

Section 6 Learning a foreign language

1. Why do you want to learn a foreign language?

2. What do you need to learn a foreign language?

3. What should you do when you learn a foreign language?

4. What methods do you use to learn a foreign language?

5. Is it easier for younger people to learn a foreign language than older people?

6. Going abroad is a good way to learn a foreign language. What do you think about it?

7. Do you learn a foreign language through watching

movies/ reading books?

8. Do you think vocabulary/ grammar is important for learning a foreign language?

9. What is the best way do you think to learn a foreign language?

10. Do you think we should learn a foreign language at an early age?

11. If you learn a foreign language, what would you get?

12. What are the advantages if you learn a foreign language?

13. Do you think taking a language course is a good way

to learn a foreign language?

14. Can you learn a foreign language in a few months?

15. Why do you want to learn a foreign language?

16. The importance of learning a foreign language

17. Do you think it is a good way to learn a foreign language at an early age?

18. How long will you take to learn a foreign language?

19. Is it necessary for primary school students to learn

a foreign language?

20. Do you think a student should learn more than one kind of foreign language?

21. Have you learned other foreign languages except English?

22. Can your parents speak a foreign language?

23. What do you parents think of you learning a foreign language?

24. Do you have to spend lots of money learning a foreign language?


4~6 级 4 ●假日Holidays ●购物Shopping ●学校和工作School and work ●业余爱好和体育运动Hobbies and sports ●食物Food ●周末或季节性活动Weekend and seasonal activities 5 ●节日Festivals ●交通方式Means of transport ●重大或特殊的活动(如:生日等)Special occasions, e.g. birthday celebrations ●娱乐(如:电影院、电视、俱乐部等)Entertainment, e.g. cinema, television, clubs ●音乐Music ●近期的个人经历Recent personal experiences 6 ●旅游Travel ●有关金钱的相关话题Money ●时尚(如:服饰、行为等)Fashion ●规章制度Rules and regulations ●健康与健身Health and fitness ●学习一门外语Learning a foreign language 7~9 级 u 本部分由考生自己选择熟悉或感兴趣且利于展开讨论的话题;所选话题应使自己有更多机会能够运用所选级别的语言来展示自己的语言能力。u 自选话题不宜从第三部分的 6 个对话题目中选取,以利于考生更全面更自然地展现对语言的理解和控制能力。 u 与4~6 级不同,考生不必填写《思维图解表》,不得将自选话题写成书面材料带入考场,但可以准备所选话题的讨论提纲或图示一类的材料带入考场,并出示给考官。考生不带提纲进入考场不影响考试的正常进行。 u 考生应做充分的准备以便与考官进行持续五分钟的讨论,要能够根据考官的要求就话题内容举例、解释、说明并发表个人意见。考生若没有准备自选话题,本部分不给成绩,本次考试也就无法通过。 7 ●教育Education ●民族习俗National customs ●城市与乡村生活Village and city life ●全国和地方性的物产和产品National and local produce and products ●个人早年的记忆Early memories ●污染与资源再生利用Pollution and recycling 8 ●旅游Travel ●有关金钱的相关话题Money ●时尚(如:服饰、行为等)Fashion ●规章制度Rules and regulations ●健康与健身Health and fitness ●学习一门外语Learning a foreign language


1. What did you like to do in your childhood? 2. What do you recycle in your dailylife? Gese 9 1.What is the most typical construction in Beijing? 2.Do you want to be a architect? 3.What are the usges of robot? G 6 自选话题:(Topic){我的自选话题是有关健康的} 考官根据Topic提问4个点,中间会穿插一些自然对话。 第一个问题:What food do you think that can make you clever? 第二个问题:What we should cut down to keep fit? 第三个问题:What we should eat more to keep fit? 第四个问题:How to get a good eating habit? 注:中间会加一些自然提问,例如:“我喜欢吃零食,你有没有什么建议”之类的。 第二部分:对话(conversation){有六个题目:旅游,金钱,时尚,规章制度,健康,购物} 我被问到的: 1.旅游travel(用中文打出来,要不太费时间) 你喜欢旅游吗? 哪次旅行让你感受最深? 你在旅游过程中有没有出现过坏事? 2.规章制度rules and regulations

