



1. 看一看


3.给你4、three ball pens


1.e 一支钢笔

2.u 一把直尺

3.a e 一支圆珠笔


5.oo 一个书签

6.e 一本笔记本

三、A F E C B D

四、come in bookmark ruler pen Here you are pencil case ruadfdser red notebook

五、a book May pencil ruadfdser for

六、I come May copybook for you May I for you are Goodbye

七、Her your my his His

八、Come in Good morning This for you card card Goodbye

九.1.May I ha*e that ball pen for Da*id?

2.This notebook is for Yang Ling.

一.1.an 熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on 猴子4.io 狮子5.te 笔记本6.oo

a 书签7.le 直尺8.en 铅笔

二、this dresses she thin u photos

三、1.X故事书2.X 手表3.√4.X 书签

5.X 狮子

6.X 钢笔

7. √

8.X 可爱的

四、cars her play swimming mangoes Teachers’ your pandas

五.A C A B C



6.in a toy shop

7.this pencil 8、that pencil case 9、my purse 10.her ruler

七、C F D A G H E B

八、1.That is a cat.

2.Is your ruadfdser?

3.This nootbook is for Liu Tao.Ok.

4.Can I ha*e a look?Sure,here you are.

九.Can May like nice for think


一. pncil book his its what where puzzle car she he

二. 1.u e a伞2.a o 蜡笔3.a er o l水壶4.ory故事书

三. D A C D

四. Jeans glo*es scoks shoes shorts scarf sweater jacket

五. 1.海伦的钥匙2.没关系3.我的钱包4.过来5.在教室里6.在玩具店里7.o*er there8.on the desk9.ha*e a look10excuse me



二. 1.进来2.喜欢这个风筝3.一个玩具兔子4.看一看5.给你

6.in English

7.his puppet

8.your puzzle




六. There Where They Whose their

七. 1.Where is the pencil? May I ha*e a pencil?

2. There is a notebook.Do you like the toy?

3. What’s wrong?A hamburger?

一.1.let us2.I am3.I’d4here’s5.four 6.aren’t 7.R


二.Hamurger bike bear chair puppet umbrella bag ball kite key pencil case



五.1.That ruler is for you.Thank you.

2.What’s this? It’s a bookmark.

3. What’s that? It’s an umbrella.

4.Is Mike’s jacket?No.


二. 1.两条牛仔裤2.看看他的女式衬衫3.没关系4.好的5.太长6.如此有趣7.this new pause 8.her fan9.a big apple10.too short


四. 1.I ha*e a long ruler.

2.Whose jeans are they?

3.He looks so funny.

五.Are so small whose scarf too long worry this long one big one is so short


七.At Whose is so is my are short


一.1.去上学2.七点零五3.一百4.吃早饭的时间啦5.at se*en thirty fi*e6.eight fifteen7.ele*en forty8.twenty-one plus thirty-three9.eight sweaters10.se*en books11.what time12.at six13.ha*e lunch14.go home15.go to bed

二.Eighty-one fifty one two fifteen

三.se*en ten time four What’s the time three What’s the time six thirty What’s fifteen plus eighty-fi*e one hundred

四.ele*en nine two fi*e four nine four twel*e sixteen C



一. close write Copy Drink draw

二.在课上起立全体同学 sit down come in come here

三.1.Yes.Mr Green,don’t be late again.

2.Now,open your books boys and girls.

3.Write the new words in your notebook.

4.Is the green ruler in the pencil case?

5.Plesse don’t eat that pear,all right.

四.1.Don’t close the window,please.请不要关窗户

2.Don’t copy the new words in your notebook.不要讲单词写在你的笔记本上

3.Don’t drink any juice,please.请不要喝桔汁

4.Don’t go to school,please.请不要上学去

五.B A B A

六.E A D B C


八. What’s It’s my Can Thank you What’s time ten Let’s go Don’t


一.1.晚上好 2.一杯水 3. 你的扇子4 吃一些蛋糕 5.多门好看的电话机6. 你怎么啦7. in the park 8. go to the bed

二.A B B C B C B C

三.1.Su Hai 。come and ha*e supper

2.What’s the mat ter,Liu Tao.

3.Here is a glass of milk for you.

4.Are you hungry?

5.Why don’t you go to the bed now?

6.Please ha*e some tea and bread

7.It is thirty six in the morning

8What a nice car!

