人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语第二次阶段考试试卷 (II )卷

人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语第二次阶段考试试卷 (II )卷
人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语第二次阶段考试试卷 (II )卷

人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语第二次阶段考试试卷(II )卷

一、听对话,选出合适的图片。 (共5题;共5分)

1. (1分)选出与所听内容意思相符的图片()

A .

B .

C .

2. (1分)听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项()

A .

B .

C .

3. (1分)What does Steve buy?

A .

B .

C .

4. (1分)What does the boy's mother look like?

A .

B .

C .

5. (1分)Where did Mike go?

A .

B .

C .

二、听对话,根据问题选出最佳答案。 (共1题;共5分)

6. (5分)听下面一段对话,回答小题。

(1)What type of music does the boy like most?

A . Jazz

B . Rock

C . Folk

(2)The girl often listens to the music before ________.

A . going to school

B . having dinner

C . going to bed

(3)Where are they going next weekend?

A . To England.

B . To a rock concert.

C . To the Rolling Stones' home.

三、听短文,选择正确的答案。 (共1题;共5分)

7. (5分)听短文,完成信息记录表.

Manners in Different Countries

1: Don't lift your2to your mouth when drinking soup. Use a knife and fork while eating. Japan: Don't worry about making a3when drinking soup.

Mexico: Keep your hands on the4during the meal.

Arab countries: It is considered to be5that you eat with your left hand.


A . China

B . Canada

C . Britain


A . bowl

B . cup

C . spoon


A . move

B . change

C . noise


A . laps

B . table

C . chair


A . strange

B . impolite

C . silly

四、完形填空 (共1题;共1分)

8. (1分)完形填空

Today, we are living a rapid life. We always try to get things done 1. On weekdays, we are busy 2 or working. One of the 3 is that we don't have enough exercise. We all know August 8th is National Fitness Day. If we exercise for one hour a day, we will work healthily for 50 years and live a happy life forever. Scientists have found that people who often exercise are 4 than those who don't, whether they do it indoors or outdoors. According to a survey, students can learn better and feel less stressed when they have more 5to play sports at school. Many young women enjoy doing yoga(瑜伽) or dancing to relax and stay 6. In some housewives' opinion, doing housework is a good way to burn calories(卡路里). It can keep them 7 while getting their house in order to be strong and full of 8 , some men like running, riding bicycles or playing ball games.

You will be healthy both in the 9 and mind by doing exercise. This weekend, don't make any plans, just get up early and start 10.


A . quickly

B . slowly

C . loudly

D . quietly


A . playing

B . sleeping

C . studying

D . relaxing


A . differences

B . problems

C . trouble

D . questions


A . more dangerous

B . more natural

C . healthier


A . time

B . money

C . food

D . room


A . heavy

B . thin

C . tall

D . beautiful (7)

A . jumping

B . moving

C . eating

D . running (8)

A . energy

B . safety

C . suggestions

D . fat


A . tooth

B . head

C . body

D . feet


A . exercising

B . offering

D . working

五、阅读理解 (共4题;共15分)

9. (3分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

What does it take to graduate from university? Some papers or high scores in exams? Well, these are not enough if you are a student at Tsinghua University.

According to a new rule of the university, students must prove (证明) themselves in the swimming pool. They need to pass a swimming test of at least 50 meters, and those who fail the test will be required to take a swimming course throughout their school years. By the time they graduate, they will have known how to swim; otherwise they can't graduate with their bachelor's degrees (学士学位).

The news made waves in Chinese social media (媒体). Some people praised the university for requiring a necessary skill that can save lives, and they also believed that the rule would help improve students' health. However, others questioned if it was fair to expect those who come from inland cities (内陆城市) to be able to swim.

In fact, this is not a new rule. Tsinghua University first made swimming a requirement in 1919 but later gave it up because the number of students became too large and there were not enough swimming pools in the school for them to learn swimming.

Anyway, it is still good news that Chinese students' health has become more and more valued. Why not just take this chance to learn one more life-saving ability?

(1)According to the passage, what does it take for a student to graduate from Tsinghua university?

A . Some papers.

B . High scores in exams.

C . Passing a swimming test.

D . All of the above.

