


Part One. Vocabulary (30points, 25minutes)

A. Choose the best one.

1,The life _____of a whale varies depending on the species but can be between

30 and 80 years.

a. expectancy

b. limit

c. period

d. restriction

2. Thanks to its very elastic skin , animated by a complex musculature capable of an enormous range of ______ movements ,the human face can quickly display a whole array of contrasting emotions.

a. intransigent

b. incomparable

c. invincible

d. intricate

3. Benchill’s children who have a session on anger management are not more angry than children at other schools in the city ,and the lesson was just part of a scheme intended to help children indentify and ______with the rages that life in the classroom and playground can provoke.

4. French schools took a great interest in Arabic culture and medicine , and Arabic words were_____ to the language.

a. added

b. implemented

c. substituted

d. applied

5. At the turn of 20th century, Edward Muybridge was experimenting with photographs of movement and his pictures of a runner _____ in every history of photography.

a. demonstrate

b. feature

c. show

d. exhibit

6. The distinguished doctor now faced a _____because he didn’t know whether he should tell the cruel truth to the patient or not .

a. digestion

b. disgust

c. dilemma

d. diploma

7. With the ____ of new technology, companies are insisting that secretarial staff should already be highly trained in ,or at least familiar with ,a range of word processing packages.

a. approach

b. entrance

c. advent

d. opening

8.For those people who go out in search of adventure , a long-distance flight in a hot-hair balloon is a particularly exciting____.

a, engagement b. motion c. prospect d. campaign

9.Some economists ____ much of the rising wage inequality in this country to the shift in favor of the most skilled workers.

a. oblige

b. devote

c. contribute

d. attribute

10. After he committed the crime ,his mother gently persuaded him to do the right thing and come back to _____.

a. bear a grudge

b. speak his mind

c. face the music

d. make a bolt

11.Even the most ____person may become furious when he gets only a pittance for his hard work.

12. William was born with a (an)_____curiosity about the working of nature in every form.

a. insatiable

b. inconsistent

c. dissatisfied

d. irrational

13.The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the 1940s quickly alarmed the popular imagination, but the precise significance of the scrolls is still _____ by scholars .

a. perceived

b. debated b. obscured

c. understood

14.Soon after adopting a syllabic system of writing, the Greeks made the final step to a phonetic alphabet ,dividing the consonants from the vowels and writing each _____

a. formally

b. separately

c. accurately

d. abstractly

15.As the nature of inside dealing changed ,there was a corresponding need to _____ other legal doctrines to fit the abuse .

a. adapt

b. adept c adopt d . abject

16 If car owners are taxed too much ,people will no longer be motivated to buy a new car, with the result that incomes from car taxation might actually_____.

a. sink

b. shrink

c. delay

d. disperse

17.Granted that Janice is extremely ____; still , it is difficult to imagine her as a professional comedian.

18.In the dim light the ship seemed to float ____ on the banks of the Nile , among gardens of swaying palms and ferns .

a. transparently

b. taciturnly

c. tenaciously

d. tranquilly

19. I used to go to church under false _____. I never wanted to go but my mother forced me .

a. appearances

b. disguises

c. pretences

d. garments

20. We only managed to get halfway down the mountain before the mist ____.

a. closed up

b. closed in

c. closed off closed down

B,Complete the sentences

1.He hates to make mistakes at any time and since he is such a ________ that

sometimes his friends find it hard to please him.(perfect)

2.She’s such an intelligent home designer that she can decorate every part of

the new house _________ (imagine)

3.Football market in China obviously declined in recently years because the

football __________have deceased greatly.(attend)

4.Fashion may designate innovations in dress that are more _________than

simple fads.(endure)

5.The politician insisted that she was addressing the audience in her _______ as

a mother and not as a Member of Parliament .(capacious)

6.There was plenty of room on the course and it was relatively easy to ______it

enough to test the professional.(length)

7.Jennifer says from then on Robert has been a changed man _____and

completely unapproachable.(withdraw)

8.If the whole mission is ________,the biggest danger is that we might let down

our loyal supporters.(events)

9.She soon realized the reality that getting to the top in any of the performing

arts is __________hard work .(amaze)

10.Originally the brand was little more than a graphic that helped people to

________ a particular product , but as advertising developed , it grew in importance.( identity)

Part two .Reading comprehension.(40*1=40)

Passage one

For more than 3 centuries riders in all countries have been delighted by the adventures of an absurd gentleman named Don Quixote and his squire Sancho Panza. The masterpiece of Miguel de Cervantes, a Spanish contemporary of Shakespeare, Don Quixote tells of a poor gentleman who tries to relive the heroic days of old times by seeking adventure in the manner of the knight –errant of medieval romance .

