



1、Hello.May I help you?/How can I help you?


2、What's wrong with you?


3、When did the trouble start?


4、How long ago was that?


5、How long have you been feeling like this?


6、What kind 0f treatment have you had?


7、Would you mind I do a physical examination for you?


8、I’d like to have a few tests for you.


9、I suggest that you have a blood test/sputum test/chest X-ray/ECG /ultrasound scan.


10、Please point to the part of your body where you feel pain/discomfort.请指出您身体哪部分感到疼痛/不舒服。

11、Do you have any history of illness?


12、Do you have any other existing health problems?


13、Are you on medication for existing illness?


14、Are you taking any other medication for any reason? (e.g.contraceptive pills/vitamins)

您还因为别的原因吃其他的药吗? (如避孕药、维生素之类)15、Have you had any bacterial or viral infection recently?


16、Have you had any medical tests recently?


17、Do you smoke? How many cigarettes a day do smoke?


18、Do you drink alcohol? How much do you drink a day?

您喝酒吗? 一天喝多少?

19、Is there anything you need to tell me that you think will be helpful? 您是否还有其他对病情有用的信息可以提供给我?

20、I’m afraid you will have to be hospitalized for further treatment/investigation.


21、We may need to do some more tests before we make diagnosis.



22、How long have you had cough?


23、Do you have chest pain when you cough?


24、Does your chest hurt when you breathe in and out?


25、Do you have any sputum when you cough?


26、What’s the sputum like? What color is it?

痰是怎样的? 什么颜色?

27、It is yellow and thick,clear and thin.


28、Do you suffer from asthma?


29、I need to listen to your lungs.Would you help me?


30、I need to take your temperature, feel your pulse and measure your blood



31、The results of your physical examination show that you suffer from mild pneumonia.You need to have intra-venous antibiotics.and I’ll prescribe some pain-killers for your chest pain.


32、As your pneumonia is mild, I will also prescribe some oral tablets for you.But if you do not feel better in three days, please come back to see me.



33、How long have you had palpitation?


34、Does it get worse if you do any exercise,climbing the stairs for example?


35、Do your chest pain radiate?


36、Do you ever have dizziness or lost consciousness?


37、Have you ever had heart disease? Please show me your medical record.

您以前有心脏病吗? 请给我看一下您的病历。


38、How long have you had abdominal pain? Can you show me where it is?


39、Are you vomiting? What do you vomit? What does it look like?

您呕吐吗? 吐的是什么东西? 呕吐物像什么?

40、How is your appetite?


41、Have you ever taken any contaminated food?


42、The food may have been contaminated.


43、How long have you had diarrhea? How many bowel movement have you

had a day?

您腹泻有多久了? 一天腹泻几次?

44、What does your stool look like? Is there any bloody stool?

您的粪便是什么性状的? 粪便中带血吗?

45、Do you have abdominal pain when you have diarrhea?


46、Do you feel thirsty?


47、I need a specimen of your stool for test.


48、You must take more fluid, and just have a light diet until you feel better.



49、Are you able to pass water normally? How often do you pass urine? 您排尿正常吗?您一天排几次尿?

50、Do you have to get up to pass urine at night?


51、Do you have pain when you pass urine? What color is your urine?


52、Have you noticed any blood in your urine?


53、Have you had any backache recently?


54、I need to examine you.have your urine tested,and perhaps schedule an

ultrasound scan of your kidneys.


55、You may suffer from kidney stones.


56、I pass urine more frequently than usual.


57、My urine is cloudy and it smells strong.



58、How are you hurt? Where do you hurt and how painful is it? 您是怎么受伤的? 什么部位受伤? 有多痛?

59、Can you move it? Can you walk on it?


60、Is your foot (finger) swollen?

您的脚(手指) 肿吗?

61、Do you have any pins or tingling?


62、Do you have any restricted movement?


63、Do you have any trouble on walking?


64、You need to have a bandage/a plaster cast.


65、I think I’ve twiste d my ankle.


66、You need to have a splint on your leg/arm.



67、Do you menstruate regularly?


68、When was your last period?


69、How many days does your period last'?


70、Do you think you could be pregnant?


71、I noticed occasional spotting of blood between periods.我发觉在月经周期之间时有出血。

72、There is a little bit itchy in my vaginal area.


73、I have painful periods and abnormal vaginal discharge.我有痛经,而且阴道有不正常的分泌物。

74、Have you had any miscarriages?



75、What is your problem with your skin?


76、Is it very itchy and sore?


77、Where did it spread?


78、Have you had any creams or ointments?


79、Has the skin condition improved after treatment?


80、I need to take a swab specimen from your skin and it won't hurt.我需要从您的皮肤里取些样本做检查,检查时不会引起疼痛。81、Please don't scratch it, otherwise, it easily causes infection.