(2)The underlined phrase "made waves" in Paragraph 3 most probably means ________.

A . caused a heated discussion

B . spread widely

C . made a requirement

D . proved the rule

(3)Why did Tsinghua University once give up the rule?

①Because many students failed the swimming test.

②Because some people disagreed with the rule.

③Because there were too many students.

④Because there were not enough swimming pools.

A . ①②

B . ②③

C . ③④

D . ①④

(4)What is the passage mainly about?

A . Different people hold different opinions about a new rule.

B . Tsinghua University has made a new rule of graduation.

C . Chinese students' health should be more and more valued.

D . There is a new chance to learn another life-saving ability.

10. (4分)请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。

A group of students were on a trip in the mountains. They took a long bus ride there. They camped there for a few months. When it was sunny, they played games together. They could do nothing(没有什么) if the weather was bad.

One day, an old man came up to them." It will rain tomorrow", he said. The next day it rained. The students were sad and they had to stay in the tent. A week later, the old man came up to them again.

"There will be a storm (暴风雨) tomorrow." he said. The next day there was a storm. All the students were surprised. They thought the old man was so smart. It was helpful for them to know the weather so that they could know what to do. Then the group leader and some of his friends looked for the old man and wanted him to help predict the weather.

However, the old man didn't show up(露面) for two weeks. The students felt so sad that they had to change (改变) their activities every day. They didn't have a great time during the past few days. Finally they found the old man.

We look for(寻找) you for a long time. Please tell me what the weather will be like tomorrow." the group leader said.

"I don't know, "said the old man." My radio is broken(坏了)."

(1)How did the students go on a trip to the mountains?

A . By car

B . By bus

C . By train

(2)What was the weather like in the mountains?

A . It was sunny

B . It was stormy

C . It changed quickly

(3)How long di d the students look for the old man?

A . For a few months.

B . For a week.

C . For more than two weeks.

(4)What does the underlined word "predict" mean in Chinese?

A . 了解

B . 预测

C . 替换

(5)What can we infer(推断出) from the passage?

A . The students had a great time.

B . The old man could predict the weather.

C . The old man's radio didn't work.

11. (3分)阅读理解

Thomas Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world might still be in the dark. However, the electric light was not his only invention. He also invented the motion picture camera and more than 1, 000 other things. About every two weeks he created something new.

Thomas Edison was born in 1847. He attended school for only three months. His mother taught him at home, but Thomas was mostly educated. He started experimenting at a young age.

When he was 12 years old, he became a newsboy on a train. experiments on the train in his spare time. Unluckily, his first work experience did not end well. They fired him when he accidentally set fire to the floor of the train. Then Edison worked for more than five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued spending much of his time in experimenting.

Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard to hear others, but he thought of his deafness as a blessing in many ways. It kept conversations of every 24 hours. Sometimes his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.

Thomas Edison died at the age of 84. He left a great many inventions that greatly improved the quality of people's life all over the world.

(1)How often did Edison make a new invention?

A . About every fourteen days.

B . About every eight days.

C . About once a week.

D . About twice a week.

(2)The underlined word "fired" in the passage means "_______".

A . gave somebody a job

B . set fire to somebody

C . let somebody down

D . forced somebody to leave his job

(3)Edison considered his deafness as _______.

A . something bad

B . a gift from God

C . a kind of ability

D . a disadvantage

(4)Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?

A . Edison had only 8 hours to rest each day.

B . Edison got his education by self-teaching.

C . Edison had his first job in 1869.

D . Edison's inventions greatly improved the quality of people's.

12. (5分)阅读理解

It's the day before school starts. Mum takes her three little boys, Jim, Bob and Tom, shopping for clothes and school things. There are so many people in the shopping center. "Stay with me, "Mum says. But it doesn't take a long time for her kids to go here and there.

While Jim is trying on a new shirt, Bob goes away. He is thirsty and runs to buy three bottles of cola. While Bob is looking for a pair of shoes, Mum can't find Tom. He sees his classmate Jack, so he goes to talk with him. While Tom is choosing a schoolbag. Jim and Bob are out of sight(在视野之外). They drink too much cola and go to the bathroom(厕所).

It's seven when they get home. Mum is really tired. She gets a pen and writes one rule(规定)on the list of "Family Rules"一Shop with one boy each time.

