


article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during

the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team.

(4) good weather records and actively collect

1down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect-special technology gives the lowand ure quality during the rainy season. (3) before

entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workersof the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ens ction, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construto develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials proof shower as the main control objectives,-ring construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisturehigh temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work du ason,mplementation of the civilized construction

in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of

rainy sesystem civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the i hearticle, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of t

2down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect-e lowson. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives ththe rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy seafore zed construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) beensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civili proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to-of temporary power, welder and equipment for moistureonstruction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction nal cnstruction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasoof a

comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized co he system civilization constructionarticle, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of t

3down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect-special technology gives the lowand ure quality during the rainy season. (3) before

entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workersof the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ens ction, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construto develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials proof shower as the main control objectives,-ring construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisturehigh temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work du ason,mplementation of the civilized construction

in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of

rainy sesystem civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the i hearticle, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of t

4down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect-e lowson. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives ththe rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy seafore zed construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) beensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civili proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to-of temporary power, welder and equipment for moistureonstruction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction nal cnstruction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasoof a

comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized co he system

civilization constructionarticle, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of t


——对5个图形符号进行了修改:禁止触摸、禁止饮用、当心吊物、当心障碍物、当心滑倒; ——减少1个图形符号:当心瓦斯;


外径d,0.025L; 1

内径d,0.800d; 21

斜杠宽c,0.080d; 1



-special technology gives the lowand ure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workersof the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ens ction, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construto develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials proof shower as the main control objectives,-ring construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisturehigh temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season

have a lot of work du ason,mplementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy sesystem civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the i hearticle, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of t5down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect

4.2.2 警告标志基本型式的参数: 外边a,0.034L; 1

内边a,0.700a; 21

边框外角圆弧半r径,0.080a; 2


4.3.2 指令标志基本型式的参数: 直径d=0.025L;


e lowson. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety o

f construction workers and special technology gives ththe rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality durin

g the rainy seafore zed construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smoot

h progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) beensure the normal construction.

(1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civili proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to-of temporary power, welder and equipment for moistureonstruction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction nal cnstruction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasoof a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the

content for the implementation of the civilized co he system

civilization constructionarticle, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of t6down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect- ICS 13.020

GB C 65


GB 2894-2008

代替GB 2894-1996, GB 16179-1996, GB 18217-2000


Safety signs and guideline for the use

2008-12-11发布 2009-10-01实施



, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construto develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials proof shower as the main control objectives,-ring construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisturehigh temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work du ason,mplementation of the civilized construction

in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of

rainy sesystem civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the i hearticle, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of t7down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect-special technology gives the lowand ure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workersof the rainy season.

(2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ens ction


前言...................................................................... ................................................. II 1 范围...................................................................... .................................................... 1 2 规范性引用文件...................................................................... ................................ 1 3 术语和定义...................................................................... ........................................ 1 4 标志类型...................................................................... .. (2)

4.1 禁止标志...................................................................... (2)

4.2 警告标志...................................................................... . (14)

4.3 指令标志...................................................................... . (24)

4.4 提示标志...................................................................... . (29)

4.5 文字辅助标志...................................................................... .. (31)

4.6 激光辐射窗口标志和说明标志 (32)

5 颜色...................................................................... .................................................. 33 6 安全标志牌的要求...................................................................... .. (33)

6.1 标志牌的衬边...................................................................... .. (33)

6.2 标志牌的材质...................................................................... .. (33)

6.3 标志牌表面质量...................................................................... ..................... 33 7 标志牌的型号选用(型号见附录



8 标志牌的设置高度...................................................................... .......................... 33 9 安全标志牌的使用要求...................................................................... .................. 33 10 检查与维修...................................................................... .................................... 34 附录A (规范性附录) 安全标志牌的尺寸 (35)

附录B (规范性附录) 激光辐射警告标志的尺寸 (36)

附录C37(规范性附录) 激光辐射窗口标志、说明标志及其使用

.................................................................... (37)

中文索引...................................................................... ................................................ 42 英文索引...................................................................... ................错误~未定义书签。

Idown, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect-special technology gives the lowand ure quality during the rainy season. (3) before

entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workersof the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ens ction, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construto develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials proof shower as the main control objectives,-ring construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisturehigh temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work du ason,mplementation of the civilized construction

in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy sesystem civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the i hearticle, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of t



本标准参照国际标准化组织ISO 7010 Graphical symbols-Safety colours and safety signs-Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas(图形符号,安全颜色和安全标志,工作场所和公共区域安全标志),结合GB/T 10001《标志用公共信息图形符号》和GB 13495《消防安全标志》进行了修订、补充。

本标准对现行国家标准GB 2894-1998《安全标志》、GB 16179-1998《安全标志使用导则》和GB 18217-2000《激光安全标志》进行合并、修订。

本标准与GB 2894-1996、GB 16179-1996和GB18217-2000相比,内容的变化主要有:

——按照GB/T 1.1的要求,将GB 2894-1996、GB 16179-1996和GB18217-2000进行了合并、补充及修改,重新起草了标准文本;




