



1. 介绍Introductions


Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin. He is serious and doesn’t like to talk much. He is well organized. He always works to high standards. Liu Hao believes a miss is as good as a mile, so it is necessary to pay attention to every detail. He is frie ndly to his team members. They think he’s modest and easy to work with.



Sun Ning gave up her job as an accountant 5 years ago. She started to work for the sales department in a big company. In her last job, she could only work with numbers day after day. That made her unhappy. She chose her new job because she loved working with people. Sun Ning is now the general manager of the company. She said she was ready to take on new challenges anytime.

2. 学校生活School life




Jack is a Year 8 student at a school near London. His favorite subject is Chinese. He thinks learning foreign languages is fun.His school has a reading week every term. Jack and his classmates love it. They can read many books and magazines from the school library. Jack loves his school very much.


2. 她放学后打排球,每周两次;她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习;

3. 每周一她去“同伴俱乐部”;在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况;同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况;朱莉是她的好朋友。

Nancy is 14 years old. She’s in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves this game and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancy goes to a Buddy Club. There older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school . Julie is her good friend.




Some colours make people feel calm and peaceful. Blue is one of these colours. Blue can also

represent sadness. Someone who is feeling sad may say, “I’m feeling blue.”Another colour that makes people feel calm and peaceful is white. White is the colour of purity. You could wear white if you are feeling stressed.



Some colours can make you feel warm. People who live in a cold climate prefer to use warm colours to give their homes a warm and comfortable feeling. Orange is one of the warm colours. Orange can bring you success and cheer you up. Yellow is another warm colour. Yellow is the colour of the sun. It is also the colour of wisdom.

4.大熊猫Giant pandas




Everyone likes giant pandas. Giant pandas are quiet and peaceful.They eat a special kind of bamboo. Now, there are only about 1,600 giant pandas in the world. Their number is going down. Their living areas are becoming farmlands. Also, people hunt them for their fur. If this continues, there will soon be no giant pandas in the world.




The baby panda is called Xi Wang. When she was born, she weighed about 90 grams. She drank her mother’s milk every day. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo. Sadly, it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild. If people cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. We should try our best to protect them.

5. 自己动手做Do it yourself




My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. He loves to repair things and decorate his house. But when he finishes, the house always looks terrible.He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake. Then his whole house had a power cut.So I bought some books about DIY for him, and I also advised him to take some courses in DIY.




Here are some tips for making a fruit salad. First, use fruit in season. Then, use fruit of different colours. For example, mixing red apples, green pears and purple grapes together will make the salad look very colourful. Last, prepare the fruit salad just before you are

going to eat it. Some of the fruit will quickly turn brown when you leave it in the air for some time.

6. 文化Culture



3.“入乡随俗”;当我们在一个陌生的地方,我们的行为举止应当像当地人一样。British people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hands when they meet you for the first time. They behave politely in public. They think it’s rude to push in before others. They always queue. They are very polite at home as well. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” When we are in a strange place, we should do as the local people do.



We can see different public signs in places like hospitals, museums, streets, and parks. They are often bright in colour and have pictures on them. Most of them give us useful information. They help us find our way and tell us about the places around us. They keep us safe from danger and warn us not to do something. For example, we can always see the sign “No photos” in an art museum.

7. 推荐Recommendations





If you are thinking about visiting Beijing, I recommend this book. It describes many tourist attractions in the city. It also tells you about the local souvenirs. There are many beautiful photos in the book. You can learn a lot about Beijing from this book. The book is not expensive. You can buy it in a nearby bookshop.




I recommend Helen to be the Tennis Club leader. She has been a club member for three years. She always takes an active part in club activities. I often see her practising hard. This year, she came first in the school tennis competition. She is also very organized. I think she is

a good choice to be the Tennis Clu

b leader.

8. 环境保护Environmental protection




Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world today. In many places, rubbish is thrown into lakes and rivers. So many of them are polluted. In some cities, the air is filled with pollution. This makes people ill. As well as people, animals are harmed by pollution.

If we do not act to protect the environment, more living things will be killed by pollution.