(1)Mum tells her boys in the shopping center.

A . to walk around

B . to buy their favourites

C . to buy their favourites

D . not to talk with others

(2)The underlined word "thirsty" means " " in Chinese.

A . 饿的

B . 渴的

C . 疼的

D . 闷的

(3)While Jim is trying on a shirt, Bob goes to .

A . look for toys

B . talk with Jack

C . buy some drinks

D . try on some shoes

(4)What can you learn from the passage?

A . Mum enjoys shopping with her boys.

B . Mum doesn't buy anything for her boys.

C . There are a lot of strict rules in the family.

D . Mum feels tired to shop with three boys at a time(一次).

六、选词填空 (共1题;共5分)

13. (5分)The dog is sleeping________(under/below) the desk.

七、单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)

14. (1分)I received an invitation from my cousin but I didn't a________ it.

八、语法填空 (共1题;共1分)

15. (1分)She has________(vegetable) for lunch every day.

九、任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)

16. (1分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

A friend wrote me a letter a few weeks ago. He felt hopeless at the time. He ended his letter with this question "We can't really change this crazy world we live in, can we?" I replied to him and started my own letter with these words, "Yes, we most certainly can!"

I can still remember someone who changed my world. She was a music teacher at my primary school. She was good at playing the guitar. I wanted to impress her. However, I didn't know how to play any instrument.

One day, she let me try playing her guitar. I did my best, but could only stumble along(断断续续). When I had done, I put my head down. "I guess I am not very good, "I told her. She looked at me with her kind eyes, smiled at me and said, "We are all good at something. You just need to find out what you are good at. Then, you can share it with the world."

Those simple words changed me. They planted a seed(种子)in my soul that continues to grow to this day. They made me realize that I had something good inside me. I just had to find it and share it.

Can you change the world? Yes, you can! You can change it through one choice. one person, or one kind act at a time. All you have to do is to share your goodness. Mother Teresa once said, "God doesn't ask us to do great things, only small things with great love." So make your love great!

(1)What did the writer's friend write at the end of the letter?

(2)Whose words changed the writer's life?

(3)What is the writer's music teacher good at?

(4)Did the writer play the guitar well?

(5)What is the main idea of the story?

十、书面表达 (共2题;共2分)

17. (1分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

Hello! My name is Dave Brown. I'm 13 years old and I come ________ America. Now I'm a middle school student.

I have many good hobbits. I like doing sports and I often ________ basketball with my friends. Every Sunday, I would like to climb mountains ________ my families. I also have some good eating hobbits.

I like eating different kinds of ________, such as carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and so on. I like eating bananas and apples, ________. But my favorite fruit is strawberry. I don't like eating ice-cream ________ there is much sugar in it and that will be ________ for my teeth. I think breakfast is very important, so I always get up ________ to eat breakfast. And I like to have ________ glass of milk before going to bed. It can give ________ a good sleep.

18. (1分)予人玫瑰,手有余香。你是否参加过志愿者活动,帮助社会上需要帮助的人呢?或者曾经在某方面帮助过同学,尽管是一件小事却给你留下了深刻的记忆。请你在志愿者活动和帮助同学的经历中选择其一描述过程,并说说自己的感想。




一、听对话,选出合适的图片。 (共5题;共5分)






二、听对话,根据问题选出最佳答案。 (共1题;共5分) 6-1、



三、听短文,选择正确的答案。 (共1题;共5分)


四、完形填空 (共1题;共1分)


五、阅读理解 (共4题;共15分)


















六、选词填空 (共1题;共5分) 13-1、

七、单词拼写 (共1题;共1分) 14-1、

八、语法填空 (共1题;共1分) 15-1、

九、任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)






十、书面表达 (共2题;共2分)




****大学课程考核试卷 xxxx—xxxx学年第x学期xxxx 级xxxx 专业(类) 考核科目大学英语二课程类别必修考核类型考试考核方式闭卷卷别 A Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks, 1 mark) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause you must read the four choices marked A., B., C., and D., and decide which is the best answer. 1. A. To the restaurant. B. To the subway station. C. To the hotel. D. To the railway station. 2. A. To get enough money for the course. B. To set aside more time for the course. C. To take a full-time course in computing. D. To attend a part-time course in computing. 3. A. Because he’s very busy in the office. B. Because he’s dining with a client. C. Because he’s having a meeting. D. Because he’s on a business trip. 4. A. A police officer. B. A bank clerk. C. A waiter. D. A journalist. 5. A. She had a terrible headache. B. She couldn’t see the questions clearly. C. She couldn’t remember what she had reviewed. D. She quit the exam in the middle of the exam. 6. A. In a coffee bar. B. In an office.