四.the hungry is for dress It’s





一.on desk It’s copybook that copybook it is at it’s long this one on

二. kite car ruler key car three forty

三.1.迈克的水壶 2.太短 3.吃晚饭 4.50个男孩 5.her pen

6.four cats

7.a pair of jeans

8.that pencil case

9.a pair of shoes 10.a big ruadfdser



一.B B A C A A A B B C C A B A B A

二.1.May I come in,Miss Liu?

2.May I ha*e a bookmark for Li Ming?

3.You are sure here.

4.This is computer for you.

5.The book and the bookmark are for you.

三.What’s monkey How that it panda desk camer ha*e a look

四.F T T F T

一.sweater on sofa Where’s copybook It’s desk What’s book I don’t know a picture it is it’s cat It’s on

二.E A C B D

三.1.What is that in English?那个用英语怎么说?

2.The kite is on the desk.这风筝在桌上

3.Do you like that monkey?你喜欢那个猴子吗?

4.Thank you *ery much.非常谢谢

5.I don’t like the toy bear.我不喜欢玩具熊

四.B A C C A B C A


一. 1.Here’s a big one.

2.That ruler is too long.

3.Whose shorts are they?

4.Are they his jeans?

5.I’d like some juice and some bread.

二.F J H I A C B G D E



六.FFFTT TFTTF Desk hamburger breakfast you




4.It is time to sleep.


四.C D B G E A F

五.C C A A B C B A

六.F F T F T T



小学一年级英语寒假作业答案精选 每日必练:每天用15分钟时间进行英语学习,听磁带,读课文。如果有其它英语学习教材,也可以在这15分钟内进行。 1月15日 今天是放假第一天,在和爸爸妈妈制定假期计划的时候,记着还有英语学习呦! 别忘了早晨起床后,和家人用英语问声好:Good morning! 1月18日 今天是周末,也是农历的小年。还记的我们学过的英语儿歌吗?和家人一起吃糖瓜的时候,给他们表演一下,爸爸妈妈 一定会为你感到高兴的。 1月21日 还记的咱们课本上的熊猫盼盼吗?它的魔法帽子可以变出 好多数字。现在拿出一张纸,在上面写出从1到10十个数字,然后读读下面的句子,根据意思,把这些数字涂上相应的颜色:one is blue. two is red. three is yellow. four is green. five is black. six is orange. seven is white. eight is red. nine is blue. ten is green. 答案在下次作业里找。 1月23日 就快过年了,妈妈一定已经把家打扫得干干净净,你也把自己的文具整理一下吧,再说说它们的英文名称:

书包 school bag 铅笔盒 pencil box 铅笔 pencil 橡皮eraser 尺子 ruler 油画棒 crayon 课桌 desk 座位 seat 上次作业答案: 1是蓝色 2是红色 3是黄色 4是绿色 5是黑色 6是桔色 7是白色 8是红色 9是蓝色 10是绿色 1月26日 过年好!!!祝你在新的一年里,身体健康!学习进步! 1月31日 今天是正月初六,这两天一定玩的很开心吧!今天读英语了没有,如果没有,那就赶快开始吧。 2月3日 读完英语了吗?好吧,让我们放松一下:想想我们学过哪些动物的英文名称,再把它们画下来,看看谁的“动物园”画的好。 2月6日 快开学了,这个假期一定过得非常有意思吧。最后再把全册的课文读一遍(别忘记听磁带),准备好新学期的学习用品和生活用品,咱们学校见!!! 以上答案请核对版本后参考!


2017六年级上册寒假生活指导答案 下文是关于2017六年级上册寒假生活指导答案相关内容,希望对你有一定的帮助: 2017六年级上册寒假生活指导答案:六年级寒假生活指导答案人教 注:此答案不完全符合本学期寒假生活指导,因为是2012年寒假生活指导的答案。 2017六年级上册寒假生活指导答案:小学六年级英语寒假作业答案2017 一、按要求写单词。(10分) 1. she _______ (宾格) 2. country _________ (复数) 3. close ________ (现在分词) 4. three __________ (序数词) 5. China ________ (形容词) 6. I _________ (名词性物主代词)

7. boy _______(复数) 8. swim _______ (现在分词) 9. photo _______ (复数) 10. mouse ________ (复数) 二、选择填空。(10分) ( ) 1. Look! Lucy is ______ a new red dress. She is beautiful today. A. with B. put on C. in D. wear ( ) 2. -- __________? -- My bike is broken. A. What is it B. What is wrong with you C. Where is it D. Whose is this ( ) 3. There are so many people in the shop. You must ________ your things.


