














1月题目 (6)

1月答案解析 (11)

2月题目 (17)

2月答案解析 (21)




In the figure,the slope of the line through points.What is the value of?




A machine can insert letters in envelopes at the rate of per minute.

Another machine can stamp the envelopes at the rate of per second.How many

such stamping machines are needed to keep up with inserting machines of this kind?



If a number is chosen at random from the set

,what is the probability that it is a member of the solution set of both






percent of

is greater than

,which of the following must be true?







A train traveling

miles per hour for 1hour covers the same distance as a train

traveling miles per hour for how many hours?




The scatterplot above shows the number of items purchased at a grocery store by28customers and the total cost of each purchase.How many of these28 customers bought more than10items and spent less than$20?




In the-plane,the graph of the line with equation intersects the graph of

the quadratic function in exactly one point.What is the value of?




If,and,what is?




A jar contains only red marbles and green marbles.If a marble is selected at

random from the jar,the probability that a red marble will be selected is.If there are green marbles in the jar,how many red marbles are there in the jar?




If the function is defined by,where, for which of the following values of is undefined?




(D)and only




If it is now4:00p.m.Saturday,in hours from now,what time and day will it be? (Assume no daylight saving time changes in the period.)








The correct answer is B

The slope of a line in a coordinate plane is given by the fraction whose numerator is

the change in between any two points on the line and whose denominator is the change in between the same points on the line.

The question asks for the value of,which is the-coordinate of point.

The change in between points and is.The change in between

these points is.Since the slope is,it follows that.Solving this equation gives.Therefore,,and.


The correct answer is A

First you can change minute to seconds so that the ratios are both in envelopes per second.One inserting machine inserts letters at the rate

of per seconds,or per second.So machines would insert letters

per second.

Let be the number of stamping machines needed to keep up with18inserting

machines.Then,since one machine stamps3envelopes per second,machines

stamp envelopes per second.You can write the equation,which gives.


The correct answer is C

If and,then.The numbers from the

listed set that satisfy these inequalities are and.There are five elements in the listed set,so the probability of a number chosen at random from the set being a member of the solution set of both inequalities is.


The correct answer is A

If percent of is greater than,then.It follows that,and so.


The correct answer is B

When the speed of a train in miles per hour is multiplied by the travel time in hours, the distance traveled by the train is obtained.The distance that the first train travels

is miles per hour times hour,which is https://www.360docs.net/doc/597819084.html,ing the variable for the

travel time,in hours,of the second train,the distance that the second train travels

is miles per hour times hours,which is miles.Since the two trains travel

the same distance,,which gives hours,the travel time of the second train.


The correct answer is A

Drawing the vertical line"Number of Items=10"and the horizontal line"Total Cost ="$20"divides the scatterplot into four regions,as shown in the figure below.

The lower right region lies below the line"Total Cost=$20"and to the right of the line"Number of Items=10."Thus the points in this region are exactly the points that represent a purchase of more than10items at a total cost of less than$20. (Note that the points on the line"Number of Items=10"represent a purchase of

exactly10items,not more than10items and,thus,do not meet the given conditions.)There are four points in the lower right region.Therefore,four of the customers bought more than10items and spent less than$20.


The correct answer is B

The graph in the-plane of the quadratic function is a

parabola.If the graph of the line with equation intersects the graph of this parabola in exactly one point,that point must be the vertex of the parabola,and

the-coordinate of the point must be.The graph

of intersects the-axis at and,

so the-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola is halfway

between and on the-axis at.Thus the-coordinate of the

vertex is.Therefore,if the graph of the line with

equation intersects the graph of the quadratic

function in exactly one point,the value of must be.


The correct answer is E




The correct answer is D

Choice(D)is correct.Let be the number of red marbles in the jar.

The probability of selecting a red marble is equal to the number of red marbles divided by the total number of marbles.Since the probability of selecting a red

marble is,it follows that.There are green

marbles and red marbles,so the previous equation becomes.This

simplifies to,or.Therefore,the number of red marbles,,is.


The correct answer is C



then,which is not

defined because division by is undefined.Therefore,of the three values,,,

and,the only one for which is undefined is.Thus the correct response is only.