82、When does the pain occur? Does it hurt only when you are eating or throughout the day?


83、This tooth has decayed quite badly.So I think it will relieve you a lot

if I remove the tooth.


84、The gum around the tooth is swollen.We can't have the tooth extracted

till we get the swelling down.


85、There is a small cavity to be filled.


86、Do you also get a headache while you have a earache?


87、Has your hearing got worse or you have lost it?


88、I need to examine your ear with an otoscope.


89、You need to have an MRI scan.


90、You have acute otitis media.


91、Has your nose been hurt? Do you get any nose bleeding?

您的鼻子是否受过伤? 您有流鼻血吗?


92、Please tell me about your travel history.Have you had any contact history

with live birds or other poultry?


93、Have you received any vaccinations?


94、To protect others, please wear a mask, and cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.


95、Do you have a fever / headache / muscle and joint pain or a rash?


96、Have you been to a dengue fever epidemic area recently?



97、If you agree, I’d like to treat you with acupuncture.


98、After insertion, the needles may be stimulated by being connected with a mild electric current.


99、Traditional Chinese-Medicine (TCM) is one of the great cultural legacies

of the Chinese nation with a long history.


100、Do you have neck pain and backache? Massage will relieve your symptoms.

您有颈痛和背痛吗? 按摩会缓解您的症状。



I have a fever/have a headache/have chest pain/have a stomachache/feel breathless/have been spitting blood/have heart palpitations/feel nauseous/have been vomiting/have been vomiting blood/have blood in my stool/have diarrhea/feel dizzy/feel faint.我发烧/头痛/胸痛/腹痛/呼吸困难/咯血/心悸/恶心/呕吐/呕血/便血/腹泻/头晕/晕厥。


viral infection 病毒感染

chest infection 胸部感染

TB (pulmonary tuberculosis) 肺结核

pneumonia 肺炎

bronchitis 支气管炎

secondary chest infection 胸部继发性感染

emphysema 肺气肿

upper respiratory tract infection 上呼吸道感染

pleurisy 胸膜炎

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)慢性阻塞性肺病lung cancer 肺癌

pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞

pneumothorax 气胸

stabbing pain 刺痛

sharp pain 锐痛

The pain comes in waves.阵痛

dyspnea 气促

chest pain 胸痛

cough 咳嗽

sticky sputum 痰液黏稠

thin sputum 稀痰

sore throat 咽喉痛

tonsillitis 扁桃体炎

sneezes 打喷嚏

running nose 流鼻涕

decompensation 呼吸困难

cyanopathy 发绀

chest fluoroscopy 胸透

chest radiogram 胸部照片



palpitation 心悸

arrhythmia 心律失常electrocardiogram 心电图

abnormal electrocardiogram 不正常心电图echocardiography 心脏B超检查angiocardiography 心血管造影

cyanosis 紫绀

hypotensor 降血压药

cardiovascular problems 心血管问题myocardial infarction (M.I.) 心肌梗死angina 心绞痛

pericarditis 心包炎

a sense of pressure 压迫感hypertension/high blood pressure 高血压

hypotension/low blood pressure 低血压rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病coronary heart disease 冠心病arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化症

acute myocarditis 急性心肌炎

angina pectoris 心绞痛

stroke 中风

cardiac failure 心力衰竭

coronary thrombosis 冠状动脉血栓coronary atherosclerosis 冠状动脉粥样硬化hypertensive heart disease 高血压性心脏病消化系统疾病

diarrhea 腹泻

abdominal pain 腹痛

bloody stool 血便

loose stool 稀烂便

bloody purulent stool 脓血便stomachache 胃痛

constipation 便秘

diabetes 糖尿病

food poisoning 食物中毒

dysentery 痢疾

intestinal obstruction 肠梗阻dehydration 脱水

irritable bowel syndrome 肠道易激综合征bowel tumor 肠肿瘤

enteritis 肠炎

appendicitis 阑尾炎

peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡

cholecystitis 胆囊炎

cholelithiasis 胆石病(胆结石) pancreatitis 胰腺炎


urodynia 尿痛

frequent micturition 尿频

urgency of urination 尿急

bloody urination 血尿

urinary incontinence 尿失禁

prostatitis 前列腺炎

bladder tumor 膀胱肿瘤

chronic cystitis 慢性膀胱炎

carcinoma 0f prostate 前列腺癌difficulty in passing urine 排尿困难

urethritis 尿道炎

nephritis 肾炎

carcinoma of the kidney 肾癌

kidney stones 肾结石

urine infection 尿路感染


dislocated 脱臼

sprained 扭伤

achilles rupture 脚踝扭伤

amputat ion of……截肢

fracture of toe/finger脚趾/手指骨折elevated 抬高的

non-mobile/immobile 固定

splint 夹板

sling (triangular bandage) 悬带(三角绷带) traction 牵引

back slab 悬臂板

rheumatoid arthritis 风湿性关节炎

joint replacement 关节置换术

arthritis 关节炎

knee and hip replacement 膝盖和臀关节置换

bunions 拇囊炎(拇指外翻)