2020冀教版六年级英语寒假作业附答案 本文是关于2020冀教版六年级英语寒假作业附答案,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 寒假又到了,但是寒假作业也伴随来了,提醒大家玩的时候不要忘记做寒假作业,以下整理的深港版六年级数学寒假作业答案及冀教版、青岛版六年级英语寒假作业答案,希望可以给你的寒假带来一丝的快乐! 冀教版六年级英语寒假作业答案 p7-8 I. 略 II. Women’s Day-- March 8th Children’s Day-- June 1st Tree planting Day-- March 12th Teachers’ Day-- September 10th Labour Day --May 1st New Year’s Day-- January 1st Father’s Day-- the third Sunday in June National Day--October 1st Thanksgiving Day-- the fourth Thursday of November Mother’s Day-- the second Sunday in May Christmas Day-- December 25th III. 1. from…to 2. in 3. playing 4. collecting 5. like 6. waters 7. has 8. is 9. at 10. What IV. 2-3-4-1-5 V. 1-5 T F FTT VI. 略 p9-10 I. 1-5CBACB 6-8CBA

II. 略 III. planting flowers—种花 drawing—画画 collecting stamps—集邮playing volleyball—打排球 singing—唱歌 playing basketball—打篮球IV. comes, goes, says, friendly, all, 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F V. 1-5 ABCBC p11-12 I. 1. your, My, that 2. that, He 3. She, your, she 4. that, He, his, He II. 1-6DBACFE III. 1. What is your hobby? 2. Is Li Yan good at drawing? 3. My father doesn’t work in a factory. 4. Your mother is interested in(likes) cooking. 5. What is your father’s hobby? IV. speak, speaking, This, doing, watching V. 略 青岛版六年级英语寒假作业答案 p1-2 I. 1. B, have 2. B, watching 3. C, in 4. A, She’s II. 1-5BABCC 6-10ABBAC III. Kerry’s, years, England, teaches, number IV. 1-5 CBABC p3-4 I. 1-5ABADD II. 略 III. 1. (1)from (2)about (3)at (4)to (5)at (6)in (7)by (8)with (9)with/about/to/of (10)from 2. (1)playing (2)obey (3)ask (4)open (5)goes (6)have (7)do (8)paint


2019小学一年级英语寒假作业答案 每日必练:每天用15分钟时间实行英语学习,听磁带,读课文。如果有其它英语学习教材,也能够在这15分钟内实行。 1月15日 今天是放假第一天,在和爸爸妈妈制定假期计划的时候,记着还有英语学习呦! 别忘了早晨起床后,和家人用英语问声好:Good morning! 1月18日 今天是周末,也是农历的小年。还记的我们学过的英语儿歌吗?和家人一起吃糖瓜的时候,给他们表演一下,爸爸妈妈一定会为你感到高兴的。 1月21日 还记的咱们课本上的熊猫盼盼吗?它的魔法帽子能够变出好多数字。现在拿出一张纸,在上面写出从1到10十个数字,然后读读下面的句子,根据意思,把这些数字涂上相对应的颜色: one is blue. two is red. three is yellow. four is green. five is black. six is orange. seven is white. eight is red. nine is blue. ten is green. 答案在下次作业里找。 1月23日 就快过年了,妈妈一定已经把家打扫得干干净净,你也把自己的文具整理一下吧,再说说它们的英文名称:

书包 school bag 铅笔盒 pencil box 铅笔 pencil 橡皮 eraser 尺子 ruler 油画棒 crayon 课桌 desk 座位 seat 上次作业答案: 1是蓝色 2是红色 3是黄色 4是绿色 5是黑色 6是桔色 7是白色 8是红色 9是蓝色 10是绿色 1月31日 今天是正月初六,这两天一定玩的很开心吧!今天读英语了没有,如果没有,那就赶快开始吧。 2月3日 读完英语了吗?好吧,让我们放松一下:想想我们学过哪些动物 的英文名称,再把它们画下来,看看谁的“动物园”画的好。


XX六年级数学寒假生活指导答案(完整版) 春节,元宵节过后,大家应该都快要开学了吧,小伙伴们的寒假生活过得还好吗?有没有发生什么让自己特别难忘的事情呢?大家的寒假作业要赶快完成了哦,以下是为大家搜索的xx六年级数学寒假生活指导答案(完整版),希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们! 小学六年级数学上册寒假作业(一)答案 一.填空题 1.9;27;27;9 2.750 3.30;990 4.“四位数”3个(4290、4590、4890) 5.2;3 6.17(2、3、5、7) 7.391(17、23) 8.210=2×3×5×7;16;2310;2 9.6;24;14;15 10.1、12或3、4 11.b;a 12.1;ab 13.14;42 14.59

