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Robin will cook today!

PEP5 Unit 3 PB Read and write

Teaching aims:

1.Students can use the main words about favourite food to read the text and dothe exercises with relative skills.

2.Students can talk about their favourite food by using the following sentences:①My

favourtiefoodis/are….②It’s/They’re….③Ilike…butnot….④Idon’tlike…but…ia/are OK.

3.Students can write their food note to Robin and try to cooperate with each otherto show their likes.

4.Students can care about the fun of food.

Teaching important and difficult points(略)

1.Students can talk about their favorite food and show interest in others’by usingthefollowingsentences:①Myfavourtiefoodis/are….②It’s/They’re….③Ilike…bu t not….④I don’t like…but…ia/are OK.

Teaching procedures:

Before the class:

Enjoy the video


Step1 Warm up

1.Free talk

T: What did you see in the video? What food is in the video? Look, is there any…?(设计意图:课前热身,回顾食物旧知词汇,激发动脑风暴。)

2.Let’ssay more!

T: There are so much food here. Can you see more? You can say like this. I like…. I’dlike….

T: So what’s your favourite food?

Ss: My favourite food is ______. It’s _____.

My favourite food are______. They’re _____.

T: My favourite food is ____. And my favourite book is about Robot.

(设计意图:丰富学生语言的输出,并从意识方面区别食物单复数,并未下一个环节favourite book引出主人翁Robin做好准备。)

Step2 Presentation

1. Elicit “Robin”

T: This is a book about smart robots. Look, the robot can _____. (run, jump, dance,write…)

T: Look,who’s this?

Robin: Hello, I’m Robin. I will cook today. Robin, Robin, Robin will cook today.T: Now, look , who’s coming today?

Ss: Wu Yifan and Grandpa.

2. Task1: Read and circle.

T: Please open your book on P29. Read quickly and circle. Circle the food you find inthe text.

There is so much food in the note. Are you right?

3.Task 2: Listen and answer.

Q1: What’s Wu Yifan’s favourite food? Why?

Q2: What’s Wu Yifan’s favourite vegetable?

T: So what is your favourtie food?

Ss: My favourite food is _____. It’s _______.

T: What about Wu Yifan? What does he like? What doesn’t he like? Look! I don’t like beef but chicken is OK!

Ss: I don’t like _____ but _____ is/ are OK.

T: Look, this is grandfather’s note.

Read and answer. What’s grandpa’s favourite food? Why?

How do you know?

I like ______ but not _____.

T: What about you?

Ss: I like ______ but not _____.

4.Task3: Talk in groups. Say more sentences.

I don’t like _____ but _____ is/ are OK.

I like ______ but not _____.

5. Task4: Read and tick or cross.

() 1. Wu Yifan doesn’t like beef, but he likes chicken.

() 2. Wu Yifan doesn’t like salad.

() 3. Grandps likes vegetables, but he doesn’t like carrots.

T: Underline the key sentences with wavy lines!

I don’t like beef but chicken is OK.