Switzerland is beautiful with high mountains and clean blue lakes. In Switzerland, things like glass, plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled. Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled. The government has many laws to protect the environment. For example, people are not allowed to cut down trees. Otherwise, they will be punished. Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference.

9. 爱好与学业Hobbies and studies




I have many hobbies. I love swimming, singing and shopping. At the moment, travelling is my favourite hobby. However, I have a lot of homework every day. I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies. I really feel bad about it. I don’t want to give up all my hobbies because of my homework.




Mike is crazy about football! He loves watching football matches. Of course, he loves playing football too. He often spends about one hour playing football with his classmates after school. His parents don’t like this and have asked him to go home befo re 5:30. He thinks it is important for him to spend some time on his hobbies. He wishes he could have his parents’ support.

10. 我的家乡My hometown



3.我很喜欢我的家乡。My hometown is in the east of China. It is a small town. In it there is a beautiful park. We can go walking there. We can see hills, trees and lakes too. There are some tall buildings in the town and the tallest one has twenty-four floors. There are lots of shops. We often go shopping in them. I like my home town very much.




I live near a small city. Outside my house is a bus stop. It takes about ten minutes to get to the city centre by bus. There are lots of buildings there, including a large shopping mall, a youth centre and a museum. There is a park too. The youth centre is my favourite place. I often go there with my friends at the weekend.

11. 阅读Reading




I enjoy reading the books of Robert Louis Stevenson because I find them really exciting. For example, Treasure Island tells the story of a young boy. He sails the sea to look for hidden treasure. His story gives me a lot of confidence. After reading the book, I’m not as shy as I used to be. I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future.

例二要点:1.我喜欢阅读;每周我花七个多小时阅读各种类型的书;我对历史题材的书感兴趣,但是我最爱看小说; 2.朋友们给我很多读书建议;我们常见面、讨论读什么书;3.阅读总是段美好的时光。好书让我在忙碌一天之后轻松下来;同时也向我打开了一个全新的世界。

I love reading. I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books. I am interested in history books, but I like novels best. My friends give me lots of advice on books. We often meet together and discuss what to read. Reading is always a wonderful time. Good books help me relax after a busy day. They also open up a whole new world to me.

12. 饮食Diet





I have changed my diet because I want to be healthier. Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables. I liked cakes, sweets and cola. Now, I always have a banana, some bread and a glass of milk for breakfast. I usually eat fish and vegetables for lunch. I’m now becoming healthier and healthier. Because of this, my studies have greatly improved.



3.汤姆现在健康多了,他知道改变不健康的饮食很重要。Before, Tom loved chips and hamburgers and ate a lot of sweet snacks, but he seldom ate fruit and vegetables. Now, he has changed his diet because he wants to be healthier. For breakfast, he usually has some milk and bread. He usually has rice, fish and vegetables for dinner. After meals he often eats some fruit. Tom is much healthier now. He knows it is important to change an unhealthy diet.

13. 时尚fashion




I am a middle school student. Last week I designed a coat, a skirt and a pair of boots. The black coat is made of wool. It is long and beautiful. The red skirt is made of wool too. It is good for autumn. The boots are short and are made of leather. They match the clothes very well. I love them very much.




Last Saturday, our class held a fashion show. We all wore clothes from different times in the 20th century. Helen looked colourful. Her clothes were from the 1980s. John looked very relaxed. He wore blue-and-yellow sports clothes and a pair of colourful trainers. Young people in the 1990s liked wearing trainers.

14. 帮助他人Helping others




My cousin Judy has taken part in a volunteer project in her college. She works as a primary school teacher in North-west China for one year. She teaches the students Chinese , English and Maths .She sometimes teaches them songs. She also gives them a lot of books to read. Judy thinks it is meaningful for college students to teach children in poor areas. In this way, they can help the local people improve their lives.

例二要点:1.小伟,一名九年级的学生,从上个月起就生病住院了;医生说手术也许能够挽救他; 2.但是手术要花费三十多万元;小伟的父母都是农民,他们没有足够的钱;然而,对小伟而言尽快手术很重要; 3.如果我们都能伸出援助之手,也许他会很快康复。Xiao Wei, a Grade 9 student, has been ill in hospital since last month. The doctor says an operation may save him. But it will cost over 300,000 yuan. Xiao Wei’s parents are both farmers. They do not have enough money. However, it is important for Xiao Wei to have the operation as soon as possible. If all of us can give a helping hand, he may get well again soon.

