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姓名___________ 班级____________

Say the sound: Aa

Say the words:

Say the rhyme:

A m a n with a p a n,

C a n cook eggs and h a m.

That ’s what a m a n c a n do!

That ’s what a m a n c a n do!

爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧! (在字母下面打√)

A 优秀

B 优良

C 需加强 家长签字:_________ 日期

:_________ m a n h

a m m a p

c a t s a

d b a g


姓名___________ 班级____________

Say the sound: Bb

Say the words:

Say the rhyme:

One thing I like,

Is my b ig b lue b ike.

I like to play,

With a b oy who likes b utter.

爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧! (在字母下面打√)

A 优秀

B 优良

C 需加强 家长签字:_________ 日期:_________ b ed b




b oy b utter

b ike


姓名___________ 班级____________

Say the sound: Cc

Say the words:

Say the rhyme:

One little c at, with one little k ey. C an drive a c ar.

One little k ing, with one little k ite. C an fly to a star.

爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧! (在字母下面打√)

A 优秀

B 优良

C 需加强 家长签字:_________ 日期:_________ c ar c lock c



up c andle c ake


姓名___________ 班级____________

Say the sound: Dd

Say the words:

Say the rhyme:

The d og and the d uck get into the car.

D ad drives them home. How happy they are!

爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧! (在字母下面打√)

A 优秀

B 优良

C 需加强 家长签字:_________ 日期:_________ d esk d eer d

uck d

og d ad

d oor

姓名___________ 班级____________

Say the sound: Ee

Say the words:

Say the rhyme:

This is K e n.

He is t e n.

Ken has a pr e sent,

and a good fri e nd.

爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧! (在字母下面打√)

A 优秀

B 优良

C 需加强 家长签字:_________ 日期:_________ b e d K e n r e d t e n s e nd m e n

红色 10

姓名___________ 班级____________

Say the sound: Ff

Say the words:

Say the rhyme:

I have a sister.

She is f ive.

And she is f at,

Ha,ha! What a f at girl!.

爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧! (在字母下面打√)

A 优秀

B 优良

C 需加强 家长签字:_________ 日期


f an f ingers

f ive f at f la

g 5 f rog

姓名___________ 班级____________

Say the sound: Gg

Say the words:

Say the rhyme:

G ood g irls please say hi.

G ood boys say g oodbye.

爸爸、妈妈、本页的内容我都已经会读了,请您给我一个评价吧! (在字母下面打√)

A 优秀

B 优良

C 需加强 家长签字:_________ 日期:_________

g ood g rape


lue g un g oat g lass
