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glare, flare, flash, gleam, glitter 这5个词做“闪光”解时的区别

1.glimpse主要是指“看、一瞥”而不是主要指“闪光”,glimpse指“闪光”已经是古语(Archaic 【古语】A brief flash of light.闪光短暂的闪光)的用法,会出现在古诗和古散文中




5.glare,被人“瞪眼”的时候就感觉仿佛被“强光”照射一般令人不自在,试比较:the glare of the footlights 舞台上耀眼的灯光;in the full glare of publicity 非常显眼,在众目睽睽之下。



The sun glared out of the blue sky

Gleam 指月亮等发微光

The moon gleamed on the lake

Glitter 指珠宝,星辰闪光


Flash 闪光


Blink 眨眼,闪亮


Spark 流露;显露

A small amount of a feeling or quality that can be noticed someone’s express ion or behaviour

Eg Meg’s eyes lacks their usual spark of humour

His eyes sparked with anger. (他的双眼射出怒火闪闪发光”。)


glisten, glimmer, flicker,glitter,sparkle,twinkle


1. dazzle: If a very bright light dazzles you, it stops you from seeing properly for

a short time.


例:a deer dazzled by the headlights

2. flash: to shine suddenly and brightly for a short time, or to make something shine in this way; If a light flashes or if you flash a light, it shines with a sudden bright light, especially as quick, regular flashes of light.


例:Lightning flashed overhead.

3. flicker: to burn or shine with an unsteady light that goes on and off quickly; If

a light or flame flickers, it shines unsteadily.

例:The overhead lights flickered momentarily.


高手,可是它只能闪出不太强的光,并且极不稳定,闪光时忽明忽暗,译为"闪烁、摇曳",这个词很浪漫,总令人想到Casablanca中迷人的汽车旅馆和那对恋人一起试过的那个long, hot summer's night.

4. glare: to shine with a very strong bright light which hurts your eyes; If the sun or a light glares, it shines with a very bright light which is difficult to look at;

这个已经不是闪光门弟子了,这是发出非常耀眼的光芒,让眼睛产生不适,且不适效果大大高于dazzle,有可能出现较长时间的失明。比如氧焊时,如果不戴眼罩看了那种强烈的白光后,好一会儿看不见东西,那就是一种glaring light, 比dazzling light历害多了。

例:The sun glared down on us.

5. gleam: to shine softly [= glimmer]; If an object or a surface gleams, it reflects light because it is shiny and clean. Gleam是"发出微光",其微弱程度与下文要

提及的glimmer相同,似乎在写作中二者完全可以互换使用,不过“柯林斯”字典告诉我们,glimmer的光有点unsteady,类似于flicker。Gleam 是稳定的光线,不会晃动。

例:His teeth gleamed under his moustache;

Blue-white moonlight gleamed through the window, throwing the shadows of the bars across the floor.


6. glimmer: If something glimmers, it produces or reflects a faint, gentle, often unsteady light; to shine with a light that is not very bright [= gleam]: a weak, glimmering light 朗文字典认为glimmer等于gleam,但是柯林斯和牛津皆认为glimmer含有unsteady之意,是to shine with a faint unsteady light,因此一定要与gleam区别开来。glimmer与flicker相近,也有“光线晃动”之意,但是没有flicker那么"摇曳"得历害:

A beam of gleaming light 一道微弱的光线

A beam of glimmering light 一束昏暗、摇曳的光线

7. glint: if a shiny surface glints, it gives out small flashes of light [= sparkle]; If something glints, it produces or reflects a quick flash of light. (WRITTEN);

= glisten; to produce small bright flashes of light:


The sea glinted in the moonlight;The sun glinted on the windows;The gold rims of his spectacles glinted in the sun.


