



Dear Miss Gao,

I'm sorry I can’t go to school today. I helped the farmers pick apples with my

classmates on the farm yesterday. Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I

wasn''''t badly hurt. The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. So I ask

for leave for two days.

Your student,

Wang Li

(先按书信格式写日期,和亲爱的某老师“Dear Miss...”.如果是男老师要“Dear Mr. ..."

正文说我很抱歉今天不能去上课“I'm sorry I can’t go to school today.”然后说明原因,最后说我想请几天假“So I ask for leave for 几 days. ”


Dear Mr/Ms XXX:

Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave,

for I've got cold last night with carelessness.

This morning my mother took me to see the doctor, who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I'll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.

Yours ever,











Dear Mr/Ms XXX;

Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave,

for I've got cold last night with carlessness.

This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who

told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I'll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.

Yours ever,








Dear Mr/Ms Jiang (你自己选性别吧)

I was unable to e to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible.

I am sincerely sorry about the inconvenience. However, I would like to have your permission. Also, afterwards I would phone you and there's the certificate by the doctor.

Li Tie

October 21st xx



我系政法学院xx级 xx 专业2班的 xx ,因xx ,需要请假(多久),时间至,离校期间一切安全责任自负,望批准!





Dear teacher,

I am feeling very well this morning. I think I've caught

a cold and need to see the doctor. So I'm asking for 1 day leave. Please allow my request. Thanks.

Yours Xiaoming


















6.假期所去方向, ___(能第一时间联系上你的 ___),联系人;





另外,根据请假 ___度,不少企业单位还要求请假人,同时提供相关证明材料。如:请病假需提供医疗保险定点医院诊断证明;因急病、急事等特殊情况,不能事先请假的,要及时委托他人说明情况代为办理,或事后本人说明理由、补办请假手续。

XX老师,您好! XX同学,因XX病不能上课,特请假X天.请见谅! 家长XX 日期



大学英语请假条范文2篇College English leave note 编订:JinTai College

大学英语请假条范文2篇 前言:请假条是请求领导或老师或其它,准假不参加某项工作、学习、活动等的文书。请假条因为请假的原因,一般分为请病假和请事假两种。本文档根据请假条容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义, 便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:大学英语请假条范文 2、篇章2:商务英语请假条怎么写文档 篇章1:大学英语请假条范文 students leave the format. because of events or disease no school or to work or participate in activities, to the related personnel leave a note, taking a leave of absence or call to call. note format by the title, name, text, several components, specific writing methods are as follows:

title:" excuse" three words written in the first line of the middle position. address: second lines written in the top who to leave. write receipt addrea person with the general epistles. are generally to the boor the teacher for leave. the specific wording in the surname followed by position, such as" director chen"," king section chief"," zhang", use a colon after. abstract: writing clear off this, leave the starting and ending time. in the third line two write. finally, often to" please leave"," best regards"," grateful" wait for diction end. inscribe: sign and date the same general epistles. in the lower right on leave name. the name below the mark of date of leave. to write a good excuse. must pay attention to the following points : 1 reason for leave to specific clearly, not equivocation, ready to accept either course. if encounter unexpected things too late to


英语请假条范文4篇 “请假申请”相当于公文中的“请示”,但比请示简便、灵活,格式可以不固定,也可以固定。一般来说,请假条应该包括以下方而的内容: 1.告诉公司请假的具体时间以及请假天数。 2.说明请假的原因。 3.请假期间工作接替安排。 4.希望自己暂时的离幵不会给公司带来不便。 5.希望得到批准。 请假申请英文范文 dearmr.smith, myfamilyexpectsmetocomehometocelebratechinesenewyearthedaya ftertomorrow.therefore,iwouldliketoaskyoutogenerouslygrantm eaholidayfromjanuary15thtofebruary7th.itrustmyenforcedabsen cewillnotgiveyouanyseriousinconvenience.pleaseunderstandmys ituation.thankyouverymuch! sincerely, liming 请假申请英文范文【译文】 史密斯先生,