15.52;13;13;52;52;13 16.②⑥;①②④⑥ 17.4、9或8、9或9、10 18.198或192 19.8520;2085 20.0或6(9120、9126) 21.ab 22.400(135=5×3×3×3,1925=5×5×7×11,486=2×3×3×3×3×3) 二。选择题 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.D 27.A 28.D 三.求下列各组数的最小公倍数和最大公因数 29.(87,145)=29;[87,145]=435 30.(36,48,72)=12;[36,48,72]=144 31.(35,56,105)=7;[35,56,105]=840 32.(136,187,255)=17;[136,187,255]=22440 四.解答题

33.4+15=9+10 4+15+9+10=38 34.144÷(2+3+7)=12 所以这三个数各是24,36,84 35.954,873,621 36.260=2×2×5×13=4×65 37.[3,4,5,6]-1=59 38.[3,4]=12 3×8÷12+1=3 39.63+91+129-25=258 258=2×3×43 所以这个整数是43 小学六年级数学上册寒假作业(二)答案 一.填空题 1.b;a 2.3,5,7;4,6,8,10;9 3.210 4.60 5.(1)1;11;3;9;5;7 (2)2;10;4;8;6;6 (3)4;8 (4)5;7


()月()日星期() 温馨提示:快乐度假之时,要认真完成作业,确保健康安全,为新 学期的学习奠定良好的基础. 动脑筋,猜谜语 1.What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white? —————— 2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long? ———————— 3. I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I? —————————— 家长签字:_________

()月()日星期() 温馨提示:寒假期间,生活要有规律,按时作息。不要长时间 沉迷于电视或电脑 一.绕口令,比一比,读一读。 1.A big black bear sat on a big bug. 2.A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the black bear bleed blood. 3.A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! 4.There was a man who had a sister. 5.His name was Mr Fister 二.看图读单词 。 家长签字:_________

()月()日星期() 温馨提示:注意饮食卫生,不暴饮暴食,做到饮食平衡,保证身体健康。 一.看图读单词。 家长签字:_________


初一年级英语寒假作业答案2020 Ⅰ. (Ⅰ) 1. New Year’s Day is on January 1. 2. The weather is cold and snowy in Harbin in winter. 3. The old sweater is Jack’s. 4. My sister is drawing a picture. 5. I’d like a big cake. 答案:1~5. CABDE (Ⅱ) 6. W: Is this your chair, Wang Ming? M:No, it isn’t. Q:Is this Wang Ming’s chair? 7. W: How many roses would you like, Jim? M: Nine. Q: How many roses would Jim like? 8. W: What do you like, meat or fish? M: Fish. Q: What does the boy like, meat or fish? 9. W: What are you doing now, Tom? M: I am writing to Mike. Q: What is Tom doing now?

10. W: Where are you from? M: I am from Australia. Q: Where is the man from? 答案:6~10. BABAC (Ⅲ)W: Hello, Steven. Can you tell me something about your school? M: Sure, Lynn. W: Do you go to school by bike? M: No, I walk to school every day. I live near the school. W: Do you have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon? M:No, we don’t. We have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. W: Do you like your school life? M: Yes, I do. I have many friends at school. We often talk after class and play after school. W: Do you usually go home at fiv e o’clock? M:No, we don’t. We often go home at five thirty. W: Do you have lots of homework? M:No, we don’t. W:That’s very nice. 答案:11~15. BCBAC


六年级英语寒假作业及答案听力部分30 Ⅰ.根据录音内容,选择你所听到的单词、词组或句子。(8分) ()1.A.cleanerB.cleanC.cleaning ()3.A.watchesTVB.readsabookC.playstheviolin ()4.A.bytrainB.bybusC.byplane ()5.A.ridingB.singingC.diving ()6.A.readbooksB.readnewspapersC.readmagazines ()7.A.Itcomesfromthewater. B.Itcomesfromtherain. C.Itcomesfromtheclouds. ()8.A.It’snearthecinema. B.It’sfarfromthecinema. C.I’mgoingtothecinema. Ⅱ.根据录音内容,选择正确的图片,并填写相应句子的标号。(5分)