人教版七年级下册英语期末试卷及答案 推荐答案 人教版七年级英语下册期末试题 一. 选择填空:从A、B、C、D中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。(15%) 1. A ______ works in a restaurant. A. reporter B. waiter C. teacher D. doctor 2. Is there ______ fruit shop near here?Yes, there’s one near here. A. a B. the C. an D. / 3. Rick usually ______ up at 5:30 on weekdays. A. get B. gets C. got D. getting. 4. My house is ______ the post office and the bank.. A. on B. in C. between D. over 5. --___________? -- Because they are very cute. A. What is it ? B .Where are they from? C. Why do you like pandas? D. How do you like pandas? 6. Do you want to ______English with me? A. ask B. speak C. talk D. say 7. --Is there a bank over there? -- ___________. A. Yes, there’s B. No, there aren’t C. Yes, there is D .No, it isn’t 8. –How is the weather in Harbin? --It’s _________. A. snow B. snowing C. snows D. to snow 9. Look! Burton is _________ photos of the Eiffel Tower. A. having B. making C. watching D. taking 10. --_________are the children doing now? --They’re playing football on the playground. A. What B. Where C. When D. How 11. –Where is Tokyo? --I know it’s in _______. A. France B. Brazil C. Korea D. Japan 12. –Is that Mr. Smith? --Yes, he ______ a beard. A. is B. has C. takes likes 13. –It’s cold outside. You’d better _______ your gloves. A. wear B. in C. with D. put on 14. Please _______, because this is a reading room.、 A. quiet B. to be quiet C. be quiet D. to quiet 15. Just go straight and ________ left. A. go B. come C. take D. turn 二. 完形填空:从A、B、C、D中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。(15%) I’m Li Fen. I have a pen pal. 16 name is Mary. She is from Canada. She lives in Toronto. She speaks English. She has 17 brother, but she has no sisters. Her favorite 18 is art. Two of my good friends 19 pen pals, too. Lu Yang’s pen pal is from _ 20__. His name is Tony. Tony lives in Paris. He speaks 21 . He has one brother and one 22 . His favorite subject is PE. And he can play soccer


人教版七年级英语期末试卷及答案 既要方法,也要学习者的恒心、毅力。现在就到七年级英语期末考试,别忘面带微笑。下面是为大家精心推荐的人教版七年级英语下期末试卷,希望能够对您有所帮助。 人教版七年级英语下期末试题第一部分听力测试(25分) 一、听力(共20小题,1-15小题每题1分,16-20小题每题2分,共25分) 第一节:听录音,从A、B、C三个选项中选择音标或者单词。 1. A. / kri / B. / k / C. / kra / 2. A. / i p / B. / t i p / C. / d i p / 3. A. / p / B. / b / C. / b / 4. A. thirty B. early C. clearly 5. A. character B. calculator C. cassette 第二节:听问句,选择正确的答语。 6. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, I was. 7. A. No, I don t know. B. It is expensive. C. By ferry. 8. A. Yes, it was. B. Yes, I was. C. Yes, she is. 9. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, they will. C. Yes, they are. 10. A. Have a good time! B. Why? C. Don t go there. 第三节:听短对话,根据对话内容,选择正确答案回答问题。