15. 电视TV




The students in our school like different kinds of TV programmes. Anita is a Grade 7 student. Her favourite programme is Animal World. Her elder brother Tom is in Grade 8. His favourite programme is Sports City. They watch TV for one hour every day. From TV programmes they’ve learned a lot that can’t be learned from books.



Today is a very exciting day. My cousin and I took part in a TV game show. On the show we had to work together to answer all kinds of questions about sports. Before the show I felt quite nervous, but my cousin and I prepared well. We answered most of the questions correctly. Finally, we got the top score and won the show. My family are all very happy.

16. 迪斯尼乐园Disneyland



3.我拍了许多照片,回去后会给朋友们看。My parents and I have been in Hong Kong for three days. We are having a good time here. Today, we spent the whole day at Disneyland. It is a famous theme park. It has four different areas. We visited all of them. At the end of the day, we watched a fireworks show. I took a lot of photos there. I will show them to my friends when I get back.




Last Saturday we went to Disneyland by underground. First we took photos at the entrance. Then we visited the four areas inside. We were very excited when a parade of Disney characters began later in the afternoon. It was the best part of the day. After the parade, we watched a 4-D film. We stayed at the park for about 8 hours. It was a really exciting day.

17. 变迁Changes




I know Sunshine Town very well. I moved here with my parents when I was four years old. I have lived here since then. We first lived in the northern party of town. A few years later, we moved to another flat in the centre of town. Now Sunshine Town has changed a lot. It looks like a big beautiful park.




Sunshine Town has changed a lot. The government has turned the place into a park. We have a large shopping mall and a theatre. We have open spaces and pretty gardens too. However, it is difficult to see some of my old friends. They have moved to Beijing or other places, and I feel a bit lonely from time to time. Sometimes they come back to see me, and that makes me very happy.

18. 保护动物Protecting animals



3.中国政府想要保护这些濒危鸟类;它们在像扎龙这样的保护区会是安全的。Zhalong Nature Reserve is one of the world’s most important wetlands. Many birds live there. There are many fish in the wetland, so the birds can easily find food. More and more birds are now in danger because they do not have enough living space. Lots of them have died. The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered birds. They can be safe in reserves like Zhalong.




We like birdwatching. We do a bird count twice a year to study the changes in bird numbers. We are now inviting students to help. We need more people to help us count. Many people do not understand the importance of the wetlands. We hope this information will help them understand. It may make them take action to protect wildlife.

19.自然灾害Natural disasters





I was in the library when the earthquake started. The earth started to shake hard. I tried to run outside, but pieces of glass and bricks fell down, and the walls began to come down. Finally, the noise and shaking ended. I realized my leg was trapped. I was afraid that no one would find me. I screamed for help. Luckily, a dog found me and someone pulled me out.




A snowstorm hit Beijing last Wednesday. After school, Betty shared an umbrella with her friend, Amy, and they walked to the bus stop. The weather was really terrible. Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind. They lost their umbrella in the wind and nearly fell over. They had to walk slowly through the storm to the bus stop. At last, they got on a bus and went home.

20.著名人物Famous people




Tan Dun was born in 1958 in central Hunan, China. When he was very young, Tan showed an interest in music. To him, the best music comes from nature. As he likes the sounds of nature, Tan uses them a lot in his music. Tan has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together. He has helped build a bridge between the East and the West. In his words, “My music is to dream without boundaries.”

例二要点:1.谭盾是当今世界最伟大的艺术家之一;他在年轻的时候用石头、纸张等常见的物品来制作音乐; 2.他喜欢来自大自然的声音;他经常在自己的音乐里使用它们;3.比如,在他的一部作品《水乐》中,他没有使用任何乐器;通过控制水流的速度,他用水制造出了五十多种声音;那真是太神奇了!

