北语 18秋《阅读(II)》

北语 18秋《阅读(II)》
北语 18秋《阅读(II)》


一、单选题( 每题4分, 共25道小题, 总分值100分)

1.The clothes a person wears may express his ____ or social position.

A. curiosity

B. status

C. determination

D. significance

答案:B 答案联系“文档贡献者”

2.A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial ____.

A. mark

B. feature

C. trace

D. appearance


3.Eggs are ____ according to size.

A. passed

B. judged

C. graded

D. chained


4.In this kind of hotel, there are no ____ rooms.

A. luxury

B. marvelous

C. occasional

D. sculptured


5._____ we stood at the top of the building, the people below were hardly visible.

A. As

B. Although

C. Unless

D. In spite of


6.The words of his old teacher left a _____ impression on his mind.He is still influenced by them.

A. long

B. lively

C. lasting

D. liberal

7.What I am about to relate is ___ but a pleasant story, in fact, it's rather unpleasant.

A. some thing

B. something

C. nothing

D. anything

8.Atzel's face (lit up) with a smile and he said, “You see, I was right."

A. looked prettier

B. turned red

C. burned hot

D. became brighter

9.Keep indoors and don't _____ your skin to the sun.

A. inflict

B. open

C. impose

D. expose

10.John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must _______ the curiosity and creativity of children.

A. seek

B. stimulate

C. shape

D. secure

11.Air pollution (affects) rivers and lakes indirectly because it causes acid rain.

A. influences

B. comes towards

C. destroys

D. changes

12.I’ll give you my telephone number in case you __________ want to get in touch with me.

A. should

B. will

C. would

D. need

13.Greater efforts are needed before we can ____ our goal.

A. dozen

B. attain

C. avenue

D. reward

14.In order to deceive even the (shrewd) German Secret Field Police who sometimes headed

unwelcome search parties, the candle was partially burned.

A. stupid

B. searching

C. cruel

D. cunning

15.From the dates ____ on the plates, we decided that they were made in Song Dynasty.

A. marking

B. having been marked

C. marked

D. to be marked

16.At noon all the big icicles along the eaves of the little house (quivered) and sparkled in the sunshine, and drops of water hung trembling at their tips.

A. shone

B. worked

C. weakened

D. trembled

17.Had he worked harder, he ____ the exams.

A. must have got through

B. would have got through

C. would get through

D. could get through

18.Two weeks before, Mable affixed placards to utility poles, (admonishing) us to move our cars on the Saturday specified.

A. advising

B. warning

C. compelling

D. guiding

19.She ought to stop work;she has a headache because she ______ too long.

A. has been reading

B. had read

C. is reading

D. read

20.If she doesn't tell him the truth now, he'll simply keep on asking her until she _______.

A. does

B. has done

C. will do

D. would do

21.You cannot be _______ careful when you drive a car.

A. very

B. so

C. too

D. enough


Not only ___ in danger, but also that of her son Jacques and her little daughter Jacqueline.

A. was her own life

B. her own life was

C. is her own life

D. has her own life

23.____ the many hours of study that he devoted to the subject, he still found the subject matter difficult.

A. After

B. Because of

C. Due to

D. Despite

24.He said he would ____ me to Mr. Li but he didn’t.

A. comment

B. suggest

C. command

D. recommend


On the moving day, I didn't have the heart to tell him that he could _____ the accordion.

A. dispose

B. dispose of

C. get rid

D. throw of


一、单选题( 每题4分, 共25道小题, 总分值100分)

1.It had not yet been decided whether there is a brain center responsible for sleep or whether simple (inhibition) of the waking centers is what causes it.

A. relaxation

B. participation

C. restraint

D. intake

2.Some errors can (be due to) unreasonable workloads.

A. be corrected by

B. be worsened by

C. be attributed to

D. be diverted to

3.From this (perspective), sleeping until noon on Saturday is not enough to pay back the ten lost hours as well as meet your nightly requirement of eight.

A. scene

B. example

C. expectation

D. view

4.Over the years,I have taken pictures to (salute) the men who are raising the next generation of fathers.

A. memorize

B. show my respect for

C. praise

D. arouse

5.Although geographically separated from the other 48 states,Alaska and Hawaii are both richly productive and add (considerable) wealth to the nation.

A. improtant

B. comfortable

C. a lot of

D. a certain amount of

6.Surprisingly,she'd slept,though her mind was (churning) when she went to bed.

A. a total blank

B. agitated

C. confused

D. sharp


The success of the operation _______ the support we get from our allies.

A. defends

B. hinges on

C. finds

D. contributes to

8.He will agree to do what you require ____ him.

A. of

B. from

D. for

9.Pieces of it had (flaked away) and what shone through was a dull yellow in color.

A. had become thin

B. had become irregular

C. had fallen off

D. had grown hard

10.Nobody in the class can ____ him of his mistake.

A. believe

B. admit

C. thirst

D. convince

11.Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ____.

A. granted

B. implied

C. exaggerated

D. remedied

12.Ma sat by the lamp, (mending) one of Pa's shirts.

A. folding

B. repairing

C. making

D. cleaning

13.Chang heard stories about the massacre-how the Yangtze River ran red with blood-and how her grandparents had miraculously escaped the (carnage).

A. punishment

B. persecution

C. slaughter

D. disaster

14.Meat ____ much more easily than vegetables.

A. loses

B. numerous

C. weaves

D. decays

15.Death might ___ at any time.

A. beckon

C. nod

D. shake

16.For a few minutes he (tapped) the switch after each flash.

A. touched

B. painted

C. pressed

D. snapped

17."I don't want the Government (butting in)," he said stubbornly.

A. paying me

B. knowing about it

C. interfering

D. touching

18.(Amateur) athletes from all over the world take part in the modern Olympic Games.

A. Non-professional

B. Non-native

C. New

D. Skilled

19.Once environmental damage _______, it takes many years for the system to recover.

A. has done

B. is to do

C. does

D. is done

20.Add to this that people have psychological activity and the ability to link things together in their minds, and a whole set of auspiciousness-attracting and evil-expelling habits (took shape).

A. came to be formed

B. disappeared

C. followed

D. were added

21.With all her friends and money gone, she really didn’t know _____.