slipped disc 椎间盘突出

spoils injuries 运动创伤

torn meniscus (knee) 半月板(膝盖)撕裂burn 烧伤

scald 烫伤

control of bacterial infection 控制细菌感染妇科疾病

polycystic ovaries 多囊卵巢endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症endocrine disease 内分泌疾病

ectopic pregnancy 宫外孕

prolapsed uterus 子宫下垂

irregular menstruation 月经不调menopausal syndrome 更年期综合征dysmenorrhea 痛经

pelvic inflammatory disease 盆腔炎infertility 不孕

amenorrhea/amenia 闭经


eczema 湿疹

urticaria 荨麻疹

insect bites 蚊虫叮咬

impetigo 脓疱病

dermatitis 皮炎

psoriasis 牛皮癣

rash 皮疹

chilblain 冻疮

scabies 疥疮

wart 疣


toothache 牙痛

redness and swelling of the gum牙龈红肿periodontic 牙周炎

caries 龋

pulpitis 牙髓炎

gingivitis 牙龈炎

affected tooth 病牙

dental caries 龋齿

suffocation 窒息

deafness 聋

hoarseness 声音嘶哑

loss of voice 失声

sore throat 喉咙痛

enlargement of tonsil 扁桃体肿大rhinitis 鼻炎

dumbness 哑

nervous tinnitus 神经性耳鸣

sinusitis 鼻窦炎

cancer of larynx 喉癌

otitis media 中耳炎

snore 打鼾


whooping cough 百日咳

scarlet fever 猩红热

chicken-pox 水痘

epidemic encephalitis B 流行性乙型脑炎mumps 腮腺炎

measles 麻疹

diphtheria 白喉

rubella 风疹


幼儿园常用英语口语100句 (一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好,早上好~ 2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好,下午好~ 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了,我(四)岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麽名字,我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见,明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗, 我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗,我很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下~ 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈 / 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫 什麽名字, 12. See you next week. 下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。 1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮~ 2. You are clever! 你真聪明~ 3. You are good! 你真棒~ 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 5. Very nice! 非常好~ 6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐~ 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐~ 8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐~


A abandon[]vt.遗弃,放弃;抛弃 【试题】John had to______the journey because his father was ill. A.quit B.abandon C.desert D.abuse 【答案】B 【解析】abandon放弃(指因外界压力或影响而完全或永久地放弃)。quit放弃,停止(强调突然或出其不意地弃去)。desert遗弃(强调违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等)。abuse 滥用;虐待。 abate[]v.(指风势,疼痛,数量,程度等)减弱,减轻,缓和 【试题】Human relations seem stubbornly set.Wars have not been abolished,labor troubles have not______,and racial tensions are still with us. A.limited B.abated C.solved D.reduced 【答案】B 【解析】句意:人类关系似乎极其稳定。战争没有消失,劳工问题没有减少,种族偏见仍和

我们形影不离。limit限定。abate降低,减弱,通常指“风,暴风雨、声音、痛苦等减弱”。solve常与problem搭配,表示“解决问题”。reduce常指“尺寸、数量、价格、程度的降低”。 abdomen[]n.腹,腹部 【例句】Acute inflammation of the vermiform appendix is the most common surgical lesion within the abdomen. 【译文】阑尾的急性炎症,是最常见的外科腹部病变。 aberrant[]adj.畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的 【试题】Correction of the student’s aberrant pronunciation is a continual,on-going process,not something reserved for lessons or exercises in pronunciation. A.habitual B.familiar C.conventional D.nonstandard 【答案】D 【解析】aberrant异常的。nonstandard不标准的,(语言)不规范的。habitual习惯的,惯常的。familiar熟悉的。conventional惯例的,传统的。 abide[]vi.坚持,遵守 vt.忍受,容忍,承受


----------------------- Page 1----------------------- a 前缀无 ab 前缀从...离开acantho 词根棘,刺acetabulo 词根髋臼 acouo 词根听觉 acro 词根顶,肢 acromio 词根肩峰 ad 前缀向...靠近,到...上adeno 词根腺 adipo 词根脂肪的 adreno 词根肾上腺 aero 词根气 agglutino 词根凝集 agra 后缀严重的疼痛 albo 前缀白 algesi 词根痛觉的感受 algia 后缀痛 alveolo 词根肺泡 alveolo 词根牙槽 amnio 词根羊膜 amphi 前缀两侧

ampullo 词根壶腹 amylo 词根淀粉 an 前缀无 ana 前缀向上,重回到andro 词根雄aneurysmo 词根异常扩大angino 词根阻塞 ankylo 词根弯曲 ano 词根肛门 ante 前缀在前 anti 前缀抗 aorto 词根主动脉 apico 词根顶 apo 前缀离去,从appendico 词根阑尾appendo 词根阑尾 aquo 词根水 arterio 词根动脉 arteriolo 词根小动脉 arthro 词根关节 articulo 词根关节 ase 后缀酶