The correct answer is E

Since each day has hours,divide by to find the number of

complete intervals in

hours and the number of hours remaining

after the intervals have been accounted for.When is divided

by ,









The complete intervals tell you that days,or one full week


days,go by,bringing you to Tuesday at 4:00p.m.The

additional hours

take you into the next day,Wednesday.The hours will end at 5:00a.m.on





The function,defined for,is graphed above.For how many different values of is?








If triangle above is congruent to triangle(not shown),which of the following must be the length of one side of triangle?





(E)It cannot be determined from the information given.



The cars in a car service use a total of gallons of gasoline per week.If each of the

cars uses the same amount of gasoline,then,at this rate,which of the following

represents the number of gallons used by of the cars in weeks?




Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.

In the-plane,line passes through the points and,where. What is the slope of line?




First,is subtracted from and the square root of the difference is taken.Then,5is added to the result,giving a final result of.What is the value of?




If is the set of positive integers that are multiples of,and if is the set of positive

integers that are multiples of,how many integers are in the intersection of and?





(E)More than thirteen



A florist buys roses at a piece and sells them for a piece.If there are no other expenses,how many roses must be sold in order to make a profit of?




What is the equation of the line parallel to the-axis and four units above the-axis?




If,,and are numbers such that and,then is equal to which of the following?



1.正整数n有奇数个因子,则n为完全平方数 2.因子个数求解公式:将整数n分解为质因子乘积形式,然后将每个质因子的幂分别加一相乘.n=a*a*a*b*b*c则因子个数=(3+1)(2+1)(1+1) eg. 200=2*2*2 * 5*5 因子个数=(3+1)(2+1)=12个 3.能被8整除的数后三位的和能被8整除;能被9整除的数各位数的和能被9整除.能被3整除的数,各位的和能被3整除. 4.多边形内角和=(n-2)x180 5.菱形面积=1/2 x 对角线乘积 6.欧拉公式:边数=面数+顶点数-2 8.三角形余玄定理 C2=A2+B2-2ABCOSβ,β为AB两条线间的夹角 9.正弦定理:A/SinA=B/SinB=C/SinC=2R(A,B,C是各边及所对应的角,R是三角形外接圆的半径) 10.Y=k 1X+B 1 ,Y=k 2 X+B 2 ,两线垂直的条件为K 1 K 2 =-1 11.N的阶乘公式: N!=1*2*3*....(N-2)*(N-1)*N 且规定0!=1 1!=1 Eg:8!=1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8 12. 熟悉一下根号2、3、5的值 sqrt(2)=1.414 sqrt(3)=1.732 sqrt(5)=2.236 13. ...2/3 as many A as B: A=2/3*B ...twice as many... A as B: A=2*B 14. 华氏温度与摄氏温度的换算 换算公式:(F-32)*5/9=C PS.常用计量单位的换算:(自己查查牛津大字典的附录吧)

练习题: 1:还有数列题:a1=2,a2=6,a n=a n-1/a n-2,求a150. 解答: a n=a n-1/a n-2,所以a n-1=a n-2/a n-3,带入前式得a n=1/a n-3,然后再拆一遍得到a n=a n-6,也就是说,这个数列是以6为周期的,则a150=a144=...=a6,利用a1,a2可以 =1/3. 计算出a 6 如果实在想不到这个方法,可以写几项看看很快就会发现a150=a144,大胆推测该数列是以6为周期得,然后写出a1-a13(也就是写到你能看出来规律),不难发现a6=a12,a7=a13,然后那,稍微数数,就可以知道a150=a6了,同样计算得1/3. 2:问摄氏升高30度华氏升高的度数与62比大小. key:F=30*9/5=54<62 3:那道费波拉契数列的题:已知,a1=1 a2=1 a n=a n-1+a n-2,问a1,a2,a3,a6四项的平均数和a1,a3,a4,a5四项的平均数大小比较。 解答:费波契那数列就是第三项是前两项的和,依此类推得到a1-a6为: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 a1+a2+a3+a6=12, a1+a3+a4+a5=11,所以为大于. 4:满足x^2+y^2<=100的整数对(x,y)有多少? key: 按照X的可能情况顺序写出: X= Y= 11-9 21-9 31-9 41-9 51-8 61-8 71-7 81-6 91-4 =>My answer:加起来=69 5:24,36,90,100四个数中,该数除以它的所有的质因子,最后的结果是质数的是那个:Key:90