Tan Dun is one of the greatest artists in the world today. He used to make music with common objects like stones and paper when he was young. He loves the sounds of nature. He uses them a lot in his music. For example, in one of his works, water, he doesn’t use any musical instruments. He makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow. That’s really amazing!


2018考研复试英语口语万能句型及复试 话题 考研复试英语口语的考察除了考生准备的自我介绍外,老师还会随机的问一些问题,各个院校的口语形式略有不同,有的院校会给提供几份报纸,先让学生读,然后就文章来提问题,那么根据历年考研英语口语问题的收集,老师给考生整理了经常会问到的问题及如何回答: 1.人物相关的问题 如果老师问到人物方面的问题,考生可以介绍父母,老师等。 Parents: my mother is the person whom I admire most due to her so many personalities like talented, tolerant, and most of all, her spirit of dedication. First of all, she much a talented person who not only has great achievements in her work, but also can cook delicious food for my dad and me. Further, since she is well-educated, she can tolerate different opinions from varied people. And the most beautiful thing about her is that she has beautiful mind. Thirty as she is in the daily life, she saves the money and donates all of them to the people who may need them. The way she does and thinks make me want to be the person like she is. That is why I think my mother is the person I admire most. Teacher, a good teacher should have following personalities. First of all, a good teacher makes herself available to all students. She should know which students need extra assistance. Furthermore, a good teacher is an effective communicator, who knows when she needs to change her communicating techniques to be sure students can grasp instructional concepts. Just like an old saying "Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and eat for a life time." This must be a philosophy of every good teacher. 2.事情相关的问题 老师可能问到事务问题,考生可以从以下几个方面介绍:休闲娱乐(看书,听音乐,户外活动)。 When I have time, I read books. My favorite book is the old man and sea which is written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers. The book told us a story about an old man called Diego who did fishing in Cuba. Though he came across lots of difficulties on the sea and came back without a single fish, he has optimistic and still held the hope. Diego is the like mirror which reflects what (Hemingway) wanted to tell all of us: never give up and the final success will come right after the last try. Music: My favorite music is …which is sung by…The reasons why I love that song are based on following aspects: 1. It reflexes my mind. 2. I always have a greater efficiency after


1.Sport star: My favorite sport star is Liu Xuan ---- a beautiful Chinese women gymnasts, who born in 1984 in Changsha City, Hunan Province started gymnastics training, 8-year-old. She is the 1990s the Chinese gymnastics team heyday of one of the first team, is also the first Chinese woman to participate in two Olympic gymnasts. 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, LIU Xuan in the women's gymnastics balance beam competition, to perfect moves conquered the referees and spectators, as the Chinese women's balance beam project did not touch the history of Olympic champion zoned to an end. 现在她是一名演员,并试图将体操与舞蹈结合,她是一个很有想法的人,我非常看好她,希望她在舞蹈艺术这条路上走出自己的天地。 1、“要想战胜别人,必须首先战胜自我。” 2、“一靠理想,二靠实力,三靠平静的心态。奥运比赛只有战胜自我, 才能成为真正的强者。” 2. A character 主演James Blackwell饰演Matt Prater 《面对巨人》Facing the Giants片讲述一位教练如何重拾信心与勇气,并用信仰击败恐惧的故事。在泰勒的六年教练生涯中,他从未在赛季中获胜,当球队中最优秀的队员Shiloh决定转学后,他们连在新赛季中获胜的希望都随之而去了。赛季一开始便输了三场比赛之后,泰勒发现那些爸爸们决定解雇他,随之而来的一系列压力令他完全失去了希望。他将如何重拾勇气与信心,用信仰击败恐惧The death crawl Your action will always follow your belief. 你的信念总是支配着你的行动。 If you accept defeat,then that what you'll get. 如果你接受失败,那么你将得到失败。 Don't you ever let anyone tell you that you're under par... 不要让任何人跟你说你比别人差... With god all things are possible. Praise God either you win or lose. 3.An interesting historic place 华清池 Huaqing Hot Spring is a natural spring at the foot of Mt Lishan in Lintong County, about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. This hot spring is known as China's famous hot spring resort. Huaqing Hot Spring owns 6000 years history of hot spring use and 3000 years history of royal garden architecture. There are four springhead in Huaqing Hot Spring. They are all in a stone hole and the existing circular pool has the radius of about 1 meter with clear, colourless and transparent water seen at the bottom.The water temperature is


