

Read “one million pounds “felt

Recently, we read Mark Twain's "one million pounds."

The story is this: two rich made a bet. One said that a poor people suddenly get a £ 1 million check and it will have everything he wants; another said that it could not. No one can open such

a large check. They find a penniless and lent him - Adam one million pounds in bank notes to

see whether he can live in London a month with the inconvenienced check. Adam's life has a great change from then on. When it was discovered that he has £ 1 million, people began to respect and compliment him. With this check, he entered the celebrity. Shops and

hotels were willing to credit to him, and look for his partner to do business. All of these the

hero did not pay a penny, but to show them the check. During this period he not only became acquainted with a beauty- Miss. Rum's heart, but also fell in love with her. However, he failed

to get her heart. Later, Adam lost that check in a crisis. Some began to suspect that he is a liar and there is no one million pounds. Then Adam received the help of Miss. Rum, and was in love with her. Finally the check being regained, his partner did business successfully. A month later,

Adam returned the check to the two millionaires. See here, I am so envious of the "lucky" the heroine, but at the same time I would like to: people reason to curry favor with him, not just because when people value money too it? Worship of money is shameful and should not be reaping more! Money is not omnipotent, the world than money, there are many more important things......

There are two classic dialogues between he and two rich: a rich man said, finally, you have

used this one million check to get everything you want. Adam said, it is not the case. When he has money, he does n’t gain the most precious love! That is classic enough to think carefully.

Then, let’s analysis the characters deeply. From them we will learn something from it.

At first reading the novel, I was impressed by the main character——“I”.

I have to say he is an unreal and ideal figure. He is one of God few chosen, and he is always the lucky one. He survived in the lost accident, and was saved by a boat leaving for London where he got the one million pounds by chance.

However, there are lots of excellent personalities on him. he is a man keen to make adventures ,to pursue hope, to budget the future clearly. He has strong adaptability to adapt the strange London;

He is kind enough to help the old friend ——Lloyd; brave enough to receive one million pounds. clearly ,the most important personality is his ability to adapt a new environment .just imagine, after he own 1,000,000 pound, how can he live thirty days without being sent into prison; how can he earn income without any expense; how can he catch a love without anything? Indeed he only used his own intelligence and clear reputation. He was sensible just to carry one million pounds till those two men came back instead of handing it in bank or telling the truth or even misusing. He thought it was a good deal that he may be got a well-paid job and has a bright new life by it. Then he began his well-planned daily life without any costs, and he met his kind of soul, he totally told the truth to her and invited her to meet those two brothers with him. Trusting is adequate to show his love.

So smart and clear reputation are the key to survive in the world, let’s keep them our displaces of do things. May the main character outshine our hope and faith to our life! Good personality lead what happened to the man reflects demerits of the civilian classes, who evidently treat the rich and the poor in different way ,their hypocritical behaviors make me feel sick , however, carefully considered, it is practical for that time and society ,actually, it is the reflection of it .

at the time the man was in the eating house, the landlord was sharply shocked by the big banknote, the landlord know exactly he could not change that big money and show great worship for it, the man smartly took advantage of his inner idea and make great fortune by a useless big note, ironically so-called respect comes with money, and money followed by look-up, a strong mixed feeling fills me.

then in the tailor's ,the man was treated uncomfortably and with prejudice at once, as a customer ,no decent clothes was served to him , and the salesclerk wouldn't respond to him one by one ,they judged a person by their appearance and their clothes, they took for granted that he had no money ,so one salesclerk told worked up a most sarcastic expression on his face ,contrast obviously with what expression he wore ,when he saw the big note ,shocked to still ,the smile force solid ,it's more than funny and ridiculous ,their behavior is ironic .

The shop owner and told, there was nothing but money

in their eyes ,the Tod is a person with extreme prejudice ,and be greed for this big note ,the shop keeper kept in house until he heard the money ,he came out quickly ,pleased and excited on sight of it ,it's a series of images that pursue nothing but money .

In my view, a satire to the idea” money is everything, money is omnipotent” is open to us .which exposed the ugly face of capitalist society.

Of course, it also involved the love.

About the love, the hero was in his own Insistence. At that time, Henry Adams had been struggling with that problem in his heart. Faced with his awkward situation; he could not be able to take the responsibility for himself totally. Due to the things he owned others, he became a successful gentleman. However, before the owner of “one million pounds” r eturned, all the respect was nothing and all the wealth was only a castle based on the frozen river in the early spring, which would collapse anytime.

But, in that situation, he also could not help falling in love with Miss langham, beautiful, adorable, dignified. From the first time they saw each other, they had a crush on each other. And then every time they meet, it deepened the relationship between them. Clearly, he knew he may not give her a bright future. But he still could not stand cheating on her. He thought he must be loyal to his love. He insisted that there could not be any lies in his love. Finally, he took heart to tell her the truth. She was a kind-hearted girl, not like other girls, which may be the god's affection. She was willing to hear that and be very pleased of his honest. After heard that thing, she did not hated him, but stood by his side to cheer for him, assist him to solve problems and believe that he would win. That is the idea of the perfect girlfriend of many people.

In today’s s ociety, in order to get more money, a great deal of people abandon their dignity, stoop to vulgar intrigue and willing to become the slave of money. Therefore having such Kind of love is a very jealous thing. Love can not be calculated by Money.