因为后天是中国的春节,我的家人希望我回家过节,所以我可能要请个假。我回国的时间是从1月15日到2月7日。我相信我的离开不会给您带来严重的不便。希望您能批准。希望您能理解我的处境,非常感谢! 您真诚的 李明 关于请假申请怎么写的几点写作提示: 釆用书信格式写的请假条,日期应写在正文的右上角。由于请假条的内容太多,可能是当天、近几日因病或因事请假,所以不必写上年份;称呼写在左上角。 请假条如是向上级请示,一般以“dear”或“mydear...”开头。有时可在“dear”之后,用上“mr”或“miss”等的称呼加上姓氏。不过,有一点仍要提醒大家,各种称呼后而一般都用逗号。正文要力求简洁明了,用词口语化。 写请假条只要把请假的理由和请假时间说清楚即可。有的请假条为了说明其请假事由是真实的,在正文之后另起一行,写上“iencloseadoctor’scertificate.”(我附上了医生证明。)签名(署名)写在右下角,其上面一行可以写上“yours”或“yourstudent"等样,有时由于写条的人和收条的人很熟悉,所以在称呼和签名上比较随便和简单。特别是在签名部分,有时可简单到只写个姓或只写个名。 因此,在写请假条时一定要以与对方的熟悉程度来决定恰当的


考研英语复习资料考研英语作文范文(请假条):在现代办公生活中,我们越来越多地会用到 英语,用英语发邮件,用英语写记录报告,或者用英语向上司写假条。 现在我们就来跟大家讲讲如何用英语写假条,也就是提前请假的状况下应该怎样写假条。 首先,假条的上方还是应该按照半正式的格式写上如下信息: to:假条是递给谁的 from:请假人 date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期) subject:写上请假字样假条抬头范例如下: to: peter stone, manager from: lynn chen, financial department date: april 2nd, 2004 subject: casual leave of absence 其次,在您的请假信第一段,应该开门见山但是有礼貌地提出请假。第一段要中心明确, 写清您要请假的日期。 第一段范例如下: peter, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on april 4th, this wednesday. 然后,在假条的第二段,您应该简单明了陈述请假的原因事由。注意叙述清楚明白,并 尽可能表示对此带来工作不便的歉意。 第二段范例如下: concerning my workload: as wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, i think a one-day leave this wednesday may be the best solution. i apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause. 接着,在假条的最后一段,应写上您希望获得准假的句子,或者具体等候答复的时间。 最后一段范例如下: thanks. i will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time. 好,把以上几段综合起来,就是一则请假条,看看,是不是很简单?写得成功的请假条, 能充分表明您是一个认真负责有条理的人,所以请多多练习吧。篇二:英文请假条范文 五、请假条(第二册第三单元写作)请假条要说明请假的原因和请假的期限。sick leave 病假 例子2 dear sir or madam: dear mr li/miss li/mrs li, i beg to apply for two days’ leave/a week’s leave/7 days’ leave of absence (请假) from the 7th to 8th of this week. because i was ill, i want to return/go home to see the doctor. to support my application, i herewith/enclose the sick leave certificate. ? i should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application. as regards the lesson to be missed during my absence, i will do my best to make them up as soon as i get back from leave. yours respectfully, li min 例子3: dear ms wang, i beg to apply for seven days’ leave /one week’s leave of absence from the 4th to 10th of this month. because my father is seriously ill now, so i want to return


英语请假条的规范写法 在现代生活中,我们越来越多地会用到英语,用英语发邮件,用英语写记录报告,或者用英语向上司写假条。本期“乘兴走笔”就来跟大家讲讲如何用英语写假条,也就是提前请假的状况下应该怎样写假条. 首先,假条的上方还是应该按照半正式的格式写上如下信息: To:假条是递给谁的 From:请假人 Date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期) Subject:写上请假字样 假条抬头范例如下: To: Peter Stone, Manager From: Lynn Chen, Financial Department Date: April 2nd, 20XX Subject: Casual Leave of Absence 其次,在您的请假信第一段,应该开门见山但是有礼貌地提出请假。第一段要中心明确,写清您要请假的日期。 第一段范例如下:

Peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on April 4th, this Wednesday. 然后,在假条的第二段,您应该简单明了陈述请假的原因事由。注意叙述清楚明白,并尽可能表示对此带来工作不便的歉意。 第二段范例如下: This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to e to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth. I have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight. The situation could worsen, should infection occur. Concerning my workload: As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best solution. I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause. 接着,在假条的最后一段,应写上您希望获得准假的句子,或者具体等候答复的时间。 最后一段范例如下: Thanks. I will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time.


英语请假条 周莹霞November 12, 2015 请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,也是高考要求掌握的写作话题之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假(leave of absence)。请假条用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。 一、写作指南: 1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名,在高考中,时间、称呼和签名一般会给出。全文一般分为三段。 2.请假条是一种简单的书信文体, 其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是简化的书信,要有合适的开头和结尾句,同时具备一般书信的人称和时态等特点。 3.请假条要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂,口语化。 二、常用句式: ’m writing to you to ask a sick leave.我在给你写信请病假。 ask you for sick leave of three days.我请3天病假。 ’m sorry that I can’t go to school today, so I want to ask for two days of sick leave. 很抱歉今天我无法上学了,所以我想请两天病假。 wonder if you could give me your permission.你是否同意我请假呢。 hope you can approve my leave. 望准假! kind permission will be greatly appreciated.承蒙惠准,感激不尽。 ’ll go back to school as soon as I am well enough. And I’ll do my best to make up for the missing lessons during my absence 我病一好了就会尽快回校。并且我会尽我所能去补上所缺的课程。 leave 病假 a casual /absence leave 事假 am very/really/terribly/extremely sorry to tell you that I cannot attend your English classes today. 很抱歉我今天不能上您的英语课。 have to go to see the doctor. 我得看医生。 want to ask for four days’leave from Tuesday to Friday. 我想请假4天,时间是从周二到周五。 enclose a doctor’s certificate. 我附上了医生证明。(注意:有的请假条为了说明其请假事由是真实的,在正文之后另起一行,写上这句) 三、写作模板: 提出请假+ 阐述请假事由(并致歉)+ 希望获准 请假条全文一般分为三段。 第一段:开门见山,有礼貌地提出请假。中心明确,写清楚请假的时间及日期。 第二段:简单明了陈述请假的原因事由。叙述清楚明白,并尽可能表达因此带来的工作或学习上的不便的歉意。 第三段:希望获准,或等候答复。写上希望获得准假的句子,或者具体等候答复的时间。 四、范文例析 (一) Dear Mr. Peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on April 4th,this Wednesday.(提出请假及时间)


2020 大学英文的请假条范文Document Writing

大学英文的请假条范文 前言语料:温馨提醒,公务文书,又叫公务文件,简称公文,是法定机关与社会组织在公务活动中为行使职权,实施管理而制定的具有法定效用和规范体式的书面文字材料,是传达和贯彻方针和政策,发布行政法规和规章,实行行政措施,指示答复问题,知道,布置和商洽工作,报告情况,交流经验的重要工具 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 大学英文的请假条范文篇一 DearXXleadership: TheSpringFestivaliscoming,moreandmorefestiveatmosphererem indsmeofmythoughts.IwantfromXtoX,XX,Xdayleavetogohometovi sittheirparents,duringthefestivalasachildren'scare,hopeth eleadershipapproval. ToleadahappyNewYear!Goodluckineverything!....... XXX XXmonthXday 大学英文的请假条范文篇二 dearteacherxx(orother): ixxinstitutexxxxprofessional2claxx,forxx,theneedtoleave(long),timetoleave,allduringthesafetyresponsibility,pleaseapprove!

