《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》Unit 5教案







《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 2课程单元教学设计(教案)



unit 5 Writing Three Thank-You Letters Alex Haley served in the Coast Guard during World War ll. On an especially lonely day to be at sea -- Thanksgiving Day -- he began to give serious thought to a holiday that has become, for many Americans, a day of overeating and watching endless games of football. Haley decided to celebrate the true meaning of Thanksgiving by writing three very special letters. 亚历克斯·黑利二战时在海岸警卫队服役。出海在外,时逢一个倍感孤寂的日子――感恩节,他开始认真思考起这一节日的意义。对许多美国人而言,这个节日已成为大吃大喝、没完没了地看橄榄球比赛的日子。黑利决定写三封不同寻常的信,以此来纪念感恩节的真正意义。 Writing Three Thank-You Letters Alex Haley 1 It was 1943, during World War II, and I was a young U. S. coastguardsman. My ship, the USS Murzim, had been under way for several days. Most of her holds contained thousands of cartons of canned or dried foods. The other holds were loaded with five-hundred-pound bombs packed delicately in padded racks. Our destination was a big base on the island of Tulagi in the South Pacific. 写三封感谢信 亚利克斯·黑利 那是在二战期间的1943年,我是个年轻的美国海岸警卫队队员。我们的船,美国军舰军市一号已出海多日。多数船舱装着成千上万箱罐装或风干的食品。其余的船舱装着不少五百磅重的炸弹,都小心翼翼地放在垫过的架子上。我们的目的地是南太平洋图拉吉岛上一个规模很大的基地。 2 I was one of the Murzim's several cooks and, quite the same as for folk ashore, this Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey. 我是军市一号上的一个厨师,跟岸上的人一样,那个感恩节的上午,我们忙着在准备一道以烤火鸡为主的传统菜肴。 3 Well, as any cook knows, it's a lot of hard work to cook and serve a big meal, and clean up and put everything away. But finally, around sundown, we finished at last. 当厨师的都知道,要烹制一顿大餐,摆上桌,再刷洗、收拾干净,是件辛苦的事。不过,等到太阳快下山时,我们总算全都收拾停当了。 4 I decided first to go out on the Murzim's afterdeck for a breath of open air. I made my way out there, breathing in great, deep draughts while walking slowly about, still wearing my white cook's hat.


新视野大学英语第三版电子教案Book3unit5 当工作是一种乐趣的时候 9第1部分 9理解和学习概述本单元的主题是工作——个人生活中不可或缺的一部分。工作可能服务于不同的目的,对不同的人有不同的意义。正文A认为,通过区分工作、劳动和娱乐,对工作的兴趣和享受对个人和社会都是重要的。课文B,通过给我们讲一个鞋匠和作者的故事,激发了关于建立一种自豪、自尊和负责任的工作传统的思考。所有这些要素,如两个文本所示,都不能在仅仅为了钱而做的工作中实现。 关于写作风格,文本A主要是通过对比来发展的,对比被有效地用来逐点突出工人和工人之间的差异。文本B通过使用第一人称“我”的叙述方式,通过细致的描写和生动的对话,给读者一种身临其境的强烈感觉,达到了极其生动的效果。为了让学生更好地理解单元主题,培养良好的工作态度,老师应该鼓励发人深省的讨论和活动。讨论的主题可能包括我们为什么工作,我们如何培养对工作的热爱,我们如何在工作中获得快乐等等。可能的活动包括同伴访谈、复述课文、问卷调查,以衡量特定职业的快乐程度,并找出如何在工作中获得更大的快乐。你是工人还是劳工? 背景信息 1继续教育 继续教育是指成人教育,通常在晚上上课,特别是与工作相关的科