However, there are the conclusions.

First, Mark Twain's short story "one million pounds" is a very good work. The idea of the article " Money is the universe” is satirized by the writer. It also exposes the ugly and dark of the capitalist society.

About this, the phenomenon in our real society exists, too. For example, some doctors do the unnecessary checks on the patients and give patients some unnecessary drug. All of those, they are just for the money. That ignorance of patient healthy is more than a little bad.


百万英镑观后感1000字 本人编辑了百万英镑观后感1000字优秀范文供大家参考,欢迎收藏借鉴。 莎士比亚说:“金子,黄黄的,发光的,宝贵的金子!这东西,只要那么一点儿,就可以使黑的变成白的,丑的变成美的,错的变成对的,卑贱的变成尊贵的,老人变成少年,懦夫变成勇士……”这就是马克吐温笔下《百万英镑》的真实写照,百万英镑读后感。 100万英镑,对普通人来说简直就是一个难以置信的天文数字。而这张钞票,偏偏会落到一个穷困但诚信的人手中。因为富翁兄弟俩的打赌,使一个身无分文、举目无亲的年轻人在三十天内依靠金钱的力量几乎获得了常人需要的一切。不管如何爱钱,不要丢掉做人最基本的诚实的本性;不管怎样爱钱,不要抛弃道德、良知;不管怎样爱钱,不要伤害别人;不管怎样爱钱,必须通过正当途径来获得! 马克·吐温着重揭露了当时社会金钱至上的拜金主义,钱!成了衡量一切的标准!当今社会,还有多少尚有良知的人士记得资产阶级金钱叱咤风云、呼风唤雨主宰一切的社会被马克·吐温先生的批判? 金钱绝非万能,也并不值得以牺牲原则为代价来换取。希望将来,人们可以摆脱金钱的阴霾,再也不要将“有钱能使鬼推磨”作为名言;在金钱与原则之间抉择的时候,人们

可以思考思考《百万英镑》中的年轻人最终对于金钱角逐的认识:尽管失去了金钱,他却得到了许多其他的东西,Monery is the root of ecil!是啊,金钱不是万能的,金钱会让你成为它的奴隶!《百万英镑》就是个很好的例子。在美国幽默大师——马克.吐温的笔下,用夸张的艺术手法讽刺了人们在金钱面前的贪婪面目。 记得一个月白风清的夜晚,我和妈妈在小区里散步,我对妈妈说:“妈妈我长大一定要找一个能赚很多很多钱的工作,然后买一幢大大的别墅。”妈妈却笑着对我说:“儿子,以后工作不要以赚钱为目地,金钱不一定是最重要的,妈妈希望你能找一份你真正热爱的工作,只有热爱才可以快乐。”菲尔丁曾经说:“如果你把金钱当成上帝,他更会像魔鬼一样折磨你”金钱永远都有,魔鬼永远都有,欲望永远都有,可惜,我们享受快乐的机会不是永远有,我们可以享受快乐的时光不是永远有。 The chief aim of man is not to get monery. 一张平凡而又不凡的纸——平凡的是,世界上不乏有这样被人们叫做“钱”的纸;不平凡的是,它的面值是100万英镑。 读了《百万英镑》这本书后,我知道了在当时社会金钱至上的拜金主义,钱!成了衡量一切的标准! 亨利是个身份卑微的人,后来却变成了公爵之上的地位,


百万英镑读后感英文 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 百万英镑读后感英文 Mark Twain’s short story of “one million pounds” is a very good work. The article on the “money is everything,” “money is omnipotent,” the idea of a satire, to expose the ugly face of capitalist society. ”One million pounds” is about a poor, honest man, that is, the heroine of this story has received a pair of brothers, the letter sent to him inside one million pounds. The brothers had made a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest people who come knocking on the door received the one million pounds, he will be what kind of results? Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the

money was his own, will be subject to other people’s doubts, and even the banks do not let him save money. His younger brother that he would lead a very good, and therefore they have the brothers of one million pounds will be loaned to check the poorest people, and spent 30 days abroad. Did not expect that during this period of time, people have the rare fortune suddenly rich, has tried to cozy up to him, from the free food, buy clothes, free accommodation, like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status until the exception of the highest outdoor Wang Duke on! Not only that, he also has been a good wife and 30,000 pounds of bank interest, and finally from two brothers got a very good job. Lived a very, very happy life. See here, I am so envious of the “lucky” the heroine, but at the same time I would like to: people reason to curry favor