Don Quixote’s popularity is not caused merely by his being delightfully ridiculous, a comical nuisance, an absurd figure apt to get into trouble wherever he goes. Beneath his humorous surface Don Quixote is the embodiment, even though his is also the exaggeration, of a great idea ---that life holds more than the humdrum routine of everyday affairs, that true greatness is to be found only in the spirit of service to an ideal.

That for Don Quixote the ideal is an illusion does not detract from its fascination, though it does make him a pathetic figure. To attempt the impossible for the sake of honor, to add to the tore of human greatness by risking everything without the hope of material gain, to endure danger and hardship because endurance itself is noble ------this is the quixotic ideal: this is the secret of Don Quixote’s universal appeal .

We must laugh at his absurdity, but we are moved by it as well ;if there is any chivalry or generosity in us ,we cannot help being on his side ,however innocent his victims are .We know he cannot win ,but his misguided valor excites our pity with our laughter.

1. On the surface ,Don Quixote appears to be a ______

A. troublemaker

B. delightfully absurd figure

C. meddlesome idealist

D. tragically disillusioned figure

2. The character of Don Quixote personifies the idea that ______

A. greatness is found through dedication to an ideal

B. adventure is the only escape from routine

C. everyday life had a comical side

3. Don Quixote’s dedication to his ideal causes him to disregard_______

A . all thoughts of material gain

B. any risk of self or possessions

C. any degree of hardship and danger

D. all of the above

4.Acoording to the author ,the universality of Don Quixote’s appeal lies in the ______

A. excitement of his adventures

B. ideal that he represents

C. misguided valor of his efforts

D. comical difficulties that he encounters

5 .The quixotic ideal can be best characterized as involving_______

A. an illusion

B. reliving of the past

C. the pursuit of danger

D. both A and B

Passage Two

It’s often hard for those of us who have achieved the status of honored parent to appreciate quite how spoilt the children of the 1980s are when it comes to TV and films .Anything less than total visual perfection and watch out for trouble as you shuffle out through the doorway market ‘ EXIT’. But we must be firm occasionally ,so next time your child observes that ,personally ,he would have expected a decaying body to have had a somewhat greener color ,seize him by the ear and remind him that when you were young ,people used to run out of the cinema crying with terror as a cloth-covered rubber gorilla sat on top of a cardboard skyscraper and snatched balsawood aeroplanes out of the sky .

If any one man may be held responsible for this state of affairs then it must be Tony Dyson ,creator of R2D2 in the film The Empire Strikes Back. If it were not for him ,then film special effects would still be back in the far-off innocent days of jerky paper dinosaurs .Brian Jonson ,who was in charge of the special effects of The Empire Strikes Back ,ordered not just one ,but eight editions of the robot which was soon to win the hearts of audience the world over as R2D2 .It took the Dyson workshop five months of frantic labor but the order was met in time for the start of the shooting of the film.

After the success of R2D2,other film and television work followed ; a great deal foe the Oxford Scientific Film series of wildlife documentaries .But Tony Dyson had always been an enthusiastic reader of science fiction ,ever since childhood and his old interest soon led him back to robots of one kind or another ;and this time to robots for advertising purposes .Phil the android was designed for Phillips domestic appliances and this two meter robots has appeared in children’s TV program ,in stores up and down the country ,at exhibitions as well as in television commercials .

Tony has now completed work on Harry,an animated advertising cartoon with a difference in that he holds conversations with his audiences. But his main

interest at the moment is the launching of Droid-Factory Ltd; a company set up specially to rent out promotional robots to marketing companies .So if a metallic-looking creature comes up to you next time you are in a supermarket and gives you an unasked for monologue on the virtues of such and such a washing powder ,don’t panic .The chances are that it’s only one of Mr. Dyson ‘s employees .You should become alarmed only when it passes you by and strikes up a conversation with another of its own kind.

6.How are children nowadays different from their parents according to the passage ?

A. They have perfect eyesight.

B. They cause trouble in cinemas

C. They are more visually aware

D. They are easier to spoil.

7. The writer suggests that parents should ________.

A. control their children by twisting their ears .

B. stand no nonsense from their children .

C. scare their children by taking them to horror films

D. encourage their children to see old films

8What is the importance of Tony Dyson to the cinema?