2.你喜欢校服吗? 3.为什么要穿校服? 注:要加两次对考官的自然提问,语速要适中,不能有背诵嫌疑。 最后,祝其它考三一口语的同学取得好成绩! G5 5级部分真题 1. Festivals What’s your favorite Chinese festival? why? What do you do on that day? Who often spend this festival with you? Which festival do you think is most important in china? Why? Tell me the stories of Spring Festival. Do you know anything about Halloween? When is it? 2. Car and bicycles How do you go to school everyday? Can you ride a bike /drive a car? When did you begin to use it? /how you used it in the past ? Which one do you like more ,car or bicycle? Why do many people like to have a car /bicycle? 3. Music Do you like music? Why or why not? Which do you like ,pop music or classical music ? why ? What is your favorite song ?what is the meaning of the song? When do you usually listen to music? 4. Birthday Do you think that birthday is an important day? How do you celebrate your birthday ? Where do you prefer to celebrate your birthday ,in a restaurant or at home ? Do you know your mother’s birthday? What do you do to celebrat e your parents’ birthday ? 5. Entertainment Do you like going to the cinema? How often do you go to the cinema ? why? Who is your favorite movie star ?why ?

三一口语六级Rules and regulation规则(总结)

Rules and regulation规则 1. Are there any rules at your home?/ Do you have some rules at home? Yes, there any rules in your home. For example, in my family, I must do my homework first. If I finish my homework, I can watch TV and play computer games. Second I must get up at six o’clock, because I have an English class on the morning. Third, everyone knows, no pain no gain. If I want get some pocket money, I must do something to exchange. Such as sweep the floor and wash the dishes, I think it is good for my health. 2. Which rule do you have to obey first at home? 3. What do you think of the rules in your home? / Tell me something about your family rules. There are some rules in my family, such as Respect the elders; wash hands before each meal; take shower before bed; Take off shoes before entering the bedrooms. 4. Are you allowed to watch TV for a long time every day? 5. If you don’t listen to your parents, what will happen? If I don’t listen to my mum, most of time she will persuade me to accept her suggestion. But sometimes she may be angry at me. I don’t think that will work. Parents can suggest children to do something but not order them. I have heard of that American parents never order their children in order to help them to be independent. 6. Are there any rules in your school?/ Do you know any school rules? Yes. We should go to school on time. We must wear the school suit on Monday and Thursday. It’s not allowed to run in the hall. No fighting. Be polite to teachers and students. I think it’s very good to have rules to keep the discipline. 7. How can traffic accidents be prevented? I think the most important thing is we should obey the traffic rules, all of them are necessary. For example, when we cross the road, we should wait for the traffic light, but I see many people could hardly wait to rush into road. That’s very dangerous. Some people drive after drinking alcohol. It’s also very dangerous for both driver and the people on the road.


大纲介绍 第一部分:自选话题(5分钟) 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题 能持续针对思维图解表中所列的讲述点提供信息、阐述观点 清晰描述事情发生的前后顺序 与考官就准备的话题进行轻松随意的讨论,讨论中考官可能要求考生进一步提供信息、事实和细节 向考官提出至少1个与自选话题相关的问题 尽可能运用本级所要求的语言功能 第二部分:对话(5分钟) 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题 提供相关信息,并表达自己的观点 主动与考官开展对话 向考官提出至少2个与对话话题相关的问题 考官从以下6个话题中任意选择2个,与考生进行双向对话 ?旅游 ?与金钱相关的话题 ?时尚(如:服饰、行为等) ?规章制度 ?健康与健身 ?学习一门外语