百万英镑观后感8篇 第一篇:百万英镑观后感昨天语文老师给我们看了一个电影百万英镑,作者是美国作家马克·吐温。 百万英镑主要告诉我们钱不能当饭吃,主人公亨利·亚当是一位流浪汉,他他收到了两位兄弟的信,这两位兄弟打了一个赌:如果将一百万的支票给一位穷人,他会干什么?哥哥认为这位穷人会被饿死,则弟弟认为他会过得很好。于是,亨利就轻而易举地得到了这一百万支票。他拿着这一百万支票去了饭店、衣服店,所有在场的员工一开始没有一个是瞧得起他的,但得知他手上有一张一百万元的支票时却没有一个人目空一切。最后,亨利有房有车,还有贤惠的妻子在身边照顾,享受着天伦之乐。 从这个故事中我读懂了,人们把金钱看做比世上任何事物还要重,就像我的叔叔于勒,菲利普夫妇为了钱可以连亲情都不认,如果于勒一个有钱人别人都会不停地拉拢他;而相反,而他是一个穷光蛋会被社会受到无尽的欺凌。当时的社会把钱看得太重,我觉得,人与人之间应该要公平,不管他的地位是亿万富翁,还是穷光蛋,或者是乞丐,都要以一颗善良的心去对待身边的每一件事物。有的时候,钱能买到你自己最心爱的东西,但是,钱不是万能的,做人最基本的道理钱是买不到的,亲情和爱情也是如此。因此,我觉得不能把钱看得太重,不然可能你会误入歧途,分不清是与非。 每个电影中都蕴含着一个人生道理,可能只是一件微不足道的小

事,但是给你带来的却是终身的启示,我们应该要多善于发现,这样不仅仅是你的品学提高了,可能你的道德也会有所长进。 第二篇:百万英镑观后感梦是美好的,但有一次梦让我真的不想回到现实中来了,那里太美好了。这件事还要说读了百万英镑说起了。 百万英镑是一本讽刺钱的重要性,我的感触很深。如果没有了钱,那不是没有权力大小,任人平等了吗?我知道这是一个几乎不可能完成的一个奢望了。也只有在梦中能到那样我才思考了个明白。 那是一个星期天,一口气读完,百万英镑的我沉沉的睡了。当我再迷迷糊糊的睁开眼时,我已不再我那小小的卧室中了。而到了另外一个世界中。满天飞的汽车,一座座挺入云间的高楼大厦。这时一座汽车停下,问我:“小伙子你要不要坐车?”看着笑眯眯的大爷。我敢要进去可嘴里说了一句:“我没钱。”“前那是什么?”看着疑惑的大爷我上了车。听大爷的话中我得知这里的人没有贵贱之分。可我又不明白了说;“那犯了错谁来解决?“专门有一个人“起床了!”妈妈在叫我。我睁开了眼我又回到了卧室中。 那以后,我思考了很久,一个人管那不造成了最大的不平等么?所以还是现实好了! 第三篇:观百万英磅有感今天,我在学校观看了百万英磅这部电影,看完这部电影以后,我受到了很大的启发。 这部电影主要讲了富豪之家的两兄弟,从银行里取出面额为一百万英磅的钞票。藉以验证自己的理论。一个认为,这样一张钞票对穷


《百万英镑》观后感 《百万硬镑》描绘了美国的一个小办事员出海游玩,迷失方向后,幸遇救,随船来到英国伦敦。两个富有的兄弟给了他一张一百万英镑的钞票,并以他在三十天内凭这张百万英镑的钞票能否活下去而打赌。一个认为,这样一张钞票对穷人毫无价值;另一个认为,仅拥有这样一张不兑现的钞票,就可以过上上等人的生活。没想到在这段时间内,人们对这位突然暴富的罕见富翁,竟拼命地拉拢他,从免费吃饭,买衣服,到免费住宿,一个个像乞丐一样讨好他,并不断提高他的社会地位!他的生活由此而改变,周围人的态度忽冷忽热,钞票得而复失、失而复得,薄薄一张写着巨额数字的纸牵引着无数人的神经。故事最后,他还得到了真正的不包含利益关系的爱情和三万英镑的银行利息,从此以后过着非常非常幸福的生活。主人公并没有接受两个富有兄弟为他安排的工作,因为经历了大起大落,他早已厌倦了人们对金钱的追逐,尽管失去了金钱,但他却得到了许多:自由自在、无拘无束的生活以及纯正朴实的真爱……相信这才是生活的真正意义,这才是一个人希望拥有的幸福生活,其他外在的利益则是身外之物,金钱不是万能的,拥有它并没有拥有一切,反而有时还会适得其反。 电影通过小办事员的种种“历险”嘲弄了金钱在资产阶级社会叱咤风云、呼风唤雨的作用。作者用漫画笔法勾勒了不同人物在“百万英镑”面前的种种丑态,幽默滑稽,趣味横生,就如同一幅世态讽刺画,令人忍俊不禁。电影对“金钱就是一切”“金钱是万能的”的想法进行了讽刺,揭穿了资本主义社会的丑恶面容。 看到这儿,我很羡慕这位如此“幸运”的主人公,但同时我又想:人们之所以讨好他,不就是因为当时人们太看重金钱了吗?拜金主义是可耻的,不劳而获更不应该!金钱不是万能的,世界上还有许多比金钱更重要的东西。我们对于人的看法是不是真的好像电影里的绝大多数人那样,会因为金钱而有截然不同的看法?喜剧的背后往往会有深刻的主题让人思考。