新SAT 数学OG 数学题目详细讲解 第一题: Content: Heart of Algebra Key: B Objective: You must make a connection between the graphical form of a relationship and a numerical description of a key feature. Explanation: Choice B is correct. The slope of a line can be determined by finding the difference in the y-coordinates divided by the difference in the x-coordinates for any two points on the line. Using the points indicated, the slope of line l is - 3/2. Translating line l moves all the points on the line the same distance in the same direction, and the image will be a line parallel to £. Therefore, the slope of the image is also - 3/2. 第二题:

Content: Passport to Advanced Math Key: A Objective: You must complete operations with multipleterms and manipulate an equation to isolate the variable of interest. Explanation: Choice A is correct. Multiplying both sidesof the equation by the denominators of the rational expressions in the equation gives 2y = 4a - 4. You should then divide both sides by 2 to isolate the y variable, yielding the equation y = 2a - 2. 第三题: Content: Heart of Algebra Key: D Objective: You must interpret the slope of an equationin relation to the realworld situation it models. Also, when themodels are created from data, you must recognize that these models only estimate the independent variable, y, for a given value of x. Explanation: Choice D is correct. When an equation is written in the form y = mx + b, the coefficient of the x-term (in this case 0.8636) is theslope. The slope of this linear equation gives the amount that the mean number of students per classroom (represented by y) changes per year (represented by x). 第四题:


SAT数学真题精选 1. If 2 x + 3 = 9, what is the value of 4 x – 3 ? (A) 5 (B) 9 (C) 15 (D) 18 (E) 21 2. If 4(t + u) + 3 = 19, then t + u = ? (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 7 3. In the xy-coordinate (坐标) plane above, the line contains the points (0,0) and (1,2). If line M (not shown) contains the point (0,0) and is perpendicular (垂直)to L, what is an equation of M? (A) y = -1/2 x (B) y = -1/2 x + 1 (C) y = - x (D) y = - x + 2 (E) y = -2x 4. If K is divisible by 2,3, and 15, which of the following is also divisible by these numbers? (A) K + 5 (B) K + 15 (C) K + 20 (D) K + 30 (E) K + 45 5. There are 8 sections of seats in an auditorium. Each section contains at least 150 seats but not more than 200 seats. Which of the following could be the number of seats in this auditorium? (A) 800 (B) 1,000 (C) 1,100 (D) 1,300 (E) 1,700 6. If rsuv = 1 and rsum = 0, which of the following must be true? (A) r < 1 (B) s < 1 (C) u= 2 (D) r = 0 (E) m = 0


2015年1月24日SAT真题解析 2015年1月24日SAT真题解析下载: https://www.360docs.net/doc/597819084.html,/SAT/SATyuedu/20150126/344670.html?seo=wenku1262参加2015年1月24日SA T考试的考生们对自己的考试还满意吗?小马过河老师团队给大家精心准备的2015年1月24日SAT真题解析现已免费发布,考生们赶紧点击下载使用吧。 2015年1月24日北美地区SAT写作真题: Is it courageous to show vulnerability or to show strength? SAT写作真题解析: 此次的SAT写作题目,是一个选择疑问句,而句内是对行为属性的判定。拆解开来分别是“Showing vulnerability is courageous.”和“Showing strength is courageous.”所以这个SAT写作题目问的是显露弱点和优势这两种行为哪个更勇敢? 考生能联想到的是目前正经历的传统教育中经常被灌输的的“要考好”、“你看别人家的孩子……”、“别人都去你怎么不去?”的“争先恐后”思想。竞争和压力的成长和学习环境中总是被动或者主动的在展示“优点”和“强大”。由此,想到The Joy Luck Club中女儿Waverly弹奏钢琴和参加弈棋比赛展现自己优点才华的场景。那么不同的读者在这里看到的故事是不同的,有人觉得Waverly展示自己的才华并非所愿,这种行为也没有给她带来好处。由此回到题目中对改行为的判定,落到是否courageous这个属性上来。我们最基本的学习和竞争中,展现自己的才华和强大都是必要的,比如考生们在申请学校的文书中也是极尽所能的在做这件事。