目。 2体验式学习 体验式学习是从直接经验中创造意义的过程。它是通过对做的反思来学习,这是由死记硬背来控制的。1991 9体验式学习的例子是去动物园,通过观察和与动物园环境的互动来学习,而不是从书中阅读关于动物的内容。因此,一个人用第一手知识进行发现和实验,而不是听或读别人的经历。在一个严格意义上的奴隶制已经被废除的社会中,围绕工作的社会条件、工作的价值和工资,已经使许多劳动者沦为现代奴隶——“雇佣奴隶”。(第106段)。 1) 含义:在一个严格意义上已经结束奴隶制的社会里,工作的社会地位,工作的价值和工资,何说,中国政府将继续贯彻“一国两制”的方针。监考老师警告学生不要在考试中作弊,以免他们侮辱自己。 注这里的“工资奴隶”是指那些仅仅为了赚取工资而工作的人。 2如果人们的工作对他们有不利影响,他们就被认为是劳动者,但是他们觉得必须继续工作,因为他们必须符合社会的期望,赚取收入来养活自己和家人。(第106段)。2) 表示:如果工作对人们有不好或不好的影响,人们就被认为是劳动者。何说,两国将继续加强在科技领域的合作。反对;经济学家担心,两国之间的任何冲突都可能对全球金融市场产生负面影响。 。合规;服从 城市中心区有一座现代建筑,这与城市的整体风貌不符。在城市的中

新进阶3 综合Unit (5)

New Progressive College English Book III UNIT 4 Emerging Adulthood

1. Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to

A. have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically; B. build up an active vocabulary to talk about growing up and adulthood and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly; C. discuss the important aspects of becoming an adult; D. compare American and Chinese views on emerging adulthood; E.talk about changes in expectations of young adults and changes in the degree of independence from their parents young adults are able to achieve in today’s world; F. write an essay about their views on emerging adulthood. 2. Time Allotment: 1st Period: Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about adulthood) 2nd Period: Global Reading (Text: Approaching the theme; Analyzing the text organization) 3rd Period:Detailed Reading (Understanding the text in a deeper level; Analyzing difficult sentence structures) 4th Period: Detailed Reading Continued (Learning new words; Summarizing good usage) 5th Period: Comprehending Reading 1 (Skimming the text; Explaining the difficult sentences of the text; Doing sentence translation)) 6th Period:After Reading (Viewing and listening; Speaking; Assignment) 3. Teaching Procedures: Lead-in Activities Step 1. Warm-up activities The teacher leads students to figure out the five stages of life (infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age) and tells them a new life stage “emerging adulthood” has been proposed by psychologists to describe the period of time between adolescence and adulthood.. Method: PPT, communicative approach. Step 2: Discussion about adulthood The teacher has students work in pairs and discuss the questions in Opener about their own criteria for reaching adulthood. The teacher reminds students to refer to the helpful words and expressions given below the pictures.


全新版大学进阶英语(综合教程)5第五单元 1. Text Organization 2. Comprehension Check 2.1 Focusing on the main ideas 2.3 Understanding difficult sentences ?1) A ?2) B ?3) A ?4) A ?5) A II. Focusing on Language in Context 1. Key Words & Expressions 1.1

1.2 ?1) around the corner ?2) The money from her uncle enabled Jenny ?3) dwarfs our old house ?4) on track ?5) and so forth 1.3

2. Confusable Words 2.1 2.2 3. Sentence Patterns 3.1 1.The fact that he has fully recovered from his bad accident shows that medicine can work wonders. 2.The reason (that) businesses are moving their plants to developing countries is that labor costs in their home countries are too high. 3.If we go on ignoring the fact that our rivers are running dry or being polluted, the consequences will not be hard to predict.


UNIT 5 Text A Writing Three Thank-You Letters Text Organization l. Parte Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One Paras 1-9 On Thanksgiving Day 1943, as a young coastguardsman at sea, the writer came up with the idea of expressing his gratitude to people who had helped him before. Part Two Paras 10-16 The writer wrote three thank-you letters to his father, the Rev. Nelson and his grandmother. Part Three Paras 17-23 The writer got three letters in reply. Part Four Paras 24-26 The writer wishes everyone to find the good and praise it. Correspondents Letters Sent Letters Received Father Thanks him for teaching the writer from boyhood to love books and reading. Tells the writer how he, as a teacher and a father as well, felt content with his own son. The Rev. Nelson , Thanks him for his morning school prayers. I i Tells the writer about his retirement coupled with self-doubt, and the re?assurance brought to him by the writer's letter. Grandmother Thanks her for teaching the writer how to tell the truth, to share and to be forgiving, and for her good cooking and her sprinkling the writer's life with Stardust. Expresses her loving gratefulness to her grandson. Language sense enhancement 1. decades 2. undergoing 3. had done wrong 4. welcome reassurance 5. appreciated 6. brought back 7. relatives 8. accomplish 9. consume 10. representing Vocabulary I. 1. 1) sprinkled 2) in turn 3) reversed 4) repay 5) at sea 6) traditional 7) statement 8) longed for 9) in secret 10) unloaded 11) weep 12) under way