读后感现在已经成为了老师们评定学生是否认真读书的凭证,那么怎样写读后感才能取得高分呢?读后感的格式又是怎样的呢?以下是为同学们整理好的有关《百万英镑》读后感范文,欢迎参考写作。 篇一《百万英镑》读后感 暑假里,我读了一本名叫《百万英镑》的书,它使我明白了钱不是万能的,而且还让我了解人生除了钱以外还有许多东西是珍贵的。它令我知道了钱不是人生的主旋律,令我悟出了人生的真谛。 书中的主人公因为搭错了船来到了法国,而且一路上受尽了屈辱。他到达法国时已经身无分文。这时候。一位绅士召唤他,要他送封信笺。最后的原因不过是那位绅士和其弟弟打赌。让一位平穷没有地位的人摇身一变成为富人。而人们的趋炎附势,拜金主义在作者的刻意宣泄下,酣畅玲珑,一览无疑。钱真的那么有魔力吗?为什么? 作者生动的塑造了一位有血有肉的主人公。当那钞票是属于他的刹那,他还以为这是张假钞。因为他知道天上不会掉馅饼,不会有人无原无故的送那么多的钱给一个素不相识的人。我认为作者在这个地方描写得非常巧妙,给我们一个想象的空间。《百万英镑》像大多数小说一样,以大团圆收场。主人公不仅有了自己的工作,还有了一位善良的妻子。这篇小说使我回味无穷。作者的描写手法高明至及,他在结构紧凑的文章中给我留下了想象的空间,更重要的是他点明了钱不

是万能的。从人们免费地给他最好的衣服和食物,到后来他被封为爵士,都可以看出人们有多么渴望得到不义之财,难怪法国在其后爆发“政变”。 《百万英镑》这本书不论是大人看,还是孩子们看都能从中悟到哲理。让我们看到,除了金钱之外,我们还有亲情,友情,师生情——许许多多人类珍贵而美丽的情感值得珍惜的。教师节快要来了,在这里我想大声的说老师您辛苦了,我们会永远的记得您的培育,我们会交出优异的成绩。 篇二《百万英镑》读后感 这天,我读完了《百万英镑》这篇文章,读完后,这篇文章让我懂得了深刻的道理。 《百万英镑》是美国的著名幽默作家马克·吐温写的一篇文章,这本书主要讲了一个名叫亨利·亚当斯的美国人流落到英国,变得身无分文,两个富有的英国兄弟给了他一张一百万英镑的钞票,并以他在三十天能凭这张钞票活下去并且不出任何事情来打赌。结果亨利不仅活了下来,而且凭借这一张钞票赢得了世人的尊重,利用它发了一笔财,还找到了自己的真爱。 马克·吐温以幽默风趣的笔调揭露了整个社会的丑态,在当时的那个金钱至上的社会,金钱就是用来衡量一切的,它代表一切,甚至可以说没有钱就什么也做不成,还会被排挤、被嘲笑,有钱才是万能的,没有用钱办不到的事情。当周围


电影《百万英镑》观后感 去年,我曾读过《百万英镑》这本书。在这个寒假里,我又观看了《百万英镑》这部电影,它让我感触颇深,思绪万千。该影片主要讲述的是英国贵族富家子弟的两兄弟,他们从银行取了一张百万英镑支票,并在一个身无分文的美国人亨利·亚当身上打了一个赌:“如果一个穷人得到百万英镑会有怎样的命运”。弟弟认为,穷人拥有这张钞票毫无意义,而哥哥却认为穷人拥有这张百万英镑,就可以过上贵族般的生活。最后,这位叫亨利·亚当的年轻人,凭借这张百万英镑,终于过上了一个月的上流社会生活。从影片的故事一开始,就揭露了当时英国社会金钱至上的拜金主义现象。当亨利·亚当来到服装店买衣服时,店老板和员工看着他的穿着穷相,便带他来到低档衣服堆里,且态度十分冷漠。但是,当他拿出一张百万英镑的支票时,老板就立刻改变了刚才的态度,并对他点头哈腰,然而,在他脸上那虚伪的笑容中,却显露出贪婪的眼神,眼睛直盯着钞票,无不体现出老板爱财如命的本性。接着,老板还为年轻人定制了好几套服装,并表示可以无限期等待亨利·亚当付款。后来,亨利·亚当在吃饭和住宿方面,也都受到了老板的热情接待,让他享受贵族般的待遇。可以说,20世纪初的英国社会,大部分人都崇尚金钱至上和拜金主义。他们对待富豪和穷人的态度是完全不一样的,不仅以貌取人,而且还把金钱作为衡量一切的标准。这些显然都是十分错误的。看完这部《百万英镑》的电影,不仅让我进一步了解了20世纪初,英国社 ————来源网络整理,仅供参考 1

会金钱至上和拜金主义现象,而且也让我对金钱有了新的认识和看法。我认为金钱固然重要,但是金钱却不是万能的,有些东西用金钱是根本买不到的,如:时间、生命、友谊、道德等,所有这些都要比金钱更加珍贵。所以我想说:“金钱不是万能的。在金钱与良知、道德之间,我们大家都应该做出一个正确的选择!” 杭州市胜利实验学校六(8)班周文婧 2 ————来源网络整理,仅供参考