2012年1月SAT真题句子填空全文翻译精讲 2012.1 真题 1. Jacob felt great ______ about his upcoming trip to Brazil; indeed, he could hardly contain his enthusiasm. A. concern B. uncertainty C. confusion D. generosity E. excitement 中文释义:雅各布对于即将开始的巴西之旅感到非常兴奋,确实是这样,他几乎难以抑制他的热情。 题意解析:分号后是对前半句的进一步解释说明,表明雅各布对于巴西之旅很期待,因此他的感受应该是比较兴奋,E项正确,A项意思是关注,B项是不确定,C项是混乱,D项是慷慨大方,均不合句意。 词汇解释: upcoming:即将到来的;forthcoming, approaching contain:1. 包含comprise, include;2. 控制;to keep within limits; 3. 容纳;to have with, hold; 4. 牵制;check, halt 2. The professor’s classroom manner was quite_____, never revealing the warmth and playfulness she showed in private. A. witty B. sincere C. lively D. formal E. friendly 中文释义:这位教授的课堂举止非常严肃,和她在私下里表现出的热情风趣一点也不一样。题意解析:never作为连接词表明前后半句句意相反,教授私下的表现与课堂上不同,从后半句中可以看出平时比较热情,于是课堂上时就应该是严谨认真,所以D项正确。A项意思是机智的,B项是真诚的,C项是活泼的,E项是友好的,均不合题意,所以排除。 经典例句:Over the years, teaching methods have changed and become less formal. 这几年来,教学方法已有改变,不是那么正式了。 词汇解释: reveal:显示,揭露;to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known 3. Instead of taking notes during the interview, the journalist recorded the celebrity’s remarks on tape and later ______them. A. disavowed B. transcribed C. anticipated D. retracted E. recollected 中文释义:这位记者在采访中并没有记笔记,而是用磁带录下这位名人的言论,之后再转录下来。 题意解析:从句意可以看出该记者在采访时不做笔记而是录下来,也就意味着录完以后再记录,由此推出正确选项是B转录。A项意思是拒绝否认,C项是预期期望,D项是撤销,E 项是回忆,想起,均不合题意,所以排除。 4. Like several other important advances in medicine, penicillin was a somewhat____discovery resulting from _______combination of blind chance and technical expertise. A. progressive .. a reliable B. wonderful .. an unlucky C. untimely .. a profitable D. ordinary .. an unfortunate E. accidental .. a favorable 中文释义:正如其他重大医学进展一样,青霉素是由机遇与专业技术相结合的意外发现。


SAT数学历年真题精选1 以下是小编给大家整理的SAT数学历年真题精选1,需要的同学赶快下载全篇吧。 1. 如果x = 4,下面哪一个是最大的值。 2. 火车A,B, 和C 同时以不同的速度经过一个火车站。火车A的速度是火车B的速度的三倍,然后火车C的速度是火车A的速度的两倍。如果火车B的速度是每小时7英里,请问火车C的速度是多少每小时多少英里? 3. 如果x,5x,和6x 的平均值是8,那x的值是多少? 4. 一个图标上不能有两个同样x坐标的点 哪一个图标符合上面所提的要求? 5.上面这个venn图解展示了在30个上科学的学生中学习蝴蝶,学习蝗虫,两个一起学习或者是两个都没有学习的学生人数。只学习蝴蝶的学生占总人数的多少百分比? 6.在上面的图标里,AB = CD。t的数值是多少? 7. 如果3x2 = 4y = 12, 那么x2y 的数值是多少? 8. 在上面的图解里,圆圈都是相切的和紧紧挨着的(tangent)。圆圈A的圆心也是最大的那个圆圈的圆心。如果圆圈A的半径是2,圆圈B的半径是4,还有圆圈C的半径是4,那么最大的那个圆圈的半径是多少? 9. 在上面的图标里,线上所有的标记都是相等的。那么x的数值是多少? 10. 在上面的图标里,x的数值是多少? 11. 当整数k 除以7以后,余数是6. 那K+2 除以7的余数是多少? 12. 上面的图表展示了一个关于每深入海洋15英尺所对应的气压的函数。如果每深入海洋1英尺,海洋的气压增长是同样的话,那下面哪一个图表符合上面的数据。 13. 在一数列里,第一个数字是1. 如果每后面一个数是前面一个数乘以-2 的乘积,那么这一串数字的第六个数是什么? 14. 如果(2x - 5)(2x +5)= 5,那么4x2的值是多少? 15. A点的坐标是(p,r),然后|p| > |r|. 下面哪一个会是直线AB的斜度? 16. 如果3a + 4b = b,下面哪一个一定等于6a + 6b?


