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1. Three international developments have made intercultural contact more pervasive ( 无处不在),

they are ______ . ( D )

A. new tech no logy and in formati on system

B. cha nges in the world 'populati on

C. a shift in the world 'economic arena

D. A, B and C

2. _ C __ has evolved that lets societies share cultural experie nces with one ano ther as films are

produced and show n around the world.

A. Show bus in ess

B. I.T.

C. intern ati onal film in dustry

D. Mass media

3. A in the Un ited States, because they have bee n profo un dly affected by populati on and immigrati on in creases, are a primary sett ing for domestic in tercultural con tact.

A. Schools

B. Commu nity

C. Workplace

D. club

4. It is difficult to find a single definition of human communication because__D __ .

A. the complex n ature of com mun icati on

B. the issue of inten tio nality

C. the issue of uninten ti on ality

D. A, B and C

5. To Reusch and Bates on, com mun icati on ofte n takes place A .

A. without aware ness

B. con sciously

C. i nten tio nally

D. deliberately

6. Which of the statements of communication is not true? D

A. Communication is dynamic

B. Communication is symbolic

C. Communication is Interpretive

D. Communication is static

7. Communi cati on has a con seque nee means that D __ .

A. Communication is irreversible

B. Our response to message does not have to be immediate

C. The n ature of our resp on ses to messages is rooted in our culture

D. A, B and C

8. Which of the item is not the basic comp onent of culture? C

A. Values

B. Emotio ns

C. Perso nality

D. Attitudes

9. We lear n our culture not through __D ____ .

A. proverbs

B. art

C. mass media

D. self-taught

10. Although many aspects of culture are subject to change, the _B ________ of a culture resists

major alterati ons.

A. history

B. the deep structure

C. backgro und

D. traditi on

11. _ C ___ i s at the core of in tercultural com muni cati on.

A. sen der

B. receiver

C. culture

D. la nguage

12. Although cultures cha nge through several mecha ni sms, which of the follow ing item is not the three most com mon on es.C

A. Diffusi on

B. Acculturati on

C. Inven ti on

D. Inno vati on

13. One of the most difficult tasks for foreigners in learning a new Ianguage is learning the

____ A____ a nd _______ in which they are used.

A. differe nt styles, the con texts

B. grammar, acce nt

C. differe nt styles, the speech acts

D. vocabulary, the pronun ciati on

14. Lan guage is accompa nied by a con ti nu ous flow of non verbal com muni cati on, which in volves

not only ___ b ut also ____ and _____ .B

A. the tone, gaze, posture

B. the voice, the face, the body

C. the pitch, gaze, gesture

D. the pace, the dista nee, touch

15. _ B__ is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that

en ables us to make sense of our physical and social world.

A. In terpretati on

B. Perceptio n

C. An alysis

D. Un dersta nding