描述过去一段时间内的活动 表达个人的观点和印象,询问他人观点和印象 表达意向和目的 表达义务和必要性 表述确定性与不确定性 If和when引导的条件句 过去进行时 与本级语言功能相关的情态词,如:must, need to, might, don’t have to 不定式用于表示目的 常用动词短语 与自选话题相关的词汇 与对话话题相关的词汇 表达将来时的词语,如:the day after tomorrow, in a year’s time 避免出现背诵式的演讲语调(最重要) 正确使用与自选话题和对话话题相关词汇的发音 正确使用句子重音明确语义 掌握语句层面的语调和语流特点 掌握较为复杂的疑问句句型的语调

大纲解析 1.自选话题绝对不能从第二部分的6个话题中选取;尽量选择与自己生活、经 历相关的话题;并预先考虑考官围绕该话题可能提出的所有问题。 2.材料准备一定要充分,足以与考官讨论5分钟。 3.考生可借助自带的画片、照片、图表、模型或实物进行讨论,但不包括动物、 昆虫、刀具、利器等危险物品。(强烈建议) 4.至少向考官提出一个与自选话题相关的问题,不提问或不相关,不给分。 5.所有考生的自选话题部分必须填写《思维图解表》(见下),并带入考场与考 官进行讨论。 《思维图解表》要求6级准备6个讲述点,考官至少会问及《思维图解表》中4个或4个以上的讲述点。要求:所填写的讲述点不能太笼统,如“Introduction to topic”,“Conclusion to topic”,“What I did next…”,正确填法如下:


伦敦三一口语6级真题:旅游、金钱、时尚等综合 Section 6 Learning a foreign language 1. Why do you want to learn a foreign language? 2. What do you need to learn a foreign language? 3. What should you do when you learn a foreign language? 4. What methods do you use to learn a foreign language? 5. Is it easier for younger people to learn a foreign language than older people? 6. Going abroad is a good way to learn a foreign language. What do you think about it? 7. Do you learn a foreign language through watching movies/ reading books? 8. Do you think vocabulary/ grammar is important for learning a foreign language? 9. What is the best way do you think to learn a foreign language? 10. Do you think we should learn a foreign language at an early age? 11. If you learn a foreign language, what would you get? 12. What are the advantages if you learn a foreign language? 13. Do you think taking a language course is a good way to learn a foreign language?


三一口语1—6级考试话题提问 二级 这一级别没有样板问题,一般以指出房间的物品,考生可以用正确的发音说出该物品的英文名称,说出自己家人和朋友的英文称呼,星期和月份 1. What's this?......This is a desk/chair. 2. What's that?......That is a window/door. 3. What month is it?......It is November now. 4. How many days are there in November?......There are thirty days. 5. Is it February this month?......No, it isn't 6. Is it Tuesday?......No, it isn't. It's Wednesday. 7. Where is the apple?......The apple is in the box. 8. Where is the cat?......The cat is under the box. 9. Is she behind the door? 10. What is she doing?......She is singing. 11. What is he doing?......He is running. 12. How many people are there in your family? 13. Who are they? 14. Do you have any friends? 15. Who is your best friend? 三级 学校生活 Where is your school? Which school are you in? Is there a library in your building? How many floors are there in your building?


fashion 1. What’s fashion? Answer1 In my opinion, the fashion is something that makes you spend money to get modern things in the recent life. For me, I will not follow this kind of fashion because I don’t want to spend a lot of money to get more and more expensive things. The main point is that we must choose the things we really need. Answer2: I think fashion is the newest things. Such as new cell phone, new cloth or new game. Fashion can change our life style; it can push us to go to the future. 2. Do you chase the fashion? 3. What do you think of fashion? Answer1 I think fashion can push us to go to future. But it also can cost our much money and time. When we are fashionable, people think we are cool and rich. If we don’t fashionable, that’s ok, no one think we are poor. Answer2: If it’s fashion to play certain computer games or toys, I care. Toys are similar to fashion, because we always need to buy new ones. But the main point is that we must choose the thongs we really need. We should follow the good fashion with our own judgment and opinion. 4. Do you like your school uniform? I don't like my school uniform at all. It is quite bad-looking, because it only has black and white colours. I think young persons should wear some colorful clothes. But, I have to wear it every day. And my summer uniform is very thick, if I wear it, I will feel very hot. My winter uniform is so thin. If I wear it, I will feel very cold. I asked for replacement, but was rejected by the teacher. To this I feel disappointed. But mother like my uniform very much, because it saves a lot of time and money. In the past, she spent much time and money on my clothes. But now, I seldom(很少) ask her to buy clothes for me. 5. How do you choose your clothes? 6. What kind of clothes do you like?( What clothes do you like to wear?) I like to wear casual clothes, because I think casual clothes is very comfortable and convenient to wear, for example, when we wear casual clothes, we can do all kinds of sports, besides, casual clothes is not very expensive, so I like them.


