



Mr.Chairmanhonored guest

We have e to the end of this conference.Please aept my congratulations on a suessful conference.

In the past few days the conference report and discuss the detailed explanation of the current situation and development trend of artificial in ___igence.We discussesthe practical experience of artificial in

___igence and shows the latest products and application of technological innovation.In these days the conference has covered so many important and plex problems in the flied of Artificial in ___igence both theoretical and practical. All the presentations were very illuminating and informative. And the heated panel discussions were very stimulating and

fruitful. Now with great joy and reluctant mind to part we get together again to declare that the conference has drawn to a suessful close.It’s our hope that the result of the conference will carry the study of Artificial in ___igence to a new stage. We all hope to maintain close contact and cooperation with each other in the field of future research work on Artificial in ___igence.

I want to thank you both for organising such a super meetingnot only for me but also for the other members of my laboratory.Of courseIwould like to express my appreciation toChinese Academy of Sciences for the fabulous job of organizing and supporting this conference.

And last my friends see you next year in Bei ___g and have a safe trip home thank you all.

Honorary Mr. President

Honorary Professors

Dear Colleagues and Friends

Ladies and Gentlemen

We are soon closing this international conference which has been a great suess. We have enjoyed the advanced professional program as well as the interesting

introduction to your high prestige university of CUMT. Also we have had possibilities to join some unforgettable evenings with colleagues and there is still one more evening gathering in our program.

From our side we can only say that everything was suessful professional and especially we foreigners were receiving the most wonderful Chinese hospitality. I want to thank everybody who took part in the organization work.

Let me give you a brief summary of the feelings which I have now about this international conference:

We have been listening to 15 presentations selected out of 42 which were printed in the Proceedings. To have such a

program all in two days is a heavy task but in this case it has been really worth the efforts.

As a practical result of this conference and before we departure - we could use this opportunity and plan something for the future. For example bilateral agreements between the two fire protection codes can help a lot in engineering practice. I am very happy about the discussions which we had this afternoon on this topic.

Before closing on behalf of Fire Science Committee I want to thank you Mr. President Professor Guo Feng for making this conference possible. I want also to thank you professor GaoYunji for hosting all of us both during the daytime and in the evenings. I want to thank everyone who has worked for our conference and made it a suess.

We will all go home with good memories of this meeting and I hope that some day in the future I can be the host

for all of you in my country.

I wish everybody a good journey home wherever you live but before that I know we shall spend one more relaxing evening together.

Thank you for joining the seminar and for your support and cooperation with us.

Dear friends and colleges

First of all I would like to thank Mrs. Make and the organizing mittee or having appointed me to serve as the chair of this conference.

We are now very close to the end of this conference. I believe that our conference is a great suess. It went smoothly as scheduled. In these two days the conference has covered so many important and plex problems in the flied of global environmental change both theoretical and practical. All the presentations were very illuminating and informative. And the heated panel discussions were very stimulating and fruitful. Now with great joy and reluctant

mind to part we get together again to declare that the conference has drawn to a suessful close.

It’s our hope that the result of the conference will carry the study of global environmental change to a new stage. We all hope to maintain close contact and cooperation with each other in the field of future research work on global environmental change.

As the chair of the conference I would like to express my thanks again.

Thank you for ing to the 1st international conference of global environmental change.

Thank you to everybody who had contributed to the conference with reports and introductions.

And last but not least thank you to Mrs. Make for the overall organizing of the conference.

And last my friends see you next year in Nan ___g and have a safe trip home thank you all.