()() Ⅲ.听问句,从A、B两个选项中选择适合的答句。(5分) ()1.A.Gostraightandyoucanseeit.B.Gotoschoolbybus. ()2.A.IamwatchingTV.B.IamgoingtowatchTV. ()3.A.Icanseetwoflowers.B.Ilikeflowers. ()4.A.Ilikeriding.B.Yes,Ilikeswimmingverymuch. ()5.A.Itisbig.B.Itisnexttotheschool. Ⅳ.听录音,选择方框中的单词,并将其标号填入短文中的横线上。(7分) Hello!MynameisBen.Iamalittle______drop.Ilikeflyinginthe____ __.Oneday,myfriendsandIare______inthesky.Suddenlywe______do wnfromthesky.Thenwe______inthesea.Thesun______out,andwe____ __veryhot.We______uphigherandhigher.Thenwecanplayagain. Ⅴ.听短文,然后判断。正确的打“&%61654;”,错误的打“&%61620;”。(5分) ()1.Myschoolissmallbutnice. ()2.Thereare20classesinourschool.


宜城中学七年级英语寒假作业(4)2020.2 班级______ 姓名______ 学号______ 得分______ 一、单项选择 ( )1. -Is ______ interesting book on the table yours? I want to buy ______. -Yes. I order it online. A. the; it B. the; one C. an; it D. an; one ( )2. -_______ is it from the Children’s Palace to Nanjing South Railway Station, Tom? -About ________. A. How often; 10 minutes’ ride B. How long; 10-minute ride C. How far; 10 minutes’ ride D. How far; 10 minutes ride ( )3. -Why are you so tired? -Drawing the picture ________ me over one and a half hours. A. spends B. costs C. needs D. takes ( )4. ________ great fun they have ________ kites on the grass! A. How; to fly B. What; to fly C. How; flying D. What; flying ( )5. -________ important for him ________ a walk after dinner? -Yes, he needs to do more exercise to keep fit. A. Is it; to take B. Is that; to take C. Is that; takes D. Is it; taking ( )6. ______ a cold winter evening, they made many lanterns _______ oranges. How interesting! A. In; out of B. On; out of C. On; from D. In; with ( )7. _______ are twins. Both of ________ enjoy listening to pop music. A. I and he; we B. I and him; us C. He and I; us D. He and I; we ( )8. -There is ________ bread at home. -Would you please get ________ for us? A. no; some B. not; some C. not some; some D. little; any ( )9. ________ students are becoming the “Heads-down Tribe” (低头族). It’s ________ bad. A. Too many; much too B. Too much; much too C. Much too; too much D. Too many; too much ( )10. Rules (规则) are helpful to us, ________ we have to follow (遵守) them. A. because B. but C. if D. so ( )11. -Where is your brother? I can’t find him. -Maybe he together with his friends ________ flowers in the garden. A. waters B. water C. is watering D. are watering ( )12. ________ of the boy students in my class________ collecting stamps. A. Everyone, is interested in B.Each, is interested in C. All, are interesting in D. Most, is interested in ( )13. You can choose ________, but you can’t take this one. A. any other dress B. any other dresses C. any dress D. other dress ( )14. -How often does your mother walk to work? -________. If it rains, she takes a bus to work. A. Always B. Often C. Seldom D. Never


小学一年级英语寒假作业安排计划 1.作业:1.默写26个英文字母,家长签名。 2.先跟录音听读unit1和unit2,再将课文读给父母听,家长检查完签名在书本上。 2.作业:1.复习26个字母,并默写在抄写本上。2.请按照红笔范例改 正再继续练习抄写P62页unit1的单词,四遍英文一遍中文。抄完请 家长督促孩子背诵单词并听写在抄写本上并签名(写上已听写)。3.跟 录音读课文unit1和unit2很多于15分钟,并在书本上签名(写明 “已跟读”) 3.单词抄写作业发现问题:绝大部分学生的字母照抄书本的印刷体, 请家长督促孩子严格按照开学初练习字母时的手写体实行书写,我已 将写错的单词用红笔给出范例,请督促孩子改正。本班作业优秀的有 史嘉怡、梁靖琳、林圳川同学! 4.作业:1、复习26个字母,并默写在纸上,请家长检查。2.跟录音 熟读unit1并背诵重点词汇(morning,Afternoon)3、预习unit2,跟 读课文并熟读单词(book,ruler,rubber,pencil)。 5.作业:1.抄写P62(62页)unit1不带星号的单词(hello,hi,morning,afternoon,I,am),每个抄两行,一行四个。抄写完听写,家长签名(请家长签名的时候写上“已听写”再签名)。 6.作业:1.复习26个字母,请在家里自行默写,家长过目便可,不用 上交。2.跟录音听读unit1课文,很多于15分钟。 【篇二】 一、每日听读英语半小时。(能够根据自己的需要选择学习内容和时间)