----------------------- Page 2----------------------- astro 词根星 atelo 词根不完全的,有缺陷的athero 词根脂肪堆积 atrio 词根腔 audio 词根听觉 auro 词根耳 auro 词根金 auto 前缀自 axio 词根轴 balano 词根龟头 bary 前缀重、压 baso 词根碱 bi 前缀双,倍 bili 词根胆汁 blast 后缀母细胞 blenno 词根粘液 blepharo 词根睑 brachy 词根短 bronchio 词根支气管 bronchiolo 词根细支气管 broncho 词根支气管


【医学英语】医生常用英语口语1、What can do for you? 你有什么事? 2、May I help you? 我能帮你什么忙? 3、Please take a seat! Please sit down! 请坐。 4、Wait a moment, please. 请等一等。 5、Sorry to have kept youwaiting. 对不起让你久等了。 6、It is not serious. 病情不严重。 7、Don't worry. There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8、You need a thoroughexamination. 你需要做一个全面检查。 9、You will have to stay inhospital for sevral days. 你需要在医院里住几夭。 We think that you hadbetter be hospitalized. 我们认为你最好住进医院来。 10、You should stay in bed for afew days. 你需要卧床几天。 11、You can keep on working.

You can carry on with your work. 可以继续工作。 12、You should be very carefulfor a week or two. 这一两周内,你需要很注意。 13、Try to relax and keep calm. 尽量放松保持镇静。 14、You'll soon be all right. 你很快就会好起来的。 15、1'm sure this medicine willhelp you a great deal. 这药对你肯定会很有效的。 16、Feeling well again is arather slow process, I'm afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程。 17、You will have to wait fortwenty minutes. 你需要等20分钟。 18、Complete recovery will takea rather long time. 彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。 19、You will have to come herefor periodical check-ups. 你需要定期来门诊检查。 20、If you feel worse, pleasecome back to the clinic right away. 要是你觉着病加重了,就请马上来门诊。 21、If you feel worried, don't hesitate to go to the clinic anytime, day or night. 你要觉着难受,无论白天黑夜都赶紧上医院看去。 22、I'll come right away. 我马上就来。 23、I'm going to make arrangements for your admission. 我去给你安排住院。 24、Please come with your interpreter next time.


常用医学英语(100 句) Unit One Registering (挂号) 1.This is the outpatient department of Hebei Provincial Hospital. 这是河北省医院门诊部。 2.Excuse me. Where can I register please? 请问在什么地方挂号? 3.Many people are queuing for registration. 许多人在排队挂号。 4.I want to register with the Department of Internal Medicine. 我想挂内科。 5.How much is the registration fee? 挂号费是多少? 6.The registration is free here. 我们这里是免费挂号。 7.Do you have a registration card? 你有挂号证吗? 8.I’ll make a file for you. 我给你建份病例。 9.Please fill in the form. 请填写这张表。 10.Here is your registration card. 给你挂号证。 Useful Words and Expressions internal medicine 内科 surgery 外科 ophthalmology 眼科 stomatology 口腔科 pediatrics 儿科 dermatology 皮肤科 gynecology and obstetrics 妇产科 Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness ( 询问病情) 1.What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了? 2.What’s your complaint? 你哪儿不舒服? 3.Do you cough? 你咳嗽吗? 4.Are your bowels regular? 你大便正常吗 5.Do you feel tired?


老师给的医学英语词根,对不起老师了~~ 2010-07-22 21:54:44来自: spect(士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远!) 1.人体主要器官前缀 名称通用名前(后)缀常用形容词示例 心heart cardiao- cardial cardium/carditis/cardiology 脑brain encepholo- cerebral cerebrum/encephalitis/encephalology 肺lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmontiis/pulmonectomy/pulmonology 肝liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis/hepatobiliary/hepatology 胃stomach gastro- gastric gastritis/gastrointestinal/gastrology 胆gallbladder chole- biliary holecystitis/cholinergic/cholecystectomy 肠intestine entero- intestinal enteritis/enterectomy/enterology 脾spleen splen- splenic splenitis/splenectomy/splenology 胰pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis/pancreatectomy 肾kidney nephro- renal/nephric nephritis/nephropathy/nephrology 2.与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀 名称通用名前(后)缀示例 血blood hemo-/hemato hematology/hemoglobin/hematoma 血管vessel vaso- vasopressor/cardiovasology/verebrovascular 静脉vein veno- venography/intravenous/venoconstriction 动脉artery arterio- arteriology/arteriole/arteriosclerosis 肌muscle myo- mycology/myositis/myocarditis 髓marrow myel-/myelo- myelocyte/myelitis/myeloma 神经nerve neur-/neyro- neurology/neuritis/neuron 细胞cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/cytoma/leukocyte 尿urine uro-/ur- urology/urosurgery/urogenital 体body somato-/some somatology/somatopsychic/chromosome 3.与数字有关的前缀 数字前缀示例 一(单)mono-/uni- monomer/monoclone/carbon monoxide/unidirectional