A.He was the first man to produce special effects

B.He produced models of dinosaurs out or paper

C.He create the film The Empire Strikes Back

D.He changed people’s expectations of special

9.For the film The Empire Strikes Back,___________

A, several models of a robot were created

B. it took Dyson five months to make R2D2

C. Brian Jonson created R2D2 specially

D. there were eight different types of robot made

10.Nowadays Dyson is mainly interested in ________

A. having conversation with robots

B. establishing a company

C. appearing in supermarkets

D. selling promotion robots



2009年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are.1the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer's piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence, it 大5家out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6the starting line because it depends on learning — a gradual 7— instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they've apparently learned is when to 8. Is there an adaptive value to9intelligence? That's the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance10at all the species we've left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11of our own intelligence might be. This is12the mind of every animal I've ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14, is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. we believe that 大15家animals ran the labs, they would test us to 大16家the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 1, not merely how much of it there is. 大18家, they would hope to study a 19question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in?20the results are inconclusive. 1. [A] Suppose [B] Consider [C] Observe [D] Imagine 2. [A] tended [B] feared [C] happened [D] threatened 3. [A] thinner [B] stabler [C] lighter [D] dimmer 4. [A] tendency [B] advantage [C] inclination [D] priority 5. [A] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forward 6. [A] off [B] behind [C] over [D] along 7. [A] incredible [B] spontaneous [C] inevitable [D] gradual 8. [A] fight [B] doubt [C] stop [D] think 9. [A] invisible [B] limited [C] indefinite [D] different


2009年考研英语真题和答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence, it 5 out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning — a gradual 7 — instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they’ve apparently learned is when to 8 . Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence? That’s the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we’ve left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal I’ve ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14 , is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. we believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18 , they would hope to study a 19 question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? 20 the results are inconclusive. 1. [A] Suppose [B] Consider [C] Observe [D] Imagine 2. [A] tended [B] feared [C] happened [D] threatened 3. [A] thinner [B] stabler [C] lighter [D] dimmer 4. [A] tendency [B] advantage [C] inclination [D] priority 5. [A] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forward 6. [A] off [B] behind [C] over [D] along 7. [A] incredible [B] spontaneous [C]inevitable [D] gradual 8. [A] fight [B] doubt [C] stop [D] think


2009年考研英语真题原文及答案完整版 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer's piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence, it 5 out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning - a gradual 7 - instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they've apparently learned is when to 8 . Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence? That's the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we've left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal I've ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14 , is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. we believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain.


2009年考研英语完形填空真题解析 Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer's piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence, it 5 , is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning-a 7 process-instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they've apparently learned is when to 8 . Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence? That's the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we've left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal I've ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14 , is running a small scale study in operant conditioning. We believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18 , they would hope to study a 19 question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? 20 the results are inconclusive. 1. [A] Suppose[B] Consider[C] Observe[D] Imagine 2. [A] tended[B] feared[C] happened[D] threatened 3. [A] thinner[B] stabler[C] lighter[D] dimmer 4. [A] tendency[B] advantage[C] inclination[D] priority 5. [A] insists on[B] sums up[C] turns out[D] puts forward 6. [A] off[B] behind[C] over[D] along 7. [A] incredible[B] spontaneous[C]inevitable[D] gradual 8. [A] fight[B] doubt[C] stop[D] think 9. [A] invisible[B] limited[C] indefinite[D] different 10. [A] upward[B] forward[C] afterward[D] backward 11. [A] features[B] influences[C] results[D] costs 12. [A] outside[B] on[C] by[D] across


2011考研英语真题及答案(免费下载) D

stress.Anyway,the act of laughing probably does produce other types of ______feedback,that improve an individual’s emotional state. ______one classical theory of emotion,our feelings are partially rooted _______ physical reactions. It was argued at the end of the 19th century that humans do not cry ______they are sad but they become sad when te tears begin to flow. Although sadness also _______ tears,evidence suggests that emotions can flow _____ muscular responses.In an experiment published in 1988,social psychologist Fritz. 1.[A]among [B]except [C]despite [D]like 2.[A]reflect [B]demand [C]indicate [D]produce 3.[A]stabilizing [B]boosting [C]impairing [D]determining 4.[A]transmit [B]sustain [C]evaluate [D]observe 5.[A]measurable [B]manageable [C]affordable [D]renewable 6.[A]In turn [B]In fact [C]In addition [D]In brief