内容: 1. 英语课文光碟 2. 英文动画片 3. 英文广播 4. 英文小故事等等. 时间: 1. 早上起床 2. 吃饭时间 3. 睡觉前和睡觉时 4. 坐车途中 二、每周选择两天读英语复习卷。 三、学唱一首课堂之外的英语歌曲。 四、选择自己认为最棒的一段英文朗读或者歌曲演唱,用电脑或者磁带录下来。(请将电子录音发送至老师的QQ邮箱) 五、英文小日记: 1、记录身边所发现的英语(能够是单词或句子,加上图画,并制成英语小绘本) 2、新年到了,请为父母朋友制作英文卡片(贺卡上能够用我们学过的英语句子写祝福语,如Happy New Year! I wish you good luck every day! We wish you health, wealth and happiness.)


寒假生活指导六年级答案:英语【1-30页】 I. 1.B,have2.B,watching3.C,in4.A,Shersquo;s II. 1-5BABCC6-10ABBAC III.Kerryrsquo;s,years,England,teaches,number IV. 1-5CBABC P3-4 I. 1-5ABADD II. 略 III. 1. (1)from(2)about(3)at(4)to(5)at(6)in(7)by(8)with(9)with/about/to/of(10)fr om 2. (1)playing(2)obey(3)ask(4)open(5)goes(6)have(7)do(8)paint(9)drawing(1

0)flying IV.doeshellip;dohellip;plays;doeshellip;workshellip;office;playingthepian o P5-6 I. 略 II. 略 III.Igetupatsix-thirty.Myfathergetsupatsix.Mymotherandmysistergetupatse ven. IV. 1-6ABCAAC V. 1-5TTFTF P7-8 I. 略

II.Womenrsquo;sDay--March8th Childrenrsquo;sDay--June1st TreePlantingDay--March12th Teachersrsquo;Day--September10th LabourDay--May1st NewYearrsquo;sDay--January1st Fatherrsquo;sDay--thethirdSundayinJune NationalDay--October1st ThanksgivingDay--thefourthThursdayofNovember Motherrsquo;sDay--thesecondSundayinMay ChristmasDay--December25th


杨家坳中学2015—2016学年度第一学期寒假作业七年级英语寒假训练(三) Class:_________ Name:_________ Marks:__________ 第一部分听力部分(略) 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分) ( )1.—____ is the cap? —Twenty yuan. A. How much B. How old C. How many D. How heavy ( )2.—Could you ask her ____, please? I have something to tell her. —OK. A. call me back B. to call me back C. call back me D. to call back me ( )3. —I don’t like the green coat. —____ the red one? A. What’s B. Where’s C. What about D. How ( )4. —I like these shoes. Can I ____? —Sure. A. try it on B. try them on C. try on it D. try on them ( )5.—Look! It’s 11:45 now. —Oh. I t’s time lunch. Let’s go. A. have B. has C. having D. to have ( )6.—Could you buy some bread your way ? —Sure. A. on; home B. on; to home C. in; home D. in; to home ( )7. —What time is it? —It’s ____. A. five to a quarter B. a quarter to five C. three quarters past four D. forty-five four ( )8.—Would you like to go to the zoo tomorrow? —Yes, . A. I would B. I like C. I would like D. I’d love to ( )9. —Do you want ____ with me? —Yes, I do. A. to do any shopping B. do any shopping C. to do some shopping D. do some shopping ( )10. I don’t have ____ apple juice, but I have ____ orange juice. A. any; some B. some; some C. any; any D. some; any ( )11.—May I speak to Jim, please? —Sorry, ____ now. A. I’m not Jim B. this is me C. this isn’t me D. he isn’t in