A. how to do

B. what to do

C. which to do

D. when to do

22.____ I catch a cold, I have pain in my back.

A. Every time

B. Though

D. Where

23.He continued talking ___ nothing had happened.

A. when

B. like

C. as

D. as if

24.It is management that is at fault ____ the work-force.

A. due to

B. in addition

C. rather than

D. however

25.Surely a (telltale hole) in the melted wax would expose the end of the metal capsule concealed in the base of the candle.

A. a hole that revealed the secret

B. a hole that was able to tell a story

C. a hole that was able to be used in a tale

D. a hole that appeared in a tale


一、单选题( 每题4分, 共25道小题, 总分值100分)

1.Where are the millions of men who toil day after day, (sacrificing) their own needs in order to fulfill the needs of their family?

A. seeking

B. thinking of

C. satisfying

D. giving up

2.Don’t take the medicine. It can’t help _____ rid of your cold.

A. getting

B. to get

C. to getting

D. get

3.None of them___my friends.

A. is

B. are

C. was

4.The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, _______ is often the case in other countries.

A. as

B. what

C. so

D. that

5.I'm_______a writer myself...

A. not much of

B. not very

C. not sure

D. not being

6.Besides misunderstanding the importance of truly equal job opportunities, some working-class women had good reason to be (cynical) about the cries of “liberation”and “equality”they heard from the Women’s Movement.

A. confident

B. trusting

C. approving

D. disapproving

7.Does everyone on earth have an equal right ____ an equal share of its resources?

A. by

B. at

C. to

D. over

8.____ forget my hometown and my happy childhood.

A. Never I will

B. Never will I

C. Never I

D. I never have

9.The mother felt _______ because her children didn't need her any more.

A. extra

B. redundant

C. curious

D. amused

10._______ old lady with white hair spoke _______ English well at _______ meeting.

A. An,an,a

B. The,/,an

D. The,/,the

11.Some people say that we live _____ the age of computers.

A. in

B. at

C. with

D. for

12.Rarely ____ such a silly thing.

A. have I heard of

B. I have heard of

C. have I been heard of

D. I have been heard of

13.First, some simple isotope must be (converted to) iron-56.

A. returned to

B. changed to

C. exchanged for

D. mixed with

14.“When did you first visit New York City?”

“I think it ____ in 1976.”

A. will have been

B. has to be

C. must have been

D. must

15.I imagine I’ll ____ some friends instead of going to the movies.

A. envy

B. interest

C. entertain

D. courage

16.I quickly washed up, then joined the boiled potato (feast).

A. achievement

B. party

C. meal

D. meeting

17.A magnificent monument has been ____ in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people’s heroes.

A. envied

C. created

D. curved


Pedrito tried once more to picture his wife and small son, his parents and his relatives, all of _________ he felt certain were standing outside.

A. that

B. who

C. whose

D. whom


I did not want to be responsible for Mable's (insomnia), so I kept the three dollars.

A. sleeplessness

B. unhappiness

C. mania

D. imminent

20.I opened it, and there were two (corroded) sardine cans, a nickel, a dime and three pennies.

A. rusted

B. used

C. washed

D. salted

21.Chinese not only use numbers to appeal for good fortune, they also bring them out to (chew) people (out).

A. praise

B. speak angrily to

C. amuse

D. shout at


____ as a kitchen helper while still a teenager, he had advanced to second cook.

A. Having began

B. To begin

C. Beginning

D. Began

23."I can't take all the (bending) any longer,"she said.

A. standing

C. stooping

D. sitting

24.Criticism and self criticism is necessary ____ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.

A. by that

B. at that

C. on that

D. in that

25.When the time came for him to speak, a (stricken)look crossed his face.

A. sorrowful

B. nervous

C. merry

D. envious


一、单选题( 每题4分, 共25道小题, 总分值100分)

1.The climate warmed and cooled, new plants and animals evolved and (became extinct) in their turn, and sea levels rose and fell over periods of thousands, if not millions of years.

A. died out

B. developed

C. changed

D. lasted

2.If you hook something truly big, we can (come to your aid).

A. help

B. need

C. boat

D. hand

3.He had loved and studied and explored that land _______ he could remember.

A. after

B. ever since

C. starting

D. until

4.I held onto the rail with a feeble grip and began to descend the (treacherous) steps.

A. insecure

B. tricky

C. complicated

D. wicked

5.Your hair wants _______. You'd better have it done tomorrow.

A. cut

B. to cut

C. cutting

D. being cut

6.Relief workers were handing ______ emergency rations (to the survivors).

A. in

B. out

C. by

D. over

7.Poets and people were eager to sing the praises not only of (victors) in battle but also of victors in contests of skill and strength.

A. soldiers

B. winners

C. participants

D. warriors

8.Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages ___them well.

A. you can learn

B. can you learn

C. you learned

D. did you learn

9.She worked for six hours _____ .

A. at the stretch

B. at stretch

C. at a stretch

D. in stretch

10.I am one of a very few who ___ in a position to tell it.

A. are

B. were

C. is

D. was

11.You ____ your tooth pulled out before it rot completely.

A. had better got

B. had to get better

C. had better to get

D. had better get


Some of this waste is released by the power-stations into the air or water; some is (stored).

A. dissolved

B. kept in a special place

C. changed

D. reduced in time

13.I don’t like talking on ______telephone ; I prefer writing ____letters.

A. a,the

B. the,/

C. the,the

D. A ,/

14.The newspaper did not mention the _______ of the damage caused by the fire.

A. range

B. level

C. extent

D. quantity

15.All thses issues are of little interest to most Americans,who suffer from what Schwarcz terms an "(allergy) to history."

A. hypersensitivity

B. indifference

C. attention

D. dislike

16."Thank you,"the old man said.He was too simple to wonder when he had attained (humility).

A. the quality of being humble

B. the quality of being thoughtgul

C. the quality of being wise

D. the quality of being philosophical

17.These two construction groups worked at remarkable speed, each ____ to cover a greater distance than the other.

A. tried

B. trying

C. tries

D. to try

18.It is urgent that the police __________ about the traffic accident occurred on the highway.

A. are noticed

B. will be noticed

C. were noticed

D. be noticed

19.For several hours they had (probed) the ruins with ultra-sensitive microphones,listening for the tapping that the miners had reported.

