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“This is the first line business in 97 years of our hist ory to be run outside the U.S,”

——In the 97 years of the company’s history, never had a particular kind of product or merchandise been managed outside the U.S.

2.But the assault on its services business led by a trio

of Indian outsourcing upstarts threatened

to do serious damage to what Mr. Palmisano expected to b e one of his main sources of growth.

——posed a big threat to the field that might be the main sources of growth for the company as expected by Mr. Palmisano.

4.A 2007 study of China‘s top 200 publicly traded companies found that the best businesses in China are not yet on a par with the world’s foremost ones.

——that it is still difficult even for the leading companies in China to compete with those global giants.

5. American multinationals now have a “ferocious interest in attracting non-Americans to the board”, but as yet even Europeans are a rarity, let alone directors from emerging markets.

——but they can find only a few qualified executives from the European

countries, not to mention those from emerging markets.

6.Little more than a decade earlier, both Mr. Jobs’ career and Apple, the company he had co-founded, were widely considered washed up, their relevance to the future of technology written off both in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street.

——More than ten years ago, it was highly speculated that both Mr. Job‘s career and Apple, the company he had co-founded would fail in the competition

7. Mr Gates himself championed a tablet computer nearly a decade ago, though the stylus needed to write on its screen and the PC-like interface generated little demand.

——however it was not well-received by the market due to its need of

a stylus to write on its screen and the PC-like interface.

8. A spirituality guided by his training in Zen Buddhism has played a central part in his life, even prompting him to eschew formal medical treatment for a period during his battle with pancreatic cancer. ——and with such spiritual belief he even avoided using medical treatment for a period while struggling against pancreatic cancer. 9. Compromise seems too strong a word, but the greater sense of expediency reflects Apple’s new place in the world.

——but now as a world leader in this business, Apple has become more pragmatic.

10. After antitrust authorities took an interest this year, Mr. Jobs backed off a requirement that forced developers to use Apple’s software tools to create apps, barring rival Adobe’s technology – though the reversal also seemed calculated to appease developers who might otherwise turn more attention to creating apps for phones running Google’s software.

——nevertheless this change of strategy seemed to be designed intentionally to please software developers

11. To limit litigation risk it is therefore critical for the client to perceive counsel as being not merely a tool to get things done, but as an objective and dispassionate advocate for reason and prudence. ——an impersonal and impartial supporter for sound sense and good discretion.

12. To the extent that the counsel can prevail upon the client to take the long view of its business associations, there is a greater prospect that risks will be more easily identified and provided for.

——the counsel can persuade the client;risks can be easily ascertained and prepared for.

13. For the most part, however, I would say that most contingency-fee-based lawyers are more discriminating than is popularly believed and are more likely to take on a client only when the prospects of victory are significant.