sincerelyyours salute leaveone: year,monthandday 大学英文的请假条范文篇三 teacherwang: today,becauseofmygrandmotherwasseriouslyill,withparentstovisit,askforleaveoneday. sincerelyyours salute! student:libinbin xdated 大学英文的请假条范文篇四 zhang: yourclastudentsunhao,duetoasuddenhighfeverandvomiting,tothehospitalfortreatment.today'sabsencefromschool.wetake. sincerelyyours salute! parents:sunzhengping parents:sunzhengping xdated


感冒英语请假条 1、感冒英语请假条 dear mr.xxx, im sorry to tell you that i caught a cold and im not feeling well now.i am adviced to stay in bed for two days and cant go to school then.but i think ill get well soon and be back the day after tomorrow. yours sincerely, xxx 2、学生感冒英文请假条 dear mr/ms xxx: today im writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for ive got cold last night with carlessness. this morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. so i am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. ill be sure to make up for the missed lessons after i recover from the illness. yours ever, xxx. 3、感冒英语请假条 dear teacher, i am not feel very well this days,and cough seriously,so,i went to see a doctor yesterday, the doctor told me that i have had a badly cold, he let me stay in bed day and night, taking pills three times a day.as you know, i can not go to scholl.cared by my families,i am sure i will get well soon,i will try my best to catch up with my classmates. thanks! yours, jack 4、感冒英语请假条 one possible version: june 8, 20xx dear sir, im sorry to tell you that i cant go to school today, ive caught a cold because i swam in the schools swimming pool yesterday. this morning i had a headache. after taking my temperature, my mother found that i had a high fever, immediately she took me to see a doctor, who advised me to stay in bed for 2 days. now i am writing to you to ask for 2 days sick leave. with best wishes. your student,tom 5、感冒英语请假条 dear ms yang, im so sorry that i have got a cold.because of the bad cold i cant go to school these days.as a result,i want to stay at home for days.thank you. zanghua.篇二:英语请假条的书写格式及范文 请假条是请求领导或老师或其它,准假不参加某项工作、学习、活动的文书。 鉴于许多同学和工作的朋友对请假条的写法及格式比较模糊,本站精选4篇关于请假条 格式请假条范文/范本,供参考: 通用请假条格式 请假条一般应包括以下几个部分:正文的第一行最中间应写上“请假条”字样。


英语请假条(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语请假条范文 to: john smith, supervisor from: george chen, accounting department date: march 11, 2014 subject: casual leave of absence john, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from march 23 to 27. yesterday i received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling me that a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damage to my house. as the only son of my parents, i should of back to assess the situation, and help them to get over these difficulties. though i cannot stay at home for too long a time, i should at least make arrangements for repair work. i believe my relatives in the village and my neighbors will also come to help. financially i have no difficulties. i will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time. 第二篇:英语请假条 i am in the _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ days pre-production, recommended by a doctor, to the xxxx years _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ days ahead of labor, especially from xxxx _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ began to leave, for a period of _ _ _ _ _ days, please lead to approve, thank you!


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 假设你是Tony,是英语一班二年级学生,因有事不能上外教Ms. Riddle 的课,给她写一张请假条,说明你不能来上课的原因。 【范文】 October 8, 2007 Dear Ms. Riddle, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from your Oral English class this Thursday morning. Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from my cousin, who is now operating a small company in suburbs of this city. He needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find the most trustworthy person, so he wants me to make an attempt. It seems to me that this is a golden opportunity to put what I have learned in your class into practice, but I need your permission of absence. If you think I may go and help him overcome the difficulty, I am confident that I’ll do a good job and both of us will be thankful.