A. searched

B. dug

C. shouted

D. excavated

20.I will take the coat, ____ cheap or dear.

A. it being

B. be it

C. was it

D. it was

21.He's lined _____ a live band for the party.

A. up

B. by

C. in

D. for

22.I can hardly walk, ____ run.

A. much less

B. more like

C. than

D. in addition to

23.Flood control projects have been necessary to bring this problem (under control).

A. be in charge of

B. be prepared with

C. deal with successfully

D. discuss thoroughly


During the war I was _______ to the naval college as a gunnery instructor.

A. accompanied

B. attachment

C. belonged

D. attached

25.The white eggshell (had shattered) where the egg had struck.

A. had straightened

B. had flattened

C. had changed color

D. had broken into pieces

北语 18秋《文学概论》

18秋《文学概论》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题4分, 共15道小题, 总分值60分) 1.林语堂说中国散文具有“可吟唱性”。这是指() A. 中国散文必须配乐 B. 中国散文应当押韵 C. 中国散文具有节奏感和平仄交替 D. 中国散文适合于歌唱 答案:C 答案联系“文档贡献者” 2.在西方文论史上,将19世纪的现实主义定名为“批判现实主义”的作家是( )。 A. 巴尔扎克 B. 狄更斯 C. 托尔斯泰 D. 高尔基 答案:D 3.自觉提倡“三一律”的文学思潮是() A. 现实主义 B. 自然主义 C. 古典主义 D. 现代主义 答案:C 4.文学创作中,运用的主要思维方式是() A. 抽象思维 B. 创造思维 C. 形象思维 D. 情感思维 答案:C 5.文学作品是一个符号系统,是一个完整的自我调节的实体和按语言规律组织起来的语言的产物。这个观点属于下列哪一种批评方法?( ) A. 神话原型批评 B. 读者反应批评 C. 结构主义批评 D. 女性主义批评 答案:C 6.提出“杂取种种人,合成一个”典型化方法的作家是___ A. 曹雪芹 B. 鲁迅 C. 郭沫若 D. 茅盾

7.口头传播是文学传播发展的() A. 第一阶段 B. 第二阶段 C. 第三阶段 D. 第四阶段 8.认为生命冲动是人的一切创造的根源,艺术就是人的生命冲动的表现,这种观点是 A. 情感表现说 B. 本能表现说 C. 巫术说 D. 游戏说 9.古希腊的德谟克利特和亚里斯多德是( )的主要代表人物。 A. 神示说 B. 模仿说 C. 游戏说 D. 表现说 10.文学的四要素中,()是文学活动的基础。 A. 世界 B. 作家 C. 读者 D. 作品 11.当代作家汪曾祺说:“写小说就是写语言。”这句话是指( )。 A. 语言是小说的全部 B. 语言是小说的本体 C. 语言是小说的工具 D. 语言是小说的源泉 12.文学作品反映社会生活、传达作家体验所达到的准确清晰与概括深刻的程度,这是文学作品的 A. 创造性 B. 真实性 C. 倾向性 D. 艺术性 13.从近代叙事观念来看,最重要的叙事作品样式是( ) A. 电影文学 B. 电视文学 C. 戏剧 D. 小说 14.与绘画、音乐相比,文学的长处在于()。

2021年北语 18秋《C》 作业

18秋《C﹟》作业_1 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 一、单选题 ( 每题4分, 共15道小题, 总分值60分 ) 1.声明double a; int b;下列哪个选项中的表达式能够正确的进行类型转换?( ) A. a=(decimal)b; B. a=b; C. a=(int)b ; D. b=a; 答案:B 作业代做QQ:805009261 成绩保证95分以上,基本满分! 2.下面关于虚方法说法错误的是:() A. 使用virtual关键字修饰虚方法 B. 虚方法必须被其子类重写 C. 虚方法可以有自己的方法体 D. 虚方法和抽象方法都可以实现多态性 答案:B 3.下面代码的输出结果是()。 int x = 5; int y = x++; Console.WriteLine(y); y = ++x;

Console.WriteLine(y); A. 5 6 B. 6 7 C. 5 6 D. 5 7 答案:D 4.以下关于结构的说法,正确的是()。 A. 结构不可以通过ref或out形参以引用方式传递给函数成员 B. 结构是值类型,类是引用类型 C. 结构和类一样,均支持继承 D. 结构允许声明无形参的实例构造函数 答案:B 5.C#数组主要有三种形式,它们是()。 A. 一维数组、二维数组、三维数组 B. 整型数组、浮点型数组、字符型数组 C. 一维数组、多维数组、不规则数组 D. 一维数组、二维数组、多维数组 答案:C 6.窗体中有一个年龄文本框txtAge,下面()代码可以获得文本框中的年龄值。 A. int age = txtAge; B. int age = txtAge.Text; C. int age = Convert.ToInt32(txtAge);

北京语言大学 18秋《听说》( II )作业1满分答案

18秋《听说》( II )作业1 第一次作业问题9 A.The man didn't want the woman to have her hair cut. B.The woman followed the man's advice. C.The woman is wearing long hair now. D.The man didn't care if the woman had her hair cut or not. 正确答案:A 第一次作业问题8 A.He's better. B.He's feeling worse. C.He's sick in bed. D.He has recovered. 正确答案:A 第一次作业问题19 A.Action. B.World News. C.Enterprise. D.Faces and places. 正确答案:A 第一次作业问题10 A.He will return from Paris in two weeks. B.He is studying French in Paris. C.He is having a vacation in Paris. D.He is planning to go back to Paris in a year. 正确答案:B 第一次作业问题14 A.Because the boy was not a full-time worker. B.Because the boy had made some mistakes. C.Because he thought the boy had failed to meet his requirements. D.Because he thought it was his son who should pay him. 正确答案:D