11. What did Jim do last Sunday? A. He went to the zoo. B. He stayed at school. C. He watched TV at home. 12. Which movie star does Sara like best? A. Jackie Chan. B. Zhou Xun. C. Liu Dehua. 13. What is Peter s uncle s job? A. A teacher. B. A worker. C. A doctor. 14. Where was Lingling last summer? A. In Beijing. B. In Shanghai. C. In Chongqing. 15. When was Lily born? A. On November 5, 1919. B. On November 20, 1990. C. On November 25, 1999. 第四节:听较长对话,根据对话内容,选择正确答案回答问题。 听第一段对话,回答第16-17小题。 16. Which is Wang Mei s favourite festival? A. Chinese New Year. B. Mid-Autumn Festival. C. Dragon Boat Festival. 17. Why does she like it? A. Because she can eat mooncakes. B. Because she can get a lot of presents. C. Because she can get some rice dumplings. 听第二段对话,回答第18-20小题。


七年级英语期中测试卷 I. 单词拼写。(20分) A、根据句意及首字母完成单词。(10分) 1.What l__________ do you speak? 2.The boy is from Japan. He speaks J 。 . 3.W to our school. We are kind to all our friends. 4. You can borrow all kinds of books from the l_________. 5.Look!Your hands are so d . Please wash them. 6.It is too late now. There is no bus here. You can take a t 。 . 7.Koalas usually s_________ during the day and get up at night. 8.--What are you w_________ for? –For the bus. 9.Her father is a doctor. He works in a h__________. 10.--What does this s_________ sell? --It sells clothes. B.根据汉语提示完成单词。(10分) 1. She _____(总是)wears a T-shirt. 2. The supermarket is on the ______(第五)Avenue. 3. ______(没有人)is here on Sundays. 4. There is a garden ______(在…后面)the house. 5. Look! My mum’s ______(躺)on the beach. 6. Everybody in the class _____(学习) very hard. 7. He wants to go hiking when it’s ______(多云的). 8. Our teacher is ______ (友好的)to us. 9. There are many ______(叶子)falling down from the tree. 10.She wants to be a teacher because she loves _____(孩子们). II. 单项选择。(30分) 1. My pen pal ____ the UK. A. come from B. is come from C. is from D. from 2. My father likes _______ books in the evening. He doesn’t often ______ TV. A. looking at, see B. watches, see C. to read, watch D. reading, watch 3. Thank you for ______ me. A. writing for B. writing to C. look at D. listening 4. Our school is ____ the bank ____ the hotel. A. next, to B. between, and C. in, and D. between, to 5. Listen! Lucy ____ in her room. A. sings B. is singing C. sang D. are singing 6. -- Is there a park in the neighborhood? -- ____ . A. Yes, there isn’t. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, there is. D. No, it doesn’t. 7. Let’s _____ the music first. A. listening to B. listen to C. to listen D. to listen 8. Frenchmen speak ____ in ____ . A. French, France B. France, French C. Franch, Frenchman D. England, English 9. There ____ a tree and some flowers in the garden. A. are B. be C. is D. to be 10. --What ____ she ____ ? --She’s a teacher. A. is, do B. is, doing C. does, do D. did, do 11. ______, could you tell me the way to the Water World? A .Sorry B. Excuse me C. Hi D. Hello 12. My best friend Nancy ____ beautiful long hair and she ____ good-looking. A. is, has B. is, having C. has, is D. has, has 13. -- _____ in South China in spring? -- It’s humid. A. What do you do? B. How’s the weather? C. What’s the weather? D. What do you want to be? 14. -How’s it going? - _____ ! I feel great! A. Pretty good B. I am not bad C. It’s windy D. That sounds terrible 15. My father enjoys ____ jokes to us. A. telling B. say C. speaking D. talks


