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➢ Start experiment
➢ Keep detail records
➢ Analyze & graph data as you proceed
➢ Start writing ➢ Introduction ➢M&M ➢ Ideas for results ➢ Discusቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱion
Final report or MS
➢ Even (homogenous) ➢ Patchy (clusters) ➢ Gradient (progressive increasing or
Sample size is important in estimate of population parameters
Large sample sizes allowing greater statistical confidence, but with a large amount of work
radian steradian
m kg
mol s A k cd
rad sr
3. Basic field work procedures
Aim of field work:
Surveying natural habitats Exploring communities of organisms Measuring environmental variables Collecting experimental samples or
4. Sample & sampling
In conducting biodiversity conservation or research
It is impossible to conserve all individuals in a population
Or unlikely to measure every individual in a population
equipment & tools & personal things Contact needed personal for necessary
information & help Keep up with the field leader & team Anticipate possible hazard & solution Act responsibly at all time
Quantitative variables - can be described by means of numbers
Ranked variables - can be listed in order of magnitude
Qualitative variables - can be described as category
Scientific Methodology & Scientific Paper Writing
The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Fudan University
Bao-Rong Lu
A hypothesis driven approach of scientific research:
experiments Making notes during practice &
1. The principles of measurement
Variable: any characteristic or property that can be measured or described
Many unexpected things may happen during the trip
Well-planned field trips will be successful & safe
A list for field expedition
Clarify the objectives of the field trip Carry out the related background reading Prepare for the weather & terrain Make a road (route) map for the trip Make a check-list for the needed
But, it is possible to use a “sub-set” (sample) to estimate relevant parameters of a population
Samples & sampling
To select the “sub-set” of a population is called sampling
Implementing scientific research
Usually, research plan will be implemented at different venues & situations
Research can be conducted in a laboratory or field or community
A few aspects in conducting scientific research
The principles of measurement SI units & their uses Basic field work procedures Sample & sampling Scientific method & design of
SI unit
Base units
Amount of
sequence mole
Electric C
Luminous int. candela
Suppl. Units Plane angle Solid angle
Number: expresses the ratio of the measured property
Unit: identifies the standard measure or dimension
The System International Unit
Number of
Interval scale: for quantitative variables
Ratio scale: similar to interval scale, but 0 point represents an absence
2. SI units & their uses
A measurement includes both a number & a unit
Optimum sample sizes is a balance between statistical & practical consideration
General considerations for sampling a population
Geographical location Type of habitat Date & time of sampling Age, sex, physiological &
Research contents & activities need to be divided & agreed by each party
Usually, it is necessary to hold a workshop or meeting to determine the “role of game”
Sampling strategies
Good sampling strategies should related to the objective(s)
Samples truly represents a population Good samples should be:
➢ Taken at random: every member in a population has equal chance being selected
➢ Sample size: large enough for statistical confidence
➢ Sampling procedure: unbiased
Aspects to consider in sampling
Position of samples Size & shape of the sampling area Number of samples in each population Distribution (structure) of samples in
sex of children in a family
(m, f)
Measurement of scale
Nominal scale: only scale suitable for qualitative data
Ordinal scale: classify by rank with a logical order in many number scale
There will be very different practices in various locations
Flowchart of carrying out a research
Selecting research subject
Read around subject
Create hypotheses & design experiments
health of sampled individuals Other details relevant to the
research work
Sampling strategies
A sample collecting procedure that allows to obtain reliable & useful information or germplasm from a particular population (s) with efficient use of resources
Ranked Qualitative
Continu. Discont.
Height of children in a family
(1.3m, 0.653)
Number of children in a family
(3, 0, 2)
Order birth of children in a family
Scientific question
(design & conduct Experiment)
-Conclusion -Finding -Theory
Where there is a will, there is a way
A English saying
specimens Developing skills in data handling,
analysis, interpretation
Planning a field trip
Field studies are often timerestricted
Assess to equipment & facilities may be limited
Implementing scientific research
After research plan is ready & confirmed by participating parties
The implementation of research plan becomes essential