一、单选题共15题,60分 1.人民政协的主要职能是(A) A政治协商和民主监督 B党内合作共事和广交朋友 C广交朋友和自我监督 D党内外合作和相互监督 2.中国共产党和各民主党派合作的方针是(B) A都必须在宪法和法律规定的范围内进行活动 B长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 C政治协商、民主监督、参政议政 D民主监督、参政议政、互相监督、肝胆相照 3.近代中国第一次彻底反帝反封建的革命运动是 A.太平天国运动 B戊戌变法运动 C国民革命运动 D五四运动 4.在农业社会主义改造中建立的初级农业生产合作社属于(D ) A新民主主义性质 B社会主义萌芽性质 C半社会主义性质 D社会主义性质 5.我国的国体是(C) A人民代表大会制度 B人民民主专政 C民族区域自治 D基层群众自治 6.我国社会主义初级阶段的主要矛盾是(B ) A工人阶级与资产阶级之间的矛盾 B人民群众日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾 C促进效率提高与体现社会公平之间的矛盾 D人口增长与经济发展不相适应的矛盾 7.土地革命战争时期,中国共产党在政权问题上的基本主张是(B) A建立人民民主专政的政权 B建立工农民主专政的政权 C建立新民主主义共和国 D建立民主联合政府 8.我国处理民族问题的基本政策是( C ) A民族平等 B民族团结 C民族区域自治 D共同繁荣 9.邓小平提出允许一部分地区、一部分企业、一部分工人农民先富起来的思想是D A社会主义的一个大原则 B发展经济的权宜之计

C为了扩大贫富差距 D一个影响和带动整体国民经济的大政策 10.中国革命统一战线中最根本的问题是(D ) A革命对象问题 B革命动力问题 C革命前途问题 D领导权问题 11.在社会主义社会,知识分子在社会上属于(D) A一个独立的社会阶级 B有待进一步改造的资产阶级和小资产阶级 C小资产阶级 D工人阶级的一部分 12.在个别企业公私合营阶段,国家对资本家的赎买形式为B A无偿没收 B四马分肥 C核价收购 D实行定息 13.毛泽东思想形成的时代条件是B A中国沦为半殖民地半封建社会 B十月革命开辟的世界无产阶级革命新时代 C第一次世界大战的爆发 D中国工人阶级的成长壮大 14.实事求是的基本涵义是(A ) A从客观存在的一切事物中,去研究事物的发展规律 B找出事物的因果联系 C发现事物本质与现象的区别 D找出事物的必然与偶然的关系 15.1951年至1952年开展的“三反”运动是A A反贪污、反浪费、反官僚主义 B反行贿、反偷税漏税、反盗窃国家经济情报 C反贪污、反盗骗国家财产、反偷工减料 D反腐败、反浪费、反官僚主义 二、多选题共5题,20分 1.抗日民族统一战线中的中间势力包括(ABD) A民族资产阶级 B开明绅士 C亲英美派 D地方实力派 2.正确地理解地理环境同人类社会关系原理的意义,在于要求我们ABD A合理地开发自然资源,减少资源浪费 B不要破坏生态平衡,要保护人和自然的协调关系 C尽快地开发自然资源,以促进生产发展 D要保护自然资源,减少环境污染 3.“工农武装割据”思想是红色政权建设的总概念,它的具体内容是ABCD

北语 18秋《社会语言学》

18秋《社会语言学》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题5分, 共11道小题, 总分值55分) 1.“懂得什么样的话适合什么样的场合”是海姆斯“言语交际能力”()的要求。 A. 形式上的可能性 B. 实施手段上的可行性 C. 语境适应性 D. 现实中的实施情况 答案:C 答案可以联系屏幕左上的“文档贡献者” 2.对语言转用的认识有误的是()。 A. 语言转用只能是整体转用型 B. 语言转用也是由语言接触引起的 C. 语言转用又称“语言替换”、“语言替代” D. 语言转用是指一个民族或一个民族的部分人放弃使用自己的母语而转用另一语言的现象答案:A 3.制定、实施语言规划,要充分考虑政策所依赖的群众因素,尊重人民的意愿,满足群众的需要,并依靠群众去贯彻、执行,这符合语言规划的()原则。 A. 政治性 B. 理论性 C. 群众性 D. 可行性 答案:C 4.语言存在着的()差异是所有差异中最直观、最常见的。 A. 性别 B. 年龄 C. 职业 D. 阶层 答案:B 5.从语言规划角度去看,语言的人文性主要表现不包括()。 A. 语言所反映的文化性质、文化价值和文化功能 B. 语言应用中折射出的各种文化现象,如经济形态、思想观念等 C. 语言交际中所反映的各个国家的政治制度、经济发展等社会因素 D. 语言交际中所反映的语言使用者的思维、情感、态度及其他文化背景等 答案:C 6.有关阶级差别与语言代码、语言威望的理解,不正确的是()。 A. 掌握代码系统多少以及复杂程度是语言能力的体现 B. 伯恩斯坦通过实验认为出身上等阶级的人比下等阶级的人在语言能力上更有优势 C. 最下层阶级的男性发音往往是远离社会标准发音的,形成“显威望”标准 D. 中产阶级的地位、生活方式连同他们的语言特点都成为较低等级的人们模仿学习的对象

北语 18秋《经济学基础》

18秋《经济学基础》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题4分, 共10道小题, 总分值40分) 1.如果猪肉价格上升,鸡肉价格不变,则鸡肉的需求将会()。 A. 增加 B. 减少 C. 不变 D. 不能确定 答案:A 答案联系“文档贡献者” 2.通常,名义国民生产总值的增长由于价格膨胀而()于实际国民生产总值的增长。 A. 快 B. 慢 C. 相等 D. 不确定 答案:A 3.资本能带来利息的根源是()。 A. 资本具有净生产力 B. 资本能迂回生产 C. 资本降低了生产效率 D. 资本可以积累 答案:A 4.下列不属于微观经济学基本假设的是()。 A. 市场出清 B. 完全理性 C. 完全信息 D. 不完全信息 答案:D 5.在美国,生产什么和生产多少的问题主要是取决于()。 A. 政府和企业的相互影响 B. 经济中那些最大的公司 C. 政府的经济顾问 D. 企业和消费者之间私下的相互影响 答案:D 6.如果A物品价格上升引起B物品需求曲线向左方移动,那么()。 A. A与B是替代品 B. A与B是互补品 C. B一定是低档商品 D. A一定是正常商品 7.关于通货膨胀,以下理解错误的是()。