百万英镑读后感800字 《百万英镑》是美国的著名作家马克·吐温的一篇著名的短篇小说。以下是由本人为大家整理的相关内容,仅供参考阅读。 人们都说马克·吐温先生是个幽默大师,又很会讽刺社会上的各种事。读了他的《百万英镑》后,我忍俊不禁,放声大笑。读了这个让人哭笑不得的小说,我也看见了那令人哭笑不得的社会。 在美国旧金山的一个小办事员出海游玩,因故迷失方向后,幸被轮船遇救,然后随船来到英国伦敦。他身无分文,特别孤独,两个富有的兄弟借给了他一张一百万英镑的支票,并以他在三十天内不将一百万的支票兑换成现金而能否活下去打了一个赌。在小说的结尾,小人物不仅活过了三十天,并且利用这张百万英镑发了一笔财,还获得了一位小姐的芳心。但由始之终从来没兑换过这张支票。小说通过小办事员的种种“历险”嘲弄了金钱在资产阶级社会叱咤风云、呼风唤雨的作用。当时社会上的拜金主义思想,当时的人们都太看重金钱了,钱!竟然成了可以衡量一切的标准!为了钱,他们可以放弃一切,放弃地位、家人、职业…… 拜金主义思想是可耻的,不劳而获更加可耻,因为世界上还有很多比金钱更重要的东西,很多不能用金钱来衡量的东西,金钱不是万能的。之所以那个年代社会腐败,和这些

见风使舵的人们有着密不可分的关系。我们这个年代,也有。一次,我看到路边有一个满脸是胡子的乞丐,正在低声乞求人们:“我好几天没吃饭了,谁给点钱——谢谢,谢谢,祝您全家安康……”一个时髦的男青年正领着一个时髦的女青年走过,一看到那年过花甲的乞丐,便一下子皱起眉头,绕得远远的,嘴里还嘀咕着:“这脏老头,真是……”我也实在看不惯,也只好绕过了。妈妈说:“伦伦,你去给爷爷点钱吧。”说着,她拿出了两块钱,递给我。我拿着钱,跑到那个爷爷前面很远,扔了钱就跑,也不管扔没扔中。妈妈一看我这狼狈不堪的样子,不禁摇了摇头。事后,我也觉得这太不对了,但就是不习惯老爷爷浑身的霉味,看不惯他衣不遮体,听不惯他的外地口音。但是,我也知道这不至于啊,为什么偏要远离他、躲避他呢? 人人都是平等的,不能因为人们的地位、财富而就去判断一个人的身价,那就错了。这种以貌取人的做法难道不是社会的一种悲哀?不是一个值得人们深思的问题吗? 人们都说马克·吐温先生是个幽默大师,又很会讽刺社会上的各种事。读了他的《百万英镑》后,我忍俊不禁,放声大笑。读了这个让人哭笑不得的小说,我也看见了那令人哭笑不得的社会。在美国旧金山的一个小办事员出海游玩,因故迷失方向后,幸被轮船遇救,然后随船来到英国伦敦。他身无分文,特别孤独,两个富有的兄弟借给了他一张一百


百万英镑观后感10篇 百万英镑观后感(一): 最近,我看了一部电影,名叫百万英镑。它是19世纪著名马克吐温的作品。故事中讲述了一个在海上遇难的美国人,流浪到了英国,在一次偶然的机会得到了一张面值一百万英镑的支票后发生的事情。 电影中的一些情节让我影像深刻,其一是:这位年轻人去了一家小餐馆,老板看他穿得像个乞丐似的,还怕他付不起钱。当老板看到那张支票后,惊讶中带有贪婪,仿佛想一手把那张支票拿在手中,永远是自我的了。 离开饭店后,年轻人认为他的衣服太破了,要买一套新的,不要被人瞧不起。所以,他去了一家大型的衣服店,店里的店员看他衣服又肮脏又破旧,都不约而同的避开他,店老板还认为他的到来会打扰店的气氛,想打发他走。当奉命打发他的店员看到那张支票时,仿佛被电闪了一样,不会动了。老板见状,立刻跑过来,看到那张支票后,浑身都在颤抖,那种激动、惊讶、贪婪的表情一一显露了出来。 看完了这两段故事后,我认为,做人不能太贪婪,太拜金,让人有一种自然的反感,得不偿失。 百万英镑观后感(二): 《百万英镑》讲了一个叫亨利﹒亚当的穷人因迷路,从美国来到了英国。一对富有的兄弟决定在他身上打个赌。他们给亚当一张一百

万英镑的支票,哥哥认为他若不换成钱就会死,而弟弟不认为是这样。于是,亚当拿着一张一百万英镑的支票开始了他为期一个月的冒险之旅。在经历了种种困难后,亚当借着支票不但赚了2万英镑,还找到了一位妻子。 这部影片虽然搞笑,但它让我认识到的道理却十分深刻。在影片中,亚当得到支票刚开始冒险时,由于他的衣服很旧,餐厅里的人都看不起他,给他很差的座位,吃完饭后还态度粗鲁地向他要钱。而当亚当亮出那张一百万英镑的支票时,那些人立刻对他点头哈腰,连连道歉,不仅仅免了他的账单,还送他出门。之后亚当的支票丢了,这些人又恢复了本相。当亚当的支票找回时,这些人又立刻把他奉若上宾,比较十分强烈。让人们一眼看穿了他们的内心:只明白巴结那些有权威、有金钱、有地位的人,对穷人则恶声恶气,不屑一顾,他们变脸比翻书还快,这些人的内心是最肮脏的。其实,一个人的内心、品格比他的地位和钱财重要多了。 在今年的春节联欢晚会上,有个小品就是反映这种不良现象的。小品中的小伙子在老板面前低声下气,尽说好话,彬彬有礼,而在外面却见死不救,耀武扬威。最终,他最终得到了他应有的惩罚。 期望世界上的所有人都能明白:心灵美才是真正的美。 百万英镑观后感(三): 我看了一部《百万英镑》电影,它讲述的是两名英国人打赌,在英国一张百万钞票是不是万能的? 事实证明在当时的英国,有了百万英镑就能在英国人中受到盲目


