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线性变换是通过一个线性函数实现变换的。在实际计算时,一般先建立一个查找表(Lookup Table,即LUT表),即建立原始图像灰度和变换后图像灰度之间的对应值,在变换时只需使用查找表进行变换即可,这样计算速度将极大提高。


ERDAS软件提供了一个默认设置,即Raster Option中的No stretch。打开遥感影像时,–对Raster Option中的No stretch,




在视窗(Viewer)中打开实验影像,并且对Raster Option中的No Stretch打勾。


ERDAS 默认的拉伸方法是2倍标准差的拉伸,目的使得影像数字矩阵分布直方图符合高斯分布。

打开实验影像,并且对Raster Option 中的No Stretch 不打勾。


3.直方图均衡化处理(Histogram Equalize)

4.标准差拉伸处理(Standard Deviation Stretch)

5.通用对比度调整(General Contrast)



如Histogram Equalization直方图均衡化、Standard Deviations标准差拉伸、Gaussian高斯拉伸、Linear线性拉伸、Gamma非线性拉伸、Invert亮度反转等。




7.分段对比度调整(Piecewise Contrast)(分段线性拉伸)


在Contrast Tool对话框中:Range Specification栏目下的Low、Middle、High分别对应于低中高三段不同的亮度值范围,而Select Color 栏目下的Red、Green、Blue则分别对应于图像的红绿蓝三个波段。通过波段与亮度范围的选择组合,达到调整图像亮度与对比度的目的。

该命令常常与查询光标(Inquire Cursor)一同使用,首先查询特定区域各波段的灰度值,然后设置Range Specification分段值。

The brightness value for each range represents the midpoint of the total range of brightness

values occupied by that range.

The contrast value for each range represents the percent of the available output range that

particular range occupies.

As one slider bar is moved, the other is automatically adjusted, so that there is no gap in the

lookup table. This tool is set up so that there are always pixels in each data file value from 0

to 255. You can manipulate the percentage of pixels in a particular range, but you cannot

eliminate a range of data file values.

2. With your pointer over the image in the Viewer, right-hold Quick View | Inquire Cursor. The Inquire Cursor dialog opens and an Inquire Cursor is placed in the Viewer.

3. In the Viewer, drag the intersection of the Inquire Cursor to the lake. Move the Inquire Cursor over the water while keeping an eye on the lookup table values in the blue color gun, as reported in the Inquire Cursor dialog.

This gives you an idea of the range of data file values in the water. You can stretch this range

to bring out more detail in the water.

4. In the Contrast Tool dialog, click Blue under Select Color.

5. Under Range Specifications, set the Low range From 34 To 55 and press Return on your keyboard.

6. Drag the Brightness slider bar (the top slider bar) to 50.

7. Click Apply in the Contrast Tool dialog.

The water now has more contrast and shows more detail.

If your image is at a magnification of 1, this new detail may be difficult to see. You can zoom

in to a magnification of 2 using the Quick View menu in the Viewer.

8. In the Contrast Tool dialog, click Reset and then Apply to return the image to the original lookup table values.

9. Click Close in the Contrast Tool dialog.

10. Click Close in the Inquire Cursor dialog.


Manipulate Histogram

1. In the Viewer menu bar, select Raster | Contrast | Breakpoints.

The Breakpoint Editor opens.

2. Click on the popup list at the top of the Breakpoint Editor and select Red.