A. 通货膨胀是指物价水平的普遍上升 B. 通货膨胀是指物价水平的持续上升 C. 通货膨胀将会影响财富和收入在不同阶层之间的再分配 D. 成本推动通货膨胀是指总需求超过总供给所引起的一般价格水平的持续显著的上涨 8.现代西方宏观经济学的奠基人凯恩斯学说的中心内容就是()。 A. 国民收入决定理论 B. 分配理论 C. 生产理论 D. 生命周期理论 9.在经济周期的衰退或萧条阶段,对劳动力需求下降而造成的失业,称为()。 A. 摩擦性失业 B. 结构性失业 C. 周期性失业 D. 正常失业 10.市场不发达的原因主要是()。 A. 自然资源匮乏 B. 经济发展水平低,社会化、商品化、货币化不发达 C. 人口素质低 D. 公共服务体系不完善 二、多选题( 每题4分, 共5道小题, 总分值20分) 1.垄断对经济的不利影响包括()。 A. 造成社会福利的损失 B. 造成社会分配不公 C. 引起腐败 D. 妨碍社会进步 答案:ABCD 2.根据通货膨胀的严重程度与特征,将通货膨胀分为()。 A. 爬行的通货膨胀 B. 加速的通货膨胀 C. 超速的通货膨胀 D. 受抑制的通货膨胀 3.以下不属于完全竞争的条件的是()。 A. 产品存在差异 B. 资源流动受到限制 C. 市场信息不对称 D. 市场上有许多生产者和消费者 4.生产要素价格的理论基础是()。

北京语言大学 18秋《听说》(三)作业4满分答案

18秋《听说》(三)作业4 第四次作业问题17 A.Looking sideways to see how fast your neighbor eats. B.Eating from the outside toward the middle. C.Swallowing the pie with water. D.Holding the pie in the right position 正确答案:B 第四次作业问题6 A.Quit delivering flowers. B.Leave his job to work for her. C.Work at a restaurant. D.Bring her flowers every day. 正确答案:B 第四次作业问题1 A.Mark and the woman had not been in touch for some time. B.The man saw Mark on the street two months ago. C.The woman made a phone call to Mark yesterday. D.The woman had forgotten Mark's phone number. 正确答案:A 第四次作业问题11 A.Synthetic fuel B.Solar energy C.Alcohol D.Electricity 正确答案:D 第四次作业问题14 A.In a fast-food restaurant B.At a shopping center C.At a county fair D.In a bakery 正确答案:C


18???????á?·£¨II£?×÷òμ3-0001 1 μ¥??ìa 1 At the 1908 Olympics in London the Marathon race was held on a very hot day.The race started at Windsor Castle,one of the homes of the Royal Family,so that the Royal children could see the runners leave.The race was planned to continue for 26 miles 385 yards (42,195 metres),now the accepted distance for this race,into Central London.Because of the great heat,however,many runners had to give up before they could finish the race.Towards the end,the large crowd waited with great excitement for the South African,Charles Hefferon,to come into the stadium first.They were surprised,however,when the 1st man to appear was the small Italian,Pietri Dorando.Dorando was by now extremely tired and weak and,as he was running round the stadium towards the finishing line,he fell to the groud,unable to continue.Doctors rushed to help him and he soon got to his feet and continued,with loud cheers from the crowd.As he came close to the line he had to be helped again, this time by a journalist,but finally he finished the race.He was not,of course,allowed to receive the gold because he had had help during the race.Afterwards, Dorando argued unsuccessfully that he had not asked for this help.But the medal was given to an American,Hayes,who had finished second.However, Dorando later received a special gold cup from Queen Alexandra for his courage. ?êìa£oDorando later received a special gold cup because of his ( ) A?¢top speed B?¢fair play C?¢great courage D?¢successful argument ±ê×?′e°?£oC ?ú·?£o5 2 Hemingway was born in 1899 in Oak Park,Illinois,a prosperous suburb of Chicago.His father,a physician,was an enthusiastic hunter and fisheman who taught his son to handle a rod and a gun.Hemingway's respect for these skills and his love of the open air run through his writing.He has tired to capture the point of view,actions,feelings,and speech of men who excel in the activities he admires.In school Hemingway was a good student,with a wide range of interests beyond the classroom.He was known as a boxer,a football player,a member of the swimming team,and manager of the track team.For 3 years he played in the school orchestra.But much of his activity was connected with words,which were to be his lifelong preoccupation.First as reporter,then as editor,he gained experience on the school paper,to which he contributed articles and stories.When Hemingway graduated from high school in 1917,World War I was still being fought.After a few months as a reporter on the


1.在微型计算机的各种设备中,既可输入又可输出的设备是__ _。 A磁盘驱动器 B键盘 C鼠标 D绘图仪 2.在PowerPoint的大纲窗格中输入文本,则_。 A该文本只能在幻灯片视图中修改 B既可以在幻灯片视图中修改文本,也可以在大纲视图中修改文本 C在大纲视图中用文本框移动文本 D不能在大纲视图中删除文本 3.在Excel的图标中,水平X轴通常用来作为_。 A排序轴 B分类轴 C数值轴 D时间轴 4.在Windows中,当一个窗口已经最大化后,下列叙述中错误的是。

A该窗口可以被关闭 B该窗口可以移动 C该窗口可以最小化 D该窗口可以还原 5.Word的“文件”菜单下部一般列出4个用户最近用过的文档名,文档名的个数最多可设置为_ __。 A 6个 B 8个 C 9个 D 12个 6.能够将高级语言源程序加工为目标程序的系统软件是__ _。 A解释程序 B汇编程序 C编译程序 D编辑程序

7.微型计算机的主频很大程度上决定了计算机的运行速度,它是指__ _。 A计算机的运行速度快慢 B微处理器时钟工作频率 C基本指令操作次数 D单位时间的存取数量 8.美国第一台电子数字计算机采用的逻辑元件是___。 A大规模集成电路 B集成电路 C晶体管 D电子管 9.CPU的主要功能是___。 A运算 B程序执行 C发出控制信号协调计算机运行 D时钟 10.在Excel中,单元格地址是指___。

A每一个单元格 B每一个单元格的大小 C单元格所在的工作表 D单元格在工作表中的位置 11.属于计算机犯罪的是___。 A非法截取信息、窃取各种情报 B复制与传播计算机病毒、黄色影像制品和其他非法活动 C借助计算机技术伪造篡改信息、进行诈骗及其他非法活动 D以上皆是 12.认证使用的技术不包括_。 A消息认证 B身份认证 C水印技术 D数字签名 13.在Excel中,假定一个单元格所存入的公式为“=13*2+7”,则当该单元格处于非编辑状态时显示的内容为_。