话题交际用语: 1. I won the junior 3 English competition last December. Key: Well done!/Congratulations. 2.I have just received a nice birthday present from my aunt in America. Key: Lucky you. 3. My uncle is badly ill and he is sent to hospital. Key: I am sorry to hear that. 4. Tomorrow is my birthday. Would you like to come to my party? Key: Yes, I’d love to. / I’d love to, but I am not free. 5. You don’t know the way to the post office. So you ask the policeman. Key: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office? 6. I am going to have a trip to the USA this summer. Key: Have a good trip. 7. I am going to sit an English exam tomorrow. Key: Good luck. 8. The shirt is nice and cheap. You are going to buy it, What would you say to the shopkeeper? Key: I’ll take it. 9.You want to buy a birthday present for your friend,what would you say if the shopkeeper says to you “Can I help you?” Key: Yes, I’d like a pen. 10.This is Jack’s office. Someone is calling Jack,but he’s out ,what would you say? Key: He’s out, can I take a message? 11.Your friend said to you, “Thank you for helping me.” What’s your answer? Key: You’re welcome. 12. I’m very sorry for breaking your bottle. Key: It doesn’t matter. 13.A visitor says to you, “ The food in Sichuan is very delicious.” What would you say if you don’t agree with him? Key: I don’t think so. 14.I am planning to go travelling this summer vacation. Any ideas? Key: You can go to Beijing. 15.I like Christmas very much. Which festival do you like best ? Key : The Spring festival. 16. Today is May 16th. What about the day after tomorrow? Key: May the 18 th. 17.What day is today? Key: Friday. 18. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Key: Noodles. 19. You look tired. When did you go to bed last night? Key: At 12:00 o’clock. 20. Mother ’s Day is coming. I want to buy a gift for her. Any suggestions ? Key: Buy some flowers for her. 21.How long does it take you to do your homework? Key:For 2 hours. 22.How far is it from your home to your school? Key:10 minutes’ walk.


Topics for Oral Test(2017-2018学年第二学期) 1.What do you think of the concept of a healthy lifestyle?Do you agree with it? Why or why not? 2.Nowadays some students on campus are so addicted to the computer games,the Internet,and smartphones,etc.that they waste a lot of time,and discard their studies.What suggestions can you give to help them get over this addiction? 3.Who is your favorite athlete?Why do you like him/her? 4.Euthanasia is mostly illegal in the world today.Should euthanasia be legal?What are the positive and negative sides of euthanasia? 5.Which is more important for a graduate student,specialized knowledge or a wide range of learning? 6.What do you know about sexual discrimination in job market?Can you give some examples?What are the causes for this phenomenon? 7.What do you think of the character of Mrs.Sommers?Do you think she a good mother?Why or why not? 8.With the globalization of economy and culture throughout the world,foreign languages have invaded the territory of Chinese people’s daily life.What are the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese people’s exposure to different languages and cultures?Will this influence the people’s cultural identity and social morality? 9.In your opinion,is Greg Mortenson a hero or a fraud?Why? 10.“Just do it”has been a popular advertising slogan,which enables us think of Nike products immediately.Could you work out as many advertising slogans as you can?Which one do you like best?Why?


1.Personal Present Situation: Are you a student or do you have a job? a) study What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Which is the best university in China? Do you think your present subjects are relevant? b)working What kind of job would you prefer after graduation? What are your job prospects? What do you do for a living? Describe your job in detail. Is your job important to you? If you could, would you change jobs? Are their possible changes that could affect your job in any way? Describe an ideal job/ Describe a job you think you would be good at(新增) What do you think of your major/job? Why do you choose it? 2. Hometown/city Where are you from? What’s the most interesting part of your hometown? Has your hometown changed in recent years? Describe your hometown. Describe a city that you like best Where it is What are the general features What you can do there