一年级2019年语文寒假作业完整版 一年级2019年语文寒假作业由查字典语文网为您提供,供您参考。 一、我会写(10分) jiā xiāng Shēng yīn go s pāi shǒu huān qng shuō hu Shēng hu nng mn huā dēng h shuǐ 二、火眼金睛(8分) 喝( ) 活( )声( )光( ) 渴( ) 话( )生( )先( ) 树( ) 吹( )圆( )明( ) 林( ) 欢( )园( )朋( ) 三、我会连(12分) 绿色的图画红红的花灯 亲爱的元宵节快乐的音乐 寒冷的妈妈弯曲的苹果 美丽的树叶轻柔的节日 欢乐的娃娃干净的小河 可爱的冬天漂亮的小手 四、写出下面字的笔顺(6分) 年: ________________________________________________

团: ________________________________________________ 农 ________________________________________________ 五、看谁写的对又多(6分) 扌 ____ _____ ______ 日 ____ _____ _____ 门 ____ _____ _______ 氵____ _____ _____ 六、我会填量词(9分) 一()船一()树林一()花生 一()儿歌一()大桥一()小河 一()大树一()花一()人家 七、我能照样子写句子(7分) 例:山坡上有一片果树林。 1. 有一座。 2. 有一条。 例:天空中有一只小鸟,我觉得它很快乐。 1. 有,我觉得。 2. 有,我觉得。 例:农民插秧。农民在水田里插秧。 1.我们在升国旗。我们在升国旗。


2019年小学一年级英语寒假作业答案参考一年级英语寒假作业答案 每日必练:每天用15分钟时间进行英语学习,听磁带,读课文。如果有其它英语学习教材,也可以在这15分钟内进行。 1月15日 今天是放假第一天,在和爸爸妈妈制定假期计划的时候,记着还有英语学习呦! 别忘了早晨起床后,和家人用英语问声好:Good morning! 1月18日 今天是周末,也是农历的小年。还记的我们学过的英语儿歌吗?和家人一起吃糖瓜的时候,给他们表演一下,爸爸妈妈一定会为你感到高兴的。 1月21日 还记的咱们课本上的熊猫盼盼吗?它的魔法帽子可以变出好多数字。现在拿出一张纸,在上面写出从1到10十个数字,然后读读下面的句子,根据意思,把这些数字涂上相应的颜色: one is blue. two is red. three is yellow. four is green. five is black. six is orange. seven is white. eight is red. nine is blue. ten is green. 1 / 3

答案在下次作业里找。 1月23日 就快过年了,妈妈一定已经把家打扫得干干净净,你也把自己的文具整理一下吧,再说说它们的英文名称: 书包school bag 铅笔盒pencil box 铅笔pencil 橡皮eraser 尺子 ruler 油画棒 crayon 课桌 desk 座位 seat 上次作业答案: 1是蓝色 2是红色 3是黄色 4是绿色 5是黑色 6是桔色 7是白色 8是红色 9是蓝色 10是绿色 1月26日 过年好!!!祝你在新的一年里,身体健康!学习进步! 1月31日 今天是正月初六,这两天一定玩的很开心吧!今天读英语了没有,如果没有,那就赶快开始吧。 2月3日 读完英语了吗?好吧,让我们放松一下:想想我们学过哪些动物的英文名称,再把它们画下来,看看谁的“动物园”画的好。 2月6日 2 / 3


六年级语文寒假生活指导答案2020 1、读音节,找词语朋友。 陶醉凝重挽联恩赐囫囵吞枣滋润魁梧真挚勉励悬崖峭壁 解析:此题的考察重点是个别字的书写。如:“陶醉”的“醉”; “凝重”的“凝”;“挽联”的“挽”;“恩赐”的“赐”;“囫囵吞枣”的“囫囵”和“枣”;“滋润”的“滋”;“魁梧”的“魁”;“真挚” 的“挚”;“勉励”这两个字;“悬崖峭壁”的“悬”。 2、读一读,加点字念什么,在准确的音节下面画“_”。 镌刻(juān juàn) 抚摩(mó mē) 扁舟(biān piān)阻挠(náo ráo) 塑料(suò sù) 挫折(cuō cuò) 归宿(sù xiǔ ) 瘦削(xiāo xuē) 解析:要想准确完成这道题,得平时经常注意一些易混淆的字的 读音。对于不经常用到的词,要增强记忆。这样遇到此类型题才能选 择准确。 3、请你为“肖”字加偏旁,组成新的字填写的空格内。 陡( 峭 )的悬崖胜利的( 消 )息俊( 俏 )的姑娘 ( 削 )好的铅笔弥漫的( 硝 )烟畅( 销 )的商品 ( 逍 )遥自在的生活元( 宵 )佳节 解析:此题是关于区别同音字及形近字的考察,准确地区别同音 字和形近字,是克服“别字”的主要方法之一,而区别同音字和形近 字则主要依靠字义、词义。对字义、词义了解了,也就掌握了汉字使 用的环境和范围。 4、按要求填空,你一定行的。