2009 年考研英语真题和答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit- fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer ’ s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence, it 5 out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning — a gradual 7 — instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they’ ve apparently learned is when to 8 . Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence? That’ s the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we I.Q.-’wise,ve leftitimplicitlyinthedust asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal I ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14 , is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. we believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18 , they would hope to study a 19 question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? 20 the results are inconclusive. 1.[A] Suppose [B] Consider [C] Observe [D] Imagine 2.[A] tended [B] feared [C] happened [D] threatened 3.[A] thinner [B] stabler [C] lighter [D] dimmer 4.[A] tendency [B] advantage [C] inclination [D] priority 5.[A] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forward 6.[A] off [B] behind [C] over [D] along 7.[A] incredible [B] spontaneous [C]inevitable [D] gradual 8.[A] fight [B] doubt [C] stop [D] think


考研英语短文写作十年真题分析 第十节2009年 Section III Writing 2009年考研英语考试结束了。今年走出考场的考生普遍感觉今年的试题较往年难度有所降低,尤其是写作部分两道题目难度适中,大家基本发挥出了正常水平。下面针对小作文和大作文分别给予点评,并提供阅卷的范文供大家参考。 Part A 51. Directions: Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. “White pollution” is still going on. Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to 1) give your opinions briefly and 2) make two or three suggestions You should write about 100 word. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points) 一.审题构思 小作文去年考的道歉信,09年小作文要求写一封建议信。今年的建议信相比07年的建议信要求更加具体,且话题更为熟悉。考生对这个话题可写的东西比较多。且在平时大作文的训练中考生都接触过不少表达观点看法和提出建议的方法,尤其在环境保护方面的建议措施接触的更多,因此这篇小作文题材大家非常熟悉,难度适中。如果同学在考前临阵抱佛脚,只要把建议信的套话背下来,比如建议信的第一句话怎么写,中间怎么写,最后一句怎么结尾,直接把有关内容换成白色污染即可。 二.框架思路 确切地讲,今年的小作文仍然是没有脱离开过去的老套,又是一封信,而这封信对同学们来讲,是我们很熟悉的白色塑料袋的使用问题。有很多商家为了争取自己定期的常客,他们可能会想到促销的手段或者销售的途径,那就是说送给你塑料袋,方便你使用。但是这些顾客们可能有些人是懂得或者说环保意识很强的,有些塑料袋,他们总是重复地去用;可是有一些不尽然,像年轻人这样,用过后就扔掉。谈到了白色污染这个话题,就想给编辑写封信,信中反映的是你对这个现象的一个看法,之后,你应该提出一些解决的措施,所以这封信里面要讲的话一点都不难写,最重要的是我们要做一个对社会有责任的人,因为只有如此我们才能够用我们的心去感知这个社会的问题,才能真正从我们内心想出一些方法,使我们的社会更加洁净,这样才能更加和谐。 本文可以按三段处理,首段直接谈白色污染的情况,中段讲出解决问题的建议和措施,最后再次提醒编辑关注此事刻不容缓,并加强礼貌语气。 三.参考范文 Dear Editor(s), I am writing this letter to draw your attention to“White Pollution”. No one can avoid using plastic bags in our daily lives and too many plastic bags bring about many problems. How to solve this problem has become a hot issue among many people in recent years. To address this problem, I would like to lodge several suggestions. On the one hand, the authorities should set up rules and regulations to control the production and circulation of the plastic bags. On the other hand, people should realize the significant of protecting our environment and not use too many plastic bags. I sincerely hope that you can take my letter seriously. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Yours faithfully, Li Ming (126words) 亲爱的编辑: 我写此信是为了让您关注“白色污染”这一问题。在日常生活中人们总是会用到塑料袋,而塑料袋过多会产生很多问题。如何解决这一问题成为近年来很多人关心的话题。 为了解决这一问题,我想提如下的建议。一方面,政府当局应该制定一些规章制度来控制塑料袋的生产和流通使用。另一方面,人们应该意识到保护环境的重要性并不使用太多的塑料袋。 我真诚地希望您能认真对待我的信。感谢您拨冗关注。