英文请假条格式 请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假(leave of absence)。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。 【参考范文】 Sep.28 Dear Miss Gao, I'm sorry I can''''t go to school today. I helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday. Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasn''''t badly hurt. The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. So I ask for leave for two days. Wang Li 【点评】这是一份采用书信格式写的请假条。日期是September 28, 日期写在正文的右上角。由于请假条的内容大多是当天、近几日因病或因事请假,所以不必写上年份;称呼是Dear Miss Gao,称呼写在左上角。请假条因是向上级请示,一般以Dear...,或My dear...,开头。有时可在Dear之后,用上Mr.或Miss 等的称呼加上姓氏。不过,有一点仍要提醒大家,各种称呼后面一般都用逗号。正文谈了一件事:I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasn''''t badly hurt. I can''''t come to school. I ask for leave for two days. 简洁明了,用词口语化。写请假条只要把请假的理由和请假时间说清楚即可。有的请假条为了说明其请假事由是真实的,在正文之后另起一行,写上I enclose a doctor''''s certificate.(我附上了医生证明。);签名为Wang Li。签名(署名)写在右下角,签名(署名)上面一行可以写上Yours, Your student等字样,有时由于写条的人和收条的人彼此一般很熟悉,所以在称呼和签名上比较随便和简单。特别是在签名部分,有时可简单到只写个姓或只写个名就可以了。 Dear Mr/Ms XXX; Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've got cold last night with carelessness. This morning my mother took me to see the doctor, who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I'll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness. Yours ever, XXX. 尊敬/亲爱的XXX; 我今天给您写信是要请5天的假,因为我昨天晚上不小心感冒了。今天早上,我妈妈带我去看了大夫,大夫告诉我要在家里躺几天。所以,我对缺课,特别是不能上您那有趣的课,感到难过。我病好后一定把漏掉的课程补上。 此致 敬礼。 您的学生;XXX.


有关于用英语给老师写的请假条 正确的处理好学生的非正常请假,可以减少师生矛盾,增进师生感情交流,净化学习风气,促进和谐发展。下面WTT整理了有关于用英语给老师写的请假条,希望大家喜欢! 有关于用英语给老师写的请假条范本1 dear miss lu, im sorry i cant go to school today. i played football with my classmates yesterday. unluckily, i fell off and hurt my leg, but i wasnt badly hurt. the doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. so i ask for leave for two days. many thanks. im looking forward to your kind answer. wang lei有关于用英语给老师写的请假条范本2 dear teacher: im sorry i have to ask for two daysoff. because i had a bad cold yesterday. and now i have a high fever. i am feeling very bad.i cant study freely in class .i went to see a doctorin the hospital.he gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for two days .so im


英语请假条模板 Deasdfsr Ms Masdfs, I asdfspologize thasdfst I casdfsnnot go to school todasdfsy. Lasdfsst night my mother hasdfsd asdfs high fever asdfsnd coughed basdfsdly. I think thasdfst she hasdfss got flu. She didn't hasdfsve asdfs good sleep asdfsnd is very weasdfsk todasdfsy, so I will go to Tiasdfsntasdfsn Hospitasdfsl with my mother, asdfsnd then stasdfsy asdfst home to asdfsttend her. Becasdfsuse of this I hasdfsve to asdfssk for leasdfsve. I will asdfsppreciasdfste you very much if you casdfsn asdfsllow my leasdfsve. Yours, Li Li 敬爱的马老师: 很抱歉我今天不能去上学了。昨天夜里我妈妈发高烧,咳嗽得厉害,我想她可能是得了流感。昨天晚上她休息得不好,而且今天很虚弱,所以我陪妈妈去天坛医院,然后在家照顾她。因此我不得不请假。如果您能准假我会非常感激。 您的学生李丽 Deasdfsr Ms Masdfs, I asdfsm sorry to tell you thasdfst I casdfsn't go to school todasdfsy. Lasdfsst night my mother hasdfsd asdfs high fever


大学英语请假条范文 大学英语请假条范文一:John, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from March 23 to 27. Yesterday I received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling me that a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damage to my house. As the only son of my parents, I should of back to assess the situation,and help them to get over these difficulties. Though I cannot stay at home for too long a time, I should at least make arrangements for repair work. I believe my relatives in the village and my neighbors will also come to help. Financially I have no difficulties. I will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time. XXX 大学英语请假条范文二:Dear Mr/Ms XXX; Today Im writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for Ive got cold last night with carelessness. This morning my mother took me to see the doctor, who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your


