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Americans’ attitude toward food is changing, too. The traditional big breakfast is no longer popular. However, coming to rediscover the social importance of food, Americans find that dinner with family and friends is a very special of enjoying time together. Like so many people in other cultures, many Americans are taking time to relax and enjoy a wider variety of tastes at dinner, even if they still rush through lunch at a hamburger stand.

2. The world’s best ethnic food

How can you travel the world without leaving your own country? Visit an ethnic restaurant! Trying foods from other countries is a great way to experience different cultures. People around the world have unique and creative ways of preparing food. The ingredients they use may surprise you.

So what are the world’s best ethnic foods? Everyone has his or her own personal favourites,

and so do we. The following are the world’s three best ethnic foods---other than Chinese food, of course!

ITALIAN When you visit an Italian restaurant, order a pasta(意大利面食) dish. The Italians have hundreds of ways of preparing this food. Pastas usually come with flavourful tomato or cream sauces, which give the dishes a powerful, rich flavour. There are also different kinds of cheese.

When ordering Italian food, you choose one main dish for yourself. You may, however, order an appetizer to share with everyone at the table. MEXICAN What’s great about Mexican food? Most of it you can pick up and eat with your hands!

One major Mexican food is the tortilla(尤指墨西哥人食用的玉米薄饼). Mexican chefs mold this corn or flour-based material into round, flat shapes. The tortilla then gets filled with ingredients such as cheese, meat, sour cream, beans and other vegetables. Tortilla dishes can

be fried, baked or toasted. Don’t forget to add hot sauce---Mexican food is great with a bit of spice!

INDIAN India is the land of curries and strong flavours. You can smell a good Indian restaurant even before you walk through the door!

The eating method of Indian food also takes a bit of getting used to. Peal off some flat fried bread and use this “spoon” to get food from a shared dish. You can finish the meal with Indian-style milk tea.

While Chinese food is great, try something new and expand your horizons. After all, variety is the spice of life!

3. The global drink

Tea, the global drink, is consumed around the world more than any other drink except water. Originating in China, tea has long established itself as the national drink of this country, the nation with the biggest population on earth.

A century before the birth of Christ, tea
