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一. 用must, might, could , can’t, can, may ,mustn’t , couldn’t填空

1.The toy ______ be Bob’s. He is the only kid here.

2.The beautiful trousers _____ be Tom’s. They are too long .

3.The football ______ be Weihua’s or Tianhui’s. They both play football.

4.The earrings ______ be Jane’s. She sometimes wears earrings.

5. The textbook ______ belong to Tom. It has his name on it.

6.---Someone is knocking at the door. Who _____ it be?

--- It _____ be Jane. She’s gone to Shanghai.

7.You ______ be very tired after working for three hours without a stop.

8.She _____ be at home now. The light in her room is not on.

9.Don’t play with the knife.It’s very sharp and you ______ hurt yourself.

10. I bought some sandwiches because I thought he ______ be hungry.

11.---Tom,where is your father? ---- I’m not sure. He ______ be in his office.

12.“_______ I clean all the rooms?” “No, you needn’t.”

13.You _____ play on the road. It’s too dangerous.

14.Tom ___ come to the party tonight, but I’m n ot sure.

15..You _____ be careful when you cross a busy road.

16.Don’t throw the bottles away. They ______ be needed in the future.

17.It’s too late. ______ they be doing the experiment?

18.The boys ______ help laughing when they heard the funny story.

19.The large shoes ______ be Jim’s. He has small feet.

20.I don’t know. It _____ be a stick.

21.The phone is ringing, but there is no answer. She _____ be at home.

22.Listen to the laughter. They ______ be enjoying themselves.

23.---Hello, May I speak to Tom?

---I’m sorry you _____ have the wrong number,there’s no one here by that name.

24.The text is too difficult. All of us _____ understand it.

25. He _____be French, he speaks French so much.

二. 选择填空题

1. --- Where is Mary? --- She ____ in the library.

A. should be

B. must be

C. can be

D. must have been

2. His room is dark. He must ____ to bed.

A. go

B. be going

C. have gone

D. have been gone

3. “Will your father stay home tonight?” “I’m not sure, He ____to work.”

A. must go

B. can go

C. may be gone

D. may be going

4.“Where is Tom?” “He isn’t here I think he ____ have gone home.”

A. may

B. must

C. might

D. A or B or C

5. “I think Helen is at home.” “ No, she ____ be at home, for she phoned me from the airport just five minutes ago.”

A. mustn’t

B. needn’t

C. can’t

D. daren’t

6. He’s late. What ____ have happened to him?

A. can

B. may

C. should D, must