全新版大学英语综合教程第三册教案全新版大学英语综合教程第三册 College English Integrated Course Book Three Unit One Changes in the Way We Live Text A Changes in the Way We Live Objectives Students will be able to: 1. grasp the main idea (tolerance for solitude and energy made it possible for the writer's family to enjoy their pleasant but sometimes harsh country life); 2. appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentences followed by detail sentences, use of transitional devices, etc.); 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Time Allotment 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period Pre-reading tasks Text organization Language study Post-reading tasks Cultural notes Language study Text analysis Pre-reading Tasks

新视野大学英语第三版电子教案Book 3 unit 5

新视野大学英语第三版电子教案Book 3 unit 5 Unit 5 When work is a pleasure PART 1 Understanding and Learning Overview This unit centers on the topic of work-an indispensable part of individual lives. Work may serve different purposes and have different meanings to different people. Text A argues, by differentiating among work,labor,and play,that interest and enjoyment in work are important for the benefit of both individuals and society. Text B, by telling us a story of a shoemaker and the author, stimulates thoughts on building a tradition of working with pride, self-esteem, and responsibility. All of these elements, as shown in both texts, cannot be achieved in a job that is done merely for the sake of money. Concerning the writing style, Text A is developed mainly by means of contrasts, which are effectively used to highlight, point by point, the differences between workers and laborers. Text B, by means of


教案 NEW PROGRESSIVE COLLEGE ENGLISH INTEGRATED COURSE 全新版大学进阶英语综合教程 教师姓名: 课程名称授课专业和班级 授课内容Unit 1 The Pursuit of Dreams 授课学时 2 教学目的 1.have a thorough understanding of text 1; 2.grasp the words, expressions, structures and word formations used in the text, and discuss the text among students; 3.know what makes successful dream chasers; 4.talk about their own dream jobs and explain how to achieve their dreams. 教学重点Study new words and the language points and know how to write a well-developed paragraph with a clear topic sentence in English. 教学方法Student-oriented communicative teaching, free discussion and interaction. 教学过程 1.Warm-up activities (10 minutes) (Ask students some questions related to the text.) 2.Understanding the text (20 minutes) 3. Usage of new words and expressions of the text (20 minutes) 4.Detail understanding and difficult sentences translation (30 minutes) 5.Writing skills introduction (10 minutes) 作业Assign homework: 1.Dictation of new words and expressions; 2.Translation exercise and after-class reading; 3. Writing exercise 辅助手段Multimedia software 教学内容 I. Warm-up activities Introductory Remarks: Step 1: Show some pictures and watch a video, discuss in groups. Step 2: 1. Are you familiar with the two people in the pictures? Please say something about him. 2. What dreams did each of them have and work hard to achieve? 3.Please list some other successful persons’ names and give a brief comment on them. 4. Pe ople often say that family education plays an important role in one’s life, what’s your opinion about it?


全新版大学英语综合教程3Unit5 Unit 5 Passage A # Detailed Reading ##1. Difficult Sentences 1. I stared at the words in the distressed way you might stare at party guests whose faces you’ve seen somewhere before but whose names have escaped your mind .(Para .9 , L .1) 我看着这些词, 一筹莫展。这就像参加晚会时, 盯着那些似曾相识的脸孔, 可怎么也想不起名字一样。 2.. He looked conf used, a reminder that clever’s not clever if it doesn’t communicate. He looked confused, and his puzzled look reminded me that my answer was not clever at all because it couldn’t be understood. 他一脸的迷惑,这是在提醒我,如果不能使对方明白,这词儿就不能算用得聪明。 3.Just not right now, now when it mattered, now when the fate of a curious, intelligent immigrant hung on the answers he assumed would fall from a native speaker’s tongue as naturally as leaves from an October tree. I couldn’t say the answer right now, because this answer was so important that the fate of this curious and intelligent Pakistani driver kind of relied on it. I couldn’t tell the answer precisely, though he supposed it would be so natural for me to give him an answer as a native speaker, as natural as leaves falling from an October tree. 这我可以回答,但不是在此时。因为此时这一回答至关重要,一

