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例:How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15.

B. £ 9.18.

C. £ 9.15.


1. What does the woman want?

A. Some snacks.

B. A Diet Coke.

C. Some popcorn. 2. Who was out of a job?

A. Johnson.

B. Johnson’s wife.

C. Jo hnson’s daughter.

3. Where is the woman?

A. In a garage.

B. In an office.

C. In a street.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. How to deal with pressure.

B. Overcoming pressure to be a real athlete.

C. The chance of becoming an athlete.

5. What can we say about the man?

A. He is modest.

B. He is honest.

C. He is humorous. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Neighbors.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Teacher and student.

7. What did Xuelong do near Zhongshan?

A. It shipped fuel oil.

B. It did scientific research.

C. It sent researchers.


8. Why did Steve apologize?

A. He beat Annie.

B. He lost his temper.

C. He missed the time.

9. What is the woman’s attitude to Steve’s apology?

A. She accepted it.

B. She doubted it.

C. She ignored it.


10. Where will the woman change to the gray line?

A. From 14th Ave.

B. At 83rd Street.

C. At Andrew Square.

11. What can be seen on 83rd Street?

A. A bank.

B. Jack’s Bar.

C. A station.

12. When should the man leave for the meeting?

A. At 9 a.m.

B. At 9:30 a.m.

C. At 10 a.m. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. Who was Karl Lagerfeld?

A. An artist.

B. A blogger.

C. A designer.

14. Why Tavi Gevinson was unhappy?

A. A writer doubted her age.

B. One arti cle wasn’t published.

C. She failed to meet Lagerfeld.

15. Who did Rookie Magazine aim at? A. Adults. B. Teenagers. C. Young women.

16. What kind of life did Tavi Gevinson live?

A. A busy life.

B. A normal life.

C. A boring life. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. Who wrote Born To Fight?

A. Corinna Schumacher.

B. Michael Schumacher.

C. Sascha Herchenbach.

18. What was Bunte?

A. A novel.

B. A magazine.

C. A C


19. What made Michael Schumacher injured?

A. Driving.

B. Racing.

C. Skiing.

20. Where is Michael Schumacher?

A. In hospital.

B. In a clinic.

C. In his home.




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