百万英镑英文观后感 篇一:The Million Pound Note This time I want to talk about a very famous short story written by Mark Twain---------“The Million Pound Note”. Referring to Mark Twain, you must feel familiar, because we must have read his works before. I still remember the article “ The Bite Events on the Train” in our textbook when I’m in the middle school. What touched me most at that time were his ironic words. Yes, he is a great humorist, novelist, writer and orator in America in nineteenth century. During his 40 years’ writing career, he created dozens of short or long stories. This story tells about a poor but honest American Adam Henry. When he was wandering in the street of London, he was given by two billionaires a letter, in which he surprisedly found a £1,000,000 pound bank-note. Later he got to know that the two billionaires who were brothers had made a bet about the results after he got a one million-pound note at once. One of them thought the note wound count for nothing to the poor man because he could not prove that the money was his own while the other considered just as the opposite. Dramatically, the plot went just out of my expectation. Herry went to a restaurant to have dinner first. The manager was mean to him at the beginning but his attitude changed quickly when Herry took out the note and asked for change. Faced with a millionaire, the manager apologized again and again and obsequiously told Herry that he didn’t need to pay for the bill right now. So Herry managed to have a free dinner. Then similarly, Herry went to a clothing shop and got a suit of clothes costing him nothing. Like the plot above, people are curious of such a rich man and tried every means to cozy up to him, from free food, free clothes to free accommodation. At the same time, his social status was becoming higher and higher and finally higher than most dukes. Apart from that, he later got a beautiful wife and 200,000 pounds of bank interest. I can imagine a bright future was waiting for him. The writing style of this story is so humorous. Mark Twain used hyperbole describing how our hero defeated snobbishness repeatedly. What I appreciate most is the detailed description of different people’s ridiculous actions before one million pounds, vivid, funny, ironic and humorous, which forms a Caricature. In terms of the theme, it is apparent that the author wanted to denounce the overflowing mammonism in the society. Even now it gives us an impressive lesson. Yes, I cannot deny the importance of money to a person who wants to survive. We won’t live without money, with which we get food, clothes, house and many


《百万英镑》读后感精选范文5篇400字 《百万英镑》叙述了这样一个离奇的故事:穷小子亨利亚当斯应为一次偶然的机会获得了一张不能兑现的百万英镑支票。按常理来说,这张支票虽然数额巨大,但是应为不能兑换,并无实际用途。以下是小编整理的读后感范文5篇,希望可以分享给大家进行参考和借鉴。 这几天,我读了一本叫《百万英镑》的书。作者马克吐温是美国的作家、幽默家、小说家,也是著名的演讲家。他是19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。这本书中我最喜欢的有“百万英镑”“好孩子的故事”“坏孩子的故事”“大宗牛肉合同事件”这几篇故事。 “百万英镑”讲的是一个穷小子因机缘巧合得到一张百万大钞,从而呼风唤雨的故事。这篇故事中有几段是讲他得到百万大钞后去服装店,刚开始员工和老板见他穿着打扮很邋遢,对他的态度不理不采,后来看见他的百万大钞后对他的态度又经过180度大转弯。 “大宗牛肉合同事件”讲的是为了要回拖欠的牛肉款项,约翰及后代都一一奔波而死,最后把这件事交给了主人公,但主人公总也要不回来那笔拖欠的牛肉款项。 “坏孩子的故事”讲的是坏孩子吉姆整天游手好闲,但他每次都十分好运,周末去玩水却没有溺水;在安息日去钓鱼,却没被雷劈;去偷苹果也没有从树上摔下来。总之,他就是那么好运。 “好孩子的故事”讲的是好孩子雅各布。布利文思十分想做书中的好孩子,但总不能如愿以偿的故事。 读完这本书,我从好孩子雅各布。布利文斯那学会了坚持;从“大宗牛肉合同事件”里知道了美国政府没人性的管理;从百万英镑的几段中知道了美国有些人很势力。 这几天里我读了一本马克·吐温书这本书的名字叫:《百万英镑》。 这本书要讲得是一个人他到英国当时他是一个乞丐,当时他很饿,看见一个小男孩扔了一个面包,那个人要去捡,突然一个人过来了他不捡了,那个人走了,他继续捡那个面包,当快捡到面包的时候,突然房上有两个富豪叫那个乞丐,说年轻人请上来一下,乞丐上来之后两个富豪给了那个乞丐一封信,乞丐走之后,去一家饭馆,服务员看了一眼就让乞丐就让他做好久没擦的桌子,乞丐说:“为什么让我坐这么脏的桌子,”服务员说:“让你坐着就很不赖了。”乞丐拿起那封信打开当时让所有人惊动了,那信封里竟然是一百万英镑,老板赶快让乞丐坐上最好的位置,乞丐点的菜不用掏钱。乞丐有去了一家服装店,员


