



date and place mr.____

minister of _____ (address) beijing,china

dear minister,

i am writing this letter to thank you for you

warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. i would also like to thank you for your interesting

discussion with me which i have found very informative and useful.

during the entire visit, my delegation and i were

overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with china. i sincerely

hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we

would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral economic and trade relations and bring our business people together.

i am looking forward to your early visit to china

when i will be able to pay back some of the hospitality

i received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful

country. with kind personal regards,

faithfully yours,


mr.___ minister of economic cooperation



dear mr/ms,

thank you for your letter of june 4, enclosing an account of the organization and work of your chamber of commerce and industry.

we are very grateful for such a detailed account of your activities. this information is certain to help increase our future cooperation.

yours faithfully


英语商务感谢信的范文 【篇一:英文感谢信模板+范文】 感谢信 dear______, i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感 谢的原因). if it had not been for your assistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), i fear that i would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果). every one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).again, i would like to express my warm thanks to you! please accept my gratitude.yours sincerely 你的姓名 extend [?kstend] vt. 延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对…估价 vi. 延伸;扩大;伸展;使疏开 gratitude [gr?t?tju?d] n. 感谢(的心情);感激 assistance [?s?st(?)ns] n. 援助,帮助;辅助设备 感谢信 1)感谢信的写法 人们在交往中常需要相互致谢,收到别人赠送的礼物,得到别人的 帮助、受到别人的慰问,都应该表示感谢。感谢信是人们常用的一 种感谢方式。 感谢信最主要的特点是真诚。缺乏真挚的感情答谢他人,收信人将 对你的谢意产生怀疑,感谢的目的也就失去了。因此,写感谢信首 先得真心诚意。 感谢信另一个特点是具体。写感谢信切忌泛泛而谈,而应着重于具 体的感谢事由。其次一个特点是及时。收到别人礼物、得到别人帮助,应及时写信予以答谢。否则,人家会对你的谢意大打折扣。 收到他人赠送的礼物应当及时写封感谢信,感谢信除了应写得真诚、具体、及时外,还应当特别提及所收礼物的具体内容,否则,泛泛 而谈,使人觉得你不够真诚。为此,当你写感谢信时,应这样写:“thank you for your beautiful roses.”(谢谢您送的美丽的玫瑰


篇一:英文感谢信模板+范文 感 谢信 dear______, i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因). if it had not been for your assistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), i fear that i would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果). ever y one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).again, i would like to express my warm thanks to you! please accept my gratitude. yours sincerely 你的 姓名 exte nd [?kstend] vt. 延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对…估价 vi. 延伸;扩大;伸展;使疏开 grat itude [gr?t?tju?d] n. 感谢(的心情);感激 assi stance [?s?st(?)ns] n. 援助,帮助;辅助设备 谢信 1)感 谢信的写法 人们 在交往中常需要相互致谢,收到别人赠送的礼物,得到别人的帮助、受到别人的慰问,都应该 表示感谢。感谢信是人们常用的一种感谢方式。 感谢 信最主要的特点是真诚。缺乏真挚的感情答谢他人,收信人将对你的谢意产生怀疑,感谢的目 的也就失去了。因此,写感谢信首先得真心诚意。 感谢 信另一个特点是具体。写感谢信切忌泛泛而谈,而应着重于具体的感谢事由。其次一个特点 是及时。收到别人礼物、得到别人帮助,应及时写信予以答谢。否则,人家会对你的谢意大打 折扣。


商务英文感谢信 商务英文感谢信 第一篇: 商务英文感谢信 导语: 感谢信是常见英文信的题材。在交往中受到了邀请,得到了对方热情的款待,或得到了他人的帮助、、介绍,这些情境都需要写感谢信表达真诚的谢意。感谢信应注意一事一谢,篇幅要简短,措辞要自然,语气要诚恳。 例文 beijing,hina dear minister, i am riting this letter to thank ou for ou arm hospitalit aorded to me and m delegation during our reent visit to our beautiful ountr. i ould also like to thank ou for our interesting disussion ith me hih i have found ver informative and useful. during the entire visit, m delegation and i ere overhelmed b the enthusiasm expressed b our business representatives on ooperation ith hina. i sinerel hope e ould have more exhanges like this one hen e

