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3.-When he is invited to a party,he is always making trouble or upsetting others.
-Just as people who know him say,______.
A.he is really the top dogB.he is always pulling our leg
8.— Have you made up your mind to lose weight?
— Of course. _______
A.I’m quite prepared.B.That’s a good point.
C.What do you mean?D.Are you joking?
考查情景交际。句意:——我认为还有别的方法解决住房问题?——你说得对,漂浮城市可能是一个选择。I beg for differ我不敢苟同;I think otherwise我有另一番想法;you have me there你难住我了;you have a point there你说的有道理。根据句意,回答者同意说话人的观点,故D项符合语境。
C.the cold shoulderD.a tough nut
考查习语。句意:——我走上前去和他说话,但是他转身就走了。——为什么他对你态度冷漠?你们是好朋友,不是吗?A. a wet blanket扫兴的人或物;B. a cup of tea喜爱的人或物;C. the cold shoulder冷漠;D. a tough nut难对付的人。根据“I went up to speak to him, but he turned away and left”可知此处表示“冷漠”,故C项正确。
考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:---玛丽,你觉得我特别为你做的汤怎么样? ---没有冒犯您的意思,但它的味道太油腻了。A. My fault我的错;B. Forget it没关系;C. Excuse me打扰了;D. No offence没有冒犯您的意思。No offence“没有冒犯你的意思”符合语境。故选D项。
考查交际用语。句意:—你决定要减肥了吗?—当然,我已经准备好了。A. I’m quite prepared.我已经准备好了;B. That’s a good point.那是一个很好的观点;C. What do you mean?你的意思是什么?D. Are you joking?你在开玩笑吧?第二句中“of course”意为“当然”,说明前者已经做好了准备。故A项正确。
考查情景交际用语。句意:——这次旅行不会超过一个小时。——你一定是在开玩笑。至少要两个小时。A. I couldn't agree more我完全同意;B. That's right没错,就是那样;C. You must be joking你一定是在开玩笑;D. It all depends要看情况而定。结合句意,故选C。
10.---- I am leaving for America to attend a trade fair tomorrow.
---- ________. See you in a couple of weeks.
A.CongratulationsB.All the bestC.All the betterD.All in all
7.—I'm afraid we need to hurry. Our teacher will come to meet us in a minute.
—________. He called and said he would be late.
A.There you go againB.Don't risk your neck
4.—I was going to skate on Sunday, but I can’t go now.
A.What a pityB.No matter
C.I don’t mindD.Let’s make it at 7:30
考查情景交际。句意:——我本来打算星期天去滑冰,但是我现在不能去了。——多可惜啊!A. What a pity多可惜啊;B. No matter不介意,不要紧;C. I don’t mind我不介意;D. Let’s make it at 7:30让我们约定七点半吧。对某人不能做某事应表示“遗憾”,故A项正确。
12.The trip shouldn't take more than one hour.
- ______. It is at least two hours.
A.I couldn't agree moreB.That's right
C.You must be jokingD.It all depends
C.he is always a wet blanketD.he really has green fingers
——就像认识他的人说的那样,他总是一个令人扫兴的人。a wet blanket令人扫兴的人或物;the top dog领袖人物;pull our leg同我们开玩笑;green fingers园艺技能,根据句意,
C.Take your timeD.Save your breath
考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:——恐怕我们得快点了。我们的老师一会儿就来接我们。——慢慢来。他打电话说他要迟到了。A. There you go again你又来了;B. Don't risk your neck别冒险;C. Take your time别着急;D. Save your breath省口气吧。根据后文He called and said he would be late.可知,是不着急,故选C。
14.We all think he is, who is not enthusiastic about anything we do.
A.a black sheep B.a dark horse C.a green hand D.a wet blanket
考查习惯用法。A. a black sheep害群之马;B. a dark horse黑马;C. a green hand新手;D. a wet blanket扫兴的人或物。句意:我们都认为他是个令人扫兴的人,对我们做的任何事都不感兴趣。结合句意可知答案为D。
考查情景交际。句意:——Tom,今天下午我们要和一班进行足球比赛。——祝你好运。期待你的好消息。A. Congratulation祝贺;B. Cheers干杯;C. Good luck祝你好运;D. Have fun玩得开心。结合句意可知,此处是指听话人希望说话人能够赢得比赛,故用“祝你好运”符合语境,故选C项。
5.--I went up to speak to him, but he turned away and left.
--Why did he give you ________ ?You are good friends, aren't you?
A.a wet blanketB.a cup of tea
C.it is the thought that countsD.the outsider sees the most of the game
考查谚语。——哇!你穿那件毛衣看起来很滑稽。——我奶奶送给我的圣诞礼物。你知道,礼轻情意重,更重要的是心意。A. each bird loves to hear himself sing孤芳自赏B. beauty is in the eye of the beholder情人眼里出西施C. it is the thought that counts礼轻情意重,更重要的是心意D. the outsider sees the most of the game旁观者清。故选C。
考查情景交际用语。句意:——我再也不能忍受大卫了。他总是对我吹毛求疵。——哦,得了吧。他其实没那么坏。A. It’s my guess这是我的猜测;B. Up to you由你做主;C. Oh, come on哦,得了吧;D. You are right你是对的。结合句意,故选C。
9.---- I can’t stand David any longer. He’s always finding fault with me.
---- ______. He isn’t so bad actually.
A.It’s my guessB.Up to you
C.Oh, come onD.You are right
13.--- Mary, what do you think of the soup I cooked especially for you?
---______, but it tastes too oily.
A.My faultB.Forget itC.Excuse meD.No offence
---- Really? ________. Have you ever been there?
A.It’s a dealB.It’s my guessC.That’s all rightD.That’s terrible
考查情景交际用语。句意:——亲爱的,我保证这个暑假带你去香港。——真的吗?就这么说定了。你去过那儿吗? A. It’s a deal就这么说定了;B. It’s my guess我猜测;C. That’s all right好吧,没关系;D. That’s terrible太糟了。结合句意故选A。
6.---I think there may be another way to handle the housing problem.
---.The floating cities are perhaps an alternative solut百度文库on.
A.I beg to differB.I think otherwiseC.You have me thereD.You have a point there
考查情景交际用语。句意:——我明天要去美国参加一个交易会。——祝你一切顺利。几周后见。A. Congratulations恭喜;B. All the best一切顺利;C. All the better反而更好;D. All in all总而言之。结合句意故选B。
11.---- Honey, I promise to take you to Hong Kong this summer vacation.
1.— Tom, we will play a football match against Class1 this afternoon.
— ______. I'm looking forward to your good news.
A.CongratulationB.CheersC.Good luckD.Have fun
2.—Wow! You look funny in that sweater.
—My grandmother gave it to me for Christmas. You know,____________.
A.each bird loves to hear himself singB.beauty is in the eye of the beholder