2008年1月份SAT考题分析 By 李现伟lxw0257111@https://www.360docs.net/doc/597819084.html, 第一部分:填空题 section 2 1. 扣voting rights, 只有suffrage表示“选举权”之意。 restitution:赔偿 solace:n 安慰 levy:n 征税 2. 冒号题,对后文解释的总结,statistical data所以就是demographic(人口统计)。conjectural:a 推测的 anecdotal:a 逸闻趣事的 qualitative:a 性质上的 3. and构成小连接,能和independence相匹配的只有autonomy。independent:: autonomous compromise: v 妥协 servility: n 奴性 persevere: v 坚持 competence: n 能胜任 acquiesce: v 默许 banality: n 陈腐 recant: v 放弃 conformity: n 墨守成规。 4. 冒号题,对后面的总结,“只具有形式而没有功用”对应的单词是vestigial(遗迹的)。ostentatious: a. 假装的,虚伪的 prodigious: a. so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe相当大的 invasive: a 侵略性的 kinetic: a 有活力的 5. 特殊人物(idealist)或者说取反:idealistic(理想主义的)<> pragmatic(注重实效的)。condone:原谅,indulgent:放纵的 6. in contrast to引起取反,strident(说话严厉的)<> gentle(待人温柔和善的),容易错选的是stoic:坚忍的(表示禁欲,相当于ascetic,temperate等) conciliatory:a. doing something that is intended to make someone stop arguing with you 调和的,conciliatory <> confronting(对抗性的) 7. 冒号题,找对应,与arguing about对应起来的只有polemical(爱争吵的)和quarrelsome,第一空填反义词,而haphazard(偶然的)没任何意义,只有resolute(坚决的)可以。philanthropic:慈善的;steadfast:a 坚定的;acquiescent:默许的 8. 逗号题,现在分词进行解释,能与unadorned words相匹配的只有economical(节约的)。incantatory:a 咒语的,魔咒的 disaffected:a 不满的 unstinting:a 无限制的 evenhanded:a 公平的 section 5 1.读一下顺一遍,就知道第二空不会填好词。 endorse:v 背书支持;abridge:缩短;


SAT数学难题汇总及答案 x^2 表示x 的平方,=!表示不等于。pi 表示圆周 率 类型1: 20. The least integer of a set of consecutive integers is -25. If the sum of these integers is 26, how many integers are in this set? (A) 25 (B) 26 (C) 50 (D) 51 (E) 52 14. Exactly 4 actors try out for the 4 parts in a play. If each actor can perform any one part and no one will perform more than one part, how many different assignments of actors are possible? 16. Set X has x members and set Y has y members. Set Z consists of all members that are in either set X or set Y with the exception of the k common members (k > 0). Which of the following represents the number of members in set Z ? (A) x + y + k (B) x + y - k (C) x + y + 2k (D) x + y - 2k (E) 2x + 2y - 2k 20. There are 75 more women than men enrolled in Linden College. If there are n men enrolled, then, in terms of n, what percent of those enrolled are men?


Section 1 Prompt 1 Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. Most human beings spend their lives doing work they hate and work that the world does not need. It is of prime importance that you learn early what you want to do and whether or not the world needs this service. The return from your work must be the satisfaction that work brings you and the world's need of that work. Income is not money, it is satisfaction; it is creation; it is beauty. Adapted from W.E.B. Du Bois, The Autobiography of W.E.B. Du Bois: A Soliloquy on Viewing My Life from the Last Decade of Its First Century Assignment: Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. Prompt 2 Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. If we are dissatisfied with our circumstances, we think about changing them. But the most important and effective changes—in our attitude—hardly occur to us.


SAT数学常见解题方法 众所周知,解sat数学题,需要有一定的技巧、方法。了解这些方法,不仅能够提高做题效率,更能保障做题的质量。接下来,文都国际教育小编给大家介绍几种常见的解题方法,以供大家参考,能够在日后的答题中对大家有所帮助。 sat数学解题方法一:最小值代入法 例1:If n is an even integer, which of the following must be an odd integer? a) 3n - 2 b) 3(n + 1) c) n - 2 d) n/3 e) n/2 解答: 答案是(B)。当你不能确定未知数有几个值时,尽管使用最小值代入检验这个解答sat数学题的方法。在这里,你可以设n等于2。而当n = 2时, 3(n + 1) = 9. 问题迎刃而解。如果你没有把握的话可以再试几个数。 sat数学解题方法二:特殊值法 例题:xy=x+y. If y>2, what are all possible values of x that satisfy the equation above? A. x<0, B. 0 解答:y>2,不妨假设它为3,3x=x+3,x=3/2,一目了然D即为正确选项。 sat数学解题方法三:巧解法 例题:At a certain diner, Joe orders 3 doughnuts and a cup of coffee and is charged $2.25. Stella orders 2 doughnuts and a cup of coffee and is charged $1.70. What is the price of 2 doughnuts? A. $ 0.55 B. $ 0.60 C. $ 1.10 D. $ 1.30 E. $ 1.80


