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引导定语从句的关联词包括关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, whose, who, whom, as;关系副词有when, where, why。关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中都充当一定的句法成份。关系代词在从句中充当动词的宾语时一般可以省略。


(1) 要看先行词是指人还是指物,

(2) 要看关系代词在从句中句法功能,

(3) 要看定语从句是限定性的还是非限定性的。


↓ 用于限定性或非限定性从句只用于限定性从句


主语who which that

宾语whom which that

谓语whose whose (of which)

That 只能用在限定性定语从句中,而who, whom, which, which 既可用于限定性定语从句中,也可用于非限定性定语从句。

I know that he is a man who means what he says.

I know that he is a man that means what he says. 【我知道他是一个守信用的人。】

The gentleman whom she met addressed her with courtesy.

The gentleman that she met addressed her with courtesy. 【她遇到的那位先生很有礼貌地向她打了招呼。】

The gentleman she met addressed her with courtesy.(在从句中充当动词宾语的关系代词,可以省略。)

The watch which was lost has been found.

The watch that was lost has been found. 【丢了的表找到了。】

Here is the material which you need. (注:现代美语中不允许这样用)

Here is the material that you need.

Here is the material you need. 【你要的材料在这儿了。】

You are the only one whose advice he might listen to. 他也就是听你的话吧。

关系副词的选用相对来说比较简单,如果先行词是表示时间的名词,如time, day 等,则用when, 如先行词为表示地点的名词,如place, house, area 等等,则选用where。如果先行词为reason 则选用why

I will never forget the mountain village where I spent my childhood.

I will never forget the mountain village in which I spent my childhood.


I don’t know the reason why he did that.

I don’t know the reason for which he did that. 【我不知道他为什么这么做。】

当先行词是all, something, nothing 等不定代词时,或者先行词的前面有first, last, only, few, much, some, any, no 等词修饰时,或者先行词的前面有最高级修饰时,一般只用that 而不用which 来引导定语从句:

I have explained everything that I can to you.

I have explained everything I can to you. 【我已经尽一切可能把事情向你解释得一清二楚。】

This is the most beautiful campus that I have ever been to.

This is the most beautiful campus I have ever been to. 【这是我见到的最美丽的校园。】

That’s all that I know.

That’s all I know. 【我知道的就是这些。】

Can you tell me something that you know?

Can you tell something you know? 【你能把你知道的一些情况告诉我吗?】There is nothing that I cannot tell you.

There is nothing I cannot tell you. 【我没有什么不能告诉你的事情。】

The first thing that we should do is to work out a plan.

The first thing we should do is to work out a plan. 【我们应该做的头一件事就是订一个计划。】

The last place that we visited was the farm.

The last place we visited was the farm. 【我们最后参观的地方是农场。】

还有一种定语从句,它的结构是:the same ….. as…, such … as

这里的as 可以指人或物,这里的as 引导的是限定性定语从句:

Such furniture as is very popular is expensive. 一种很受欢迎的家具价钱昂贵。We have successfully done the same experiment as you did. 你做过的那个试验我们已经成功地做完了。

It wasn’t such a computer a s the advertisement had promised. 这种电脑可不是广告中说的那种电脑。