北语 18秋《成本会计》

18秋《成本会计》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题5分, 共10道小题, 总分值50分) 1.分步法适用于()。 A. 大量大批生产 B. 单件生产 C. 小批生产 D. 大量生产 答案:A 作业代做QQ:805009261 成绩保证95分以上,基本满分! 2.制造成本是指为制造产品而发生的各种费用的总和。包括()。 A. 直接材料直接人工和制造费用 B. 直接材料直接人工和期间费用 C. 直接材料和直接人工 D. 全部制造费用和期间费用 答案:A 3.采用分类法的目的,在于()。 A. 准确计算各种产品成本 B. 简化产品成本计算工作 C. 分类计算产品成本 D. 加强成本控制 答案:B 4.下列应计入产品生产成本的费用是()。 A. 广告费 B. 租入办公设备的租赁费 C. 生产工人的工资 D. 利息支出 答案:C 5.月初定额变动差异大于零()。 A. 定额下降 B. 定额上升 C. 月初在产品实际成本降低 D. 月初在产品实际成本升高 答案:A 6.工业企业的()生产,是按照工艺过程的特点来划分的。 A. 简单 B. 大量 C. 成批 D. 单件

7.如果在一张订单中规定有几种产品,产品批别应按()划分。 A. 订单 B. 产品品种 C. 订单或产品品种 D. 各种产品数量多少 8.不可修复废品成本应按不可修复废品的()。 A. 计划成本计算 B. 制造费用计算 C. 所耗定额费用计算 D. 先进先出法计算 9.产量变动影响产品单位成本主要表现在()。 A. 直接材料项目 B. 直接人工项目 C. 变动性制造费用 D. 固定性制造费用 10.采用在产品按所耗直接材料费用计价法在完工产品和月末在产品之间分配费用适用于()的企业。 A. 各月末在产品数量较大 B. 各月末在产品数量变化较大 C. 直接材料在产品成本中所占比重较大 D. 在产品具有稳定的定额成本 二、多选题( 每题5分, 共1道小题, 总分值5分) 1.分类法不是一种独立的成本计算方法,往往要与()等成本计算方法联合使用。 A. 定额法 B. 系数法 C. 品种法 D. 分批法 答案:CD 三、判断题( 每题5分, 共9道小题, 总分值45分) 1.产品成本是生产产品时发生的各种制造费用之和。 答案:错误 2.几种产品共同耗用的原材料费用,属于间接计入费用。 3.分类法不是一种成本计算的基本方法,它必须与成本计算基本方法结合使用。 4.工业企业发生的各项费用都应计入产品成本。 5.企业在一定时期内生产耗费的总和与“生产成本----基本生产成本”账户归集的生产成本总

北语 18秋《唐宋古文研究》

18秋《唐宋古文研究》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题4分, 共15道小题, 总分值60分) 1.以下对欧阳修“反对弃百事而不关心”文学主张理解有误的是()。 A. 这点继承了柳宗元“辅时及物”的文学主张 B. 个人的情感应该是建立在“常”与“正”的基础上 C. 很少谈“道”,往往以“意”代之 D. 提倡“常”、“自然”“简”、“易” 答案:C 答案联系“文档贡献者” 2.骈文的特点不包括() A. 并列的排句,以两句或四句为主 B. 讲求对偶 C. 句法讲求变化多端 D. 用典 答案:C 3.不是欧阳修散文风格特点的是()。 A. 平易流畅,意能曲达 B. 纡徐柔婉,吞吐抑扬 C. 散文诗化,风味曲包 D. 文势挺拔雄健 答案:D 4.不属于中国古代文学史上散文的特征的是()。 A. 词句散而不整,奇而不偶,长短错落 B. 无韵律之拘束 C. 以气运文,以古朴为尚 D. 不用事典,不务词藻华丽 答案:D 5.如果我们按照世代来划分的话,苏轼则为宋代古文运动第()代。 A. 一 B. 二 C. 三 D. 四 答案:C 6.对韩柳文艺理论建树认识有误的是()。 A. 奉行“达则兼济”,“穷则独善”的准则 B. 提出了道统说 C. 否定了乐关教化,文关兴衰的旧说,将治国平天下的关键归结于修身正心 D. 韩愈提出了不平则鸣之说,韩柳逐渐认识到了文学的抒情的特点 7.属于私家著述类散文的是()。

A. 《国语》 B. 《墨子》 C. 《左传》 D. 《战国策》 8.把曲折深奥的道理和复杂微妙的情意表达清楚,意无不达,情无不尽,欧文是如何做到这一点的()。 A. 借助声律与辞藻来渲染 B. 用散行的、朴素的语言说理,从容不迫,一句句一层层讲清楚,委曲晓畅,平易近人 C. 采用多层复句使句意严密,用跳宕的结构使文气奇突 D. 议论方面,用排奡的句子,喷吐而出,以气服人 9.骈文也在古文的影响下产生的变化不包括() A. 扩大了题材内容 B. 风格从初唐以来的宏博典雅变为华丽浓艳 C. 讲求用典的深僻和词采的繁缛 D. 竭力在琢句构思上出新,以至于离奇古怪 10.古文走向奇怪的原因不包括() A. 追求新异,把生涩奇怪当做创新 B. 片面发展了韩柳古文中奇字难句的倾向 C. 受骈文的影响 D. 一般作者对艺术散文的错误的艺术追求,以文为戏 11.对苏轼文艺思想理解有误的是()。 A. 通过生活实践获得对“道”进行认识 B. 求物之妙,了然于心即是作者能够得事物之要 C. 道与学均积之于平时,至临文之际,随时可以得来 D. 了然于口与手则是“工”的境界 12.关于王禹偁的认识,有误的是()。 A. 反对五代文风 B. 反对那种将古文视为奇怪的倾向 C. 开启了北宋古文运动的正确方向 D. 重道轻文,以雅颂典坟为文章轨范 13.不是古文衰落与骈文复兴的表现的是() A. 中唐以后骈文又恢复了统治地位的现象 B. 古文变得很少,也再没有出现过像韩柳这样的大家 C. 骈文在某些领域又恢复了一度被散文夺去的优势 D. 骈文则在李商隐、温庭筠手中又有了新的发展 14.骈文正式成体是在() A. 西晋