Asking a patient about his illness: Any vomiting ? 有没有呕吐? Are you feeling nausea ? 你觉得恶心吗? Are your bowels regular ? 你大便正常吗? Did you have pains here before ? 你这儿以前痛吗? Do you cough ? 有没有咳嗽? Do you feel short of breath sometimes ? 你有时觉得气急吗? Do you feel tired ? 你觉得疲劳吗? Do you have any appetite ? 吃东西有胃口吗? Does it hurt ? 痛不痛? Have you ever had this experience(trouble) before ? 以前有过这样吗? Have you lost weight recently ? 你近来体重减少了吗?Have you taken anything for it ? 你吃过什么药了吗? How bad is it ? 厉害到什么程度? How far pregnant are you ? 你怀孕多久了? How long has it been this way ? 这样有多久了? How long have you had this trouble ? 你得这病多久了? How are you feeling now ? 你现在感觉怎么样? How is your sleep ? 你睡眠怎么样? What did you eat yesterday ? 你昨天吃了什么东西?What hurts you ? 你有什么不舒服? What seems to be the problem ? 大概什么毛病? What sort of pain do you get there ? 你觉得这儿是什么样的疼痛?What’s matter with you ? 你有什么不舒服? What’s the trouble ? 什么不舒服? What’s wrong with your ear ? 你的耳朵怎么了? When did the pain start ? 什么时候开始痛的?Which tooth is troubling you ? 你那个牙齿不好? Your case record, please . 请把病例卡给我。


1 / 6 国际大班日常英语 Receptionxx接待 Good morning.早上好 Did you have a good sleep last night 你昨晚睡得好吗 Did you have a good time on your weekend 周末过得好吗 Please take off your coat, and hang it up.请脱下衣服,把它挂起来。put your bag on the shelf.把书包放在架子上。 Li Li, say “Bye-Bye ”to yourdaddy/mommy/grandma/grandpa.李丽,跟爸爸/妈妈/奶奶/爷爷说再见。 Come in the classroom, lease.请进教室 Breakfast (早餐) It's time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。 Please wash your hands.请洗手。 Today, we have milk and bread for our breakfast.今天的早餐是牛奶和面包。 Wipe your mouth.擦嘴。 Please rinse your mouth after eating.吃完东西请漱口。 Call the Roll(点名) Let's call the roll.我们点名吧。Who is not here 今天谁没到 How many kids are there today今天来了多少小朋友呢 Let's count!one、two、three……我们一起数一数,1,2,3…….

Morning Exercises(早操) 2 / 6 It's time to do morning exercises.现在是早操时间. Let's go out and line up.一起出去排队。 One line /Two lines, please.请排成一队/两队。 Attention.立正!(one two) March in your place, one two one…原地踏步。一二一……Hands on the shoulders.手搭(前面小朋友)肩膀。 Let's go back to the classroom!我们回教室吧! One by one, please.一个接一个。 No pushing。请不要推。 Please don't be crowded.不要挤。 Area Teaching(区域活动) Now it's time for us do some activities.现在我们要进行一些活动。You can choose any area you like.你可以选择你喜欢的区域。You can choose any toys you want.你可以选择你喜欢的玩具。Please be kind to each other.要友好相处。 Please take good care of the books/toys.要爱护图书/玩具。Please return your book back to the bookshelf.请把书放回去书架。Please put the toys back to where it belongs.请把玩具放回原处。Now please tidy up your table.现在请收拾桌子。 Teaching Activities(集体教学活动)


1、妈妈,在是我给您的50岁生日礼物。(present) 2、我得父母都鼓励我参军。(encourage) 3、我一有他的消息就会马上通知你。(No sooner) 4、与红茶和咖啡相比,我更喜欢绿茶。(prefer) 5、这几年上海的夏天似乎越来越热了。(seem) 6、别过分担心,他不久就会康复的。(recover) 7、为什么不到网上去查查这方面的信息?(refer) 8、这首歌我很熟悉,但是我不会从头唱到尾。(familiar) 9、你应该买适合你的头发的洗发水。(suit) 10、你老是一个人在家,难道从不感到寂寞么?(feel) 11、这也许是我迄今为止所听到过的最好听的歌曲。(hear) 12、公司已经安排了全体员工进行体检。(arrange) 13、只要他能承认他所犯的错误,我就原谅他。(Only) 14、简直难以用言语来描述我当时激动的心情。(hardly) 15、这是你自己做出的选择,今后决不要后悔。(regret) 16、你是否仔细想过,这样做是否值得?(worth)