1 Say something that makes you feel upset . 2 What changes have you got since you came into junior middle school . 3 Say something about your father . 4 Say something about your mother . 5 Say something about your English teacher . 6 Say something about your math teacher . 7 What will you buy for your mother’ birthday . 8 Which program do you like best and why (2 reasons) 9 Your ideas about playing computer games . 10Will you keep pets in your home ? why or why not ? 11.What do you think of school education . 12.Talk about what you will do if you go to the project “we can help” 13.Talk about the experience when you were sick . 14.Talk about the rules for the school library . 15.Talk about your favourite festivals. 16.What do you think about students’pressure . 17.Say something about the ways to make our world more beautiful . 18.What can you do for “Hope Project” 19.Say something about weather in your hometown . 20Talk about what you did last weekend ? 21.If one of your friends has a big problem in study,what will you do to help himor her. 22.Do you like to have your PE class ,why or why not? (two reasons ) 23.If you have a robot ,what would you like it to do for you ? 24.Do you like to have your English class . 25.Do you like to wear school uniforms ?why or why not . 26.What kind of gifts would you like to have ?somthing money or something small but has some meaning behind it ?why ? 27.Which do you like better ,Chinese food or fast food like KFCor MC Donald’s ,why or why not .(2 reasons ) 28 .Do you want to be a volunteer to help those who need help ? 29 Which do you like better ,soap opera?or Beijing Opera?why or why not ?(2reasons ) 30.What do you think of your English study .what will you do to improve your English ? 31. Your friend has a cold ,give some advice . 32.How healthy are you?say something about your eating habits . 33.Reading is helpful to students what do you think of it ? 34.what is your favourite transportation (2 reasons ) 35 .make a plan for next Sunday . 36.how do you go to school ( 2 reasons ) 37 .Do you like rainy days ? why or why not ? 38 .what is the differences between you and your friend


Topic 1:Food Safety A:超,我一直劝你说不要买学校西南门的饭。你也知道他们用的食用油可能是地沟油,调料是勾兑的,可你一直不听。 Chao,I always advise that you should not buy meals in southwestern door of our school. As you know, the oil they use may be used oil; seasoning, like vinegar and sauce is blending, but you do not listen. B:这没关系,我吃他们的饭都两年了,你看我还不是挺健康的;再说了吃起来口感也不错! It does not matter, I eat their meal every day, you see, I am still healthy; besides, the texture is good. C:我不这样看,虽然我们一时半会儿吃不出来毛病,但食物中的有害物质会在体内堆积,包括食物上沾有的汽车尾气中的铅,早晚会得病的。咱们应该去食堂。 I am not in your point, although we would not be sick immediately, the harmful substances will accumulate in our body, including the lead in automobile exhaust. We will get sick sooner or later. So we should eat at canteen. D:食堂的也可能有问题啊!他们晚上卖的鸡腿可能会是中午剩的,我们吃了会拉肚子。我们应该买那些受欢迎的菜品,它们都是新做的。 The foods in the canteen may also be a problem! The drumsticks sold at night are probably the left at noon. We should buy popular dishes, they are all new. A:我同意。因为我晚上一吃鸡腿、鸡排就会肚子痛。不过食堂的饭肯定比学校门口的干净。 I agree. Because I often have a stomachache when I eat them. But the foods in canteen must better than meals sold in the school door. B:好。我以后少吃。进一步说,咱们中国的食品安全问题非常令人担忧。好多食品企业为了利益做了好多坏事。还记得那年的三鹿奶粉事件吗? OK. I will eat less. The food safety in our country is a extremely worrying issue. Many food companies had done a larger number of bad things for the sake of benefits. Do you remember the “Sanlu milk powder incident” C:当然,好多婴儿都得病了,有的小孩还有了生命危险。生产商真该遭雷劈,这么缺德的事也办的出来。 Of course, many infants were ill and some of them even in danger. The manufacturers should be punished severely, it is so wicked things to do.