北语 18秋《阅读(I)》

18秋《阅读(I)》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题4分, 共25道小题, 总分值100分) 1.As a good leader, you have to know how to____your group members and keep them high. A. motivate B. discourage C. force D. call 答案:A 答案联系“文档贡献者” 2.Either you or he ____ interested in playing chess ten years ago.____ you or he fond of music at present? A. are,Are B. was,Are C. are,Is D. is,Is 答案:B 3.But this is dangerous because if the liquid gas escapes and reaches the air it can (explode). A. escape B. burn C. spread D. blow up 答案:D 4.We can not trust him any more because he often ____ his duty. A. owes B. spoils C. deserts D. neglects 答案:D 5.If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week, better ____ it—you’ve got some big bills coming. A. forget B. forgot C. forgetting D. to forget 答案:A 6."Sportswomanship,in this case,coach,"I quipped,hoping to (distract) him. A. retort B. please C. attract D. divert


18秋《文学概论》2 西方第一个现代主义文学运动是( )。 A.表现主义 B.黑色幽默 C.未来主义 D.象征主义 正确答案:D 当代作家汪曾祺说:“写小说就是写语言。”这句话是指( )。 A.语言是小说的全部 B.语言是小说的本体 C.语言是小说的工具 D.语言是小说的源泉 正确答案:B 诗歌创作乃是诗人心灵与外在景物相互触发、彼此整合的过程。这个观点,一般称为() A.“感物”说 B.“养气”说 C.“胸有成竹”说 D.“镜子”说 正确答案:A 朱光潜认为文章的“第一件要事”是() A.情感体验 B.声音节奏 C.语词形式 D.逻辑结构 正确答案:A 文学创作中,运用的主要思维方式是() A.抽象思维 B.创造思维 C.形象思维 D.情感思维

叙事的三个层面是() A.叙述内容、叙述话语和叙述动作 B.叙述时间、叙述视角和叙述标记 C.故事、人物和结构 D.事件、情节和情景 正确答案:A 自觉提倡“三一律”的文学思潮是() A.现实主义 B.自然主义 C.古典主义 D.现代主义 正确答案:C 在叙事文学作品的题材三要素中,最重要的是() A.素材 B.情节 C.人物 D.环境 正确答案:C 在我国文学史上,作为文学观念发生变化的重要分水岭的时代,即由不自觉到自觉的时代是()。 A.两汉时代 B.盛唐时代 C.魏晋时代 D.两宋时代 正确答案:C 在西方文论史上,将19世纪的现实主义定名为“批判现实主义”的作家是( )。 A.巴尔扎克 B.狄更斯 C.托尔斯泰

正确答案:D 西方19世纪批判现实主义文学属于() A.机械“模仿”说占主导的时期 B.个性典型观占主导的时期 C.马克思主义典型观成熟的时期 D.“表现”说占主导的时期 正确答案:BC 以下属于西方文学批评方法的有() A.神话-原型批评 B.精神分析批评 C.评点式批评 D.结构主义批评 正确答案:ABD 叙述视角有( ) A.第三人称叙述 B.第一人称叙述 C.第二人称叙述 D.变换人称和视角的叙述 正确答案:ABCD 王国维在《人间词话》中曾将意境分为( )。 A.无我之境 B.有我之境 C.超我之境 D.自在之境 正确答案:AB 在下列选项中,对文学思潮做了恰当描述的有()。 A.中国文学史有与西方文学史相对应的文学思潮 B.“五四”以后,以西方为范式的文学思潮在短期内几乎同时出现于中国文坛

北语 18秋《人力资源统计学》

18秋《人力资源统计学》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题4分, 共10道小题, 总分值40分) 1.人力资源统计数据按其性质分类,不包括()。 A. 一次统计数据 B. 二次统计数据 C. 三次统计数据 D. 四次统计数据 答案:D 联系屏幕左上的“文档贡献者” 2.劳动生产率指数是指报告期劳动生产率除以()。 A. 基期劳动生产率 B. 上期劳动生产率 C. 下期劳动生产率 答案:A 3.下列哪种方法是指对两个或两个以上的人工成本进行比较,它又可分为纵向比较和横向比较两种。()。 A. 结构分析法 B. 因素分析法 C. 时间数列分析法 D. 对比分析法 答案:D 4.人力资源劳动报酬与收入统计主要不包括()。 A. 工资总额统计 B. 个人所得税 C. 工资变动 答案:B 5.在产品产量指数一定的条件下,劳动生产率指数与劳动量指数成()。 A. 反比 B. 正比 C. 没有关系 答案:A 6.成数是以对比基数为多少所计算出来的相对数()。 A. 5 B. 10 C. 20 D. 100 7.按报表内容和实施范围不同,分为国家统计报表、部门统计报表和()。 A. 地方统计报表 B. 企业统计报表

C. 行业统计报表 8.人力资源的利用效率,包括()和人力资源劳动效益两个层面。 A. 人力资源劳动生产率 B. 人力资源价值 C. 工资水平 9.下列哪个指数专门用于综合反映各组平均工资水平的变动对总体平均工资水平的影响()。 A. 平均工资可变构成指数 B. 平均工资固定构成指数 C. 平均工资结构影响指数 10.全距是数列中两个极端数值之()。 A. 和 B. 积 C. 减 D. 差 二、多选题( 每题4分, 共5道小题, 总分值20分) 1.全社会人力资源劳动生产率也需要从以下()方面分别测算。 A. 按社会产品总价值指标表示的劳动生产率 B. 按社会产品增加值指标表示的劳动生产率 C. 按社会产品净值指标表示的劳动生产率 答案:ABC 2.人工成本的统计分析方法按不同类型可分为()等 A. 对比分析法 B. 结构分析法 C. 因素分析法 D. 时间数列分析法 3.人力资源基本状况统计应该包括()方面的统计指标 A. 反映人力资源总量的统计指标 B. 人力资源构成方面的统计指标 C. 反映人力资源变动的统计指标 D. 人力资源的利用统计指标 4.人工成本统计对企业、职工、国家等都具有重要意义。主要体现在()。 A. 有利于企业进行成本核算 B. 有利于增加利润和职工收入 C. 宏观政策制定的重要依据 D. 有利于国际交流与合作 5.人工成本统计的意义()。