2008年1月份SAT考题分析 By https://www.360docs.net/doc/597819084.html, SATbbs是国内首个SAT考生自发建设的公益交流平台,无任何中介背景,致力于国内学生SAT考试交流,分享SAT考试经验,真题及美国本科申请交流。 第一部分:填空题 section 2 1. 扣voting rights, 只有suffrage表示“选举权”之意。 restitution:赔偿 solace:n 安慰 levy:n 征税 2. 冒号题,对后文解释的总结,statistical data所以就是demographic(人口统计)。conjectural:a 推测的 anecdotal:a 逸闻趣事的 qualitative:a 性质上的 3. and构成小连接,能和independence相匹配的只有autonomy。independent:: autonomous compromise: v 妥协 servility: n 奴性 persevere: v 坚持 competence: n 能胜任 acquiesce: v 默许 banality: n 陈腐 recant: v 放弃 conformity: n 墨守成规。 4. 冒号题,对后面的总结,“只具有形式而没有功用”对应的单词是vestigial(遗迹的)。ostentatious: a. 假装的,虚伪的 prodigious: a. so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe相当大的invasive: a 侵略性的 kinetic: a 有活力的 5. 特殊人物(idealist)或者说取反:idealistic(理想主义的)<> pragmatic(注重实效的)。condone:原谅,indulgent:放纵的 6. in contrast to引起取反,strident(说话严厉的)<> gentle(待人温柔和善的),容易错选的是stoic:坚忍的(表示禁欲,相当于ascetic,temperate等)


SAT数学历年真题整理 SAT数学历年真题整理!在SAT数学考试中,有些题目虽然简单,但是确是考生们容易丢分的题目。因此小编在这里为大家整理了这些易错题目,希望对大家接下来的SAT数学备考有更好的帮助。 原题如下: If j, k, and n are consecutive integers such that 0 < j < k < n and the units (ones) digit of the product jn is 9, what is the units digit of k? (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) 4 针对此题,SAT考试专家给予了详细讲解:相当多的学生可能首先是没有读懂这道题,units digit指的是我们说的“位”,ones的意思是“个位”。这道题还原成中文意思是:如果j,k和n是三个连续整数且满足0 < j < k < n这一条件,同时j与n相乘所得的积个位数是9,请问k这个数字的个位数是多少?答案是从0~4这五个连续数字中进行选择。 译成中文后,这是一个需要灵活思维的题目。两个正整数相乘所得的积个位数是9,那么这两个数字(j和n)的个位数只有两种组合可能,分别是3和3,1和9。由于j,k,n,三个数字是连续整数,j和n当中有一个k,那么只有可能k是以0为个位数的数字。比如j=9,k=10,n=11,就满足了题目中所提到的条件。显然答案是A。

在SAT考试中对于美国学生比较难的数学问题对于中国学生来说通常是比较容易的,毫无疑问是中国学生的优势所在。 在日常教学中发现中国学生在SAT数学题上通常遇到两大障碍:第一,是由于对英语数学词汇和表达不熟悉,造成题目理解的困难或错误;第二,SAT数学题多需要巧妙的思维,而非复杂的运算。实际上,在与中国SAT学生交流的过程中,经常会说的一句话是“SAT 数学题是脑筋急转弯”,意思就是题目经常需要学生有巧妙的思维,而不见得是复杂的计算能力。 相对而言SAT数学题的知识难度对于中国学生并不高,关键在于熟悉数学的英语词汇和表达,多用灵活的思路,经过系统的学习和练习,就完全可以拿到很高的分数。 以上就是为大家整理的“SAT数学历年真题整理”,希望通过上述内容的整理,能够帮助大家更好地来备考SAT考试,在接下里的考试中能够取得高分成绩!