ould be able to ontinue our interesting disussion on possible as to expand our bilateral eonomi and trade relations and bring our business people together. i am looking forard to our earl visit to hina hen i ill be able to pa bak some of the hospitalit i reeived during m memorable sta in ur beautiful ountr. ith kind personal regards, faithfull ours, mr.___ minister of eonomi ooperation plae dear mrms, thank ou for our letter of june 4, enlosing an aount of the organization and ork of our hamber of mere and industr. e are ver grateful for suh a detailed aount o f our ativities. this information is ertain to help inrease our future ooperation. ours faithfull 第二篇: 商务感谢信范文 感谢信是一种礼仪文书,用于商务活动中的许多非协议的合同中,一方受惠于另一方,应及时地表达谢忱,使对方在付出劳动后得到心理上的收益,它是一种不可少的公关手段,商务感谢信范文。 感谢信的写作格式是书信体。写作时应篇幅短,中文200字左右即可;对收信人为自己做的好事了然于胸,不要忘了什么;把对方给


感谢信英文格式 一、信函写作:称呼、正文、落款 1、审题—-判断是个人书信&事务公函 决定: 语域使用:正式:使用礼貌表达,不用缩略语(对公) 半正式:可以使用缩略和口语表达(对私) 非正式:(一般不考)——it depends 呼语:特定的写信对象:dear xx 不明确收信人:dear sir/madam, or to whom it may concern 2、正文 三段(8句):写作目的段、细化段、感谢或者期待。 3、各种信函内容安排 8)感谢信 a.基本结构 dear…, 表示感谢; 感谢缘由及内心感受,希望回报; 再次感谢,寄予希望。 yours sincerely, li ming b.范文解析: dear jim,

i am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. i am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious. everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome. although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. if there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place. yours sincerely, li ming c.感谢信框架(重要) dear jim, i am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. i am referring to…. if it had not been for your timely…, i fear that …. everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response and kindness that has led to this satisfactory outcome. although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 商务信函感谢 篇一:商务感谢信范文 商务感谢信范文 感谢信是一种礼仪文书,用于商务活动中的许多非协议的合同中,一方受惠于另一方,应及时地表达谢忱,使对方在付出劳动后得到心理上的收益,它是一种不可少的公关手段。 感谢信的写作格式是书信体。写作时应篇幅短,中文200字左右即可;对收信人为自己做的好事了然于胸,不要忘了什么;把对方给你带来的好处都写清楚,不要含糊其词;表示感谢的话要合乎商家往来的习惯,语气不应过于卑屈。谢意之外,如果允许别人什么应切实可行,能说到做到。 感谢信范文 xxxx电缆有限公司于xx年x月x口在南京举行隆重开业典礼,此间收到全国各地许多同行、用户以及外国公司的贺电、贺函和贺礼。上级机关及全国各地单位的领导,世界各地的贵宾,国内最著名的电缆线路专家等亲临参加庆典,

寄予我公司极大的希望,谨此一并致谢,并愿一知既往与各方加强联系。进行更广泛、更友好的合作。xxxx电缆有限公司 董事长:xxx 总经理:xxx xx年x月x日 商务信函:感谢信的范文1.Dearmr/ms, ThankyouforyourletterofJune4,enclosinganaccountofth e organizationandworkofyourchamberofcommerceandIndust ry. weareverygratefulforsuchadetailedaccountofyouractiv ities.Thisinformationiscertaintohelpincreaseourfutu recooperation.Yoursfaithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 谢谢您六月四日的来信及随信附上的说明书,该说明书描述了你们工商总会的工作与组织结构。对给我们一个你们活动如此详细的描述,我们表示非常感谢。这一信息一定能帮助促进我们未来的合作。你诚挚的