Impression On “A Collection Of Mark Twain’s Short Stories” 1005 20100100122张馨元It is known to us all, the top three great short stories masters are Maupassant, Chekhov, and O Henry. If there is a fourth, Mark Twain must be on the list. I like Mark Twain because several of his short stories are full of humor. I love Mark Twain because behind the humor, the dark sides of things or people are exposed, which is thought-provoking. In the book “A Collection Of Mark Twain’s Short Stories”, the great master spares no efforts to create humor and contrast, as a result, a sarcastic tone is set, thus what to be criticized are nakedly presented in front of the readers. With a broad vocabulary, extraordinary powers of observation and a sense of humor, Twain was among the first Americans whose writing style was not modeled after that of the British. He used his humor to attack greed and racism, government arrogance and hypocrisy. The language he chose for his characters' dialogue shows his wit and gift, especially in his short stories “The 1,000,000 Bank –Note” “The 1,000,000 Bank –Note”tells about a starving but honest American guy named Henry. When he was adventuring in London, he was given £1,000,000 pound bank-note, which later he knew that it related to the bet of the two rich men and their aim is to see whether


[读后感]百万英镑英文读后感 百万英镑英文读后感 百万英镑英文读后感(一): BasedonmarkTwain’snovel,’ThemillionairePoundNote’takesaninterestingsatiric,,howthericharequicktochangefacewheninaninstanttheyfindoutthatyou’reamanofwealthandhowwithi nthenextmo,’Themillionaire’’erclasssocietybuta tthesametimeitalsocreatesa ragsatsomepointbutthelovestor,asPeck’byroundingitupandpresentinghispoints. 百万英镑英文读后感(二): 百万英镑英文读后感 ,,,iknewmoreabouthimafterIlearnedtheHistoryandAnthologyofAmericanLiterature,,,,itesmythough. SamuelLanghorneclemens(November30,1835–April21,1910)wasanAmericanhumorist,satirist,lecturerandwriter,,missouriandbroughtupinHannibal,’sdeathin1847,hewasapprenticedtoaprinterandwroteforhisbrother’iacity,,1863,’markTwain’ markTwainismostnotedforhisnovelsAdventuresofHuckleberryFinn,,clemensbecameafriendtopresidents,artists,,Iwouldintroduceittoyou. Isthererealfree-lunchintheworld?maybethereis!Andsuchkindof“freelunch”strikesthepoorandhonest youngmanHenryAdamswhohassurprisinglygotaone-millionbanknotefromthebrothers (Roderick&oliver)。Asamatteroffact,thebrothershadmadeabet,ifapoor,honestandcleverpeoplewhoeknockingonthedoorreceivedtheonemillionpounds,whatwillbehappeningtohislife?Theelderbrotherthinkthathewouldstarvetodeathbecausehecouldnotpr ovethatthemoneybelongstohim,willbearousingothers’suspicion,,,,,thelucky,peoplefromeverysocialclasstryevery ionandheissoonlivinginaluxurioushotelsuite,,,,, markTwain’sshortstoryof”onemillionpoundsnote”“moneyiseverything,”“moneyisomnipotent,”,?wheredoestheattractionofthebanknoteliein? Asfarasiamconcerned,theonemillionPoundsNotetakesaninteresting,s,,howthericharequicktochangefacewhentheyfindoutthatyou’reamanofwealthandhowwithinthenextm opperclasssocietybutatthesametimeitalsocreatesabyroundingitupandpresentinghispoints. Inmyheart,Herrywassoluckily,”lucky”oftheheroine,butatthesametimeIwouldliketothinkthatthereasonwhypeoplecarryfavorwithhimisjustthattheyattractt oomuchimportanttomoney,isn’tit?moneyworshipisshamefulandshouldnotbereapingmore!moneyisnotomnipotent,andintheworld,therearemanythingsthatmoreimportantthanmoney…… 百万英镑英文读后感(三): markTwain’sshortstoryof”onemillionpounds”“moneyiseverything,”“moneyisomnipotent,”theid eaofasatire,toexposetheuglyfaceofcapitalistsociety. ”onemillionpounds”isaboutapoor,honestman,thatis,theheroineofthisstoryhasreceivedapairofbrothers,,gambling,ifapoor,honestpeoplewhoeknockingonthedoorreceivedtheonemillionpounds,hewillbewhatkindofresults?Brotherthathewouldstarvetodeathbecausehecouldnotprovethatthemone