2012年1月SAT语法真题 (2012-05-30 18:19:21) 转载▼ 标签: 教育 1. After she won a gold medal in figure skating at the 1956 Olympic Games, Tenley Albright attended medical school and becoming a surgeon. (A). school and becoming (B). school and became (C). school, also became (D). school, she became (E). school; also becoming 2. In his Star Wars films, director George Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, plus being a master of special effects. (A). Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, plus being (B). Lucas, a contemporary mythmaker, moreover (C). Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker as well as (D). Lucas, who is a contemporary mythmaker and also (E). Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, he is also 3. Because of geothermal changes beneath Old Faithful, the frequency and duration of the geyser’s eruptions are now more predictable. (A). eruptions are now more predictable (B). eruptions, they are now more predictable (C). eruptions are predicted more easier now (D). eruptions being easier to predict than before (E). eruptions, they can now be predicted more easily 4. Founded in 1919, the aim of the Bauhaus School was to create a revolutionary modern style that would unite art and mass production. (A). aim of the Bauhaus School was (B). aim of the Bauhaus School having been (C). Bauhaus School, whose aim was (D). Bauhaus School aiming (E). Bauhaus School aimed 5. Coleman Hawkins is often called the “father of the tenor saxophone” on account of he was the first to realize the instrument’s expressive powers. (A). saxophone” on account of he was (B). saxophone” because he was (C). saxophone” due to him being (D). saxophone,” which he was (E). saxophone,” he was


2018年5月北美SAT考试真题回顾今天三立在线教育SAT网为大家带来的是2018年5月北美SAT考试真题回顾的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! 考情汇总 1、难点还是集中在阅读上,小说和双篇文章登顶此次最难的两篇。 2、此次考试的语法部分没有特别难的问题,考生均反映难度适中。 3、写作部分选取的文章非常有利于考生展开分析! 4、此次考试数学非常容易,就连北美的同学(美国人)都反映此次数学几乎无压力! 5、加试部分为数学,难度依旧非常低。 阅读部分 第一篇:小说 小说选自美国经典现实主义小说Sister Carrie,作者为Theodore Dreiser,最早出版于1900年。小说描述了一个贫困的乡村姑娘来到大城市生活,内心向往富足的生活。为了摆脱穷困,先后跟推销员和酒店经理同居,最后历经磨难,终成一个著名演员。 小说截取的部分在论述Carrie 在看一出关于纽约奢华生活的舞台剧。台上演员华衣美服,居所装修华丽,生活应有尽有。Carrie 不免生出羡慕向往之心。 舞台剧还体现了这些生活在理想状态人还收到感情爱情嫉妒的折磨,这更让Carrie 羡慕,谁不愿意坐在金椅子里发愁,谁会不愿意在洒了香水的挂毯、有坐垫的家具和穿着制服的仆人那样的条件下受些折磨呢?

回到她小小的flat(套间),Carrie 暗暗下决心,假如我不能过上那样的生活,我就等于没有活过,或者说自己活过。 第二篇、自然科学科研型文章 研究的主要目的在于探究人类大脑如何区分现实和虚拟(广告/小说人物/童话)信息。 研究者呈现给受试者不同的场景:一,广播听到或报纸阅读到关于布什(总统)和灰姑娘,二,跟总统或跟灰姑娘共进晚餐。然后利用MRL 研究他们大脑不同区域的活跃度。 现实和虚拟信息都会激起大脑某些区域比如管记忆的海马沟。不同的是,现实信息还会激起独特的一个脑区域,这个脑区域跟短时记忆和注意力有关。一直相对,虚拟的信息会激起一个跟语言相关的脑区域。 研究者后来又在另一拨受试者重复了实验,这次根据跟受试者现实相关的程度设置信息。结果还是成立,研究者进一步拓展,现实和虚拟其实跟不在于人物本身的现实程度,更跟信息与受试者现实生活的相关度有关。 第三篇自然科学文章 讲述野猫到家猫的变化,研究其中的基因变化过程。 通过对比22种家猫和4种夜猫的基因组,科学家发现13种基因组发生变化,就是这些变化导致夜猫可以被驯化。 在文章后来提到了,家猫身上的一些细胞有迁移变化的现象。也就是经过了所谓的基因突变,这个改变会对猫的性情产生比较大的影响,让猫变得容易驯化。 最后,在文章的结尾处提问为什么相比猫,狗更容易被驯化。是因为人在驯化狗之前做了狗的筛选,筛选出类易于被驯化的狗,而猫则不是。 第四篇:历史类双篇文章


