Born to search for 生来为了追寻

Eternal spirit 不灭的灵魂

Yelling out 呼喊出

Orbit of life 生命的轨迹

Never die 与不死的


Beyond was a famous rock band in Hong Kong that was founded in 1983. They have always identified with the people of Hong Kong, as reflected in their songs about social issues, pursuit of dreams, politics, and peace. Wong Ka Kui's " 海阔天空(Boundless Oceans Vast Skies) & 光辉岁月(Glorious Years) are two of their best known works.


Beyond stands out in the Chinese music industry due to the fact that they are one of the very few groups who compose and write their own music. With the exception of a single song, a tribute to their hero Sam Hui, Beyond has never recorded a cover in the studio.

beyond是少数的创作型乐团之一,所以在中国音乐圈里显得相当醒目。除了一首单曲(送给他们的英雄sam hui的)之外,他们从来没有在工作室里面录过一张唱片。

Wong Ka Kui owned his first guitar at the age of 17. His neighbors were just moving, and gave him an old wooden accoustic guitar. Up until that point, he had an interest in music, but never had a passion to learn it. But rather than wasting such an instrument, he went out and bought some books and tought himself how to play.

Yip Sai Wing owned his first drum set when he was 16, he earned it after getting good grades. He often said that it was tough playing the drums because it was hard to take care of it; he would come home everyday after school and it would take him forever to set up his drums and get a little bit of practice in before he had to put it away before dinner. Sai Wing met Ka Kui during a trip to the music store. Combined with similar interest in music and ideals, Ka Kui and Sai Wing quickly became good friends. They soon formed Beyond with some mutual friends, Lee Wing Chiu and William Tang.

In 1983, four years after Ka Kui picked up his first guitar and Sai Wing bought his first drum set, Beyond entered the "Best Band Contest" sponsered by Guitar Magazine and won the Best Band Award. They also made their first official recording in an album titled, "Hong Kong" (along with other bands), which they recorded two live events, "Photograph" and "Building".

Beyond是一支来自于中国香港的著名摇滚乐队,也是华人地区的殿堂级乐队之一,成立于1983年,其队名的中文意思为“超越”。乐队属于原创型,其作品以写实为主。乐队曾经有过多次的人事变动,其中以黄家驹、黄家强、黄贯中、叶世荣四人的阵容最广为人知。自从黄家驹于1993年在日本东京意外去世之后,乐队没有再寻找新成员填补。2005年Beyond 举行了“Beyond The Story Live 2005”世界巡回告别演唱会并宣布解散,三人继续以个人的