大学英语2试卷( A卷) 时间90分钟 ⅠMultiple Choice(30points, one point for each ) 1.____being greatly respected in the community, he earned barely enough to provide for his large family. A Despite B Despite of C In spite D Spite of 2. The policeman insisted ___ seeing what I had in my bag. A in B on C of D by 3. If I had stayed in business, I ___ a really wealthy man today. But now, I haven’t enough money. A might have been B would have been C might be D will be 4. ___ conditioned are most of us to the idea that success is money that the thought of giving up a good salary for happiness seems foolish. A So B For C As D Such 5. They could not decide what to do, ___ would they ask for help. A so B nor C and D for 6.In a truly free market, you wouldn’t be able to ___ money without making a quality product. A obtain B receive C make D achieve 7. “Stepparent ” is a term we attach ___ men and women who marry into families where children already exist. A to B with C as D for 8. If a computer message came ____ to “Dad”, for example, I’d feel forgotten and neglected. A addressed B addressing C being addressed D been addressed 9. The medicine needs to be taken ___ a daily basis. A on B at C for D as 10. The United States consists of ___ states including California and Maryland. A fifty B forty-nine C forty-eight D fifty-one 11. You can’t see through a telescope unless it is ___ correctly to your sight. A adjusted B adapted C adopted D admitted 12. When I read the letters, I can’t help ____ my parents. A missing B to miss C miss D to missing 13. “ Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” This sentence is said by ___. A Thomas Edison B Albert Einstein C Leonardo da Vinchi D Bill Gates 14. It took the experts several months to decide on the ___ for the new airport. A source B earth C site D character 15. He was seriously injured in a car ___ last year. A shock B crash C passage D mistake 16. You also have trouble ___ time to get your hair cut. A find B to find C found D finding 17. I failed to ___ Sally to go with me to the party, so I went alone. A handle B achieve C inspire D persuade 18. His brothers and sisters all live close ___ . It’s easy for him to seek help. A to B by C on D in 19. I saw him ___ along the street with a large balloon and then ___ into the crowd. A run, disappear B run, to disappear C to run, disappear D to run, to disappear 20. My father gave up ___ only one year ago.


人教课标版第二学期终考试 七年级英语试卷(总分120 分共120 分 分) A)根据句意及首字母提示,写出空缺处单词。( 每小题1分,共 5 分) 1. Don 't climb the tall tree. It 's d . 2. His uncle has medium b _____ with black hair. 3. She doesn't mind what young people t ____ of her. 4. The things in the supermarket are very e _________ . 5. She w _____ to the library and read a book about history. B)根据句意用所给单词的正确形式填空. (每小题 1 分,共10分) 1. My grandma ____ (be) in the garden ,You may find her there. 2. I think she can ____ (dance) very well. 3. There are some ______ (tomato) and some beef in the noodles. 4. There ____ (be) no rice and no noodles on the table. 5. It's 7:15 am. It's time ___ (go) to school. 6. Listen !Someone ________ (talk) in the room. 7. She practiced ________ (speak) English last Sunday. 8. Did you go _______ (shop) with her yesterday? 9. Help ________ (you) to some noodles, children. 10. I would like something _________ (eat). II 1 分,共20 分) ( ) 1. There is _____ old hotel next to my house. ___ hotel is very big and clean. A. a; A B. an; A C. an; The D. the; The ( ) 2. Carol ___ some reading and _____ English last weekend.


2013--2014年七年级英语上册期末试卷及答案(人教新目标版) 本试卷分第I卷(选择题) 和第II卷(非选择题) 两部分。第I卷1至6页;第II卷7至10页。共120分,考试时间100分钟。请考生们掌握好时间,答题时要做到自信、沉着、认真思考。 第I 卷(选择题共60分) 注意事项:请将代表选择题答案的字母代号填入第II卷中的答题表格中。 一、听力测试(共20小题,计20分) (一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。 请看第一组的四幅图片,听三个句子,完成第1至第3小题。 A B C D 1. 2. 3. 请看第二组的四幅图片,听三个句子,完成第4至第6小题。

A B C D 4. 5. 6. (二) 听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。 7. A. Chinese. B. Math. C. English. 8. A. To watch TV. B. To go to a movie. C. To play ping-pong. 9. A. They are boring. B. They are difficult. C. They are scary. 10. A. On the dresser. B. On the table. C. In the drawer. 11. A. January fifth. B. January fifteenth. C. January fourteenth. 12. A. action movies B. thrillers C. comedies 13.A. seven dollars B. ten dollars C. nine dollars 14. A. 8796335 B. 8697335 C. 8796553 15. A. Yes, he like B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he doesn’t. (三) 听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。 16. Peter is 11 years old.