《百万英镑》电影观后感最新范文5篇 《百万英镑》描述了一个流落伦敦的美国人亨利·亚当,因故迷失方向后,幸被轮船 遇救,然后随船来到英国伦敦。他身无分文,异常孤独,两个富有的兄弟借给了他一张一 百万英镑的支票。以下是小编整理的观后感范文5篇,希望可以分享给大家进行参考和借鉴。 《百万英镑》讲了一个叫亨利﹒亚当的穷人因迷路,从美国来到了英国。一对富有的 兄弟决定在他身上打个赌。他们给亚当一张一百万英镑的支票,哥哥认为他若不换成钱就 会死,而弟弟不认为是这样。于是,亚当拿着一张一百万英镑的支票开始了他为期一个月 的冒险之旅。在经历了种种困难后,亚当借着支票不但赚了2万英镑,还找到了一位妻子。 这部影片虽然搞笑,但它让我认识到的道理却十分深刻。在影片中,亚当得到支票刚 开始冒险时,由于他的衣服很旧,餐厅里的人都看不起他,给他很差的座位,吃完饭后还态度粗鲁地向他要钱。而当亚当亮出那张一百万英镑的支票时,那些人立刻对他点头哈腰,连连道歉,不仅仅免了他的账单,还送他出门。之后亚当的支票丢了,这些人又恢复了本相。当亚当的支票找回时,这些人又立刻把他奉若上宾,比较十分强烈。让人们一眼看穿 了他们的内心:只明白巴结那些有权威、有金钱、有地位的人,对穷人则恶声恶气,不屑 一顾,他们变脸比翻书还快,这些人的内心是最肮脏的。其实,一个人的内心、品格比他 的地位和钱财重要多了。 在今年的春节联欢晚会上,有个小品就是反映这种不良现象的。小品中的小伙子在老 板面前低声下气,尽说好话,彬彬有礼,而在外面却见死不救,耀武扬威。最终,他最终 得到了他应有的惩罚。 期望世界上的所有人都能明白:心灵美才是真正的美。 我看了一部《百万英镑》电影,它讲述的是两名英国人打赌,在英国一张百万钞票是 不是万能的? 事实证明在当时的英国,有了百万英镑就能在英国人中受到盲目崇拜,阿谀奉承。并 且我看的过程中,发现了这样一个强烈比较。亨利·亚当斯刚来到英国,由于别人看到他 衣着不整,吃顿饭都受人耻笑,可当他拿出那张一百万英镑支票时,店主立马从瞧不起变 成恭敬;在亨利·亚当斯定制衣服也是如此,从遭受鄙视到恭敬。从中,我能够看到当时的 英国人盲目的拜金主义思想,有了钱就是最好,就是富翁,就要崇拜。之后亨利·亚当斯 在住宿里丢了那张支票,舆论与媒体迅速炒作,买股票都是看亨利·亚当斯买的人迅速恼火,发现他是一个骗子,但之后找到了,人们迅速又投来尊敬的眼神,一个老太婆在亨利·亚当斯丢支票后,高呼:“你这个大骗子,毁了我的一生!”找到支票后,却又叫:“上帝


百万英镑读书心得800字5篇 《百万英镑》描述了一个流落伦敦的美国人亨利亚当,因故迷失方向后,幸被轮船遇救,然后随船来到英国伦敦。下面是小编收集整理的百万英镑读书心得800字,仅供参考。 《百万英镑》让我知道有钱能使鬼推磨,然后实际上钱也只是一张平凡的纸。 莎士比亚说:金子,黄黄的,发光的,宝贵的金子!这东西,只要那么一点儿,就可以 使黑的变成白的,丑的变成美的,错的变成对的,卑贱的变成尊贵的,老人变成少年,懦 夫变成勇士这就是马克吐温笔下《百万英镑》的真实写照,百万英镑读后感。 100万英镑,对普通人来说简直就是一个难以置信的天文数字。而这张钞票,偏偏会 落到一个穷困但诚信的人手中。因为富翁兄弟俩的打赌,使一个身无分文、举目无亲的年轻人在三十天内依靠金钱的力量几乎获得了常人需要的一切。不管如何爱钱,不要丢掉做人最基本的诚实的本性;不管怎样爱钱,不要抛弃道德、良知;不管怎样爱钱,不要伤害别人;不管怎样爱钱,必须通过正当途径来获得! 马克吐温着重揭露了当时社会金钱至上的拜金主义,钱!成了衡量一切的标准!当今社会,还有多少尚有良知的人士记得资产阶级金钱叱咤风云、呼风唤雨主宰一切的社会被马 克吐温先生的批判? 金钱绝非万能,也并不值得以牺牲原则为代价来换取。希望将来,人们可以摆脱金钱 的阴霾,再也不要将有钱能使鬼推磨作为名言;在金钱与原则之间抉择的时候,人们可以思考思考《百万英镑》中的年轻人最终对于金钱角逐的认识:尽管失去了金钱,他却得到了许多其他的东西,Monery is the root of ecil!是啊,金钱不是万能的,金钱会让你成为它的奴 隶!《百万英镑》就是个很好的例子。在美国幽默大师马克.吐温的笔下,用夸张的艺术手 法讽刺了人们在金钱面前的贪婪面目。 记得一个月白风清的夜晚,我和妈妈在小区里散步,我对妈妈说:妈妈我长大一定要找一个能赚很多很多钱的工作,然后买一幢大大的别墅。妈妈却笑着对我说:儿子,以后工作不要以赚钱为目地,金钱不一定是最重要的,妈妈希望你能找一份你真正热爱的工作,只 有热爱才可以快乐。菲尔丁曾经说:如果你把金钱当成上帝,他更会像魔鬼一样折磨你金钱永远都有,魔鬼永远都有,欲望永远都有,可惜,我们享受快乐的机会不是永远有,我们 可以享受快乐的时光不是永远有。 那个家伙端出一副非常刻薄的嘴脸说:“啊,是吗?哼,当然我也料到您没有带零钱。 我看像您这样的阔人只会带大票子的。”这可叫我冒火了,于是我就说:“朋友,对一个陌