65个商务邮件常用语(中英对照) 1. If you’re any questions please let me know. 如有任何问题,请告诉我。 2.Please refer tentative schedule as follow: 请参照下面的暂定计划 3. Please recheck your record and advise if you find any differences. 4.We are following your instruction on the basis of your confirmation我们在您确认的基础上按您的指示行事。 5.Hare are you doing 还好吧? 6. Thanks in advance and best regards. 7. Looking forward seeing you soon. 8.If there is anything else I can help, please let me know. 9.here`s why: 原因如下 10.Please review, and let’s discuss how we should move forward. 请检讨,并让我们一起讨论我们应该怎样继续。 11.We would like to lock up this business. 我们想锁定这笔生意 12.Once you respond to the above questions, we will decide which option we would like to pursue. 你们对上述问题回复后,我们会立即决定我们会选择哪个方案。 13.Thanks for your understanding. 谢谢您的谅解 14.Also please let me know if you need any other information 另外,你们还需要其他信息吗? 15.Will get back to you ASAP. 会尽快回复你! 16.Let`s discuss this then 到时我们讨论下这个问题。 17.Please review the below email our US office and advise.请查看以下我们US办公室发的E-mail并进行回复 18.Noted and understand all below. 19.Please review and advise us with any questions. 20.Let`s give it a try to make it happen…It is for a good cause让我们试试吧…这是值得支持的 21.There are a lots of lose ends now…How once you going to execute this?现在有很多问题,我们怎样处理 22.As I explained over the phone,today,如同我今天在电话中解释的那样 23.Since we will have one chance only.既然我们只要一个选择 24.Please note and proceed as is,请注意,并按现况继续


英文感谢信-英文感谢信模板 英文感谢信英文感谢信 英文感谢信模板由第一公文网整理如下,英文感谢信的模板结构积极英文感谢信中常用的开头和结尾的句式和套话 英文感谢信模板 Your Name Your Address Name Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Organization Your Email Address Date (右上角) City, State, Zip Code Dear First Name, (or Mr./Ms. Last Name if you don’t know them well) Thank you for all the help you have given me with my job search. I especially appreciate the information and advice you have provided, and the contacts you have shared with me. Your assistance has been invaluable to me during this process. Again, thank

you so much. I greatly appreciate your generosity. Best Regards, Yours sincerely, (signature) —————————————— 以上是英文感谢信的模板套话,都是感谢信,英文感谢信的内容结构和语言表达和中文的是一样的,下面可以查看: 感谢信模板范文 以及英文感谢信开头和结尾的常用句式: 感谢信开头段常用句式和套话 I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for... I am writing to express my thanks for... I am writing to show my sincere appreciation for... I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... I feel deeply indebted to you and I really don’t know how to thank you enough for your help.


BEC商务英语教程之对客户的感谢信商 贸英语 Look at the letter below. Rewrite it as an individual letter to a customer - which would certainly be necessary if the customer had ordered ten items at this price and not just one. The first lines are done for you below. Dear Customer: We regret that your order is being returned to you due to the reason(s) checked below. Unfortunately, prices of equipment are constantly changing and these changes are often not reflected in our advertising due to the months between preparing advertising copy and its publication. Shipping and handling are also variable, so please include the proper charges if that is the reason that your order cannot be processed. It is always best to call us when more than one item is requested, to obtain exact shipping costs for your order. From time to time items are discontinued and, though this is beyond our control, we will be happy to suggest products which are suitable. Please give us a


商务英文感谢信 导语:感谢信是常见英文信的题材。在交往中受到了邀请,得到了对方热 情的款待,或得到了他人的帮助、推荐、介绍,这些情境都需要写感谢信表达 真诚的谢意。感谢信应注意一事一谢,篇幅要简短,措辞要自然,语气要诚 恳。 例文 (一) date and place mr.____ minister of _____ (address) beijing,china dear minister, i am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. i would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which i have found very informative and useful. during the entire visit, my delegation and i were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with china. i sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral economic and trade


Dear ------, We are very honored to receive your invitation to call on your company on Wednesday afternoon, September 1st, 2010. Please accept our sincere thanks. During the visit, We had a preliminary and necessary communication on the basic items and related information of mutual cooperation . We now have a better understanding of your needs and will soon submit another proposal for your approval. We expect to have it ready by _________ Again, thank you for the pleasant visit. Yours sincerely, -----------(名字) -----------(头衔) 尊敬-----------, 我们非常荣幸获得您的邀请,于2010年--月--日星期--下午拜访了贵公司,在此请您接受我们由衷的谢意。 这次访问,我们就彼此合作的基本事项和信息进行初步的必要的沟通。我们现已进一步了解了您的需求,并将很快向您呈上一份新的提议,供您批阅,预计该提议将于______前完成。 再次感谢您为我们安排的这次愉快的访问。 此致,