交际能力 ● 与考官相互问候 ● 听懂考官的简单指令,并完成相应动作 ● 用非常简单的语言来回答简单问题 语言功能 ● 相互问候 ● 说出姓名和年龄 ● 辨认和说出所示物品的名称 ● 告别用语 语法项目 只需理解: ● 祈使句用词:如go, come, show, point, give, touch, stand up ● 疑问词:What? How many? How old? ● 指示词:this, that, these, those 要求理解并使用: ● be动词的一般现在时 ● 普通名词的单数和有规则的复数形式,如:ear/ears, shoe/shoes ● 简单的形容词,如:small, big, green ● 限定词:a, the, my, your, his, her ● 代词:I, you, he, she, it, they 词汇 ● 用于介绍个人简单情况的词汇 ● 所在考场内的物品名称 ● 脸部和身体的基本部位 ● 普通动物(家养的、农场的、野生的) ● 20以内的数字 ● 颜色 ● 日常服装名称(如T恤衫、衬衣、裙子、外套等) 语音 对以上所列词汇范围内的相关常用词能够做到发音正确

交际能力 ● 听懂考官简短和简单的问题、要求和陈述,并以相应的动作做出反应,给予肯定或否定的简短回答● 用熟记的词组和短句交流 ● 使用基本词汇、词组描述个人的情况或场景 ● 就对话方最基本的个人情况提问 语言功能 ● 表述人或物的位置 ● 简单描述人、动物、物品、地点、场景 ● 表述简单的事实 ● 描绘个人所拥有的物品 ● 简单提问有关个人情况的问题 新增语法项目 只需理解: ● 一般现在时的问句● 疑问词:who, when ● 一般现在进行时的问句● 限定词:some, any 要求理解并使用: ● 一般现在时 ● 句型:There is/are, has got/have got, Have you got? Do you have? ● 疑问词:如where, how ● 表示位置的介词:in, on, under, between, next to ● 限定词:our, their, its ● 所有格代词:mine, yours, his, hers ● 用“Yes”和“No”回答一般现在进行时的问句 词汇 ● 家中各个房间的名称● 家居物品 ● 家庭和朋友● 宠物 ● 本人拥有的物品● 一星期中每日的名称,一年中每月的名称 ● 50以内的数字 语音 ● 单词发音准确● 正确掌握简单问题的基本语音语调 ● 缩略形式,如I’ve, I’m, he’s 特别提示:除上述要求外,本级考试中还包括前一级的所有要求