English Speaking Topics for Final Exam(Preliminary) 第一部分生活life 1.This is my house 2.I want to buy a cell phone 3.House work 4.Today is holiday 5.What do you do in your daily life 6.My hobby 7.Do you like flowers 8.Music can make me feel happy 9.Do exercises 10.Today is my birthday 第二部分工作学习work and study 1.I like reading https://www.360docs.net/doc/6010611461.html,ing computer to study 3.My school 4.This is my teacher 5.Let’s go shopping 6.Movie is wonderful 7.I am a good student 8.Do you know how to drive

9.Time is important 10.Bad habit 第三部分人际interpersonal relationship 1.Bad temper 2.Don’t bother me 3.Someone I hate 4.I will have a party this Sunday 5.Which season do you like 6.How should I arrange my money 7.Long time no see 8.Breakfast is important 9.Saying goodbye 10.Let me introduce my friend to you 第四部分社会society 1.Heavy rain 2.Rent a house 3.Eating out 4.Read news paper 5.Traffic jams 6.Ask for direction 7.The working day


Topic One: Making Friends Firstly, let us make friends with each other! Conversation 1:Interests Teacher: My name is David, I am your English teacher at 1 Smart. What is your name? Student: My name is __________________________________. Teacher: Nice to meet you, Student: __________________________________. Teacher: I like playing football on Sunday, what about you? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: What else do you like? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: Why do you like________________? Student: Because__________________________________. Teacher: What about basketball, do you like playing basketball? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: It is 5 o’clock and I have to go home right now. It was very nice to meet you! Student: __________________________________. Teacher: Bye! Student: __________________________________. Now, can you introduce your best friend to your teacher? Conversation 2:Friends Student: Good afternoon, sir. Teacher: Good afternoon. Student: This is my best friend________, ________, this is my English teacher, David. Teacher: How do you do, : How do you do. Student: My best friend is good at________ , and he likes ________. He lives in ________, and there are ________ members in his/her family. We are often together playing ________. . Teacher: It was really nice to meet your best friend, but time is up, I have to go to class. Student: Fine, see you. Teacher: Bye. Now, can you introduce family to your teacher? Conversation 3:Family Teacher: Hi! ________,how are you today? Student: _________________________________. Teacher: I am fine too. This is the picture of my family.


公共英语考试一级口语必考话题及参考答案(1) A节部分即口头提问,是针对所给的T o p i c(主题)设计出若干问题,向考生发问。它出现在考试的起始阶段和最后阶段。在这两部分中每位考生大约分别有一分钟左右的时间回答问题,大概要说十句话左右。所以不能简单地说上一两句就结束了。因为在口头提问部分不给准备时间,因此考生无论在考试前还是考试过程中都应有足够的准备。 (1)事先学习使用一些表达方式给自己争取一点时间思考。常用的表达方式有: A s e v e r y b o d y k n o w s.S o f a r a s I a m c o n c e r n e d. W h a t I m e a n i s...W e l l... T h a t i s t o s a y...Y o u k n o w, ... (2)重复考官的问题也是一种得体的方式,为的是让自己有一点时间思考。 (3)考试中选择自己熟悉的东西或事情来谈,否则会由于有些词不会用英文表述,而给自己造成麻烦。比如就音乐或书籍来讲,考试时选择一种会表述或表述较为容易的音乐或一本自己熟悉的书,比选择一种自己真正喜欢的音乐或一本书更现实。

(4)考试中为了使自己回答问题的内容更充实些,可以用列举法或举例说明法予以适当展开阐述。 (5)考生在回答问题时,如果发现自己要说的话太少,或觉得无话可说时,不妨把自己想到的问题再详细地说明或细化一下。 A节部分常考话题汇总及答案 1.A n d w h a t s h a l l I c a l l y o u? M o s t p e o p l e c a l l m e X i a o H u a n g. 2.W h e r e d o y o u c o m e f r o m? a. I w a s b o r n i n X i‘a n, w h i c h i s o n e o f t h e m a j o r c i t i e s i n C h i n a. I t u s e d t o b e t h e c a p i t a l c i t y a t o n e p o i n t i n C h i n a’s h i s t o r y. b.I c o m e f r o m S h a n g h a i, b u t I w a s b o r n i n X i ‘a n. M y p a r e n t s m o v e d t o S h a n g h a i w h e n I w a s j u s t 4 y e a r s o l d, s o I r e a l l y d o n’t k n o w m u c h a b o u t X i ‘a n, a p a r t f r o m o c c a s i o n a l s u m m e r v i s i t s t o s e e s o m e g o o d f r i e n d s o f t h e f a m i l y. I n f a c t, I d o n’t h a v e a n y r e l a t i v e s a t a l l l i v i n g i n X i’a n. 3.W h e r e a b o u t i s y o u r h o m e t o w n? X i’a n i s l o c a t e d i n S h a n x i P r o v i n c e,w h i c h i s