英语请假条范文带翻译4篇 请假条与书信、书面通知、启事、海报、日记、留言条、履历表等一样,是应用文之一,是请求领导或老师,准假不参加某项工作、学习、活动的文书。下面是小编为大家精心搜集的英语请假条范文带翻译,供大家参考,希望大家喜欢。 英语请假条范文带翻译一 Dear Mr. Wang, I am very sorry that I shall be unable to come to your classes today owing to a bad cold. I enclose a certificate from the doctor who is attending me. He said it will be two or three days before I shall be able to resume my school. David April 20 王老师: 很抱歉,我因患重感冒今天不能到校。现附上医生证明,他说我两三天后才能到校学习。 大卫

四月二十日 英语请假条范文带翻译二 7 July Dear Mr. Smith, On account of an attack of the flu with a severe headache, I shall be unable to attend classes today, for which I submit a certificate from the doctor. I shall be much obliged if I can get your permission. Respectfully yours, John Warner 尊敬的史密斯先生: 由于重感冒并伴随严重的头痛,我今天不能上课,特呈交医生证明。如获批准,不胜感激。 致 礼! 约翰·华纳 7月28日 英语请假条范文带翻译三 Dear Mr/Ms XXX;


英文请假条基本格式 [1] 请假条精品范文 Dear Mr/Ms XXX; Today I';m writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I';ve got cold last night with earlessness. This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I';11 be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the 订Iness. Yours ever, XXX. 尊敬/亲爱的XXX; 我今天给您写信是要请5天的假,因为我昨天晚上不小心感冒了。今天早上,我妈妈带我去看了大夫,大夫告诉我要在家里躺几天。所以,我对缺颗,特别是不能上您那有趣的颗,感到难过。我病好后一定把漏掉的课程补上。 此致 敬礼。

您的学生:XXX. 首先,假条的上方还是应该按照半正式的格式写上如下信息:To:假条是递给谁的 From:请假人 Date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期) Subject:写上请假字样 假条抬头范例如下: To: From: Lyrrn Chen, Financial Department Date: April 2nd, 20XX Subject: Casual Leave of Absence 其次,在您的请假信第一段,应该开门见山但是有礼貌地提出请假。第一段要中心明确,写清您要请假的日期。 第一段范例如下: Peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on April 4th, this Wednesday. 然后,在假条的第二段,您应该简单明了陈述请假的原因事由。注意叙述清楚明白,并尽可能表示对此带来工作不便的歉丿宅、O 第二段范例如下:


请假条英语版 篇一:英语请假条的格式 英语请假条的格式请假条是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假和请事假。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。 英文请假条写作需注意三点: 1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同,它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。 2.一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是书信的大大简化。 3.请假条的特点是要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂。 【范文例析】 假如你是王立。昨天你和同学们去农场帮助农民们摘苹果,不幸从梯子上摔下来伤了腿,但伤得不重。医生让你在家里好好休息。因此,你向高老师请假两天。 【参考范文】 Sep.28 Dear Miss Gao, I'm sorry I can’t go to school today. I helped

the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday. Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasn''''t badly hurt. The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. So I ask for leave for two days. Your student Wang Li 【点评】这是一份采用书信格式写的请假条。日期是September 28, 日期写在正文的右上角。由于请假条的内容大多是当天、近几日因病或因事请假,所以不必写上年份;称呼是Dear Miss Gao,称呼写在左上角。请假条因是向上级请示,一般以Dear...,或My dear...,开头。有时可在Dear 之后,用上Mr.或Miss等的称呼加上姓氏。不过,有一点仍要提醒大家,各种称呼后面一般都用逗号。正文谈了一件事:I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasn''''t badly hurt. I can't xxe to school. I ask for leave for two days. 简洁明了,用词口语化。写请假条只要把请假的理由和请假时间说清楚即可。有的请假条为了说明其请假事由是真实的,在正文之后另起一行,写上I enclose a doctor’s certificate.;签名为Wang Li。签名写在右下角,签名上面一行可以写上Yours, Your student等字样,有时由于写条的人和收条的人彼此一般很熟悉,所以在称呼和签名上