Travelling 一:话题词汇 1. Travel 旅行 2. Trip 短途旅行 3. Journey 长途旅行 4. Flight 飞机旅行 5. Voyage 航海旅行 6. Tour 旅游 7. Take a trip 短途旅行 8. Tourist 游客 9. Tourist 旅游景点 10. Places of interest 名胜古迹 11. Broaden one’s horizon 拓宽视野 12. Tourism 旅游业 13. Increase experience 增加阅历 14. Make friends 交朋友 15. Local snacks 特产 16. Cultural diversity 文化差异 17. Dialect 方言 18. Accent 口音 19. Working holiday visa 工作旅行签证 二:句式模板: 1. Do you like travelling?以下黑色是框架模板,红色可以替换。 Personally speaking, I am really into travelling(回答问题,表达观点). Actually, it is a great opportunity for me to broaden my horizons as well as gain all sorts of life experiences.(解释观点,相当于是this is beacause原因论证) 2. Where do you like to go when you go travelling? Frankly speaking, if I have spare time to travel around, some places like mountains, grasslands or islands(回答问题,表达观点)are always my first choices. The most important reason is that there are few people and they are natural beauties.(解释观点,相当于是this is beacause原因论证) 3. Do you like long trips? Well, it actually depends. Say that I am alone, I prefer to take short trips(回答问题,表达观点)while on the other hand, if I am with my family members or friends, probably it is a good idea for us to take a long journey(回答问题,表达观点), I mean, we can take care of each other on the way and share a lot with each other while travelling.(解释观点,相当于是this is beacause原因论证) 4. How do you feel when you travel? In fact, I have different feelings when I travel to different places. Supposing that I am traveling in some places like seaside or


伦敦三一学院口语等级考试(GESE)级别描述 伦敦三一学院口语等级考试(GESE -- Graded Examinations in Spoken English)至今已有几十年的历史, 在欧亚、拉美的四、五十个国家和地区开展。 此项测试适于6-7岁以上母语为非英语的英语学习者。 此项测试共分为四段12个级别。1-3级为预备段;4-6级为初级段;7-9级为中级段;10-12级为高级段。高级别的考试涵盖低于该级别的其他级别的内容。 考试形式为考生与考官进行一对一的交谈。 考试成绩评定:A—优秀,B—良好,C —及格,D—不及格。 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 预备段(1-3级) 考试时间:1级-5分钟, 2级-6分钟, 3级-7分钟。 总体要求: ● 考生在考官帮助下,能听懂考官简明、慢速、直接的指令和要求,并做出相应的手势或动作。 ● 就个人的学习、工作情况和业余活动与考官进行简单交谈。 ● 使用基本句型以及熟记的短语、词组以及惯用语句描述自己或他人的行为、物品和场景。 要点提示: ● 预备段考试主要以问与答的形式进行,考官善于调动考生以有限的语言能力参与到真实有趣的交流中去。 ● 考官可能使用与考试级别相符的考具,如图片、实物等。考生应熟悉日常生活中所使用物品的名称。 ● 考生若没有听清考官的问题或指令,可以用“Can you repeat that,please?”,“Sorry?”或“Pardon?”等语句或词语,请求考官重复或解释。但是多次使用此类语句会影响最终成绩。 ● 1级考生可以使用一、两个单词作简短回答,并能用手势或动作完成考官所给的指令。 ● 2级考生应能使用简单的完整句子对人和物进行描述,如“My brother’s tall. He’s got black hair.” ● 3级考生应能在使用完整句子的基础上,使用简单的连词,如“My brother’s tall and he’s got black hair.” ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1 级 交际能力 ● 与考官相互问候 ● 听懂考官的简单指令,并完成相应动作 ● 非常简短地、甚至使用单个词回答考官所提问题 语言功能 ● 相互问候 ● 说出姓名和年龄


