bus. B. No. 9 bus. C. No. 12 bus. ( )15. Where is the bus stop? A. Near the fruit shop. B. Next to the fruit shop. C. Opposite the fruit shop. C. 听短文(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 请根据所听内容, 在每小题给出的三个选项中, 选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。短文听两遍。 ( )16. Bali is located in the of Indonesia. A. north B. south C. southeast ( )17. Bali is famous for its . A. delicious food B. natural beauty C. local culture ( )18. The best time to visit Bali is . A. from April to October B. from April to November C. from May to November ( )19. The weather in March is possibly . A. wetter B. colder C. foggy ( )20. You can take part in all year round in Bali. A.sports meetings B. talk shows C. local events


英语中考模拟试卷 第一卷(选择题,共55分) 一、单项填空 1. — Do you know ________ woman in pink over there —Yes. She is ________ office worker of Beijing Hotel. A. a; an B. the; the C. a; the D. the; an 2. She used to ______ with her parents, but now she is used to _____ with her classmates at school. A. live, living B. live, live C. living, living D. living, live 3. I don’t think the boy’s sister has a lovely dog, ________ A. do I B. don’t I C. has she D. does she 4. He had ________ little education that he can’t teach ________ little children. A. so; such B. such; such C. so; so D. such; so 5. The word__________ a letter “r” in the sentence is the word “robot” A. beginning with B. was begun with C. began with D. begins with 6. — _________ have you been to Thailand since 2004 — Four times. A. How often B. How many times C. Howe long D. How soon 7. — We must stop the hunters hunting the Tibetan antelopes (藏羚羊) in Tibet.— I agree with you. If we ________, they will disappear soon. A. won’t B. aren’t C. don’t D. mustn’t 8. —Could you tell me to go to Hainan by air —Just a minute, please. I have to check my computer. A. how much it is cost B. how much did it cost C. how much it cost D. how much it costs 9. The more you work on it, _______ you will find it to understand. A. more easily B. the easier C. the more easily D. easier 10. It is _______ of him to play in the street. A. danger B. wrong C. dangerous D. active 11. —Do you know who will_______ the dinner next time. —Sorry, I don’t know. A. cost B. spend C. pay D. pay for 12. —David has made great progress recently. —________, and ________. A. So he has; so you have B. So he has, so have you C. So has he, so have you D. So has he, so you have 13. This book ________ well and that kind of pens ________ well in the shop as well. A. reads; sells B. is read; sells C. is reading; is sold D. reads; is sold 14. --Excuse me, could you tell me later on --Wait a minute. It is coming in ten minutes. A. if the next train arrives B. if the next train will arrive C. when the next train arrives D. when will the next train arrive 15. —Why not join us to go on a picnic next weekend


2020年广东省初中毕业英语科模拟题含答案 笔试部分(满分110分) 一、语法选择(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从1~15各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Have you ever felt uncomfortable? Many of __1___ feel uneasy wh en someone stands too close __2__ us, talks to us too __3__ or mak es eye contact with us for too long. But have you ever wondered wh y those things make you uncomfortable? Its all about personal peace, which means not only __4__ im aginary space around the body, but also the space around all the __ _5___. People feel that their space is being violated(侵 犯) when they meet with an unwelcome sound, smell or look. This is probably why a man on a crowded bus shouting into his mobile phone or a woman next to you putting on strong perfume(香水) makes you feel __6___. ___7___ people have had a stronger wish to protect their pe rsonal space or not in recent times is hard to say. Yet studies of airlines show that people have a strong desire(渴 望) to have space to ___8___. In a survey by TripAdvisor, a travel website, people said that if they ___9___ pay more for some extra service, they would rather have la rger seats than extra food. Although people may need their personal space, some hardly r ealize it. For example, people on a bus who hold newspapers __10__th eir faces to read in fact keep a distance from strangers. Go and watch a library table. You will notice __11__ one o f the corner seats will usually __12__ first, because they are the farthest way. What if someone sits __13__ you? Maybe you will pile up books as if to make a wall. Preference (偏


初中英语中考模拟试卷 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡的相应位置上;并认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号是否与本人的相符合。 2.答客观题必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的准确选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.答主观题必须用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(客观题共50 分) 一、单项填空在A 、B、C、 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共14 分,每小题1 分) ( )1. —I hear there’ll be talk on teenage problems next Monday. —Do you mean talk our teacher asked us to listen to? A. a; the B. a; a C. the; the D. the; a ( )2 ---- What is the people in the village ? ----I am sorry. I don’t know. I only know that people like living in village. A. the number of , the number of B. a number of , the number of C. the number of , a number of D. a number of , a number of ( )3. You could hardly imagine amazing the Great Wall was you saw it with your own eyes. A. how, unless B. what, unless C. how, if D. what, until ( )4. The research he had devoted all his life to be a perfect success. A. to proved B. proved C. to prove D. to proving ( )5. —You won’t follow his example, will you? —. I don’t think he is right. A. No, I won’t B. Yes, I will C. No, I will D. Yes, I won’t ( )6. —How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night? —. But the male singer was perfect. A. I couldn’t agree more B. I don’t think much of it C. I was crazy about it D. I really like it ( )7. Look, the students are discussing . A. about which super star to vote for B. to vote for which super star C. about to vote for which super star D. which super star to vote for ( )8. --Let’s fly kites if it this weekend. -- But nobody knows if it . A. is fine, rain B. will be fine, rains C. will be fine, will rain D. is fine, will rain