雅思英语口语考试30个常见话题归纳 1. describe your favorite animal 2. describe relaxation method 3. describe communication method 4. describe al job you are interested in 5. describe sth old in your family(可以谈礼物或jewelry或clothes) 6. describe a book which influenced you in your childhood 7. describe a library 8. describe a physical exercise 9. describe a store 10. describe your favorite magazine or newspaper 11. describe an advertisement you like. 12. describe a school you attended. 13. describe the type of clothing or jewelry you choose in special t ime? 14. describe your favorite room in your home.

15. describe a change in your life. 16. describe the part of day you like most 17.describe the city you enjoyed visiting. 18.describe an old man you are familiar with. 19.describe a river or lake you have seen. 20. describe something which was made by yourself 21.describe the best present you got in your life. 22.describe your favorite way of transport. 23.describe a famous person you admire. 24.describe your favorite movie. 26. describe your best friend. 27. describe an electric equipment you use in your life. 28. describe a subject you studied at school. 29. describe a building. 30. describe a club or team or organization you joined


2018年12月期末考试指导 一、考试说明 1. 考试时间:90分钟。 2. 试卷总分:100分。 3. 试卷题型: 第一部分:听说部分(共25小题;满分30分) 第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 第三部分:词汇和结构(共20小题;满分30分) 第四部分:英译汉(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 第五部分:汉译英(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 其中听说部分又分为三种题型:I. 请选出最合适的回答(共10题,每小题1分,共10分);II.根据对话回答问题(共10题,每小题1分,共10分);III.选择合适的句子完成对话(共5题,每小题2分,共10分)。 词汇和结构分为两种题型Ⅰ.请从四个选项中,选出最合适的答案,并把答案填划在答题卡上(共10题,每小题1分,共10分);Ⅱ.将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。请把答案写在答题纸上(共10题,每小题2分,共20分)。 二、重点知识及习题 第一部分:听说部分 答题技巧:这部分主要考察日常英语交际能力,考察内容全部为日常生活的对话,大家要掌握常用的交际用语原则和习惯搭配,并且会从对话中读懂说话者隐含的意思。大家要注意这方面的题目往往充满陷阱,答题时一定要做到仔细,不能一晃而过。考前请同学们一定要把课本里每单元Listening Comprehension和Speaking Development部分的对话多读几遍,熟悉关于问候、感谢以及一些其它的日常话题。 1、交际用语的原则: 在学习、使用和复习交际用语部分时,大家要掌握使用交际用语的几个原则: A. 礼貌原则。无论在任何场合、表达什么看法/情感,发话/发问和应答都要有礼貌,即使表达不同看法或批评意见,也要委婉间接表达。对于别人的要求如果不同意,也要先说sorry,然后用but做连接词表示委婉。对于别人给予的好意,首先要表示感谢,用thanks或thank you,其次不可断然拒绝或否定别人的做法,如果不同意可以用but做连接词表示委婉。 B. 利他原则。在日常交际中,英语国家人民形成了一种习俗,即要尽可能为对方提供帮助和方便,对别人遇到的好事、成功要表示高兴,坏事要表示难过、惋惜,因此在交际用语中也要体现出来这种倾向 别人的好消息,要表示祝贺 对别人的道歉表示接受,并说明无关紧要 2、特定场景中的惯用语 (1). 打电话的常用语 —Who’s that speaking?—This is Tom speaking. 在电话用语中用This is/ that is来表示通话中的双方,动词则常用speaking和talking。 (2). 征询意见的用语和答语 —How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight? —That’s great!