全新版大学英语第二版综合教程3答案UNIT 5

课后练习答案:《全新版大学英语》第三册UNIT 5(综合教程第二版) Unit 5 Giving Thanks Text A Writing Three Thank-You Letters Text Organization l. Parte Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One Paras 1-9 On Thanksgiving Day 1943, as a young coastguardsman at sea, the writer came up with the idea of expressing his gratitude to people who had helped him before. Part Two Paras 10-16 The writer wrote three thank-you letters to his father, the Rev. Nelson and his grandmother. Part Three Paras 17-23 The writer got three letters in reply. Part Four Paras 24-26 The writer wishes everyone to find the good and praise it. Correspondents Letters Sent Letters Received Father Thanks him for teaching the writer from boyhood to love books and reading. Tells the writer how he, as a teacher and a father as well, felt content with his own son. The Rev. Nelson , Thanks him for his morning school prayers. I i Tells the writer about his retirement coupled with self-doubt, and the re?assurance brought to him by the writer's letter. Grandmother Thanks her for teaching the writer how to tell the truth, to share and to be forgiving, and for her good cooking and her sprinkling the writer's life with Stardust. Expresses her loving gratefulness to her grandson.

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程 第3册 pdf

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第3册 概述 《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第3册》是一本面向大学学生的英语教材,旨在帮助学生提高英语综合应用能力。本教材以培养学生的听、说、读、写能力为目标,通过丰富的教学内容和练习,使学生能够有效地运用英语进行交流和阅读。本文档主要介绍了《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第3册》的特点和使用方法。 特点 1.多样化的教学内容:《全新版大学进阶英语综合教 程第3册》涵盖了各种主题,如科技、文化、教育等,丰富了学生的知识面,培养了他们的跨学科思维能力。 2.全面的练习:本教材注重学生的实际应用能力,通 过大量的听、说、读、写练习,帮助学生掌握英语的基本技能和策略,提高他们的语言表达能力。 3.文化交流:本教材引入了丰富的文化元素,通过各 种文化背景的材料和活动,促进学生对英语国家文化的了解和感知,培养他们的跨文化交际能力。

4.多媒体辅助教学:除了纸质教材,本教材还配备了 丰富的多媒体资源,学生可以通过电子版教材或配套的光 盘来进行听力训练和学习扩展。 使用方法 1. 教师指导 教师在使用《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第3册》时,可以根据学生的实际情况来设计课程计划和教学策略。以下是一些建议: •预习:学生在上课前应该提前阅读相关的教材内容,并做预习题。教师可以根据预习情况,对学生的基础知识 进行复习和巩固。 •听力训练:教师可以使用教材提供的听力材料进行 课堂听力训练,帮助学生提高听力理解能力和应对不同听 力场景的能力。教师可以设计一系列听力练习,如听力填 空、听力选择等,以巩固学生的听力功底。 •口语表达:教师可以设计一些口语练习,如角色扮 演、小组讨论等,激发学生的口语表达兴趣和能力。教师 可以引导学生运用教材中的句型和词汇,进行口语实践。