北语 18秋《C》 作业1234

18秋《C﹟》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题4分, 共15道小题, 总分值60分) 1.声明double a; int b;下列哪个选项中的表达式能够正确的进行类型转换?( ) A. a=(decimal)b; B. a=b; C. a=(int)b ; D. b=a; 答案:B 作业代做QQ:805009261 成绩保证95分以上,基本满分! 2.下面关于虚方法说法错误的是:() A. 使用virtual关键字修饰虚方法 B. 虚方法必须被其子类重写 C. 虚方法可以有自己的方法体 D. 虚方法和抽象方法都可以实现多态性 答案:B 3.下面代码的输出结果是()。 int x = 5; int y = x++; Console.WriteLine(y); y = ++x; Console.WriteLine(y); A. 5 6 B. 6 7 C. 5 6 D. 5 7 答案:D 4.以下关于结构的说法,正确的是()。 A. 结构不可以通过ref或out形参以引用方式传递给函数成员 B. 结构是值类型,类是引用类型 C. 结构和类一样,均支持继承 D. 结构允许声明无形参的实例构造函数 答案:B 5.C#数组主要有三种形式,它们是()。 A. 一维数组、二维数组、三维数组 B. 整型数组、浮点型数组、字符型数组 C. 一维数组、多维数组、不规则数组 D. 一维数组、二维数组、多维数组 答案:C 6.窗体中有一个年龄文本框txtAge,下面()代码可以获得文本框中的年龄值。

A. int age = txtAge; B. int age = txtAge.Text; C. int age = Convert.ToInt32(txtAge); D. int age = int.Parse(txtAge.Text); 7.在C#语言中,以下关于继承的说法错误的是()。 A. 一个子类不能同时继承多个父类 B. 任何类都是可以被继承的 C. 子类继承父类,也可以说父类派生了一个子类 D. Object类是所有类的基类 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6118057076.html,框架是.NET战略的基础,是一种新的便捷的开发平台,它具有两个主要的组件,分别是()和类库。 A. 公共语言运行库 B. Web服务 C. 命名空间 D. Main()函数 9.下列标识符命名正确的是()。 A. X.25 B. 4foots C. val(7) D. _Years 10.在C#的类结构中,class关键字前面的关键字是表示访问级别,下面哪个关键字表示该类只能被这个类的成员或派生类成员访问?( ) A. public B. private C. internal D. protected 11.在设计窗口,可以通过()属性向列表框控件如ListBox的列表添加项。 A. Items B. Items.Count C. Text D. SelectedIndex 12.在C# 编程中,访问修饰符控制程序对类中成员的访问,如果不写访问修饰符,类的默认访问类型是()。 A. public B. private C. internal D. protected


18秋《大学英语》(一)4 Time ___ wait for no man. A./ B.or tide C.and tide D.'s tide 正确答案:C He is quite sure that it’s ___ impossible for him to fullfil the task within two days. A.absolutely B.exclusively C.fully D.roughly 正确答案:A Three hours ______ enough for us to finish the task. A.are B.has C.is D.were 正确答案:C Mr. Smith had an unusual ___: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher. A.profession B.occupation C.position D.career 正确答案:D It was in Britain ___ he got his Ph.D. A.where B.in which C.that D.there

正确答案:C Do you think Tommy is _____the truth? A.saying B.speaking C.telling D.talking 正确答案:C All my neighbors tried to help in some way. But they turned out to be actually _________ the way. A.in B.on C.with D.beyond 正确答案:A No one needs to feel awkward in ___ his own customs. A.pursuing B.following C.chasing D.seeking 正确答案:B I think we need to see an investment ___ before we make an expensive mistake. A.guide B.entrepreneur C.consultant D.assessor 正确答案:C We waited more than half an hour for Beth but _____ we had to leave without her. A.at last B.afterward

北语 18秋《现代汉语(一)》

18秋《现代汉语(一)》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题4分, 共15道小题, 总分值60分) 1.甲骨文是()的字。 A. 殷商 B. 西周 C. 春秋战国的秦 D. 晋代 答案:A 答案联系“文档贡献者” 2.“唱一唱”中的“一”应读()。 A. 阴平 B. 阳平 C. 上声 D. 轻声 答案:D 3.泰山刻石属于()。 A. 大篆 B. 小篆 C. 隶书 D. 楷书 答案:B 4.舌尖后不送气清塞擦音是()。 A. z B. c C. s D. zh 答案:D 5.舌面前高不圆唇元音是() A. a B. i C. e D. u 答案:B 6.唇齿音是()。 A. b B. p C. m D. f 7.江西南部说的是()。

A. 北方方言 B. 客家方言 C. 闽方言 D. 粤方言 8.不同的音素决定于()。 A. 音高 B. 音强 C. 音色 D. 音长 9.成词语素是()。 A. 天 B. 桌 C. 奋 D. 丰 10.下列论述正确的是()。 A. 元音属于乐音,发音时声带有的振动,有的不振动 B. 所有的单元音韵母都可以自成音节 C. 所有的单元音韵母都必须同声母相拼 D. 复韵母中的“前响、中响、后响”,实际上就是以韵腹(主要元音)的位置来定名的 11.“裹”“补”“依”三个字的形旁()。 A. 都是“衣” B. “依”“裹”是“衣” C. “裹”“补”的是“衣” D. “补”“依”的是“衣” 12.下面各组成语声调区别正确的一组是()。 A. 瑞雪丰年ruìxuē-fēnɡnián B. 冲锋陷阵chōnɡf?nɡ-xiànzhan C. 车载斗量chēzài-dǒuliánɡ D. 丰功伟绩fēnɡɡōnɡ-wěijī 13.“鬼”“鼎”的笔画数分别是()。 A. 9、13 B. 9、12 C. 10、12 D. 10、13 14.下列有关(1)jia——ya和(2)lùn——yùn说法正确的是()。 A. (1)组两个音节的韵母相同,(2)组的两个音节的韵母也相同 B. (1)组两个音节的韵母相同,(2)组的两个音节的韵母不相同