2009年硕士研究生入学考试考研英语真题答案 1. B.本题考查动词,后面的宾语是“the fruit-fly experiments described…”,suppose 表示“假设”,observe表示“观察”,image表示“想象”,Consider“考虑”,代入文中表示“考虑已经被描述出来的实验”,符合语境。 2. A.本题考查动词短语,happen to(碰巧),fear to(唯恐…),be threatened to被恐吓…。tend to do表示“有…倾向,往往…”,代入文中表示比较聪明的果蝇往往寿命较短。 3. D.本题考查形容词,lighter更轻的,thinner更瘦的,stabler更稳定的,dimmer 比较暗淡的,本句是前一句推出的结论,即由“果蝇越聪明寿命越短”推出“灯泡越暗使用时间越长”。 4. B.本题考查名词。由前半句“灯泡越暗使用时间越长”推出“这是不特别亮的灯泡的一个优点”。tendency倾向,advantage优势,inclination倾向,priority优先权。 5. C.本题考查动词短语,turns out证明是,insist on坚持,sum up总结,put forward 提出。 6. A.本题考查介词,off表示离开。代入文中表示离开起点时。 7. D.incredible难以置信的,spontaneous自发的,inevitable不可避免的,gradual 渐进的。学习是一个渐进的过程,所以选gradual. 8. C.本文的主旨是智力需要昂贵的代价。大量的物种会学习,但它们首先学会的是知道什么时候停止学习,与上文的例子灯泡呼应。四个选项中,fight表示斗争,doubt表示怀疑,stop表示停止,think表示思考,正确答案为C 9. B.本题考查形容词,修饰intelligence。invisible看不见的,indefinite不确定的,这两个选项意思不符合,排除。different不同的,limited有限的。因为所有物种的智力都是有限的,所以limited符合文意。 10.D.cast a glance backward“回顾”,固定搭配。 11.D.feature特征,influence影响,result结果,cost代价。Cost“代价”与文中“事实证明,智力是要付出代价”相呼应。 12.B.本题考查介词,on the mind of“为…着想”,by the mind“通过思考”,outside 和across不与mind的搭配。 13.C.本题考查动词,与之搭配的宾语是experiments ,选项中perform能与experiments 搭配,表示“做实验”。deliver递送,carry运送,apply应用。


2009考研英语(二)真题及答案解析 Directions:For each numbered blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a pencil. In1999, the price of oil hovered around $16 a barrel. By 2008, it had 21 the $100 a barrel mark. The reasons for the surge 22 from the dramatic growth of the economies of china and India to widespread 23 in oil-producing regions, including Iraq and Nigeria's delta region. Triple-digit oil prices have 24 the economic and political map of the world, 25 some old notions of power. Oil-rich nations are enjoying historic gains and opportunities, 26 major importers—including china and India, home to a third of the world's population 27 rising economic and social costs. Managing this new order is fast becoming a central 28 of global politics. Countries that need oil are clawing at each other to 29 scarce supplies, and are willing to deal with any government, 30 how unpleasant, to do it . In many poor nations with oil , the profits are being ,lost to corruption, 31 these countries of their best hope for development. And oil is fueling enormous investment funds run by foreign governments, 32 some in the west see as a new threat. Countries like Russia, Venezuela and Iran are well supplied with rising oil 33 , a change reflected in newly aggressive foreign policies. But some unexpected countries are reaping benefits, 34 costs, from higher prices. Consider Germany. 35 it imports virtually all its oil, it has prospered from extensive trade with a booming Russia and the Middle East. German exports to Russia 36 128 percent from 2001 to 2006. In the United States, as already high gas prices rose 37 higher in the spring of 2008,the issue cropped up in the presidential campaign, with Senators McCain and Obama 38 for a federal gas tax holiday during the peak summer driving months. And driving habits began to 39 ,as sales of small cars jumped and mass transport systems 40 the country reported a sharp increase in riders. 21. A. come B. gone C. crossed D. arrived 22. A. covered B. discovered C. arranged D. ranged

2009年考研英语一真题(附答案 )

2009年考研英语(一)试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence, it 5 out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning - a gradual 7 - instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they’ve apparently learned is when to 8 . Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence? That’s the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we’ve left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal I’ve ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14 , is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. we believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18 , they would hope to study a 19 question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? 20 the results are inconclusive. 1. [A] Suppose [B] Consider [C] Observe [D] Imagine 2. [A] tended [B] feared [C] happened [D] threatened 3. [A] thinner [B] stabler [C] lighter [D] dimmer 4. [A] tendency [B] advantage [C] inclination [D] priority 5. [A] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forward 6. [A] off [B] behind [C] over [D] along 7. [A] incredible [B] spontaneous [C]inevitable [D] gradual 8. [A] fight [B] doubt [C] stop [D] think 9. [A] invisible [B] limited [C] indefinite [D] different