“巷”字用音序查字法先查音序( X ),再查音节( xiànɡ )。按 部首查字法先查( 己 )部,再查( 6 )画。能组成词语( 大街小巷 )。 解析:此题不但考察学生查字典的水平,同时对汉语拼音、汉字 结构、偏旁部首、组词等方面的知识实行考察。所以,应全面扎实地 掌握各方面的知识,同时在使用知识时,注意把握其不同的特点和要求。 “漫”字在字典里的意思有:①水过满,向外流;②到处都是;③ 不受约束,随便。 (1)我漫不经心地一脚把马鞍踢下楼去。字意是( ③ ) (2)瞧,盆子里的水漫出来了。字意是( ① ) 剩下一个义项能够组词为(漫山遍野 ) 解析:本题主要是对多义词的检测。完成此题,必须先弄清词语 产生多义的原因和情况,然后再根据提供的词语或语言环境去理解词 语的不同义项。如本题中的“漫”字有三种义项,提供不同的语境有 两个,还有一个是为它组词,实际上使学生不但会理解,还要会使用。我们能够先理解两个语境的含义,然后将其中的符合题义的义项填入 语境中去析,再用剩余的义项组成词语,放到相对应的语境中,这样 就能较准确地找到准确答案了。 5、成语大比拼。 风( 雨 )同(舟 ) ( 悬 )崖( 峭 )壁 ( 奇 )( 妙 )无比和( 蔼 )可( 亲 ) ( 抑 )扬顿( 挫 ) ( 德 )高( 望 )重 ( 寝 )不( 安 )席张( 冠 )李( 戴 ) 解析:成语是的精华内容之一。解答此类题,就要根据平时的积 累将词语补充完整,并尽量不写错别字。 二、积累使用。


六年级英语寒假作业收集 学习要求如下: 1.不认识的单词要注英标,再根据音标练习发音,熟记单词及中文意思。可 用有道或金山。(学习音标) 2.要多读句子,直到读到流畅准确为止。如电脑里有课本语音练习则用之。 (语感练习) 3.再分析并理解句子的意思。可用有道查意思。(理解意思) 4.要熟记短语及常用句子。(熟记句子,对话练习) 九,选择填空。 1. Look at the beautiful picture, please. A.in B. on C. at D. of 2. Do you have any ink? A. any B. some C. an D. A 3. —How much is seven and twenty-six? —It's thirty-three. A.nineteen B. thirty-three C.twenty D.eleven 4. —How old is Mr.White? —He is fifty.

A.How B.When C. Where D. How old 5. —What is your mother? —She's a dancer. A.Where B. How C.What D.Which 6.The two shirts look the same. A.a B.an C.\ D.the 7.—Excuse me! Are you Ann ? —No, I'm not. A.Hello B.Sorry C.Hi D.Excuse me 8.Your grandma is old . Please look after her. 看上去像顺便看望照顾看,考虑 A.look like B. look in C. look after D. look at 观看回头看寻找 E. look on F. look back G. look for 9. Can you say it in English? A.by B.in C.at D.with 10. Tom has two good friends. They are fourteen.


7年级上册英语寒假作业答案 The 1st Day 一、1. clever 2. easy 3. newspapers 4. windows 5. masters 6. glasses 7. newest 8. funny 9. wonderful 10. cameras 二、1 – 5 DDBCD 6 – 10 DBBCD 三、BDCEA 四、1. don’t do 2. Is there any 3. watches 4. Where does; live 5. When does;play 6. for Millie’s 7. good swimmer 8. was born 五、1. has 2. are 3. Does; take 4. to play 5. don’t watch 6. drawing 7. do; do 8. to keep 9. asking 10. visiting 六、1 – 5 ACBCA 6 – 10 DCCAC 七、1. My cousin also has a pair of football shoes. 2. This is a photo of my family. 3. Tom is the best at swimming in our class./ Tom is the best swimmer in our class. 4. The ticket for each adult is ten dollars. 5. Basketball players look tall and strong. The 2nd Day 一、1 – 5 DGAJB 6 – 10 IEFCH 二、1 – 5 DDCBD 6 – 10 BDBBA