17、事实上问题比我们想想的要严重得多。(imagine) 18、我看见他放下电话,一声不吭的就离开了。(without) 19、直到那时他才明白他真正需要的是什么。(Not until) 20、只有经历过的人才知道火灾是多么的可怕。(experience) 21、如今中国比以往任何时候都需要一支强大的军队。(need) 22、她不时地的转过身,含着眼泪挥手向我们大家告别。(wave) 23、我们当务之急是如何摆脱眼前的困境。(trouble) 24、我怎么能相信一个经常说谎的人所说的话?(lie) 25、周围鸦雀无声,我甚至能听到我自己的心跳声。(so…that) 26、实际上中国产的苹果不比进口苹果差。(produce) 27、如果你拨打110,警察就会在3至5分钟内到达现场。(dial) 28、昨天我们边走边聊,不知不觉就到了学校。(chat) 29、你认为上海的哪一个季节是一年中最好的季节?(think) 30、一般来说,人们喜欢与有幽默感的人相处。(sense) 31、缩小代沟的最好方法就是互相多理解多交流。(narrow) 32、在美国,一个大学毕业生当邮递员是很平常的事。(common)


?a-[无,缺] ▲anemia[贫血] ▲ atonia[无张力] ▲ asymptomatic[无症状的] ▲ amenorrhea[闭经] ?ab-[分离] ▲ abduct [外展] ▲ abscision[切除] ?acou (acu)-[听觉] ▲ acumeter [听力计] ▲ acouophone[助听器] ?acro-[肢端] ▲ acromegaly[肢端肥大症] ▲ acromastitis[乳头炎] ?ad (af, an)-[邻近,向上] ▲ adrenal [肾上腺] ▲ adaxial[近轴的] ▲ annexa[附件] ?-ad[……侧] ▲ ventrad[向腹侧] ▲ cephalad[向头侧] ?adeno-[腺] ▲ adenocyte[腺细胞] ▲ adenoidism[腺体病] ?adipo-[脂肪] ▲ adiposis[肥胖症] ▲ adiponecrosis[脂肪坏死] ?adreno-[肾上腺] ▲adrenocorticoid[肾上腺皮质激素] ▲ adrenalin[肾上腺素] ▲ adrenal[肾上腺] ?-aemia(emia)[血症] ▲ bacteremia[菌血症] ▲ leukemia[白血病] ?-albi (albino)-[白色] ▲ albumin[白蛋白] ▲ albinism[白化病] ?-algesia[痛觉] ▲hypoalgesia[痛觉减退] ?-algia[痛] ▲arthralgia[关节痛] ▲cephalgia[头痛] ▲neuralgia[神经痛] ?alkali-[碱] ▲alkalosis[碱中毒] ?alveo-[牙槽,小沟] ▲alveolitis[牙槽炎] ▲alveobronchiolitis[支气管肺泡 炎] ?ambi-[复,双] ▲ ambiopia[复视] ▲ ambivert[双重性格] ?ambly-[弱] ▲amblyopia[弱视] ▲amblyaphia[触觉迟钝] ?amylo-[淀粉] ▲amyloidosis[淀粉酶] ▲amylase[淀粉酶] ?angio-[血管] ▲angiography[血管造影术] ▲angioedema[血管性水肿] ▲angeitis[脉管炎] ▲angiofibroma[血管纤维瘤] ?ante-[前] ▲antenatal[出生前的] ▲anteflexion[前屈] ?antero-[前] ▲anterolateral[前侧壁] ▲anteroventral[前腹侧] ?anti-[抗,反] ▲antibiotics[抗生素] ▲antihypertensives[降压药] ▲anticoagulant[抗凝剂] ?rarchno-[蛛网膜] ▲arachnoiditis[蛛网膜炎] ?archo-[肛门,直肠] ▲archorrhagia[肛门出血] ▲archosyrinx[直肠灌注器] ?arterio-[动脉] ▲arteriospasm[动脉痉挛] ▲arteriosclerosis[动脉硬化] ?arthro-[关节] ▲arthrocentesis[关节穿刺] ▲arthrotomy[关节切开术] ▲arthritis[关节炎] ?-ase[酶] ▲oxidase[氧化酶] ▲proteinase[蛋白酶] ?-asthenia[无力] ▲myasthenia[肌无力] ▲neurasthenia[神经衰弱] ?audio(audito)-[听力] ▲audiology[听觉学] ▲audiometer[听力计] ?auto-[自己] ▲autoimmune[自身免疫] ▲auto hemotherapy[自体血疗法] ?bacilli-[杆菌] ▲bacillosis[杆菌病] ▲bacilluria[杆菌尿]医学全 在.线提供 ?bacterio-[细菌] ▲bacteriology[细菌学] ▲bactericide[杀菌剂] ?baro-[压力] ▲barometer [压力计] ▲baroreceptor[压力感受器] ?bary-[迟钝] ▲barylalia[言语不清] ▲baryacusia[听觉迟钝] ?bi-[双] ▲bicuspid[二尖瓣]] ▲bilateral[两侧的] ?bili-[胆汁] ▲bilirubin[胆红素] ?bio-[生命] ▲biology[生物学] ▲biopsy[活检] ?-blast[母细胞] ▲spermatoblast[精子细胞] ▲melanoblast[成黑色素细胞] ▲osteoblast[成骨细胞] ?brachy-[短] ▲brachypnea[气短] ▲brachydactylia[短指畸形] ?brady-[迟缓] ▲bradycardia[心动过缓] ▲bradypsychia[精神不振] ?broncho-[支气管] ▲bronchoscopy[支气管镜检查] ▲bronchiostenosis[支气管痉挛]