( ) 1. ______ is a big city in the United States. A. Paris B. Sydney C. New York ( ) 2. --What's your favorite ______? --France. A. language B. country C. city ( ) 3. --Who's Mr. White, Li Mei? --He is our English teacher. He's ______ the USA. A. in B. at C. from ( ) 4. --______ Toronto? -It's in Canada. A. Where's B. What's C. Who's ( ) 5. Do they have kids, Mr. Green? A. much B. any C. a little ( ) 6. --Can we ______ them our telephone number? --No, you can't. A. tell B. talk C. speak ( ) 7. I like going to movies with my pals and ______ sports. A. play B. plays C. playing ( ) 8. Jim likes ______ TV and ______ soccer. A. to watch; playing B. watching; to play C. watching; playing ( ) 9. -- Does your pen pal speak English or French? --______. A. Yes, he speaks English B. No, he doesn't speak French C. He speaks French ( ) 10. -______? -No. In Beijing. A. Where are you from B. Does he live in Paris C. Can he go to Paris ( )11.We know ______ is in the USA. A. Toronto B. Tokyo C. New York ( )12. My birthday is _______ November. A. at B. in C. on ( )13. -- My birthday is coming. Would you like to my party? -- Sure, ______ is it? -- It's November 20th. A. Where B. When C. What ( )14. -- James is good at sports. He plays _____ basketball very well. --And he plays ______ piano well, too. ---Wow, so great! A. the, the B. /, / C. /, the ( )15. --Kelly, could you come here, please? I need some _______. -- Ok, I'm coming. A. friends B. people C. help 二、完形填空(10分) Mr. Smith is my new friend. He 16 from Paris, France. He is a French 17 of a middle school. His students all like 18 very much. He can speak some Chinese, 19 not much. He wants to learn more, so he goes to 20 classes every week. He likes living and working 21 China very much. He 22 the Chinese people are very friendly(友好的). He has two 23 ,


从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1. There are signs restaurants are becoming more popular with families. A. that B. which C. in which D. whose 2. In no country Britain,it has been said,can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. A. better than B. more than C. other than D. rather than 3. Our son doesnt know what to at the university; he cant make up his mind about the future. A. take over B. take after C. take in D. take up 4. My father seemed to be in no to look at my school report. A. mood B. emotion C. attitude D. feeling 5. He is about the chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. A. optimistic B. optional C. outstanding D. obvious 6. The manager would rather his daughter in the same office. A. had not worked B. does not work C. not to work D. did not work 7. The clothes a person wears may express his or social position. A. curiosity B. status C. determination D. significance 8. in this way,the situation doesnt seem so disappointing. A. To look at B. Looking at C. Looked at D. To be looked at 9. Evidence that language-acquiring ability must be stimulated. A. It is B. There is C. It being D. There being 10. After the guests left,she spent half an hour the sitting-room. A. arranging B. tidying up C. ordering D. clearing away Ⅱ. Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point for each) 下列短文有十个空格,每个空格有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 The price of hotels in Britain is going up 11 at any time since the war. There are a number of reasons for this but the 12 all is the Governments economic policy. Managers in factories see 13 so they are attracted to the idea of owning 14 business. 15 Britains weather is often disappointing,the tourist industry is growing. Many people 16 like to combine a 17 holiday with the opportunity of improving their English. It is therefore not surprising that businessmen are buying hotels. The only thing 18 worries me is the kind of treatment their guestes are 19 to receive since 20 of them know anything about hotel management.


人教版英语七年级下学期 期末测试卷 时间:120分钟总分:120分 第I卷 听力部分 第一节:情景反应。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择合适的应答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听一遍。 1.No problem. B.Never mind. C.That's right. 2.A.Yes it is. B.Yes.there are. C.No there isn't. 3.A.Yes.he did . B.No.he doesn't. C.Yes.she did. 4.A.He likes reading. B.He is tall. C.He is friendly. 5.I played soccer. B.I'm playing soccer. C.I play soccer. 6.A.Thank you. B.The same to you. C.Not bad. 第二节:对话理解。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听一遍。 7.A.It's sunny. B.It's cloudy. C.It’s windy. 8.A.It's across from a shop. B.It's across from a school. C.It's next to a school. 9.A.She has long curly hair. B.She has short straight hair. C.She has long straight hair. 10.A.In a shop. B.In a restaurant. C.In a zoo. 11.A.Beef and carrot dumplings. B.Fish and carrot dumplings. C.Fish and tomato dumplings 12.A.She rode a horse B.She milked a cow. C.She fed some chickens 第三节:长对话理解。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听两遍。 听第一段长对话,回答第13-14小题 13.Who did Sally visit Chengdu last weekend? A.Her parent. B.Her grandparents. C.Her classmates. 14.What did Frank do in the library last weekend? A.He read interesting books. B.He did homework. C.Both A.and B. 听第二段长对话,回答第15-16小题 15.What is the relationship of the two speakers?