全新大学英语第二版 BOOK1-UNIT 5 教案

Teaching Plan of Unit 5, Book 1Work to Live or Live to Work Text A The Company Man Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to 1.understand the main idea and structure of Text A ; 2.Appreciate how the bitter and ironic tone of this text is mainly achieved (by choice of words and selection of details) and how emphasis and irony can be reached(by using some rhetorical device); 3.learn to describe a person (A typical workaholic) by using some supporting details; 4.master the key language points and grammatical structures in Text A and learn how to use them in context; 5.understand the cultural background related to the content; 6.conduct a series of reading, speaking and writing activities centered upon the theme of the unit; 7.Write a letter of condolence or sympathy letter in an appropriate way. Time Allotment: 4-5 class hours Teaching Methodology: student-centered; group work, pair work Teaching Procedures: I. Pre-reading tasks 1. Think- pair-share: Ask students to brainstorm proverbs about work. Suggested answers: 1) All work and no play make Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy. (English Proverb) 2) Business sweetens pleasure, and labour sweetens rest.工作后消遣更愉快,劳动后休息更舒畅。) 3) In order that people may be happy in their work, these things are needed: they must be fit for it; they must not do much of it; and they must have a sense of success in it. — John Ruskin, British writer 4) You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. --Polish Proverb 5) Nothing makes a man so selfish as work. --George Bernard Shaw 6) The first wealth is health. Ask students to choose the proverb they like best and give reasons. 2. Brainstorm some words and phrases related to work. to bring home the bacon(养家糊口;谋生); to make ends meet(靠微薄收入为生); to work like a horse(辛勤工作); be snowed under with work (having too much work to do忙得不可开交); get back to the grindstone 重新干枯燥乏味的工作;回到(枯燥艰苦的)工作岗位keep (或have, put)one's nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干;layoff notice; work one’s head off; a bad hair day(a day when everything goes wrong) ;stressed out(筋疲力尽;紧张的,有压力的) 3. Background related to the content. 1) About the Author( Refer to PPT) 2)Workaholism and three distinct workaholic behaviors( Listen and complete the table . Refer to PPT) 3) Answer the following questions after listening to the passage: ( Refer to PPT) (Before listening, have the students make predictions about the answers) (1) What is the distinction between working hard and being a workaholic? (2)Why are workers willing to burn midnight oil at risk in most companies? 1


全新版大学英语综合教程(第二版)3答案Unit5-8 UNIT 5 Text A Writing Three Thank-You Letters Text Organization l. Parte Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One Paras 1-9 On Thanksgiving Day 1943, as a young coastguardsman at sea, the writer came up with the idea of expressing his gratitude to people who had helped him before. Part Two Paras 10-16 The writer wrote three thank-you letters to his father, the Rev. Nelson and his grandmother. Part Three Paras 17-23 The writer got three letters in reply. Part Four Paras 24-26 The writer wishes everyone to find the good and praise it. Correspondents Letters Sent Letters Received Father Thanks him for teaching the writer from boyhood to love books and reading. Tells the writer how he, as a teacher and a father as well, felt content with his own son. The Rev. Nelson , Thanks him for his morning school prayers. I i Tells the writer about his retirement coupled with self-doubt, and the re?assurance brought to him by the writer's letter. Grandmother Thanks her for teaching the writer how to tell the truth, to share and to be forgiving, and for her good cooking and her sprinkling the writer's life with Stardust. Expresses her loving gratefulness to her grandson. Language sense enhancement 1. decades 2. undergoing

2020年新人教版必修三《Unit 5 The Value of Money》单元教案全套(附导学案)

Unit 5 The Value of Money Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking Teaching Aims 1. Students can get the detailed information from the listening and the video. 2. Students learn the listening strategy—make inferences in order to understand the inner information. 3. Students learn the value of money from the two stories and have a good attitudes towards the money. 4. Students can retell a story by using the sequencing words and connecting words. Important Points and Difficult Points 1. Students can get the detailed information from the listening and the video. 2. Students learn the listening strategy—make inferences in order to understand the inner information. 3. Students can retell a story by using the sequencing words and connecting words. Teaching Procedures Part A Listening and Speaking— Discuss the good deed of returning lost money Step 1 Before listening—Small talk 1. We know money is very important. What can you use it to do? 2. What do people have to buy in order to lead a good life? 3. What can people buy without money? Step 2 While listening—Task 1 Listen to the news report and match the people with the correct information. 1. Chen Liyan A. the owner of the lost money 2. Wang Zheng B. a cleaner at Taiyuan railway station 3. Ma Dongbao C. a police officer living in Chen’s apartment building 4. Liu Xia D. Chen’s 16-year-old daughter