【医务人员常用语】 1.What can do for you? 你有什么事? 2.May I help you? 我能帮你什么忙? 8.Please take a seat! please sit down! 请坐下. 4.Wait a moment,please. 请等一等. 5.Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让你久等了. 6.It is not serious. 病情不严重. 7.Don't worry. There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8.You need a thorough examination. 你需要做一个全面检查. 9.You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days.

你需要在医院里住几夭. We think that you had better be hospitalized 我们认为你最好住进医院来。 10.You should stay in bed for a few days. 你需要卧床几天. 11.You can keep on working. You can carry on with your work. 可以继续工作。 12.You should be very careful for a week or two 这一两周内,你需要很注意。 13. Try to relax and keep calm. 尽量放松保持镇静。 14.You'll soon be all right. 你很快就会好起来的. 15.1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal. 这药对你肯定会很有效的. 16.Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程. 17.You will have to wait for twenty minutes.


常用医学英语(100句) Unit One Registering (挂号) 1. This is the outpatient department of Hebei Provincial Hospital. 这是河北省医院门诊部。 2. Excuse me. Where can I register please? 请问在什么地方挂号? 3. Many people are queuing for registration. 许多人在排队挂号。 4. I want to register with the Department of Internal Medicine. 我想挂内科。 5. How much is the registration fee? 挂号费是多少? 6. The registration is free here. 我们这里是免费挂号。 7. Do you have a registration card? 你有挂号证吗? 8. I’ll make a file for you. 我给你建份病例。 9. Please fill in the form. 请填写这张表。 10. Here is your registration card. 给你挂号证。 Useful Words and Expressions internal medicine 内科 surgery 外科 ophthalmology 眼科 stomatology 口腔科 pediatrics 儿科 dermatology皮肤科 gynecology and obstetrics 妇产科 Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness ( 询问病情) 1. What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了? 2. What’s your complaint? 你哪儿不舒服? 3. Do you cough? 你咳嗽吗? 4. Are your bowels regular? 你大便正常吗 5. Do you feel tired?


常用医学英语词根词缀 1.人体主要器官前缀 名称通用名前(后)缀常用形容词示例 心heart cardiao- cardial cardium / carditis / cardiology 脑brain encepholo- cerebral cerebrum / encephalitis / encephalology 肺lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmontiis / pulmonectomy / pulmonology 肝liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis / hepatobiliary / hepatology 胃stomach gastro- gastric gastritis / gastrointestinal / gastrology 胆gallbladder chole- biliary holecystitis / cholinergic / cholecystectomy 肠intestine entero- intestinal enteritis / enterectomy / enterology 脾spleen splen- splenic splenitis / splenectomy / splenology 胰pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis / pancreatectomy 肾kidney nephro- renal/nephric nephritis / nephropathy / nephrology 2.与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀 名称通用名前(后)缀示例 血blood hemo-/hemato hematology/hemoglobin/hematoma 血管vessel vaso- vasopressor/cardiovasology/verebrovascular 静脉vein veno- venography/intravenous/venoconstriction 动脉artery arterio- arteriology/arteriole/arteriosclerosis 肌muscle myo- mycology/myositis/myocarditis 髓marrow myel-/myelo- myelocyte/myelitis/myeloma 神经nerve neur-/neyro- neurology/neuritis/neuron 细胞cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/cytoma/leukocyte 尿urine uro-/ur- urology/urosurgery/urogenital 体body somato-/some somatology/somatopsychic/chromosome 3.与数字有关的前缀 数字前缀示例 一(单)mono-/uni- monomer/monoclone/carbon monoxide/unidirectional 二bi-/di- bilateral/biphasiccarbon dioxide/dipeptide 三tri- trilateral/triphasic/trigeminal nerve 四tetra- tetramer/tetracycline/tetraplegia 五penta- pentagon/pentachromic/pentachloride 六hexa- hexachromic/benzene hexachloride(666)/hexacycliccompiund 七hepta- heptachromic/heptaploid/heptavalent 八octa- octahedral/octal system 九nona- nonapeptide/nonagon 十deca- decade/decagram/decaliter 注:十位数的表示一般为:个位数前缀+deca,如:hexadecanol(十六烷醇),tetradecapeptide gastrin(十四肽胃泌素),octadecanoic acid(十八烷酸)