2016-2017年七年级英语期末试卷(含答案) 双台子区2016-2017学年度第一学期期末考试七年级 英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVIVII总分 得分 (考试时间90分钟试卷满分:120分) 得分评卷人I单项选择(每题1分,共1分) ( )1This is ____useful b I ant t bu it A an B a the D\ ( )2 --Is that a blue pen? ---_____, it is a ell pen A es, it is B es, that is N, it isn’t D N, that isn’t ( )3ar’s birthda part is _____ anuar 1 st A in B n at D t ( )4There are _____ nths in a ear The ____nth is Septeber A, telfth; ninth B telve; ninth telve; nineth D telfth ;nineth ( )---an I have se_____? ---Sure, here it is A bananas B apples hien D pears ( )6 The an’s nae is r Green Green is his _____nae

Afirst B ne send D last ( )7---hat’s ur favrite _____? -----Blue A subet B lass lr D siene ( )8---_____ d u lie histr? ----Beause I thin it’s interesting and fun A h B here h D hat ( )9---Let’s _____ basetball ---That’s a gd idea(主意)! A pla B plas t pla D plaing ( )10---hat’s that? ---It’s a up ---______ ----U-P A Spell it, please B Sa it, please Please D Please sa ( )11I’fine, but sister _____ A desn’t B isn’t is D nt ( )12---Here _____ t balls fr u --- Than u! A is B are a D be ( )13---Is that her penil? ---es, it is _____is red AHer B ine ur D ( )14Linda eats fruit ever da beause she ants _____health A being B be t be D is ( )1---______, here is the pst ffie(邮局)? --- Srr, I’ne here u an as that pliean(警察)


笔试部分(100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分) ( )1. Lucy and Lily _____ China next week. A. is visit B. are visiting C. visit D. visits ( )2. —How do you go to work? —I usually go to work _____. A. by a car B. in a car C. on a car D. by cars ( )3. —Must I finish my homework now? —No, you _____. A. may not B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t ( )4. They each _____ a CD in their bags. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( )5. It is a good time _____. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sang ( )6. Find the answer _____ the question, please. A. of B. with C. to D. for ( )7. —_____ do you go for a picnic? —Once a month. A. How long B. How many times C. How often D. How many time ( )8. —_____ will you stay in America? —About two months. A. How many B. How often C. How long D. How ( )9. She’s good at _____. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads ( )10. —Mum, I’ m going to Ann’ s party this evening. —_____. A. Why not B. Have a good time C. Come back early D. Good idea ( )11. —I’m going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday. —_____! A. Have a good time B. Best wishes to them C. Thand you very much D. It’s OK ( )12. —Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? —Sorry. I’m new here. —_____. A. Not at all B. Bad luck C. Thank you all the same D. Thank you ( )13. —Would you like to go for a picnic with us? —_____, but I’m too busy. A. No, I can’t B. I’d like C. Yes, I’d love to D. Why not ( )14. Leo likes _____, but he doesn’t like _____ now. A. hike; hiking B. hikes; hiking C. hiking; to hike D. hiking; hiking ( )15. The flowers smell _____. A. well B. badly C. good D. much well Ⅱ. 完形填空。(15分) One day there was an argument (争论) between the wind and the sun. “ I’m much 1 than you, ”said the wind.“No, I don’t agree with you!”said the sun. While they were arguing, they saw a man 2 along the road. He is wearing a heavy coat. The sun said to the wind, “Now, let 3 see who can make the man take 4 his coat. Then we will know who is stronger.” First the wind tried. It began to blow very hard. It blew 5 hard that the man pulled (拉)his coat around him. The wind was 6 with the man. Then it said to the sun,“Now, it’s your 7 . ” The sun started to 8 on the man. Soon it got very 9 ! The man took off his coat. The argument was over. We know the 10 was stronger now. ()1.A. strong? B. strongly C. stronger