商务邮件感谢信 篇一: 商务感谢信范文 感谢信是一种礼仪文书,用于商务活动中的许多非协议的合同中,一方受惠于另一方, 应及时地表达谢忱,使对方在付出劳动后得到心理上的收益,它是一种不可少的公关手段。感谢信的写作格式是书信体。写作时应篇幅短,中文200字左右即可;对收信人为自己 做的好事了然于胸,不要忘了什么;把对方给你带来的好处都写清楚,不要含糊其词;表示 感谢的话要合乎商家往来的习惯,语气不应过于卑屈。谢意之外,如果允许别人什么应切实 可行,能说到做到。 感谢信范文 xxxx电缆有限公司于xx年x月x口在南京举行隆重开业典礼,此间收到全国各地许多 同行、用户以及外国公司的贺电、贺函和贺礼。上级机关及全国各地单位的领导,世界各地 的贵宾,国内最著名的电缆线路专家等亲临参加庆典,寄予我公司极大的希望,谨此一并致 谢,并愿一知既往与各方加强联系。进行更广泛、更友

好的合作。 xxxx电缆有限公司董事长:xxx 总经理:xxx xx年x月x日 商务信函:感谢信的范文 1. dear mr/ms,thank you for your letter of june 4, enclosing an account of thewe are very grateful for such a detailed account of your activities. this information is certain to help increase our future cooperation. yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,谢谢您六月四日的来信及随信附上的说明书,该说明书描述了你们工商总会的工作与组 织结构。对给我们一个你们活动如此详细的描述,我们表示非常感谢。这一信息一定能帮助 促进我们未来的合作。你诚挚的祝贺 dear mr/ms, on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your national day, please accept our heartiest congratulations.may the trade connections between our countries continue to develop with each passing day! yours faithfully


感谢信开头段常用句式和套话 i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for...i am writing to express my thanks for... i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for...i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help. 感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话 i must thank you again for your generous help.i am most grateful for your selfless donation. my true gratitude is beyond the words description.i feel most obliged to thank you once more.please accept my gratitude, now and always.★例: directions: after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. write a letter: 1) mentioning what happened in the accident, 2) telling the person about your recovery, and 3) expressing your thanks. you should write with no less than 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. you do not need to write the address. 范文: dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious dear staff, abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. it was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that i could walk again. i would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me. forgive me for the times i lashed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me. never stop your beautiful way of working with people. your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well. affectionately, wang fang 译文 亲爱的全体工作人员: 我写这封信是为了表达我对你们的真诚感谢。现在我又可以一个人在家了,我真的非常高兴。我在康复中心接受你们的关照时,就已经决心只要一有时间就给你们写感谢信了。 对于你们每个人的耐心、专业精神和关心我表示深深地感谢。是你们使我相信自己能够站着走路。你们说的每一句话、做过的每一件事我都不会忘记。请原谅我在受挫时对你们大发脾气,谢谢你们的理解和对我的严格要求。 继续你们美丽的事业吧。你们的帮助对于我和其他需要帮助的人来说有着非常重要的意



公司英文感谢信范文 【篇一:公司感谢信(中英文)】 thanks to employee 致员工的感谢信 尊敬的各位同仁: 2014年是一个充满机遇和挑战的一年,感谢有你和我们在一起风雨同舟。 去年10月份至今,为了完成南城、虎门、恩平三家工厂的搬迁合并和车间改造升级,在高强度的产能压力下,我们的同事响应公司号召加班加点,甚至牺牲了自己的周末时间来完成产量,在这过去的6个月里我们的同事工作得很辛苦,很累。 但今天,我们有理由自豪,通过我们的努力,艰苦的付出,我们顺利的完成了3月份的产量目标100%。工厂搬迁合并没有难住我们,车间改造升级没有难住我们,客户超额增产波动也没有吓倒我们。 今天,我们有理由自豪,南城、虎门、恩平三家工厂已经顺利合并,并成功调试生产正常。我们在原有人数不变的情况下,超额的完成客户的产量需求。 正是因为你和我们在一起努力付出,才有今天的成就。让我们继续努力,共同迎接挑战,待到生产高峰期过后,我们再一起相聚庆功。 谢谢大家! dear all, y2014 is a year full of opportunities and challenges. thanks you so much for being with us, stand together through storm and stress.