新SAT数学考点的大汇总 SAT数学是SAT考试的一部分,那在备考的时候,有哪些考点需要我们注意呢?下面三立小编为你带来新SAT数学考点的大汇总,希望对你有所帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线教育,专业老师为你在线解答相关疑问。 1识别反映现实生活场景的不等式中的数学记号是否正确。 2读懂和理解问卷调查中统计出来的数据,并运用样本规模和误差率之间的关系来解决问题。 3读懂数据,并能从中获取信息。 4在给定语境中解释斜线斜率代表的意思。 5根据斜线做出预测,并流畅地阅读图表和处理十进制数字。 6建立一个反映现实情境的线性表达式。 7理解展示变量关系的图形的概念。 8读懂双项表格中的信息,并能够判断表格中任意两个类别变量之间的特定关系。 9将已知的复合不等式变换形式,并找到一个满足所有条件的值。 10理解背景信息中蕴藏的概念,从表格中提取相关信息,并运用这些信息形成或比较相关的量。 11根据一个随机抽样做出推断,对一个人口参数进行预估。 12理解一个反应现实情境的表达式或方程式,并能根据情景对全部或部分表达式进行解释。 13评估两类人群的平均值,从而判定两类人群综合的平均值的约束条件。

14运用一项科学研究的内容来评估,其研究结果是否适用被试人群,或者研究内容和结果之间是否存在因果关系。存在因果关系的条件为,从被试人群中任意抽样,因果关系都应用于抽样人群。 15判断反映现实情境的指数关系式的数学记号是否正确。 16运用空间推理和几何逻辑,根据给定信息来推导选项中的哪个关系是可能的。学生必须用数学记号来表达直线分割出的部分之间的关系。 17建一个反映现实情境的方程。 18建一个反映现实情境的线性方程组。 19建一个反映现实情境的线性方程。 20解读描绘每年海牛平均增长数量的散点图中直线斜率的意义,同时要考虑数轴的刻度。 21整合图表和文字信息,并能判断哪些信息与答案相关。 22运用单位速率(数据传输速率),并能够进行千兆和兆的,以及时间单位的转换。 23通过变换一个方程式,带入另一个方程式中,从而解出一个未知数。 24理解体积、密度等概念之间的联系,以及重要的几何定理如勾股定理和体积公式。 25运用线性方程式来对两个币种的汇率进行转换。 26在给定情境下,利用汇率转换的信息和所提供的限定条件来判定一个有用的数值。


1. Common garlic has _______ properties; during the First World War British medics saved thousands of lives by wrapping wounds with garlic-soaked bandages. A. curative B. flavoring C. inferior D. questionable E. infamous 2. In her poems, Alice Walker retrieves and _______ parts of Black culture that some have been all too quick to _______ the past as fossilized artifacts. A. revitalizes…consign to B. conjoins…exclude from C. realigns…salvage from D. diffuses…defer to E. refracts…impose on 3. The modest acceptance speech of the Academy Award winning actress revealed a _______ that contrasted with her uninhibited screen performances. A. theatricality B. sullenness C. flamboyance D. reserve E. nonchalance 4. Because howler monkeys rarely come out of the trees in their arboreal habitat, the continued well-being of the rain forest is _______ to their survival. A. inadequate B. tangential C. indispensable D. baneful


1. How long will Lucy have to wait before for her $2,500 invested at 6% earns $600 in simple interest? A. 2 years B. 3 years C. 4 years D. 5 years E. 6 years 2. Grace has 16 jellybeans in her pocket. She has 8 red ones, 4 green ones, and 4 blue ones. What is the minimum number of jellybeans she must take out of her pocket to ensure that she has one of each color? A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D. 13 E. 16 3. If r = 5 z then 15 z = 3 y, then r = A. y B. 2 y C. 5 y D. 10 y E. 15 y 4. What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of a number? A. 5 B. 12 C. 28 D. 33 E. 62 5. A computer is on sale for $1600, which is a 20% discount off the regular price. What is the regular price? A. $1800 B. $1900 C. $2000 D. $2100 E. $2200 6. A car dealer sells a SUV for $39,000, which represents a 25% profit over the cost. What was the cost of the SUV to the dealer? A. $29,250