2020常用医学英语口语对话 针对学生英语口语能力较低,口语发展不平衡等特点,通过在教学中使用探究型教学模式,并将之贯穿课堂与课外两个层面来提高学生英语口语能力的研究和实践。下面就和大家分享医学英语口语,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 睡眠问题 【Situation 场景】 下列会话发生在药房里。医生正在和一个顾客交谈,询问一些疾病方面的情况。 "Good afternoon. Can I help you?"“下午好,我能帮您什么吗?” 这是打开话匣子最简单、实用的方式,适用于任何场合。当然,除此以外,也可以使用类似于如下的句型来询问对方:"How can I help you?".“我能帮您什么吗?” 该句子也能达到Can I help you?的效果。 以下是打开话题的、最常用的方式,记住这些句型,有利于您的口语的提高:

Can……? 能……? What……? 什么? When……? 什么时候? Do……? 一般问话方式 Have……? 一般问话方式 【Dialogue 对话】 Pharmacist: Good afternoon, can I help you? Customer: Yes, lets hope so. Thank God, you speak English. Pharmacist: Well, just a little. What seems to be wrong? Customer: Ive got an upset stomach-its pretty bad. Ive been up all night with it. and now Ive got a bad headache, as well. Pharmacist: I see. When did it first start? Customer: When I went to bed. Pharmacist: Do you think its something you have eaten? Customer: Oh, for sure. Im not used to all this wining and dininng. Pharmacist: No-it can be pretty strong.


少儿英语口语练习100句 少儿英语启蒙口语内容必不可少,在日常生活中的各个场景下,配合肢体语言,频繁输入英语口语会加深孩子对英语的认知能力,同时孩子还能自觉模仿英语口语发音,增加口语输出。瑞思学科英语按照不同生活场景,整理了少儿英语口语的常用句,方便在课外随时练习英语,提高口语水平。 (一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning. Good morning! 早上好!早上好! 2. Good afternoon. Good afternoon! 下午好!下午好! 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我()岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (Lanlan) 你叫什么名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下! 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈/ 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什么名字? 12. See you next week. 下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。

1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 2. You are clever! 你真聪明! 3. You are good! 你真棒! 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 5. Very nice! 非常好! 6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 9. Thank you very much! 非常感谢你! 10. Wonderful! 太棒了! 11. I am the winner! 我是胜利者! 12. I am the first! 我是第一名! 13. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 14. You are welcome! 欢迎你! 15. How beautiful! 多美呀! 16. How funny! 多有趣呀! 17. Wow! It’s so nice! 哇!它太好了。 18. It’s a nice day! 这是一个很好的一天! 19. Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我的上帝! 20. Wow! It’s so nice / lovely! 哇!它太棒了/ 太可爱了! 21. Nice girl / boy. 好女孩/ 男孩。


100句激励自己的英文名言 100句激励自己的英文名言 1、Formanismanandmasterofhisfate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。 2、Alazyyouth,alousyage. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 3、Doonethingatatime,anddowell. 一次只做一件事,做到最好! 4、Youthmeanslimitlesspossibilities. 年轻就是无限的可能。 5、Knowledgemakeshumble,ignorancemakesproud. 博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。 6、Goforit!Justdoit! 加油!向前冲!做了再说! 7、Amanisonlyasgoodaswhatheloves. 一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量。 8、Ifwintercomes,canspringbefarbehind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 9、Sharptoolsmakegoodwork. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。 10、Badtimesmakeagoodman.

艰难困苦出能人。 11、Journeyofathousandmilesbeginswithsinglestep. 千里之行,始于足下。 12、Thefirststepisasgoodashalfover. 第一步是最关键的一步。 13、Failureisthemotherofsuccess. 失败乃成功之母。 14、Geniusisaninfinitecapacityfortakingpains. 所谓的天才是不断地承受痛楚。 15、Difficultcircumstancesserveasatextbookoflifeforpeople. 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。 16、Amanisonlyasgoodaswhatheloves. 一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量。 17、Iknowthatmyfutureisnotjustadream. 我知道我的未来不是梦。 18、Aman'sbestfriendsarehistenfingers. 人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。 19、Iwillgreetthisdaywithloveinmyheart. 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。 20、Thegoodseamanisknowninbadweather. 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。