since october last year, in order to move and combine three facilities: nancheng, humen, enping, and reform the workshop, under high capacity pressure, our employee answered the call to working hard and ot , even sacrificed their weekend time to complete output. they worked hard and tired in last 6 months. but today, you can be justly proud of your achievement. for your efforts and hard work, we successfully completed the production target of 100% in march. three facilities move and combine did not daunt us; workshop reform and upgrading did not daunt us; customer increased production or production swings did not daunt us. today, we can be justly proud of . three facilities have been successfully combined and worked correctly, we finished the capacity in same hc. thanks for you stand together with us and get todays achievement. let us continued to work hard, co-operate closely to meet the challenges. after the production peak, we celebrate together. 【篇二:英语感谢信范文】 英语感谢信范文 英语感谢信(letter of thanks)是外国政府机构或个人的关心、支持、帮助或热情款待表示感谢的对外函件。其具体格式和要求与邀请函相同。例文: dear minister, i am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. i would also like to thank you for your


英文商务感谢信模板 英文感谢信范文一 sample interview thank you letter your name your address your city, state, zip code your phone number your email date As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to attend the celebration and share our joy. The occasion will start at seven o’clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss. name On that night, I got acute appendicitis and was sent to your hospital by my roommates. Yet I was very lucky to have you, an experienced and skillful doctor, on duty. You immediately diagnosed my disease, hospitalized me and arranged a timely operation for me. In the following days you took good care of me and talked to me from time to time to release my pain. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the money and books you sent me. I could not have returned to school without your help. Thank you so much. title organization address city, state, zip code


感谢信 Dear______, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果). Every one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).Agai n, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gr atitude. Yours sincerely 你的姓名 extend [?k'stend] vt. 延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对…估价 vi. 延伸;扩大;伸展;使疏开 gratitude ['gr?t?tju?d]

n. 感谢(的心情);感激 assistance [?'s?st(?)ns] n. 援助,帮助;辅助设备 感谢信 1)感谢信的写法 人们在交往中常需要相互致谢,收到别人赠送的礼物,得到别人的帮助、受到别人的慰问,都应该表示感谢。感谢信是人们常用的一种感谢方式。 感谢信最主要的特点是真诚。缺乏真挚的感情答谢他人,收信人将对你的谢意产生怀疑,感谢的目的也就失去了。因此,写感谢信首先得真心诚意。 感谢信另一个特点是具体。写感谢信切忌泛泛而谈,而应着重于具体的感谢事由。其次一个特点是及时。收到别人礼物、得到别人帮助,应及时写信予以答谢。否则,人家会对你的谢意大打折扣。 收到他人赠送的礼物应当及时写封感谢信,感谢信除了应写得真诚、具体、及时外,还应当特别提及所收礼物的具体内容,否则,泛泛而谈,使人觉得你不够真诚。为此,当你写感谢信时,应这样写:“Thank you for your beautiful ro ses.”(谢谢您送的美丽的玫瑰花。);而不要笼统地写上“Thank you for you r beautiful gift.”(谢谢您送给我的漂亮礼物。),这样,使人觉得你既礼貌,又诚心,从而真正达到交往的目的。下面我们来看看具体的范例。 范例1 Dear Laura, I was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers whic h turned our living room into a garden. How considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. You just couldn't have selected anyt hing I had have liked more! You have a positive genius for selecting the right gift!


商务英文感谢信模板参考 According to the needs of company's businedevelopment, in recent months, we had a number of communication on the project of robot welding workstations with your company. Hereby sincerely we appreciate for your input of manpower and material in the project. But after the company's multi-sector assessment of businedecisions: we cannot cooperate with you occasionally on this item, and we feel very sorry, because your company's professionalism and expertise left us a deep impression, and we, on behalf of the company, expremy heartfelt thanks again and look forward to co-operation opportunities in future. Based on businestrategy,recently we negotiated multiple times with your company on the project regarding (robot welding work station). We sincerely appreciate the effort and commitment your company has engaged in. Unfortunately, according to comprehensive investigation and assessment,we regret to inform you that the prospective cooperation may not be finalized.