Level 4 A: Holidays: 1.Which one is your favorite holiday? 2.How do you usually celebrate it? 3.What is the special of this holiday? 4.What can you get from it? 5.Do you know anything about it? 6.Do you know any western holidays? 7.What are they? 8.Do you like to celebrate Chinese holidays or western holidays? 9.Is it celebrated as a family or a group? 10.Are there special foods connected with the holiday? 11.Have you eaten any of these foods? (1)Do you or did you like the foods? (2)Can you make these foods? Are you good at making them? 11. What special clothing/customs are associated with your favorite holiday? 12.Is gift giving a part of this holiday? (1)Are there specific types of gifts to be given? (2)Who are they given to? 13.What are some of the things that are done to show that this holiday is being observed (celebrated)? 14.What does the holiday stand for? Why is this holiday celebrated? 15.Do you enjoy the holiday? Why or why not? 16.What traditional colors are associated with this holiday? 17.What is your favorite holiday memory? Tell us about it. 18.Who is your favorite holiday character (e.g. Santa Claus)? Why? 19.What are three holidays that you like to spend with your family? 20.What is your worst holiday memory? Tell us about it. 21.If you had a long holiday, what would you do with it? B: Shopping Do you like shopping? 1.How often do you go for shopping? 2.Where do you usually go for shopping? (shopping mall / supermarket / ) 3.Who do shopping for your family? 4.Would you like to go alone or with your friends or family members? 5.Do you always bargain with the shop assistants? 6.What do you think of the service there? 7.Do you have any experience of being “rip ped off”(敲竹杠)? 8.Which is more important for you, fashion design or quality? 9.Do you always buy something you really don't need? 10.How do you always pay for the things you buy? By cash or by credit card? 11.Would you like to buy things on sale? 12.Are you a price conscious shopper? 13.Do you compare prices at different stores when you shop? 14.Do you enjoy shopping? 15.Do you ever buy second-hand things? ("used things") C: Hobbies and interests 1.Do you have any hobbies? 2.What are they? 3.How do you understand a hobby? 4.Are all of hobbies expensive or cheap? 5.Could you give some examples? 6.What can you get from taking up a hobby? 7.What is your favourite sport?


Money 1. Do you have pocket money from your parents? How do you spend it? 2. Do you agree that offering too much allowance to children may spoil them? 3. How can you make pocket money? (Where do you get your pocket money?) I usually get my pocket money from my parents. My father will give me some pocket money for my good school record, my mother will give me some pocket money after I help her to do some housework. 4. Are you good at saving money? 5. What would you do if you were a millionaire (百万富翁)? 6. Do your parents use credit cards? 7. Is money everything? I don‟t think so .Because some things we can use money to buy it ,but some things we can‟t ,like health, friends ,love ,and so many things .So ,I don‟t think money is everything. 8. How do you think of the recent price? just so so! Some things are very expensive now; our pool people can‟t buy it! And some things are very cheap now, we can buy it. But now, I think it isn‟t very stabilize. 9. Are you happy to buy anything for your parents or friends with your own money? Yes ! I …m very happy to use my own money to buy anything, I think we need to buy some things to develop (发展)our friendship, and we need to buy some things to show filial(子女的)obedience(respect)to our parents. We buy things to our friends or parents, we must use our own money to buy it, and we mustn‟t use other people‟s money to buy it, because we use our own money that‟s our things! 10. Do you sometimes give money to charities? Yes! I sometimes give charities some change, I think they really it(正好是所需的)to maintain their life. I think I do a good deed(行为)! 11. How much money do you parents spend on you every year? About hundred thousands of! My mother always said that it is very expensive to bring up a child!


三一口语六级范文 三一口语六级文章 Health is important Well, I think health is more important than anything else in our daily life. Firstly, without health people will lose everything. For example, one of my father?s friends, he loves money very much and he spared no effort for that and even work more than 14 hours a day. In this way, he has become a millionaire, however, he has got a special illness. After some time, he was dead. What a pity! And also, if one is very healthy, he can enjoy the colorful life. As far as I?m concerned, I get up early in the morning and I neither eat too much nor too little. After supper I often ride bicycle downstairs. Well, as a healthy child, I really love my family and the colorful life. How do you keep healthy? Ok, as people are having a busy life. I think it is not easy to be healthy. However, as I said just now, if people lose health he will lose everything. I just take some effective ways of keeping healthy. Firstly, fruit and vegetables are good for one?s health. My mother often says that …eat an apple a day, keep the doctors away.? What?s more, my teacher said vitamines and fibre are contained in them. And also, sleeping enough is very important. Most students take less than 8 hours sleep because of their heavy homework. For adults, it is more serious. Day by day, they gradually lose their health. Then everyday, I have 8 hours? sleep no matter what
